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Monday, May 2, 2011

Secrets of Sankhya Sastra

Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 1
S e c r e t O f S a n k h y a :
A c m e O f S c i e n t i f i c
U n i f i c a t i o n
G. Srinivasan
Transliterated From
T h e S a n k h y a K a r i k a
In Sanskrit
Ishwara Krishna
2 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents...................................................................................2
Table Of Figures......................................................................................4
Introduction To The Sankhya Karika..............................................21
A Tribute To Maharishi Kapila..........................................................42
Compatibility With Science.................................................................46
Simplified View ......................................................................................55
Background Of Sankhya......................................................................65
Clarity Of Thought. ..............................................................................77
Special System Of Proof .....................................................................87
The Missing Count................................................................................99
Summary Of Suthras..........................................................................116
Detailed Analysis Of Suthras...........................................................131
Axiomatic Mathematics From Suthras. ........................................344
Axiomatic Mathematics for All Particulate States......................360
Power House Of The Universe......................................................361
Astrology, Ayurveda, Parapsychology are Axiomatic...............380
The Selfcharging Battery System ....................................................387
Derivation Of Universal Parameters.............................................401
Answers To Important Questions In Physics.............................403
Appendix 1: Origin Of The Vedas................................................405
Appendix 2: The Siddhi Meditative process. ..............................440
Appendix 3: Sankhya And Einstein ...............................................441
Appendix 4: Age Of The Vedas.....................................................461
Appendix 4A: Age Of The Vedas..................................................469
Appendix 5: Sankhya Translations Compared ...........................471
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 3
Appendix 6: Sanskrit Language. .....................................................486
Appendix 7: Lexicon Of Sanskrit Terminology.........................491
Index ......................................................................................................500
Symbols & Definitions......................................................................501
4 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Table Of Figures
Fig: The First Slope Of An Interaction...........................24
Fig. Concept Of Static Potential Fields. ..........................28
Fig: Elemental Space In Cubic Form...............................56
Fig: The Closed Substratum Of Space ............................89
Fig: Concept Of Vanishing Counts ................................100
Fig: The Guna Diagram.....................................................135
Fig: Axiomatic Cyclic Limit Of 10 Counts...................138
Fig: Doubling Spectrum By 7. .........................................144
Fig: Discriminative Ability.................................................149
Fig: The Moolaprakriti Concept......................................154
Fig: Moolaprakrithi To Purusha Transition..................155
Fig: The Purusha Moolaprakrithi Formations.............156
Fig: Aggregation Of Space Components.......................162
Fig: Prakrithi Vikrithi Nodes In Purusha. .....................163
Fig: The Purusha Andhathamishra Form.....................164
Fig: The Linga-Bhaava Polarising Form.......................168
Fig: The Thaama Intreraction In Linga Mode............170
Fig. Stress Transmigration.................................................171
Fig: The Bhava State Of Nuclear Interface..................173
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 5
Fig: The Abhiman Potential Well ...................................174
Fig: The Ahankar Spectrum Of 7 Ne States. ...............177
Fig: Observable Phenomenon. ........................................179
Fig: Transmigrating Vibratory Stresses..........................204
Fig: Self-similar Interaction...............................................221
Fig: Abhimaan Ahankar Polarisation Graph................229
Fig: The Mahad Vikrithi Vrithi Polarisation State ......229
Fig. The Cerebral Process Based On Gunas................236
Fig: The Radiation Phenomenon....................................245
Fig. Incremental States By Combinatorial Process.....290
Fig. The Coherent Perpetual Oscillator .......................337
Fig. A,B,C. The Neutral Oscillator State.......................339
Fig: Derivation Of Cyclic Counts ...................................350
Fig: Third Order Damping Constraint...........................351
Fig: Concept Of Vortex As Vrithi ..................................353
Fig: The Three Phases Of A Hologram........................355
Fig: Axiomatic Orbit Of Major Planets........................357
Fig: Axiomatic Orbit Of Minor Planets.........................358
Fig: Centre Of Resonance.................................................361
Fig: Cosmic Power Structure............................................370
6 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Fig: Lissajou Figures Show Coherence..........................373
Fig: The Ladder Of Phenomenon. .................................375
Fig: The Selfcharging Battery System...........................389
Fig: Sequential Interaction Time-Periods. ...................395
Fig:. Simultaneous Interactions........................................396
Fig: The Mahad Prakrithi/Vikrithi Exchange.............397
Fig : The Stress Cancellation In Simultaneity...............398
Fig:. Stress Count Density (Planckian)...........................401
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 7
Lokmanya Tilak, a mathematician, Sanskrit scholar and patriot,
was intrigued by the fact that quite often translations of profound
Vedic texts lacked clarity and logical precision. It failed to establish
an unequivocal connection with the real world the ancient authors
were trying to portray. Through his two classical works, the "The
Orion" and " The Arctic Home in the Vedas" he provided a logical
explanation for the apparent lack of cogency in many Vedic
translations and quite specifically the Rigveda. Most translators of
that period, whether foreign or Indian, held the view that the
historical time horizon of important Vedic events were within the
post-glacial era or a period later than 10,000 BC.
The heuristic evidence from geological and archaeological
discoveries of that period gave the impression that the process of
Vedic development did not commence until later. As the
Lokmanya had noticed, the translated Vedic information could not
be sensibly fitted into this foreshortened time span and gave rise to
speculative interpretations of such texts, that sometimes bordered
on the nonsensical. The Lokmanya boldly pushed back the Vedic
chronology to the pre-glacial era, based on his mathematical
expertise. It not only seemed plausible but it had to be true if one
had to logically reconcile numerous scientific facts the Vedas had
exposed. He hypothesised that the present generations of humanity
were the survivors of a global flooding cataclysm caused by the
melting of glaciers in the Polar Regions.
Many ethnic and religious groups (as in Vedic and Biblical
accounts of this apocalyptic event) have provided historical
confirmation for such an inundation theory. He proposed that the
brahminical tradition of scholarship enabled the renaissance of
orally transmitted Vedic information, by the surviving generations.
It was aided by re-awakening their latent genetic memory through
yogic practices, the possibility of which was predicted by Vedic
theories. Not only was such a recovery a laudable feat in itself, but
the degree of accuracy with which it has been reproduced speaks
volumes for the scientific concepts of the Universe in the Vedas.
Moreover, the Atharva Veda contains specific information on
stellar positions that could only be reconciled by using the
8 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Lokmanya's hypothesis. The detailed proof for the foregoing
premises, along with some new aspects in physics are dealt with in
the appendix section of this book.
In this background, the motivation to publish 'The Secret of
Sankhya: Acme of Scientific Unification" came from the gradual
realisation of the correctness of Vedic theories. It was backed by
personal experimental confirmation of phenomenon considered
impossible or a violation of established theoretical principles. Of
the many, there were two benchmark confirmations, worth
explaining here. The first sloka of the Rigveda theorised the
availability of free energy in space, for Vedic scientific logic defined
it as being substantial, dynamic and holographic; not empty and
vacuous. Decoding this sloka gave the outline of a principle of
triggering space instantly in an expansive mode that would produce
an incremental output through self-confinement.
The Sankhya Karika by Ishwara Krishna (Sankhya), containing
axiomatic theorems of logic, confirmed this possibility. Sankhya
logic split interactive events in space into a sequence of cyclic
oscillatory actions when observable, else it was in 'simultaneous,
coherent or synchronised (apparently static)' state. The pseudo
static restful state provided the ground state or 'potential sink' for
higher activity levels to drift or gravitate towards it in attaining a
state of equilibrium. Therefore Sankhya derived; the important
corollary that there were no groups or domains of forces but it was
only due to different levels of simultaneous interactions. This
concept provided the primary cause of gravitation as a
phenomenon and with the exotic axiomatic supportive
mathematics, the last vestige of intellectual and logical
dissatisfaction was eliminated.
The holistic Sankhya view was that synchronisation of activity
produced the static effect in a dynamic environment. Therefore, if
one were to view the Universe from the 'outside' it would give the
impression of a static or unit entity representing the concept of a
singularity. Yet, we as the internal dwellers know and experience
the gamut of phenomenon that belies the external view. For
instance, we know that the sun is in a dynamic state. Yet, by virtue
of its ability to act perpetually as one synchronised unit, it gives the
impression of being a static or 'solid' ensemble.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 9
The Sankhya theory presented a concept of availing abundant
free energy from space by a momentary disruption of its
synchronised, coherent state. Hence, a simple electric motor was
constructed, without any means of creating a magnetic field, to
prove that self-confinement provided the equivalent of the
magnetic field. It operated at an efficiency of 'over-unity'. It meant
that the rotary action did not consume any electrical energy or the
input and output energy balance could be accounted for perfectly
by the static circuit characteristics. It consumed the same amount
of electrical energy whether it rotated or not. The rotation was
obtained by disrupting the synchronised state.
This motor violated Maxwell and Faraday's laws for its high
rotational speed was not dependent on a magnetic field because it
did not have one. Instead of the magnetic field, the mechanical
construction of the motor provided the predicted third order
damping force that imitated the magnetic field, to create the rotary
motion. Hence, the energy loss induced by the production of a
time-varying magnetic field was eliminated. It proved that not only
were Vedic principles correct but also introduced a new concept
that sudden differential-expansion of space, caused by triggered
impulses as conceptualised in Sankhya, provided self-confinement
that created the magnetic type of field. It provided the motive for
relative motion.
Sankhya logic also showed that sudden acceleration produced a
third order damping force in space. However, that restraining force
has not been hypothesised in physics till today, though in the
Hamiltonian of an oscillator there is an arbitrary restoring factor. It
was the motivating cause of the velocity dependant magnetic
phenomenon. In fact Special Relativity arrived at the same
conclusion by predicting that velocity of light cannot be exceeded
but could not derive a constraining force to substantiate it through
the concept of an empty space. However, extending the principle
of relativity, mathematically, to the forbidden zone of
'simultaneity', confirms the existence of the third order-damping
interaction. It was the unification point of all forces hidden in the
mathematics of self-similarity. Physics has discovered neither
theoretically nor experimentally the existence of such a force.
However, the anomalies at the Planckian level of interactions,
10 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
superconductivity, ferromagnetism and the EPR paradox, demands
such a phenomenon to balance out the highly energetic behaviour
of so called empty space.
The reasons for this failure were elementary. The current
scientific concept of an empty-space cannot logically justify the
existence of any reactive property in it. Moreover, the third orderdamping
phenomenon followed principles of self-similarity and
scale invariance at the fundamental level; the mathematics for
which existed in Sankhya but not in physics. For the latter relied
totally on the 'infinitesimal displacement' with its consequential
commitment to the principle of uncertainty. Sankhya principles
proved that perpetual cyclic motion must exist if the input and
output energy balance was equal. Continuous cyclic oscillations
would be possible if the difference in space-time parameter was
kept at 'zero' every instant, by a phase reversed synchronous selfinteraction.
Sankhya showed that such was the case in a
holographic interactive state, which followed self-similar &
coherent laws in a simultaneous mode.
It was very evident that the laws in space followed linear
principles but the concept of a standard time or velocity introduced
the asymptotic behaviour. The principles were explained and the
motor action demonstrated by the author and his eldest son, at the
Gravitation energy conference at Hanover in '87. At this venue,
another Indian experimenter, a scientific officer from the Indian
Atomic Energy establishment, demonstrated a similar over unity
current producing reaction-less generator (that violated the
Maxwell / Faraday laws,). Though it was his private exhibit
produced through personal sacrifice of time and money, he was
amply rewarded, for it won him a prize for scale of performance.
At the time of this writing he had field tested a model at 200%
efficiency. His late mentor, an American nuclear physicist in the
U.S. had built a similar but more powerful working model (its
operation was seen personally by the author at Santa Barbara). He
had said it was prohibited from being privately used or publicly
displayed, by the U.S. Government, on the plea that this area of
research in physics was classified.
The well-publicised Newman perpetual electric motor
(patented in many countries including India) was also displayed and
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 11
demonstrated at Hanover. Newman was not granted a patent by
the authorities in the U.S.A. as they deemed it violated energy
conservation laws. Thousands of visitors witnessed the perpetualmotion
motor continuously driven by its phase-reversed, selfgenerated
power. When a sceptical physicist commented "How can
it work? It violates every energy law", the inventor's representative
retorted "unfortunately the motor doesn't know any of your laws"!
That was the truth because nature had it's own laws but man had
to learn them. It clearly indicated that physics had reached an era of
transition and needed to introduce a new paradigm in scientific
thinking. What was more important, man had to learn to think as
nature intended for that was his real and innate strength. Sankhya
taught man how to think.
The second experimental confirmation, which became a
personal turning point, was from a psychic "out-of-body"
experience commonly called an OBE. (The late Dr. Puharich, a
lifelong researcher into paranormal phenomenon like Uri Geller's
psychokinetic powers etc, called an OBE a process of projecting
the 'mobile centre of consciousness'. Drs Raymond A. Moody and
Robert Monroe among several other researchers have published
such experiences of thousands of normal individuals.) This event
was followed by numerous psychic events of a profound nature
that provided unequivocal affirmation, intellectually and
emotionally, of the veracity of Vedic principles and the tremendous
lacuna in classical physics. The uniqueness of these events
compelled the author to delve into the translations of the
Brahmasuthra, Rigveda, Atharvaveda, Bhagavadgita and some
important Upanishads. It enabled him to understand the psychic
aspects of reality in a logical and rational way.
All these works, though not complete, pointed clearly to a core
theoretical source, the Sankhya Karika. It was identified
unequivocally as the intellectual, logical and scientific base for the
field concepts in the Bhagavadgita, (mentioned in chapter 2, verse
39, as a part of the Mahabharatha epic). The author, lacking formal
introduction into Sanskrit as a language, used English translations
by eminent researchers as a dependable base, to fine tune and
eliminate the inexactitude in terminological meanings introduced by
the individual styles of researchers. He created a special lexicon,
12 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
through a computerised program of statistical and contextual
decoding technique of ancient Sanskrit terms. The Pratisakhya
ostensibly created by the ancient authors to aid the faultless
transmission of their oral creations, proved a valuable asset in
clearing the ambiguities in manuscripts produced later. As a case to
point, Sankhya is spelt as Samkhya by most authors. In Sanskrit,
the word is accented by the 'anuswara' character, which the
Pratisakhya clearly demarcates as an ascending sound of nasal
origin. The descending 'im' sound is strictly of labial origin, which
classifies Samkhya into a different category, whereas 'Sankhya'
means numbers, counting, reasoning etc.
The first lead came from Suthra 1 in Sankhya. Analysing the
earlier works of at least 20 notable translators (both Indian and
foreign) of the Sankhya Karika, provided confirmation that it was
not translated, as it should have been. Almost every one of them
gave a different twist to its meaning and surprisingly all had
overlooked the axiomatic nature of all the Suthras. The most
important axiomatic definition of space in the first Suthra,
"Aikaantha-Athyantha-Atho-Abhavath" (Coherent, Perpetual,
Dynamic but Unmanifest) as the substratum of phenomenon was
overlooked completely by all the previous authors. That was
despite a confirmatory repetition of this state in the 68th
(penultimate proving) Suthra.
The reason became clear. The creator of Sankhya, Maharishi
Kapila, was not only an intellectual colossus but also a thinker with
an uncompromising attitude towards maintaining accuracy and
preciseness. Instead of identifying space as a functional object, he
defined it objectively, accurately and functionally, only by the
specific characteristics required sustaining a dynamic state of
existence that formed the base for both manifest and unmanifest
phenomena. Further, in an extremely skilful intellectual manoeuvre
of elliptical negation, made that description of the substratum of
space the proposition and its internally generated answer. That
procedure complemented and completed the logic of the rest of
the 67 Suthras, both mathematically and semantically.
In most Sanskrit verses, emphasis was created by elliptical
negation, passive understatements, hyperbole, iteration, parables
and unforgettable stories of fantasy. It was deemed the height of
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 13
intellectual excellence if the composer, through semantics, roused
the appropriate feelings accompanying a thought-form. It was the
only effective way to transmit oral creations, for there is no
evidence of Sanskrit in script from the pre-glacial era.
It took the present writer more than seven years to understand
the true meaning behind each Suthra. It was done by a process of
decoding, using the Siddhi meditative technique recommended in
Sankhya. What Maharishi Kapila had demonstrated through
axiomatic mathematics was that all phenomena in nature was of a
holographic or coherent vibratory form. Therefore, the human
mind too could reproduce every phenomenon within itself by the
simplest process of bringing it to a coherent and synchronised
phase, emulating a static state. He called the process Siddhi and the
ensuing principles were later enunciated, defined and elaborated by
Patanjali in the Yoga Suthras, particularly in the section called
Samadhi pada.
Through Siddhi, the individual experienced phenomenon by
creating it within his mind, which proved to be the perfect way to
learn anything. One could not forget it because the coherent
mental state emulated a real lifelike experience. An orchestral
rendering was engraved on a flexible platter just through the point
of a needle and the same fine point reproduced the sounds
faithfully, as a gramaphone recording. The essential concept here
was the transfer of activity through resonance across a needlepoint.
A camera captured the universe in light across a pinhole onto a
film, again through resonance. A magnifying glass burned a paper
when the sun's rays were focussed on it, providing again a case of
transfer of pure energy or power by resonance across millions of
miles. The entire information and entertainment industry today
depends on just one factor - resonance. Maharishi Kapila went just
a step further. He proved through exquisite, axiomatic mathematics
that so called 'matter' too was just a plain state of resonance of the
components in space!
Once the logic became clear, one found the new form of
integer mathematics in Sankhya gave it the preciseness that is
seldom experienced in any scientific field today. The equality of
two parameters could be tested to 25 decimal places prior to its
confirmation. The 68 important Suthras proved to be a goldmine
14 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
of factual scientific information. It provided the axiomatic
mathematical logic for the fundamental process of manifestation,
involving new principles and procedures leading to conclusions
that crossed the boundaries of current scientific knowledge.
The 69th Suthra's explicit emphasis on the secret nature of
Sankhya motivated this writer to decode the axiomatic
representation in Sanskrit, rather than attempt a literal translation.
The alternate approach was well validated. Surprisingly, the parent
creation the Mahabharatha and Bhagavadgita, lent itself to the
normal translation processes without loosing its meaning.
However, reviewing the existing translations (all of which followed
the conventional approach) exposed the muddle, even from the
very first Suthra in Sankhya. The reasons for the failure, of
previous translators, to realise Sankhya's scientific base, lay in the
interpretation of the very first word in the first Suthra. Dhu: kha
was translated by all as pain but the contextual reference to the
three Guna forces (vector-tensor states or a taut bowstring in
Sanskrit) compelled one to read the real meaning as stress or
interactive stress. Stress meant that there was a lack of freedom to
attain a balanced, equalised or comfortable state
The correct translation exposed a train of axiomatic principles
that was truly outstanding. For not only every important constant
in physics was derivable from a single, axiom but it also extended
the horizon of physics and cosmology tremendously, literally and
figuratively. Sankhya provided the axiomatic base science had been
looking for. Moreover, the accuracy of its derivations far surpassed
the scientifically established values that proved unequivocally Du:
kha was indeed 'interactive stress' in Sanskrit, as used in the
Sankhyakarika. (See 'Comparison' in the Appendix section)
The dichotomy that man experienced when confronted with
eyewitness accounts of clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinetic acts,
astrological predictions, faith-healing, out-of-body experiences and
a range of so called magical phenomena of both black and white
varieties, could not be resolved by scientific justification. Nor could
he reject it outright without labelling the witnesses as liars, cheats
or whatever. The Sankhyan concept resolves such conundrums in a
precise and axiomatic way. Maharishi Kapila bases the entire theory
of cosmic evolution on one premise that whatever 'components'
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 15
constitute space vibrate or oscillate perpetually due to axiomatic
laws as a frozen hologram and all phenomenon is an outcome of
this fundamental behaviour.
In simple terms a hologram is an image formed of vibrating
nodes that remain in a stationery relationship to each other to
maintain the form being projected. A coherent beam of light from
a laser forming an interference pattern with the image of the object
is recorded on a film. On reversing the process the three
dimensional image is projected with the original true to life
properties. The remarkable feature is that even a tiny fragment of
the film reproduces the whole image.
Then the corollary naturally is that all things like stellar bodies,
planets, oceans, mountains, trees, animals, humans and etc. have a
piece of this dynamic space, as its base or centre of existence.
Sankhya showed through axioms the irrefutable connection, to this
centre of a piece of cosmic real estate, as a dynamic, vibrating,
perpetually oscillating link through resonance. Vibrations know no
barrier, so it can pass through all mediums but a 'medium' it must
be, despite relativistic remonstrations to the contrary. Learning to
decode these vibrations gave man the edge in deciphering natures
secrets in the hidden and therefore forbidden domains. Though
this seemed impossible it was in fact no different from deciphering
through an instrument; like establishing the fact of a planet orbiting
a stellar body millions of light years away, through instrumental
observations. There the magical aspect disappeared because there
was a 'recognised' thing called a telescope. However, the Maharishi
showed that man has the equivalent power of a trillion telescopes
in each of his genetic ensemble called a cell. Capping it all, Sankhya
showed through a brilliant concept of resonant polarisation, that
every coherent state in the substratum of space contained the
powerhouse of the Universe, as the Andhathaamisra state,
Vedically synonymous with the Shivashakti or the Shivalinga state
of coherent power.
Man had only to learn to use these marvellous instruments by
putting as many of them as possible in a state of resonance to
extract the unlimited information circulating in space as vibrations.
The unseemly controversy going on over astrology or ESP
phenomena has no intellectual validity when viewed from the
16 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Sankhyan perspective. The centre of a human being is a perpetually
vibrating piece of cosmic real estate irrevocably connected through
resonance to the eternal universal interactive vibrations. Like a fish
in a pond reacts to a vibratory disturbance in the water, the human
'centre of awareness' is gently nudged into a nebulous reactive state
by a change in the planet's angular position. The subtle signals
communicate through the resonant substratum to urge the genetic
ensemble to do their wont.
The foregoing may seem like magic but not after one
understands the precise and rigorous mathematical Sankhyan logic.
It exposes the 'how & why' of the nascent messenger of our
information system, the so-called photon, that has an identifiable
connection to anything and everything. Does this wonderful
electronic messenger, that science has glamorised into a dual
mythical state of existence and non-existence, really behave as
experimentally conjectured? Sankhya puts your mind at rest by
showing through axiomatic mathematics that a photon at 'rest'
turns into a coherent, synchronised, spherical set of seven dynamic
units or Vrithis, called neutrinos in physics. Each of which the
Maharishi has defined as a Moolaprakriti or the holographic
elemental unit of activity, the very foundation (yet to be
discovered) for the much extolled Quantum Mechanics of today.
Paradoxically Cosmic physics confirms (in a theoretical vacuum of
course) that there is no place in this Universe, where there are no
neutrinos, though space is declared a vacuum!
The published findings of well-known psychics like Annie
Besant, Leadbeater and Cowen confirm beyond any doubt the
theoretical basis of Sankhya, which portrayed all phenomena as a
holographic activity. The extra-ordinarily precise sketches and
numerical values of all the atoms in the periodic table, given by the
experimental psychics in 1932, is an exceptional tribute to the skill
of the human mind in manipulating its extra-sensory qualities.
These details were published by Dr.Phillips in his book and by Dr.
M. Srinivasan as an article in the newspaper ' The Hindu'.
However, that psychic process was already defined numerically in
Sankhya as a Siddhi and laid out as a perfectible system of yogic
practices, by Patanjali, later.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 17
The Sankhyan axiomatic mathematics and the psychic visions
of experts prove that the holographic mode of phenomenon is the
correct way to understand the universe. For it not only logically
simplifies it to a mere process of counting interactions, devoid of
dimensional characteristics but also eliminates the need for
dimensional concepts. The mass, charge, momentum & inertia
conceptual complications are arbitrary qualities, which Sankhya
replaces with two simple complementary factors of cyclic time
variations in the simultaneous and sequential phases. The elegance
of Sankhyan thought, mathematics and accuracy would never be
excelled, for it has placed itself in the position of the theory of
theories. It is indeed truly gratifying to learn that the core of the
popularly revered and venerated Vedic creation, the Bhagavadgita,
contains in fact a profound mathematical treatise. It covers the
physics of universal manifestation, presented as an understandable
edition to the lay public.
Though the author had no literary pretensions, these esoteric
hidden facts cried out to be exposed and therefore this book was
born. The intellectual magnificence, exhibited by Maharishi Kapila
in creating an axiomatic Sankhya, can rarely be excelled. There is a
direct confirmation, later in the 'The Soundarya Lahiri' by the Adi
Sankaracharya, of the holographic nature of the Universe, albeit
through visualisation in the structural form of 'yantras'. Hence the
author hastens to clarify that he does not claim any originality of
Sankhyan scientific thought by publishing this book except for
decoding the axiomatic mathematical structure of Sankhya and
making it logically and scientifically meaningful to this generation.
Unjust criticism of the works of previous authors is neither
implied nor suggested. On the contrary, this author is deeply
indebted to the intellectual pioneers who exposed the uncertainties
of translating a pre-glacial scientific language that is certainly older
than 10,000 years. (See Appendix -Vedic Age) The author, (born in
1932, graduated in Marine Engineering and extended his academicworking-
experience background to include proprietary Industrial
Engineering / Diagnostic / Design / Consultancy services) delved
into experimenting with energy related devices as a hobby, to
satisfy his inventive curiosity. These experiences led him to seek
the source of fundamental power in gravitational physics. Further,
18 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
deeply intrigued by the energy relationship to meditative processes,
he explored Vedic scientific thought in all seriousness that finally
enabled him to understand Sankhya, the theory of theories, over a
span of 25 years. Based on Sankhya Suthra 37 a self-charging
battery that can remain on load perpetually is undergoing a
performance test currently. It will provide incontrovertible proof of
Sankhya theory to scientific investigators.
Since this book is aimed at the hidden aspects of Sankhya that
previous researchers did not deal with, the focus here has been
shifted to explaining the new information in as many ways as
possible to clarify difficult concepts. Hence, the approach here
would seem different to the usual mode of treating the Sankhya
Karika. Explaining the holographic concept is difficult and
particularly so as the axiomatic logic of simultaneity used by
Maharishi Kapila encapsulates complex modern transforms like
Fourier, Laplace and Lorentz through simple combinatorial
mathematics, with unprecedented accuracy. Hence all mathematical
expressions are presented as solved problems with precise
numerical answers shown in every case so that the reader can see at
glance the impeccable nature of Sankhyan logic. Such an advanced
concept demands a place for the origin of Sankhya in preglacial
times, as hypothesised by the Lokmanya. For, contrarily, post
glacial scientific thinking is steeped in primitive rationalisation
techniques that only seemed to attain intellectual heights in the
acknowledged works of Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, Nicolaus
Coppernicus and Johannes Kepler. The teetering seesaw logic of an
earth-centred to sun-centred hypothesis propounded by the
foregoing group of thinkers, was emminently overshadowed by
Maharishi Kapila's holographic reality defined through axiomatic
and combinatorial mathematics in Sankhya, eaons ago. Current
science may realise its full import probably in another 100 years.
Sankhya provided the axiomatic foundation for the Bhagavad
Gita, which in turn gave a lay expose of the holographic field
theory called Kshetrajna. Imaginative dramatisation in the
Mahabharatha, enacted by gods, demons and humans, spread the
unforgettable message to the people at large. Maharishi Kapila
exposed the fact that basic axioms hold true for all times, which
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 19
naturally endowed it with the mantle of divinity. It logically unified
science and religion, the two sides of the same coin called reality.
The unique, self-similar law of universal interaction called Dharma
in Sankhya and the Gita, acting in three axiomatic ways called
Gunas, unifies all manifestation and proves its 'spirituous' origin.
An outstanding feature of Sankhya is that it precisely describes
what a 'field of elemental components' is in real and mathematical
terms. Modern theories have demonstrated only how a field
functions but have failed to define it mathetically or physically.
Vyasa the creator of Mahabharatha, presents an impeccable
dramatisation of Sankhya principles through the dialoge between
Sri Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavadgita. It forms a model
lesson in communicating difficult principles. Sankhya Suthra 21
describes the interactions, in the fundamental field or Kshetra, as
the cooperative association between a lame person and a blind one,
to sustain manifestation as an oscillatory phenomenon, which
forms the foundation for human spiritual concepts. Sri Krishna,
the symbol of primal energy, guides Arjuna, the symbolic
manipulator of human skills, in the Mahabharatha, in an allegorical
setting replete with symbolic meaning. Sri Krishna's chariot
(athmaan) with six horses (the senses), with Sri Krishna as the
charioteer (epitome of humility with knowledge) advises Arjuna
(Vrithi), to use the bow (three gunas) and arrow (the target) against
his own people (absolute objectivity) to fullfill rsponsibility
(destiny) without the stain of sinning ( because a vrithi is a
hologram and in any case will decay) . The foregoing process
symbolically presented the axiomatic law of Dharma in the
dynamic field of Universal manifestation.
There is no better way than to allow this same axiomatic law of
Dharma to unify the twin-polarised concepts of science and
religion. Thereby, humanity would gain a thousand-fold from the
benefits of a harmonised and focussed intellectual effort at raising
the level of human fulfilment. The same law of Dharma would act
transcendentally to improve human well being in the Siddhi state of
Ishwara pranidhana of Hinduism or a state of Nirvana in
Buddhism. Similarly, the same law acts in a state of charismatic
surrender to the will of the Creator, in Christianity, Islam and
Judaism. While learning increases knowledge, it is essentially a
20 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
process of memorising the outcome from past experience. What
humanity needs vitally is the ability to find creative solutions for
current problems, which the Siddhi state eminently provides
through transcendent exchange of abundant knowledge from the
field we live in. It is the essence of spirituality and Sankhya
emminently demonstrates through axiomatic mathematics that it is
as real and manipulatable as the concept of materiality. They are
both only different phases of the reality we live in.
Human equality and the democratic quality of natural law
demand that every human being share these rights of living without
let or hindrance. Above all it provides intellectuals with a precise
axiomatic foundation that unifies all apparently confrontational
concepts, the lack of which currently has polarised society into a
state of incompatibility.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 21
Introduction To The Sankhya Karika.
The Sankhya Karika, (Sankhya) is probably the least known of
all the Vedic compositions in Sanskrit, despite the fact that it forms
the foundation of the Bhagavathgita (mentioned first in chapter 2,
verse 39). Chapter 2 is named Sankhya Yoga, emphasising its
importance. The Sankhya Yoga is purported to be created by
Maharishi Kapila. It is highly indicative that in chapter 10, verse 26,
Sri Krishna, during his pedagogic dialogue with Sri Arjuna,
identifies himself with Muni Kapila as the master of Siddhi. The
Sankhya Karika by Ishwara Krishna mentions the authenticity of
this creation in the seventy first Suthra.
There are four important reasons for its apparent lack of
intellectual or religious appeal to our present, post-glacial
generation. The first is its terse and ascetic structure. It contains
only 72 verses, 68 of which purport to define the complete
spectrum of universal manifestation. Most researchers today would
prefer to deal with the voluminous Vedas, epics and Puranas, as it
promised to yield information beyond expectation. However, it
would take a would-be-researcher considerable courage to
anticipate the extraction of a significant and meaningful content
from such a small creation as Sankhya.
Secondly, one could easily misconstrue the connection between
Sankhya, that stands for a process of 'counting' and the profound
religious compositions, like the Vedas, Mahabharatha and
Bhagavadgita. Hence, Sankhya had been shelved by the discerning
Thirdly, translators and commentators of the earlier periods
projected a strong image that Sankhya was based on atheistic
concepts. Consequently, it was treated, as a sequence of thought
related to the physical wellbeing of humanity. This again was
connected through esoteric yogic practices that was not truly
religion bound.
Lastly, even the above three reasons would not have tended to
eclipse Sankhyan principles, had there been an early translation that
highlighted, in clear mathematical terms, the depth of scientific
information and path breaking cosmological principles hidden in
the 72 Suthras. Unfortunately, there is no explicit information on
the existence of even a single translation of its exotic mathematics
22 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
so far. The magnificent part was that all its scientific principles
were derived purely through axiomatic mathematical logic.
Maharishi Kapila displayed intellectual brilliance at its analytical
best for no theory in physics today is based on axioms.
From 72 Suthras, 68 highly condensed and coded holistic
theorems explain the principles operating in the field of cosmic
space. It is axiomatically evolved through a special and unique
intellectual technique, using a novel form of rigorous holistic logic,
called integer-mathematics in a combinatorial form. It has an
unparalleled procedure for logically deriving its own internal proof.
Therefore, it needs no confirmation or experimental verification of
its main axiomatic or self-evident principles. It not only unifies
mathematically the logical cause of all manifestation at the
fundamental level with a simple and exquisite numerical proof but
also establishes, the most modern, path breaking idea that all
phenomenon is purely of a coherent, synchronous, oscillatory or
vibratory nature. It functions in a holographic mode. A hologram is
a state in which all the vibrating nodes seem to remain stationary or
The overall view of a hologram being a frozen ensemble of
vibrations, it can be dealt with mathematically as a dynamic entity
in a static state. In addition, a unique feature of a holographic state
is that every part of it resembles the whole structure due to the
quality of self-similarity. A cube made up of vibrating components
displays its dynamic state. Since it retains it cubic form despite its
vibrations, it is in a holographic state. The Sankhyan holographic
view is new to physics because it treats phenomenon as a dynamic
state that must be described mathematically as though it were a
static ensemble. Therefore the need to bring in concepts of time
varying movement was eliminated and all manifestation could be
mathematically described relationally through integers using
combinatorial principles. The unique advantage of combinatorial
mathematics is that it is object oriented, thus transcending the need
for dimensionality. The concept of dealing with dynamic
phenomenon as a stationery state eliminated the complexity in
mathematics. However, it brought in the need to treat it as a
simultaneous activity using new principles of self-similarity and
scale invariance that was simple yet accurate and axiomatic.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 23
The foregoing principles allowed the derivation of dynamic
phenomenon as interactive ratios that eliminated the need for
defining dimensional aspects. Integer values representing ratios
could logically increase from a ratio of one/one to one / two. That
first step contained the source theorem for change in interactive
ratio. A cube and a sphere had a built in equality factor. The cube
had space as an equal parameter whereas a sphere had time as the
measure of equality. Above all, it had the ability to describe real
phenomenon in real time. Substantial objects can be verified easily
but time or the interval between events was difficult to account for.
The Universe could be understood if cyclic time could be
accounted for accurately.
The all-important first Suthra was structured as a conditional
theorem that elliptically generated an axiomatic mathematical proof
in Suthra 68. It proves the very proposition it introduces as the
basis for its axiomatic behaviour. By an extra-ordinary statement of
logical negation in the first Suthra, the basic proposition is made
applicable to every one of the 68 Suthras!
Through this process of elliptical negation, the entire theory is
unified. For by just disproving one theorem the entire set can be
shown to be in error. It establishes scientifically, through axiomatic
logic that every identifiable location in space functions as a perfect
and perpetual harmonic oscillator that remains in the same static
location with the energy spectrum, characteristic and dynamics, of a
micro-blackhole-quantum! The holographic blackhole state
becomes the repository of all the interactions and so provides not
only the potential for action but also forms the historical source of
all information, knowledge and therefore intelligence. It can be
extracted from that quantum blackhole level through decoherence
and disentanglement of its coherent blackhole state in a
holographic form.
The logic used by Maharishi Kapila in creating the
Sankhyakarika is impeccable. Any measurement is a relational
process and only a change can be measured but it takes time. The
difference between the yardstick and the measured object
constitutes the measured variable, which in effect is an incremental
change. Holographic phenomenon is dynamic and oscillatory states
are measured by cyclic time periods which then limits the process
24 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
of measurement to detecting the change in the cyclic time interval.
The credibility of a logical derivation is enhanced if arbitrary
definitions of dimensions and postulates are avoided. Since the
observer can detect or measure only a change then logically, the
incremental unit of measurement itself should form the basis to
derive the whole. Such a concept becomes an axiom because the
observer can only detect a change and therefore has no option but
to use only the observable as a yardstick. This concept pervades all
of Vedic science and is apparently absent in existing sciences. Such
a characteristic is defined as Swabhava in Sanskrit or the trait of
self-similarity. When two or more associated parameters change at
the same time then, only a single ratio need be applied to all modes
of operation. As an example, the arch of a bow has expansive stress
on the outer side and compressive stresses on the inner side, while
the string is in tension and all are balanced at every instant. The
expansive, compressive and tensile stresses can be expressed by
one law. Alternatively, a single variable describes the
proportionality of three types of forces existing at the same time.
Such a variable should be scale invariant, self-similar and have
an axiomatic relationship to the whole. At the elemental level, an
interactive cycle can vary only in two ways. The gradient or slope
can vary as 1:1 or 1:2.
Fig: The First Slope Of An Interaction
Calculating the slope or gradient of 2 as a cyclic relational value:
Setting x as the self similar variable:
1 22 1
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 25
x = 0.618034
If x is the value of a measured increment then the total value
1+x must be related to the ratio of change as 1/x at the same
instant of time or simultaneously. Though in physics the definition
of a vector relationship does not specify that it is only valid at each
instant, in real terms it is assumed that it is constant over the unit
time. It emphasises the equality of the incremental value with the
ratio that the incremental value forms with the whole at the same
instant. Hence, if two or more actions take place simultaneously
within the same location, it can follow only one law or scale of
proportionality. Then the equation:
1+x = 1/x
sets the self-similar relationship to the unit. Rewriting
1+x = 1/x or x+x2 = 1
shows that the incremental value though unequal, yet has a
relational value to the remainder as:
x2 = 1 - x. and x – x2 = x3 or twice x3 /2
The logic is that the incremental value is taken from within
itself as a proportionate factor by a process of simultaneous
exchange leaving behind 1-x as the remaining value. Here the
internal exchange can be written as
(½ + x3/2 ) = x and (½ - x3/2 ) =x2
to provide the value of x and x2. The self-proportional or selfsufficient
mode of incremental action does not violate the rigour of
logic because there is no need to look outside for the means to
change. It avoids dependence on anthropomorphic ideas to
support the existence of a separate external agency to provide the
motivation at the fundamental level and allows interactive logic to
proceed axiomatically. Similarly the ratio of
(1 - x) / (1 + x ) = x3
which automatically defines the limit to change by a process of
exchange from within itself. This limitation is confirmed by the
difference too:
x – x2 = x3
While the incremental value of x + x2 = 1, the same ratio repeats at
the next level too, as x2 + x3 = x. The self-similar ratio is evident
as the powers of x. Here the logical reason why x3 forms the limit
can be explained by another example. A static cube can be
26 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
described as length L3 or splitting L dynmically as velocity V into
time T gives the form:
L3 = V3 T3 E2
The limit of any change that has freedom to move or act in all
direction is given by L3. . As the ratio L / V = T then T3 prescribes
the limit proportional to L3. T3 describes thr density
superpositioned value at location where everything acts
simultaneously or a centre or a point In a self-similar interaction,
the variable x has a similar function to T the time cycle.
While this limit will be proved graphically in the main Suthras, x3
sets the limit in any self-similar interaction. In terms of a rigorous
logical explanation, it sets the limit of the incremental proportion x
because the internal process of exchange cannot exceed x3. If it
increases, the value of x changes and loose it's self-similar
proportionality. Since the proportionality is lost due to a change
then at the precise value of x, the incremental and decremental
process can go on simultaneously and endlessly. For there is
neither a loss nor a gain in the process of exchange, as (½ + x3/2)
and (½ - x3/2) add and subtract the same value from half.
Therefore, at this ratio a process of change can continue endlessly
or perpetually because only the same proportion of the cyclic timecycle
is added and subtracted cyclically. Then all the laws of
manifestation can be equated to these parameters to justify logically
and mathematically the perpetual existence of the process of
internal exchange to provide the motive for change. It becomes a
dictum to apply this law to any interactive state that continues
endlessly and applies to all resonant states of continuous
interactions or oscillations or vibrations. The outstanding idea here
is that only when the harmony of exchange is derived from within
itself can oscillatory activity continue perpetually. The entire
manifestation spectrum follows this unique principle with
unprecedented accuracy. The Swabhava or self-similar Guna
expression is written in two modes to clarify its extraordinary
= E3
1 =
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 27
As seen above any interactive oscillation based on self-similar
ratios have two limits established axiomatically. The additive sum
of 1 ensures that the time cycle is contained. Had that value been
larger than 1 the oscillatory state would have decayed and ended
the interactive cycle. The difference of 0.236 or x3 ensures that the
cubic damping limit prevents an internal collapse of an oscillatory
cycle. All oscillatory cycles are shown to follow this law in Sankhya.
This extraordinary law based only on cyclic time called Dharma
in Sankhya provides perpetual dynamism to the components of
space through axiomatic logic described as the three Gunas. The
notable point is that the exchange component of the third order is
an axiomatic constraining or damping factor existing only in a selfsimilar
It is also the difference in cyclic time between two adjacent
states. What is a third order damping force? It is simply an
axiomatic law of nature that in any instantaneous action there can
be only one ratio of all three types of activity in an interaction. That
is the act of expansion, compression and resonance must all be
defined by one ratio, and can be seen at a glance, as shown:
In order to highlight the intellectual excellence of the Sankhyan
concept shown above, it is worth comparing with a similar
expansion 1 x
1 x
x 0.61803399
compression 1 x x2 0.38196601
1 x
x 0.61803399
1 x
1 x
x x2 x3 0.23606798
x x2
1 x
28 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
expression in physics that defines the harmonic oscillator, the key
to quantum field theory. It is called the Hamiltonian of a classical
Explaining, p = momentum, m = mass, w = frequency and q =
co-ordinates, while H is a quantum of energy. The left part of the
equation represent the kinetic energy and the right is the restoringenergy
due to motion. It is called the equation of motion. It
provides two solutions of p and q for a quantum of energy related
to mass m. Ignoring the complexity what the solution gives is the
value of the motion after the fundamental field of space appears as
a reality.
Fig. Concept Of Static Potential Fields.
Whereas the Guna expression gives the three phases of
interactive motion even before the fields appears.
That is, it describes the field of space in its fundamental state of
coherent oscillation, like the taut bow in the example. Fig. Above
shows the coherent field with varying levels of potential.
H . 1
m.w . 2 q2
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 29
It is a static fundamental field in an unmanifest state and
remains in a potential state as rings of simultaneous interactive
states. The potential state may be seen as released stresses from an
interaction and the kinetic state as released stresses in motion
displaying velocity characteristics. The Hamiltonian described the
quantum of energy after it had started to act whereas the law of
Dharma identified the quantum of energy in its fundamental state
long before it had started to act. The value so derived endows
space with real qualities that physics has yet to discover. The
difference in value between the Hamiltonian and Guna values is a
massive 1017 count unit. Physics with its concepts of mass,
momentum and displacement fields has a long climb to reach the
conceptual level of Sankhya unless it jettisons these ideas that have
relevance only at the laboratory level of desultory experimentation.
This emphatic statement is possible only because, in the Suthras
that follow, all the universal parameters in its entirety, are derived
from those self-similar Guna laws. It is derived with unbelievable
accuracy, which anyone can verify and find that it goes beyond the
boundaries of current knowledge in physics and cosmology.
The axiomatic logic is that if vibrations are caused by
interactions then those interactions can only be between objects
(whatever these might be) and becomes a dictum. If a theory is to
be based on sound logic then the investigator cannot ignore this
important fact. Theoretical physics has ignored the vital fact, that
elemental space cannot be a vacuum, devoid of identifiable states.
Any component with total freedom will move linearly in reaction
to a force but a sea of objects with no freedom whatsoever can
only vibrate at the same location in response to an impetus with
similar elemental objects around it. This axiomatic statement
describes the internal interaction between components that follow
laws categorised as self similar. It is limited to three Guna states
that can be described scientifically as Thaama or inelastic collision,
Sathwa or elastic radiant expansion and Raja as resonant or bound
Stating it simply, vibrations that remain and add up in the same
location is Thaama, while vibrations that keep changing their
location and seem to move away is Sathwa. Vibrations that seem to
shuttle between these two locations that cannot be described as
30 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Thaama or Sathwa is Raja. These interactive vector-tensor states
result in numerous permutations and combinations to provide the
holographic base. The principle of self-similarity, embodied in the
three Gunas, is symbolically represented by a bow. Forces of
compression in the inside of the arch matched by the expansive
tension on the outside are kept in static equilibrium through the
tension in the bow-string that balances all three states
simultaneously. When an arrow was shot, it represented a scalar
force and what the Schroedinger equation in physics calculated was
the depth of penetration in the target. Whereas the Raja concept
depicted the tension in the string as a stress in the 'dynamic but
restful' state before the arrow was shot. The Hamiltonian becomes
meaningful only after the arrow is shot but the Guna triad tells one
how taut the bowstring is! Because of which, no doubt, that gap in
time demanded the principle of uncertainty to be established as an
axiom in physics!
The implications of the holographic concept are that every
point in the substratum of space contains all the information in the
Universe as identical nested sets of vibrations in a frozen form. In
essence, it means that every possible phenomenological state exists
in every point of space as a locally extractable event. Hence a
particular state of interactive phenomenon need not be physically
conveyed over a distance but an appropriate set of informative
signals can recreate the original phenomenon locally through
transmigration of stresses in the connected continuum of space. It
can be described as the transmission of interactive stresses at the
sub quantum level in physics, where the concept of velocity is
replaced by an internal phase change or transmission of phase
velocity. In addition, as is well known there is no limiting velocity
value for stress propagation in a medium. There is no known law in
physics that prohibits a truly rigid rod of infinite length from
transmitting a movement, induced at one end, to the other
As an example a television receiver with its own power supply
projects a two dimensional scene when triggered by a signal
strength that is a fraction of the power used in system. Similarly,
the local 'perpetual oscillators' in space are triggered by quantum
level tunneling signals to sustain a three dimensional holographic
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 31
reality of a particle. Except for one difference, the electro-magnetic
signals hop externally across the local oscillators in space, at the
velocity of light. Whereas the phase-changes in the three modes of
stress tunnel internally across the perpetual oscillators in space as
transmigratory phase-velocities that has no limit. The components
in space act like a solid when accelerated suddenly, like the rigid
rod. The components can never be detected directly for they do
not 'radiate' but the 'stress-gaps' between components do, as
photons. Every 'coherent point' in space has a veritable
powerhouse the details of which are dealt with in subsequent
sections. The so-called Planckian fluctuations are a result of the
resident power in the substratum of space.
The mode of communication of such changes in stress is
through a transmigratory, tunnelling process. Such information
transmission is virtually instantaneous for it resonantly transfers the
change-in-phase of signals through a continuum of dynamic
components in the substratum that break the symmetry of the
normally coherent state in space. Extremely long wavelengths (ultra
low frequency) cause phenomenon that is new to physics. It is dealt
with by the principle of simultaneity in Sankhya. Maharishi Kapila
theorises and proves through axiomatic mathematics that
interactive phenomena in a random and sequential state of
inefficient activity naturally transmigrate towards the synchronised,
coherent and simultaneous state. A coherent 'restful activity state'
can be defined as a 'potential phase' or 'parallel', 'simultaneous', or
'superpositioned' interactive spectrum. It embodies the principle of
absorption of non synchronised interactions, like the migration of
thermal vibrations from a higher to a lower temperature state. The
substratum of cosmic space is truly the ground state.
The concept of simultaneity, not used in physics explicitly,
forms a cornerstone in Sankhya. It mathematically defines any
group of phenomenon that act together or at the same moment or
instant. Logically it seems possible that time-cycle interval between
interactive events can be arbitrarily reduced to even 'zero' but does
nature behave in that way? Sankhya has shown that there is an
axiomatic limiting value of 1/C1+x of a cycle along each axis.
Beyond it, the difference in interactive time becomes 'zero' or the
two events can be mathematically treated as acting together or
32 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
simultaneously. The vectorial aspect of a force disappears and it
behaves as a scalar. Smaller time-cycle differences cannot be
discriminated directly but only through reactions, that radiates a
non-synchronised or decaying energy spectrum.
Conceptually man faces a paradox at the very first step he takes
to derive the laws of the universe. The two states, static and
dynamic, seem to be woven inextricably together. Yet, a choice has
to be made if the laws of phenomenon are to be based on a correct
foundation. Logical rigour compels one to choose the dynamic
state as the elemental or initiating condition. For it's 'opposite'
restful, stationery, coherent state is created when all activity
simultaneously synchronise into coherence a region, thereby
eliminating the duality created by the two terms 'dynamic' and
'static'. Such a static state will represent a passive, frozen blackhole
or coherent 'internal' activity and therefore becomes transparent or
undetectable. A synchronised state resembles a restful phase;
therefore, all active states gravitate towards this coherent condition.
It acts as an absorber of vibrating activity or oscillatory movement.
Through this concept, Sankhya exposed the dual nature
inherent in detecting phenomenon either as a coherent wave packet
identified as a "particle" or an unsynchronised wave ensemble as a
"ray or photon" depending on the interactive state of the observer.
The inexorable axiomatic logic that leads to this conclusion is that
if any two identical components are to remain together as an
agglomerate unit then these must be at the same oscillatory activity
level. (Like thermal equilibrium / state of relative "rest")
Otherwise, every possible combination of vibrating motion causing
a deviation must be precisely confined to a cyclic ratio of two.
Then it conforms to the standard required to maintain a
synchronous and harmonious standing wave.
Had this condition been attained easily there would not have
been any detectable phenomenon or an observable Universe today.
Hence, there rose a vital need to understand the logic that made it
impossible to achieve this coherent balance permanently. Sankhya
shows that the conceptual mode of solving this problem is simple,
for all one has to do is to create a three dimensional grid divisible
by two raised to the nth power (2n). However, at the same time it
proves it is impossible to achieve the coherent state naturally for
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 33
the very last or elemental cubic grid cannot be divided. It can only
be shared and therefore the last or innermost one keeps each
component in a dynamic state of existence forever. The ratio of
sharing the elemental cubic grid is axiomatically derived by several
principles and quantifies it as 2.718 (the value of the natural
logarithm e).
It is in the form of a blackhole or Andhatamishra (meaning the
darkest division of hell in Sanskrit) which oscillates simultaneously
in modes greater than 18 orders of magnitude, as (1018) defined in
Suthra 48. This shared perpetual activity at the very core, is
allegorically compared to the mutually beneficial association of a
lame person with a blind one in Suthra 21. The act of sharing is the
cause of an astronomical oscillatory super-positioning density
build-up that is defined in Suthra 46. It maintains the oscillatory
stress energy within it to keep even a Galaxy functioning as a single
In addition, all this complex activity is kept in a perpetually
dynamic state only by an extremely gentle interactive rate. It as a
constant and consistent boundary activity, which today's
cosmology has identified as the enigmatic 2.7 degree Kelvin
background microwave radiation. This activity has been compared
in Suthra 59 to the genteel actions of a dancer, Prakriti (or
oscillatory activity) performing before an appreciative audience, the
Purusha (coherent blackhole quantum in every point in space). The
fact that the observer was aware of phenomenon only through it's
vibrations was described as Maya (measured =Ma movement =Ya)
in the Vedas, meaning that the observed substantiality of
phenomenon is only an illusion like a hologram.
The holographic concept, as a fundamental base for reality, is
not recognised theoretically or notionally in physics & cosmology.
A special mathematical approach has been made in this translation
to make it understandable to the scientific inquirer. Further, an in
depth comparison of Einstein's theoretical concepts that led him to
evolve the Special and General theories of Relativity, is presented
as 'Sankhya & Einstein' in Appendix 2. It highlights its relevance to
Sankhya, which provides the very solutions that intellectuals have
been seeking for ages. Science depends on the principle of
uncertainty to solve problems in the hidden domains whereas
34 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Sankhya logic shows that it can be defined certainly and precisely
just through axioms
From the foregoing explanation, it can be emphasised that the
Sankhya Karika is a purely intellectual creation by Maharishi
Kapila. It has been derived by a unique analytical process of yogic
meditation that enables the inquirer to understand the functioning
of universal phenomenon in the substratum of space. While the
observer has no means of experimentally ascertaining nature's true
mode of functioning at the elemental level, the intellectual Sankhya
way is certainly one complete method that can effectively explain
the entire phenomenal process in a theoretically unified way. The
axiomatic logic eliminates any arbitrariness in arriving at
mathematical solutions which rules out any uncertainty in
interpreting phenomenal activity. The Sankhya logic forms a loop
starting from past causative interactions leading to events in
present time, which points to the conservative reaction in the
future. This triangular sequence remains static if activity along the
three axes is equal in cyclic time. However, it spirals inwards if the
ratio is progressively reduced. Then it ends in a point or singularity.
If on the other hand the inequality in ratio progressively increases
then the triangular series opens out into a quadratic limit of a
square, which is a true description of space.
The intellectual basis for a 'complete theory' compels one to
seek a mathematical process that has the quality of being defined as
'natural' or axiomatic. Such a process is transparent and does not
need a separate regimen of proof. The range of numerical series
available, through simple arithmetical manipulation, are self-evident
and the extrapolated outputs are obvious and understandable.
Sankhya has shown these concepts are tenable only in a
holographic base. Since all human knowledge is a relative process,
Sankhya provides a perfectly logical procedure to understand
nature through a totally axiomatised and internally derived
relational procedure devoid of dimensionality, definitions and
postulates. Alternatively, rephrasing it, if man did not know of
mathematical subjects like calculus, geometry, trigonometry,
algebra etc, how would he then try to understand the process of
manifestation? The answer is of course, he will start with
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 35
elementary counting procedures and that, Maharishi Kapila proved,
was more than enough to understand the Universe!
While the common view is that mathematics is logical, it really
represents only a sequential relationship of numerical values.
Hence, the relative value of the unit reduces asymptotically with
increasing numbers, which then makes the unit lose its logical
significance. This factor brings in the need to limit the sequence to
the numeral two. If the unified laws of physics are truly scale
invariant then it must be applicable at the very first change from
unit one to two. Moreover, an axiomatic consequence of the
foregoing is that there can be no constants of dimensionality,
proportionality & linearity if the theory is to be considered perfect.
Hence, a change from one to two forms the axiomatic base in
Maharishi Kapila's logical derivation and all the laws of physics are
miraculously contained in this elementary transition. If there are
any true physical constants then it can and must exist at the
elemental activity rate of two interactions because at one, the
dynamic state is lost and the Universe loses its potential to exist. At
levels greater than two, the relative value of the unit progressively is
devalued. While ½ is the maximum ratio of two contiguous
numbers, one divided by any other larger numerical value reduces
the ratio of ½ as 1/10 or 1/infinity. This is an axiomatic fact,
which Sankhya has used with singular success to build all the
Universal laws within the ratio of ½. The mathematical procedures
needed to operate such a concept are so rigorous and forbidding
that there is no possibility of current mathematical methods in
theoretical physics ever adopting or even attempting such a
Sankhya transcends the need to create complex paradigms and
esoteric intellectual disciplines as a precondition to understanding
universal phenomenon. Physics today is based on pre-defined
postulates, empirical inputs and innovative mathematical
techniques, all of which have a built-in caveat –errors of
derivational logic and experimental measurement, compounded by
the collateral damage in using 'clock-time'. The mathematics
involved in describing space in terms of a metric formulation has
so many conceptual traps; it certainly cannot be evaluated purely
on 'common-sense' or axiomatic logic. The concept of momentum
36 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
and inertia, from which the principles of physics are derived, is not
verifiable except in a laboratory. Whereas Sankhya based on mere
counting of observable events or interactions, is a universally
understandable concept. It has no caveats as it can be verified both
physically and intellectually by anyone, anywhere and at anytime.
Above all, it accounts for only one variable – the cyclic time of an
It uses a novel and advanced holistic logic, compared to the
analytical processes currently followed in scientific investigations,
to explain the abstruse theorems composed with two levels of
meaning. The obvious meaning refers to the normal living process
modelled on similar human attributes and the submerged or hidden
aspects refer to the enigmatic substratum of space that is the base
for all phenomena. Suthra 69 declares it a secret doctrine, meaning
it must be decoded. It functions very logically, with immaculate
mathematical perfection, using a simple counting technique, along
myriad's of super symmetrical parallel paths that makes it
impossible to err, due to the existence of a high simultaneous
affirmation factor commonly called redundancy. Further, because it
is based on axiomatic logic, the relative limits of interactions can be
derived precisely even at the elementary level.
The very first and elementary interaction can be limited
axiomatically to counts between two objects. Therefore all the laws
of interaction must be contained within this level and in fact, it is
shown so. In a holographic base, only the vibratory count in a cycle
or period is of significance and therefore transcends the need for
dimensionality, while important elementary numerical ratios
provide an axiomatic foundation. Though Sankhya numerical
values are decimal based, its presentation is confined to indicating
the index or power or the logarithmic index value to the base 10. In
this book all the numerical values are derived as an integer
relationship, but presented as a decimal fraction to enable the
reader to easily identify the numerical equivalence with known
scientific values.
Einstein abandoned the concept of a cosmological-activityconstant
as a logical blunder. On the contrary, Maharishi Kapila
had given the equivalence of this important elemental limit the
pride of place in Sankhya as the Moolaprakriti (My). It was defined
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 37
as a fundamental quantum of cyclic time or inertia (or mass). Its
value was precisely derived through axioms by defining its limits
accurately. The significance of the My value is one of the most
important points defining the smallest delay in activity beyond
which the concept of motion is reduced axiomatically to a static
state. That is, movement involving sequential time changes into
simultaneous activity time or the point at which the mass or denser
state or inertia is created. It in fact defines the point when dynamic
space and static time have the same numerical value in terms of an
interactive count. This process showed that in a dynamic state,
absolute values have no relevance. Hence, all parameters must be
expressed as ratios or rates. The other advantage was that as
Sankhya dealt only with cyclic time, any delay meant that inertia or
mass became the 'accountable' quantum. Hence My being the
smallest possible axiomatic quantum of mass or inertia the whole
universe could be described merely by the My count, devoid of
dimensional complications.
The evolution of physics has been beset with paradoxes, (see
'Age of the Vedas' in Appendix 1) starting with the Boltzman
'equipartition' theorem. It resulted in deriving a temperature
related thermal quantum, the Boltzman's constant. However, it
failed on the question of degrees of freedom required in
quantifying fundamental activity. Subsequently Planck's quantum
theory resolved many enigmatic questions including the cause of
the so called ultraviolet catastrophe but its application was strictly
limited to phenomenon that was only capable of radiating at least
one energy quanta (Planck's constant). Hawking along with
Penrose, Schwarzschild and others delved into the frozen region of
singularities, paradoxically called blackholes (for Sankhya had
labelled it the Andhatamishra state ages ago). They theorised that
the phenomenon of super-radiance had the power to create
particles but the mathematics depended solely on the ratio of the
Boltzman & Planck constants. For as of today there exists no
system to directly calculate the interactions within these
simultaneous regions of the substratum of space.
The Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac formulations deal only with
boundary or interface conditions just outside the stationery or
coherent state indicating its degree of rotation or non38
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
synchronisation. In a periodic oscillatory environment, the problem
solving Fourier transform series proves to be quite inadequate. It
fails to resolve instantaneous transitions of potentials involved in
the leading edge of a real square wave (or the region inside the
coherent boundary or the 'simultaneous domain)'. Sankhya, despite
its apparent origin in antiquity, lays out integer mathematical
methods, based on the Guna principle of self-similarity and scale
invariance. It provides a precise method to obtain numerical
solutions within the "instant" or the enigmatic blackhole domain,
through application of the My concept.
The analytical power of its logic is such that it identifies and
itemises every component in space as an intensely vibrating
holographic phenomenon. It shows that it cyclically ranges
internally between a coherent0 Purusha (Kx) blackhole mass of
quarks and nucleonic hadrons with 1018 modes of compressive
Thaamasic interactions. That state is balanced externally by the
Prakriti (PM) spectrum of seven levels, as lepton - photon
interactive states with 1020 counts of expansive Satwic states. Both
are bridged by the 1010 interactive, intermediate, linking modes of
Rajasic activity described as the weak interactive regions in particle
physics. When the coherent conditions in the Substratum became
unbalanced due to delays caused by a large region of space acting as
a coherent unit, then the polarised combination of the three Guna
activity states results in the ubiquitous gravitational phenomenon.
Contrary to current scientific thinking, the "Strong, Weak and
Electromagnetic" forces do not exist as a distinct fundamental
property of space in it's coherent and synchronous state. However,
as the delay in regaining the balance grows, the super-positioning
of oscillatory counts increase logarithmically. It displays a
continuous range of accelerative states right from the boundary of
the electromagnetic level to the nuclear core. It follows the same
incremental mechanism, which culminates in the gravitational
phenomenon, thereby unifying all forces. Any number of waves
vibrating at even numbered frequencies maintain their nodal
positions in the same relative relationship. Expressing it in another
way the midpoint of a spectrum of even numbered vibrations
remains in the same position. That is unlike the behaviour of odd
numbered oscillations. A rigorous application of the Guna
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 39
principles, exposes the precise point at which perfect and eternal
resonant balance is maintained at the Kx / Px (nuclear boundary)
interface. Through a remarkable coincidence of an unexpected
number of axiomatic ratios, the preceding factors control this
boundary. It is the point at which a third order damping constraint
based on self-similar mathematics creates the static, inertial, or
mass-like states. The confirmation of this unique boundary is
confirmed in six different ways through axiomatic mathematics in
An even more surprising conclusion emerges from Sankhya that
the circumference to radius ratio p evolves naturally as the loci of
increasing rate of interactions following self-similar Guna laws.
Self-similar interactions close inward to maintain a centred state at
all rates of interactions thereby creating the vorticular particle state.
Those that remain stationary due to attaining coherent states are
classified as fermion states in physics with half spin and the others
with unitary spin values. Sankhya shows through axiomatic logic of
two related ratios called Linga & Bhava and Abhiman & Ahankar
at the Thaama/Raja and Raja/Sathwa interfaces respectively to
produce the phase changes that increase inertial or mass density in
several steps. The electromagnetic photon spectrum of waves that
form the Satwic region acts in the Ahankar mode, until its
Abhiman potential places it in the leptonic particle domain. The
crossover into the weak interactive region is conditioned by the
synchronisation of interactions along two axis. This superposed
state raises the inertia or mass density to shorten the interactive
time-cycle and close the spatial distance between particles, which
increase its mass. It describes the Raja / Abhiman region of
resonant interactions that gradually lead to the Raja / Bhava
interactive states Hadron/lepton spectrum. It crosses further into
the Linga / Raja resonant spectrum of heavier particulate states. In
the Thaama / Linga region is an extensive spectrum of particulate
states identified as quark / heavy quark etc. Sankhya shows that in
the ultimate coherent state when interactions along all three axis
are simultaneous, the blackhole state with 18 orders interactive
modes provide the gigantic potential to make these locations into
the powerhouse of the universe.
40 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Sankhya logic shows clearly that an increasing rate of vibration
in one axial direction, relative to a constant rate in a another axial
direction, produces a path of proportionately diminishing
displacements, in a confined domain, which sums up to Pi. Putting
that in the language of interactions, after this point there are no
intermediate vectorial positions but it flip over Therefore nature
axiomatically provides particle states with half-spin fermion
characteristics inside this boundary. In the Substratum, it consists
of a complex, diffused, spectrum of coherent oscillations. It ranges
from 1050 to 107 interactions per cyclic period with a precise nonradiant
interactive balance maintained at about 4 gigacycles.
Cosmology equates that to the Planckian blackbody-thermaldensity-
spectrum at around 2.7 degrees Kelvin. Sankhyan concept
show that the 2.7 Kelvin is actually the value the natural logarithm
e=2.718. If a state is described in terms of elemental interactions
as N then the minimal ratio axiomatically equals N to (N-1) and the
minimal increment becomes 1+1/(N-1). The maximum number of
ways in which the increment can change is again N-1. An internally
motivated change than can be expressed in terms of the
logarithmic value of (1 +1/(N-1)) raised by N-1, which equals
2.718 when N equals infinity. Hence, the rate of internal change
can never exceed 2.718.
Applying the preceding principle the Planck's energy quanta is
shown to be relatively larger than the elemental Moolaprakriti (My)
by 17 orders of magnitude. As the Substratum is always in a
quiescent, synchronised and coherent state, it is not externally
detectable unless the balance is upset to de-synchronise the
coherent state. The proof that the logic is absolutely correct comes
from the axiomatically derived numerical values of the following:
critical parameters as: Planck mass, nuclear densities, stable
nucleon, lepton, proton, photon, Planck-length-time, velocity of
light, strong, weak and electromagnetic forces. In other words,
there is no need to describe phenomenon in terms of mass, length,
time, charge etc but simply by the number of interactions in a cycle.
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 41
It is the ideal mathematical form that physics has been in search of.
In fact, it shows that phenomena can be described purely by a
combinatorial algorithm starting from the first interactive count of
two. The mathematics is shown in the section on axiomatic
42 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
A Tribute To Maharishi Kapila
A special tribute must be paid to Maharishi Kapila's intellectual
excellence. He not only evolved an original, single fundamental
principle that unified mathematically all the different disciplines
found necessary to understand physics & cosmology, but also
established with a simple and exquisite mathematical proof, the
most modern, path breaking idea that all manifestation is a
holographic phenomenon. He described the substratum of space in
Sanskrit as 'Aikaantha-Aathyantha-Atho-Abhavat' or the
'synchronised, permanent, dynamic but unmanifest state'. The Sage
has used this important 4 word Sanskrit phrase in a conditional
mode in the very first Suthra. While this phrase is not repeated
again in the entire treatise, the key words "aikanthikam –
aathyanthikam" in the ending 68th Suthra provide the elliptically
terminating proof to logically seal the correctness of the initiating
proposition; thereby displaying a reverential attitude towards
nature's source of all power, in the true spirit of an intellectual who
valued logic and rationality above all else. His impeccable logic and
austere style had led his critics to mistakenly label the
Sankhyakarika as an atheistic treatise.
The term substratum in this book refers to that important
phrase hereafter. Humanity should forever be grateful to Maharishi
Kapila for having introduced the concept of a positive intellectual
self affirmation process defined as Siddhi in Sanskrit and doubly
confirmed its perfection, by laying bare the axiomatic operating
principles of phenomenon in just 70 Suthras, with its own
internally derived proof, by an extra-ordinary and unequivocal
numerical value. By establishing the fact that the observer need
only deal with vibratory counts in measuring cyclic phenomenon,
he dislodged the concept of clock time that experimental physics
now has raised to a position of eminence.
Through rigorous logic, time in Sankhya, is shown to be an
indicator of a relative delay in the completion of an interactive
event. This factor shown is the measure of slackness, flexibility or
degree of freedom to move in states that interact in the
simultaneous mode, normally described as coherent, synchronised
or symmetric space. He must also be credited with deriving a
precise mathematical method to deal with simultaneous or
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 43
instantaneous phenomenon identifying the coherent potential, that
eliminates the pain of dividing by "zero" time and has taught man
to discover the large spectrum of coherent phenomenon hidden
behind the infinitesimal, by mathematically peeping over the zero
time barrier. The cyclic period of coherent and symmetric
phenomena is symbolically represented by the so called mystic
symbol the Swastika which can never turn into a cross for the
ultimate Moolaprakriti activity cannot be destroyed. Above all, he
has raised the so-called empty vacuum of space to its pivotal and
deified role as the source of all power in manifesting phenomenon.
The axiomatic base of Sankhya makes it impossible to be
disproved and this quality makes the theory eternally applicable;
which fact confers the mantle of divinity to its principles. In this
impeccable & logical treatise he has laid out the new and
outstanding principle of Simultaneity which accounts for all the
past activity that provides the base for all the interactive
phenomenon in the relativistic domain of present and future
activity. In fact, it provides the vital missing link in the unification
regime by evolving the mathematics of a point source or the
singularity for completing the equation of conservation that is a
must in any field theory. It is the principle that connects the
internal source or singularity to the external reaction or fields. Since
the law governing simultaneous activity is self-similar and internally
generated the ability to correctly predict the state of activity
anywhere else is made possible mathematically. In other words
distant phenomenon would seem to be connected space-wise
apparently violating the principle of causality but in reality since the
rules of self similarity are identical every where in fundamental
space it can be mistaken for a connection. The Principle of
Simultaneity based on axiomatic mathematics is new to science and
provides the unifying theoretical base that covers the principles of
general & special relativity and the unified axiomatic base for the
quantum theory. The Sankhyakarika is indeed incomparable.
The Yoga Suthras of Patanjali are an elaboration of Sankhya
Suthra 6, based on the holographic qualities of the Substratum,
which hides the limitless spectrum of coherent phenomenon
bordering on near magic. Sankhya provides the theoretical base for
the Yoga Suthras of Patanjali and in fact, lays out the mathematical
44 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
definition of the Iswara field, submission to which guarantees the
attainment of Samadhi or transcendent mental state of
understanding. While the sermonising style of the Bhagavadgita has
earned it the reputation of a religious treatise, it is indeed a lay
demagogic expose of a complex field theory, of the resonant and
dynamic Substratum, entirely based on the 70 verses of the
Sankhyakarika. What is more, all the four Vedas, the Brahma
Suthras, Vishnu & Shiva Puranas, (among other eminent original
Sanskrit works) use the principles derived in Sankhya without
trying to re-derive them, thereby acknowledging its principles as
being factual and fundamental.
The intelligent and perspicuous investigator of original Vedic
creations would understand that the Mahabharatha and Ramayana
are a numerically codified holistic three-dimensional dramatised
presentation of the Sankhyan holographic field concept enacted by
gods, demons and humans representing the ever dynamic and ever
interacting forces of nature. In short, it presented the esoteric
holographic field theory to humanity in a visually understandable
and unforgettable way. In the larger sense Maharishi Kapila has
exposed the hereto hidden 75 percent of phenomenon in a truly
understandable and logical way that should keep humanity busy
possibly for the next 1000 years in beneficially learning to use the
coherent but submerged power from the Substratum.
The spectrum of innovative coverage is immense; intergalacticcommunication
by "instant" stress energy transmigration; detection
of gravitational potential through phase shift instead of
displacement by waves; extraction and transmission of high
frequency coherent mega-power from the Substratum by triggered
potential changes; triggering coherent states to exchange, compute
and control phenomenon at the quantum level using simultaneous
modes at unimaginable speeds; the practical use of coherent
information phenomenon (currently classified as parapsychological)
in plant-animal-human genetic behaviour; psychokinesis,
materialisation and teleportation through phase-related coherent
holography ; advance or early-warning in micro-event forecasting
in genetic behaviour and macro-event predictions in global
weather, seismic, tidal and interplanetary activity areas; exploring
and communicating with extra terrestrial civilisations virtually
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 45
instantaneously and much more, where only imagination is the
limit. Of immediate interest of the individual would be the possible
quantum jump in creative educational methods in all-round
personal development. It would take experimental science many
decades to fully understand the mechanism of action in the parallel
or simultaneous domains of space. The laws of self-similarity, scale
invariance, super-symmetry and coherence seem to lay no limits on
the manifestation process in the substratum. Since axiomatic
derivations lead to defining both the maximum and minimum
limits at once, any equation has two solutions with reference to
both the extremes, which removes uncertainty.
46 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Compatibility With Science
The question uppermost in the mind of any scientific
investigator or reader would be the compatibility of Sankhyan
theory with modern physics and cosmology. This factor would
have to be doubly emphasised in view of the fact that the
tremendous advances in technology today affect almost every
aspect of life on this planet in unimaginable ways. How then could
Sankhya thought, apparently many thousands of years old, lead the
way? Looking dispassionately at the current scientific foundation,
one cannot help but see a gap in the conceptual logic of space,
reminiscent of reasoning used in mythological stories. The
recognised and acknowledged position both mathematically and
experimentally today is that space is empty, devoid of qualities and
described as a vacuum.
Scientists have been forced into this position because
experiments failed to confirm their conjecture of what space
should be. Since exotic phenomenon was constantly being
discovered, the relentless pressure to use these gainfully drove
scientists to substitute mathematical reasoning, that could only
explain "how space acts", instead of "what space is". Mathematics,
being a powerful analytical tool, could even be used to prove the
impossible, by deliberately introducing minor lapses in logic and
later developing total amnesia about the procedures adopted. Such
a procedure called renormalisation is a standard technique in
physics. The current dependence purely on mathematical logic is
intellectually very unsatisfactory. The relativistic theories of
Electromagnetic and Gravitational action depend so heavily on
geometry that one is forced to ask if 'geometrodynamics' created
matter in space that is only a vacuum. In appendix E, a
comprehensive review of prevailing relativistic theories is
compared with Sankhya logic, to establish the technical superiority
of its concepts.
Maharishi Kapila's derivational logic in Sankhya avoids these
intellectual traps. His emphasis that theoretical facts can only be
based on axiomatic logic paved the way for him to identify the
reality of the structure of space by using the power of axiomatic
mathematics to prove that it was so. The spectacular Sankhyan
delineation of the entire spectrum of interactions in the medium of
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 47
space is confirmed by current theoretical and experimental physics
only in the observable region. While scientists like Schwarzchilde,
Penrose, Hawking, Chandrashekhar, Sakharov and Einstein laid
down theoretical premises about high-density phenomenon in
space, Sankhya has presented its precise mathematical structure
with irrefutable axiomatic logic based on the principle of selfsimilarity.
This hidden domain offers physics the real answers to
understand all phenomena in space that is certainly not empty.
Physicists are aware of an enigmatic and unexplainable interactive
state at the Planckian level of space that cannot be justified by
current theory. In addition, to make it worse they have even
surmised and acknowledged that this activity is of intensity far
greater than the strong force. Hence, it compelled one to take
critical notice of Sankhya because it not only provided an axiomatic
theory but also enabled the accurate derivation of every
fundamental constant in physics from one basic interaction. As it
did not need an empirical input, it was a truly self-generating
General Relativity, though considered an axiomatic derivation,
depends critically on the measured values of light-velocity and the
gravity constant. Further, Sankhya not only provided an axiomatic
explanation for all the important anomalies in physics but also
predicted the existence of phenomena for which current theories in
science did not have an answer. The 'Aikaantha-Aathyantha-Atho-
Abhaavaath" state of the Substratum provided the super-symmetry
and coherence that physics sought and encountered frequently,
especially in ferromagnetism, superconductivity, blackhole and
Planckian level phenomenon but were unable to reconcile
mathematically with the concept of an empty space. The currently
promoted superstring and supergravity concepts in physics, as an
answer to fill in the gaps in the unification logic, form an integral
part of the Sankhya axiomatic principles. While details of the logic
that makes Sankhya a leading theory will be shown later, a striking
feature of similarity with the theories of two eminent physicists,
Einstein and Maxwell will establish its credentials. Summarising
Einstein's gravitation equation first and then Maxwell's Electromagnetic
equation schematically:
48 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
If variations in geometry of space-time is Vgps then
Vgps = [1] stress energy + [2] mass-energy + [3] momentum
energy of source.
If variations in E and B directions of space is VBEF then
VBEF = [2] rate of change of E & B fields + [3] change of
momentum (current)
In Sankhya, the figures in brackets identifies the equivalent
areas and unifies it by a single equation:
Cyclic count rate of interactive vibrations in space: -
Unit ratio = [1] Simultaneous counts = [2] resonant counts +
[3] radiating counts.
Alternatively, TriGuna mode = [1] Thaamasic counts = [2]
Rajasic counts + [3] Satwic counts.
Or interactive mode = [1[Compressive value = [2] resonant
coupling value + [3] expansive value
Both Einstein's Vgps (sum of 1+2+3) and Maxwell's VEBF
(sum of 2+3) are not true equations for it's solutions lead to an
absolute or arbitrary value. The deficiency is even more noticeable
when one takes into consideration the fact that the momentum
conservative qualities of any field equation must be related to its
source. It would be an axiomatic statement to say that any principle
of unification leads to the identification of its source. Nowhere in
physics is there an axiomatic identification of the mathematical
logic or the method of quantifying a source value.
Sankhya has shown that all measurements; detection and
recognition of phenomenal interactions are due to a variation in its
state of existence. Therefore it leads to an axiomatic statement that
measurements must be only due to relative difference and becomes
finite when it equals the minimum value of the source. Maxwell
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 49
showed through mathematical rigour that electromagnetic waves
act 'by and off' themselves unlike sound waves. However, Sankhya
logic corrects this view by exposing the undetectable coherent
region of simultaneous, self-similar and therefore perpetual activity
that makes the source of phenomenon undetectable. When this
coherent field of space is accelerated 'instantly', it produces the
time varying (non synchronised or non coherent) Maxwell type of
cyclic phenomenon of dissipating the energy, stored in the
substratum by absorbing decaying activity, as electromagnetic
waves. Sankhya mathematics shows that when the coherent state of
components in space is broken by non-synchronous or time
varying activity, the regaining of coherence is attained by resonant
absorption of non-synchronous activity. Such activity is radiated as
incremental counts of energy which, sequentially decays back into
space, over a period. It leads to an important conclusion that the
photon must decay in 1017 cycles or seconds in physics. While
electromagnetic theory does not lead to this conclusion presently,
the enigma of the redshift in the energy spectrum relative to
distance (discovered by Hubbles) is an indirect confirmation of the
decay. Redshift indicates an increase in potential in the coherent
state. The logic of Sankhya clarifies this aspect mathematically
through the relevant Suthras.
By applying the Sankhyan principle of Simultaneity, which
identifies the axiomatic value of a source, one immediately sees that
the fundamental cause of a light or sound wave is identical.
Similarly, Einstein's geodesics are 'straightest-curved-paths' in
empty space due to the build up of stress or mass due to curvature.
In Sankhya logic, all interactions within the cycle 'or instant' are
straight-line paths. An interaction must follow a straight path
unless influenced by factors that follow an interactive process.
Subsequent interactions, due to the continuation of the actionreaction
cycle, will vary in time and a sum of such sequential
reactions will show the path to be a 'curvature'. In other words, no
interaction in this universe ever follows a curved path at any
instant. The accelerative sequential interaction in a confined
domain follows a curved path. Sankhyan derivation shows that
non-coherent interactive displacements always sum up to p/10. It is
the comparative ratio of a cyclic interactive period between the
50 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
linear and radial directions, at any instant. Sankhya self similar logic
shows that the axiomatic perpetual activity over the entire past
builds up the stress due to obstruction of decaying or dissipating
activity. Sankhya avoids logical conundrums by axiomatically
showing that any sea of elementary components, whatever it might
be, must follow self-similar and scale-invariant laws that will result
in the phenomenon we experience. In other words, even a large
volume of air or water molecules will follow self-similar laws at
locations far removed from other influences. Most important, the
act of measurement is a disturbance that breaks the coherent state
and hides the self-similar law from the observer.
The Purusha components in space are mathematically definable;
precise in action and its vibratory aspect forms the holographically
produced states we call matter. Even the velocity of light and the
Newtonian gravitational constant, among others, are axiomatically
derived through Sankhya Guna principles that show the true
theoretical value, which is clearly not the case in current physics.
While in physics and cosmology dimensional logic does not
provide a selective formulation, in a holographic environment only
coherent, synchronous and harmonic phenomenon are observably
relevant and provides axiomatic cut-off boundaries. It simply
means that there is no need to provide a measured or empirical
input into Sankhya to complete the theory. Another important
aspect is that an interaction always acts in a straight line along the
axis of impact. The subsequent deviations in the reactions and
consequent interactions provide the curvature in the trajectory.
Only intense activity can introduce 'curvature' into space. Sankhya
equates the balance of such interactive reactions within the cycle or
its simultaneous regime. Therefore the mathematics in Sankhya
restricts the analysis to linear processes and factors like p do not
form a part of the equations in the simultaneous and resonant
states and in that sense it is unlike calculus in physics. The value of
p is naturally derived as a cut-off point when outward bound
interactions turn inward precisely at the nuclear radius. Beyond it,
the interaction flips over to opposite state thereby giving the
impression of spin half-fermionic particle. This characteristic
behaviour becomes evident only through self-similar mathematics.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 51
The holographic functioning of space and manifestation of
phenomenon forms an extremely advanced concept and would
take many years of experimental familiarisation for it to gain
general scientific acceptance. However, its extraordinary, austere,
axiomatic mathematical logic will inexorably compel the mentally
flexible and objective intellectual to accept its principles. Maharishi
Kapila demonstrated that true axioms cannot be disproved and its
validity is eternal which factor provided the strongest intellectual
reason to endow science with a divine base. It provided the
axiomatic base long sought by physics and unified space into the
appropriate substratum needed to complete cosmological theory.
Among many axiomatic statements spelt out in Sankhya, seven
of them structured the fundamental state in such away as to make
the theory perfect. Maharishi Kapila emphasised that firstly space
cannot be 'nothing'. It emphasised the point that a perfect theory
cannot be based on an illogical foundation. It introduced the
concept of reinforcing ambivalent pedagogic logic with numerical
Secondly, all phenomena can be described meaningfully, only in
a relational mode by comparing like with like qualities. Counting
objects or events of the same kind was a simple and certain method
of ensuring a relational measure. The sameness of quality could be
ensured by reducing a known and ascertained object or activity to
its ultimate logical level that established an axiomatic connection
with the original quality.
Thirdly, the quality of elementarity or fundamental nature of an
object or activity must be derived from within the theory itself
through rigorous logic. Confirmation by iterative derivations using
several well-established axiomatic parameters would eliminate any
uncertainty through a process of redundancy.
Interactions in the fundamental state, far from external
influences, can only follow self-similar ratios derived through
The resonant activities of the manifest state can be equated only
with the unmanifest (or hidden) axiomatic quantum or cycle or the
simultaneous (singularities) state must equal the sum of the
observable (weak & electromagnetic domains) sequential states.
52 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
A complete theory must derive all its requirements, as an
axiomatic consequence from within itself to maintain its integrity
for any error in an externally derived hypothesis can be fatal.
A perfect theory must loop back to provide the qualities of
elementary space needed to sustain phenomenon so that its very
description provides the proof and nature of its existence.
The question naturally arises as to how these simple axioms can
form a basis to reformulate decades of scientific thinking founded
on rigorous mathematical concepts that have been refined to
unimaginable levels of complexity. As the following three points
will show that the foregoing method has been the caveat, Firstly, all
languages are only codes built on some adhoc logic that does not
have an absolute base of reference. It is a product of the Tower of
Babel! Hence understanding any pedagogic communication is a
learnt process and the inherent errors make it unsuitable for
conveying precision. Sankhya chose axiomatic statements based on
relative logic because axiomatic concepts are real for all times.
Being a comparative analysis it had relevance even to studies
conducted in the distant future. Secondly, while mathematics in
science was built on the precise logic of a numerical unit,
communicating complex phenomenon (in real space) through such
reasoning lacked an absolute base as it was connected
unequivocally to the dimensionality of real events. The validity of
an abstract Euclidean geometry in a flat plane had to be supported
by the Gaussian concept of closed surfaces plus the Reimannian
metric of pseudo-surfaces. All of which followed independent
rules but depended absolutely on the logic of a point (a true
singularity) which unfortunately had a real 'zero' value in physics.
These concepts hide a very serious error. Magnifying 100
fundamental 'points' in a square area into cubes will show that it
cannot be divided equally into 50 units along the diagonal While
divisions parallel to the axis will give 50 cubes in each half, the
diagonal division will produce unequal lots of 45 and 55 cubes
following the expression ½ (n2 + n) or ½ (n2 - n). However, the
"points" concept would not have highlighted this aspect.
The consequences of this inequality are quite extraordinary.
When both axis are in a synchronous resonant state the counts
reduce to 10, demonstrating a coherent, static and spherical state.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 53
When non-synchronous the count measure rises to a range of
entangled counts (vector phases of both axis of 45/55 counts)
displaying vectorial characteristics dependant on the relational
angle within the cycle time of ten counts. Beyond a ten-count state,
the entangled state is broken up and a totally non-synchronous and
non-coherent state is established that displays energy radiating
characteristics. In a real situation all measurements are a vectorial
combination of potential and kinetic factors that makes it necessary
to apply the principle of unequal division at the fundamental level.
As one can see that with very large numbers the inequality virtually
disappears and does not affect the numerical results significantly.
The atomic periodic table follows the combinatorial formula stated
Sankhya axiomatically defined the 'zero' in reality as the
Moolaprakriti with an internally derived numerical ratio that
matched observed phenomenon perfectly. Since the axiomatic logic
matched reality, it provided space with real 'points' that showed it
could not be 'empty'. Thirdly, the abstract mathematical concept of
clock time in calculus was arbitrarily split into the interval of an
instant and its sum as a period. Both of which were applied equally
to real phenomenon in space that had built into it three irrefutable
and logical aspects of past, present and future time. Logically such
an equation was not complete. Sankhya, displaying the height of
intellectual clarity placed both space and time on the same footing
of it being a non observable parameter, for what man really
detected was the completion of an interactive cycle. The repetition
of this cycle in three ways gave him an indirect measure of both
space and time and its numerous variants as manifestations. Putting
it in simple terms, it meant that 'No interactions – No Universe'.
Completion of a cycle meant a quantum of both space and time in
an interactive state created an observable and sustaining it a
phenomenon on a real base. It was a Hologram in short. Vedic
description of this state was termed as Maya or measured illusion.
Conservation principles demanded the effect of the past be
included as a usable parameter, in the simultaneous state. For the
source, contained the present plus future parameters, in the weak /
resonant interactions and expansive / radiative states of an
interactive field. Sankhya mathematics starts with the equation
54 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
when the instant equals the period as the unified state. The instant
is the sum of all interactions in the past and the sum of present /
future interactions must equal it. This equation is unique. It
identifies the source with a specific relational value that quantifies
the 4p of the Gaussian field and the 8p of Einstein's tensor field
and E&B Maxwell fields etc. It leads to scale invariance and selfsimilarity
in interactions that provide the only way to unify all the
laws of interactions. Unification demands the identification of the
Source and where else would one search for the Source but in the
sum of all interactions in the past? Nowhere in current physics or
cosmology is there any true equation of state connecting past,
present and future that is an indivisible part of the whole cosmic
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 55
Simplified View
If the question 'Can one understand Sankhya easily?' is asked
the answer is "Even a child can but an adult would have to give up
his preconceived notions first". As a simple example, take a cube as
a unit object. If it cannot be divided or split, it attains the definition
of elementarity. If it can be divided then the first process of
division (assuming a limit) leads to a sequence of actions that can
be repeated endlessly. If that procedure cannot be changed it can
be made into a rule, axiom or law. The cube shown below can be
one or more than one.
The two cubes below are joined together by glue.
The two cubes below are separated because the glue has
allowed it to expand.
The two cubes below have separated and moved away.
Taking the single cube as a model, joining it by a glue, then
splitting it and further separating it, shows that while the cubes
remain the same, only the gaps change. Hence, conceptually the
glue here is time. The cubes being elemental and real cannot
56 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
change but the gap or space can change. Therefore, only time, the
glue, must be accounted for in terms of the number of cubes
involved. Putting 8 cubes together brings the cubic form back in
Fig: Elemental Space In Cubic Form
proportion to the original cube. The faces joined or glued are 24 in
number. Hence, a formulation can be made that when a cubic form
is doubled the 24 faces must be joined by a 'glue'. In principle,
whatever activities are involved in the scaling up process must also
apply to all such similar expansive operations.
Unit time 12 =1 1x1=1 1+1=2 1-1=0
Time2 22 =4 2x2=4
Time3 23 =8 4x2=8
Time4 24 =16 8x2=16
On converting the concept into numbers, the above
relationship emerges. Simplifying the ratios eliminates the even
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 57
numbers and shows only the odd numbers as irreducible or
minimal ratios as shown below
Unit time 12 =1 1x1=1 1+1=2 1-1=0
Time2 22 =4 1x1=1
Time3 23 =8 2x1=2
Time4 24 =16 4x1=8
The sequence at time4 is a repeat of the first sequence as 8
represents the proportionate expansion of 2 to 8 as cubic space.
But 16 represents 8+8 or a repeat of the first addition of 1+1=2
and therefore the entire process can be repeated again at a higher
level of twice the original level. As time is being accounted for in
terms of objects, the unit or count represents an event. Taking all
the odd number of events together the total ads up to
1+3+5+7+9=25 and reversing the process to keep it a cyclic event
adds another 25. The total then is 50 in a cyclic process. The gluing
of 8 cubes showed 24 faces or time events to be counted. The one
additional event was the common bonding of all 8 corners of the 8
cubes right in the centre. That event was common to all and
emerged as a natural outcome of the expansion process of 2 to 8
cubes. The sequence of 25 in both directions gives a cycle of 10
counts as follows.
1 3 5 7 9 =25
9 7 5 3 1 =25
10 10 10 10 10 =50
This simplified structure is explained in detail in the Suthras.
58 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Similarly, if two sticks are used as model a whole sequence of
characteristics can be derived. Place two of them end to end and
you have doubled the length and initiated the counting process by
addition. Take three sticks and place them so that all ends touch
and you have not only created a triangle and the seed of geometry
too. Intrigued by the closed shape, place another triangle with two
sides next to each other and create a diamond shape or a
parallelogram. Double this structure again by repeating the last
action. Place them in such a way to create a central point. Then one
gets four triangles in circular mode. Two more triangles can be
fitted to create six triangles in a hexagonal shape. This is a circular
shape typical of a cyclic process and the shows possibility of the
entire ensemble being moved or shifted by the coherent central
So far no particular theoretical knowledge was used in arriving
at this stage except a logical and flexible outlook of seeking
possibilities, In the process the seeds of arithmetic, geometry and
trigonometry, centre of mass characteristics, have been laid. Now
the six-sided figure can be halved in each of the six sections to get
a twelve-sided figure. Continuing the process of halving each
section, till the final part becomes too small to divide further, leads
to the concept of deriving p as a transcendental value. Tracing the
string of divided sections leads to discovering the infinitesimal
rotation, vectors, tensors, Reimann, Gauss and Euclid's geometries
etc. Analysing the 12-sided figure yields the possibility of a foursided
figure, a square with right angles. The symmetry of the square
in one plane leads to the concept of a cube in three planes or
dimension, displaying the true nature of space. A cube can also be
viewed as a volume containing some elemental objects with total
freedom to move but restricted symmetrically and simultaneously
from all six axial directions. If the restriction from all sides loses its
simultaneous aspect but is symmetric, a spherical shape becomes
evident. If the symmetry too is lost then a random change of,
volume comes into play that cannot be defined specifically except
for a very short duration.
Space can be packed with elemental cubes without any wasted
or adjustable space reproducing a larger cubic space A cubic box
can be packed with eight cubes just by halving along the length in
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 59
all three directions. Halving each cube in a similar way N number
of times gives 8N number of cubes. The limit of N will be reached
logically when the side of a cube equals the gap produced by the
dividing process. In other words, the length of the original box will
be N times the length of each cube-side plus the gap equals to the
former. Then one can describe the original length as N times
'length of object' and 'gap in space'. The object and gap being equal
it can interchange or commute without changing the original
If this commuting process is made rapid, the standing wave
state of an oscillating mechanism is produced in three-dimensional
form that can be accounted for by mere counting in some cyclic
measure. Comparing the rate, say along the x-axis direction with
that of the y-axis indicates two types of phases. It is either a
synchronised ratio equal to one or a variation that takes a number
of commutations to reach the same count ratio of one. With ratio
one along all axes, the commutations or oscillating process reaches
a static holographic state. The description of this form is just that
of a simple cube, as length cubed or L3. However, a complex
regime of changeable forms is hidden in this hologram, with a
potential, proportional to the number of cubic forms existing in it.
In other words, just by intellectual analysis the inquirer finds that
he has the ability to 'see' the limitless possibilities of combinations
inside the cubic form. It breaks open the shackle of preconceived
notions that the human mind has placed on the importance of
externalised events, to the point of ignoring internal structures as
being of no importance.
This is an axiomatic, transparent and proof-less process that any
human being can practice and accept as being logical. One can
continue with this process of creating physically 'logical' states to
draw meaningful conclusions. If space can be described as being of
cubic shape using the smallest possible measuring rod of one fixed
size, then all descriptions of, any space can be made by the same
process. It is totally dimensionless as an applied dimension in both
nominator & denominator cancels out leaving a numerical ratio. If
one tries to increase the size of space using the same measuring rod
the next size must necessarily be of two units cubed or 8 times the
first one. That is 7 cubes have been added by this action. A little
60 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
mental reflection will show that at the truly elemental level the
above conclusion is correct and forms an axiomatic statement. If
the rod or cube can be fractionalised then it cannot be called truly
Now if the operation is reversed, starting with a huge cube, say
as big as the Universe, one can reach the elemental size, arrived at
earlier, by a number of steps of cubic reduction. The cube so
arrived at would seem so insignificant in size in relation to the
Universe sized cube that it would logically be termed as a point in
space. Today's science viewed the Sankhyan cube as a mere pointin-
space and created complex mathematical routines to deal with it.
However, Sankhya took the other view and increased the single
numerical cubic value to complex levels by mere addition without
losing the fundamental relationship. One can immediately see that
it is next to impossible to derive simple fundamental laws from a
complex level of large numbers with numerous modes of
behaviour. However, it is easy to moronically extrapolate a simple
correct rule to any higher level of numerical value. This is precisely
what Maharishi Kapila has stated as an axiomatic rule in Suthra 23.
One can gain an overall perspective by viewing the Sankhya
treatise as an intellectual process of investigation the source of all
phenomena. Its importance is enhanced when it is realised that it
only involves a simple process of counting stable vibrations, caused
by axiomatic states of harmonic balance. Its conceptual uniqueness
is confirmed by the lack of prior postulates of any kind, to aid the
investigation of fundamental space. The earlier description of
mental exploration into a variety of logical possibilities in viewing
real space, was in fact a process of drawing hypothetical
conclusions. Instead of applying constraints on the intellectual
process through arbitrary postulates, Sankhya showed that axioms,
being natures postulates, allowed the intellectual process to flow
naturally along reasoning processes that the mind felt comfortable
with. Mathematics, however complex it may seem, is only a simple
process of iterative counting. Proportionality enables scaling up to
extremes. When 1/2 is a dependable ratio then ½ raised to the nth
level maintains the proportionality. Compounding such ratios made
calculations easier but also made it look complex. Hence Sankhya
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 61
takes two as ratio and derives all universal parameters to show its
inherent simplicity.
Sankhya prescribed a natural mode of thinking because it
established with positive proof that there was only one law of
interaction that produced all the observable and hidden
phenomena in the Universe. The Guna laws, following self-similar
principles, operated identically in any fundamental field. The
cerebral field too, in its fundamental state had to follow the same
Guna laws. Hence, Sankhya laid out an effective process of
intellectual analysis and confirmation, through the Siddhi process.
The mind followed axiomatic laws in creating interactive mental
phenomenon in a meditative state. Sankhya logic was impeccable in
arriving at this conclusion.
Maharishi Kapila established all phenomena was of a
holographic nature or a frozen ensemble of vibrations in the
substratum of space. The human mind too reproduced all
phenomena within the cerebral field as a holographic state using
the very same Guna laws. In other words, the mind restructured
natural phenomenon as mental holograms. It was the most natural
process as all phenomena was only a hologram and there was only
one law to create such a hologram, the three forms of Gunas.
Hence, the Siddhi process of meditative analysis was the most
effective way to understand everything.
From it emerges an extremely simplified view of all
manifestation, that, if an object is free to move there is only linear
motion due to an interaction. However, a component, in a
confined plenum or 'sea' of identical ones, can only pass on any
motion as vibrations to the adjacent units. Then, only a change, in
the rate of cyclic vibrations from a stable resonant ratio of two, is
detected as phenomenon. In space stable oscillatory activities, in a
state of freedom, are volumetric or three dimensional in nature.
Any transition to a non-resonant state must necessarily exceed the
two-cubed (8) ratio, which involves an incremental value equivalent
to seven volumetric ratios before it becomes an observable. It
contributes to the well known spectral qualities of such a quantum.
The gigantic range of phenomenon is due to the variation in the
numbers of simultaneous aggregation of vibrations in the
substratum, which acts as a continuum. As the process of
62 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
measurement is one of detecting a change in the rate of vibrations,
it takes a time-cycle; hence, it results in measuring it in "cupfuls" as
a quantum. While the interaction in space is not quantised but the
difference between adjacent states follows the arithmetical series of
1,2,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55 or 0,1,1,2,3,5,8, 13,21,34,55 etc, all of
which are dealt with in the main Suthras.
The concept of a field is brought out axiomatically. A unit
count of 1 added to another totals to 2. That is two one-counts
behave simultaneously. The unit 2 can be cubed to maximise into a
cubic form. Reality is cubic and 23 = 8 are the maximum in that
simultaneous state that reflects a real state. Similarly the minimum
can be logically shown to be 21/3 = 1.259921=k. Then k forms that
element which related to 8=k9 in the same period and the ratio k8
becomes the link to the maximum in the simultaneous state. In
terms of a field concept k the movable linear element forms the
simultaneous number as k3 = 2 = 81/3 in the same instant or the
cycle of change at same location. The value k8 is a simultaneous
and 8-1=7 the sequential rate of change in this range of counts.
Scaling 2n gives the scale invariant proportionality to any level of
numbers. Hence, in Sankhya k the elemental field state maximises
to k9 instantly or within a cycle.
Any field theory must necessarily be based on a continuum of
elemental states in the substratum but interactions in the field take
time, so it would seem to be quantised. The quantised value must
have some axiomatic relationship to the field in which it is created.
While the instantaneous value of an interaction is the product or
square of its value, if such interactions take place from all six or
orthogonal directions to meet at a point, then its value rises as the
sixth power. For simultaneous interactions must be evaluated
logarithmically. Taking c as the value it rises to c2 on interacting
and if such a value interacts towards a point from all the six
directions, it becomes (c2) 3 = c6. Alternatively, if a cubic state of c3
interacts with another such value, it too rises to c6. Then the
interval can logically be evaluated as 1/c6, which sets the value of a
point in the field. Hence, a point in space can be fixed at 1/ c6 as
the unit interval that cannot move.
The point in space is an observable that behaves as a
simultaneous conglomerate. It is similar in concept to the surface
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 63
of the sun or earth acting together simultaneously or as a single
unit. But the inner or centre of such a unit can be theoretically
divided into smaller components. If c6 taken as an unit be cubed
again to reach the final level at c18 , it then defines the axiomatic
limit of the core of a point. This sequence can be repeated in the
same proportion endlessly but from an observers point of view the
18th power gives a stable, definable and final limit to an intellectual
excursion into definitions. Similarly, all even numbered interactions
result in an even division, which leaves the field in a balanced state.
However, odd numbered interactions cannot be divided equally so
it remains in the unbalanced interactive state. The sum of all such
states is a Catalan or 0.915. Therefore, a ratio of the Catalan and c6
gives the smallest interval, delay, mass, or inertia. A very
fundamental value has been derived by simple logic for the
moolaprakrithi . Further, a standingwave is maintained at a
oscillating ratio of
It must be realised that while a measuring cup or quanta are
being filled it is the interactive process that is filling it. If the time
to complete an interaction takes aeons the observer has no means
of knowing for he can detect only the completion by the reaction.
A major caveat of the holographic concept is that there can be no
such thing as a linear velocity or a physical transport of objects in
the substratum. Only a transfer of vibratory ensembles, take place
at a rate numerically equal to the velocity of light, when there is an
obstruction to maintaining the resonant vibratory state. Therefore,
at the very fundamental level there are no such discrete things as
conventional particles. However, the observer finds it convenient
to describe phenomena that exist in stable coherent oscillatory
states as if they consisted of protons, electrons, photons, and
Suthra 62 very succinctly explains that no object or thing is
created, bound, released, radiated etc, but only Prakriti (interactive
vibrations) in its numerous variations, transmigrate across the
identical components of the Substratum as vibratory phenomenon.
It clarifies through Suthras 55 to 68 that when the passive but
massive Purusha at the core, loses its freedom to remain stress-free,
it's slightest deflection to regain freedom, creates the Prakriti
avalanche. It transmigrates instantly towards the offending
64 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
boundary where it attempts to recreate the stress free state of
Kaivalya through interactions that may become observable. The
axiomatic base shows clearly that such varied factors as the Planck
mass / neutron or proton / electron mass ratio, the
electromagnetic fields, the structure coupling constants, the
quantised charge, the spectral behaviour of strong, weak, EM
forces and in general all observable parameters are only due to one
process – the vectorial aggregation of vibrations based on purely
axiomatic principles that follow self similar and scale invariant laws.
In a colliding interaction, if the action and reaction were
instantaneous the compressive stress count would equal the
expansive stress value. The instant is defined precisely and
axiomatically as the cube of the interval between interactions. The
interval between interactions is the product of their individual
values. If ten people clapped sequentially, one could count all ten
events. If they all clapped together in 1/103 time interval, the event
had to be classified as a simultaneous one. The axiomatic
mathematics proved the definition.
Reality is truly a holographic phenomenon - for there is no way
for any observer to detect the passive Purusha components
directly, except through its vibrations! Three dimensional tresses
due to interactions either remain as a cohesive, coherent or
conglomerate group or seem to be in constant motion otherwise.
The former state in a stable resonant configuration get the title of
particles etc. Otherwise, the harmonics are labelled as waveforms
The simple reason is, in reality; the observer status is conferred
only on a collective group of vibrations located on the Purusha!
The negative results of the well known Michelson Morley
experiments to test the characteristics of ether gives ample
confirmation that space is not empty. It substantiates the fact that
it is the only result, one can expect when all forms of manifestation
are holographic in nature; that is, where only vibrations move on a
non moving base! Further,the paramaeter that the observer
measures si merely the change in time and
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 65
Background Of Sankhya
The Indian historical background has projected an image that
the Suthras are a philosophical composition expressing atheistic
principles. Therefore, it invited the conclusion, even from eminent
scholars and Acharyas, that it was separate from and inferior to the
Vedas. However the earliest available commentary by Gaudapada
ascribes the composition to Maharishi Kapila. It described him as
the sixth son of Brahma, apparently contradicting the earlier view.
However, his views are supported by the fact that Sankhya is
specifically quoted as the source of phenomenal field principles in
the Bhagavadgita chapter 2 verse 37 as a part of the Mahabharata
epic. Despite all the controversial statements, the contents of this
purely intellectual creation by Maharishi Kapila is strictly confined
to deriving the principles of all manifestation. It defines the very
fundamental level of the Substratum and has no religious, sectarian
or ideological bias.
In the short human history of scientific investigation, there is
no parallel to Sankhya. It must be emphasised that Sankhya not
only provides a logical way to find all the missing answers in
modern physics but lays out the mathematical principles of supersymmetry
of the holographic Substratum to cover every aspect that
man may need in the future. The core Suthras provide unequivocal
axiomatic numerical solutions to essential questions long posed by
the physics fraternity which eminently validates its logic. Hence, it
is more than likely that a number of scientific parameters found in
Sankhya would be new to physics and cosmology. In any case, the
fact that Sankhya enables science to mathematically identify space
in specific terms, is indeed a big leap forward, for current physics is
based on the postulate that cosmic space is empty.
This book is, in the main, based on the translation by various
authors of the straightforward meaning of the Sankhyakarika or
Sankhya Yoga by Ishwarkrishna, (commentary by Gaudapada and
transliterated by H. H. Wilson and a companion volume "Classical
Sankhya", transliterated and commented by Gerald Larsen). The
proving sequel of it's secret meanings is presented here, apparently
for the first time, as an informal dissertation, along with an
introduction to the new form of calculative logic of integer
mathematics. It was necessary to take this unconventional
66 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
approach to bring out the true essence of Maharishi Kapila's
treatise in an unequivocal and understandable way, especially when
numerous existing translations by erudite intellectuals had already
seeded the minds of interested readers with the apparent or
obvious import of this extra-ordinary thesis
There are two possible reasons for the ineffectiveness of
previous translators in exposing it's real meaning. The intellectual
depth of the Sankhyakarika was grossly misjudged, for the allimportant
first Suthra seems to have been misunderstood by them.
Further, there seems to have been a lacuna in understanding the
instructions given in the Suthras on three points. Firstly, according
to Suthra 32, the numerical values of activities were logarithms or
powers to the base 10. Secondly, groups of Suthras formed
complex logical units that could be understood only by treating it
as a single structural ensemble through the analytical Siddhi process
of Suthra 6. Thirdly, Suthra 69 indicates it to be of a secretive
nature implying that special care should be taken in decoding its
contents and Suthra 70 specifically indicates the hierarchy of
transmission mainly to verify it's correctness. A detailed analysis of
the viewpoints in previous translations is given in appendix D, as
'Comparison" along with a copy of the complete translation of 72
Suthras in English depicting the apparent or obvious level of
meaning. It is from the published second edition of Gerald
Larsen's Sankhyakarika, and is given for ready reference and
comparison, while the present book deals only with the core
meaning, transmission of which to posterity, was the stated goal in
At some moment in life, man must have wondered about the
cause of cosmic phenomenon and the role of human existence in
it. The complexity of manifestation must have coloured and
confused the result of such musings and conditioned man to
readily accept the concept and need for an all powerful, all
embracing dynamic creator, of a static but evolving reality, the
Universe. The aesthetic thinker, on the other hand, found the
dichotomy of substituting the complex but knowable universe with
an elegant but unknowable creator, difficult to explain logically,
without bringing in further assumptions, again as a precondition.
The need for a logically perfect and impeccable solution motivated
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 67
thinkers to find a natural and easy process that would derive it
from within its own background - the human mind. However, the
structure and functioning of the Substratum of the mind had to be
understood, again, only by logic. Here was a real problem and
solving it needed a total or holistic approach. In Sankhya, the
principles are for the observer and developed by the observer, the
human being. While the process is subjective, it is derived
objectively by a system of rigorous logic constructed from the
fundamental level as axiomatic principles.
The problem of understanding the Universe, by an observer
who is an integral part of it, is like a man who has lost his way,
deep in a forest, trying to estimate its depth, so that he could exit
by the shortest route. He then seeks the logical mid-point to chart
the quickest way out of the mathematical jungle that he has created
to represent reality in the abstract. Hence the process of
understanding phenomenon must be perfected only by logical
thinking and at the same time recognise when the process and
solutions are correct, for the process of analytical thinking itself is
an integral part of the very phenomenon man is attempting to
unravel. Since Sankhya covers the entire spectrum of manifestation,
any attempt at isolating it as a set of principles solely applicable to
humans (or the living species, as the apparent meaning of the
Suthras imply) can result in erroneous conclusions.
The process of communicating any idea is through a code of
sounds or script we call a language. (See Appendix 6 for the
derivation of Sanskrit). It does not have an absolute base of
reference, for it must be learnt by a process of association, and the
method of its interpretation, leaves many gaps between what is
being communicated and that which is received. Detection,
measurement, information, knowledge, language and mathematics
are all based on a procedure, for decoding a variation in a common,
monotonous, background state. A black dot on a large white
background is the start for written language. Clipping a
monotonous tone into staccato sounds, form the basis of spoken
language. The telegraphic Morse code is just a mixture of short &
long sound pips, light flashes or dots & dashes on paper in
contrasting colour. On and off electrical pulses, continuous
frequencies of electromagnetic waves transmitted with differing
68 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
mark space ratios or numerous similar variations & modulations in
a continuos single frequency transmission, form the basis of
computer processing, electronic information, television & radio
entertainment systems. Hence, all languages are coded tools of
human communication, in which the pedagogical variety has a built
in ambiguity whereas mathematical logic provides a higher degree
of precision and certainty. Hence, mathematical concepts are
essential to maintain precision and necessarily form an integral part
of any language of communication.
Monotonous oscillatory states do not constitute information or
intelligence but form the necessary dynamic background to become
extremely informative if it is varied on some logical, cyclic basis.
Again, a continuous interactive state requires a dynamic
background to control and sustain it. The intelligent observer will
notice the Universe is full of such information provided he learns
to decode it. Detection is not possible in a unitary, singular, or
cyclic state that causes no difference in a cycle or in
communication parlance, the carrier wave must be modulated to
make it meaningful. A single frequency state becomes unmanifest
or undetectable. It is an absolute, dynamic, background state of
something, not nothing. Sankhya lays great emphasis through
Suthras 7 to 10, that the activity of vibrations must have a physical
or real base and it is totally and utterly illogical to accept that an
oscillatory activity can be initiated in empty space. On the contrary,
if the observer is unable to detect a cycle of changing vibrations he
may erroneously conclude that space is empty and devoid of
In this work, reference has been deliberately made to
translations of the Sankhya Karika by foreign authors for a very
important reason. Indian authors, invariably treated most Sanskrit
works and particularly the Vedas, with a great deal of reverence
which compelled them to accept unquestioningly the manuscripts
recorded from vocalised renderings. The Vedic brahminical
process of transferring knowledge through generations depended
on using man's ability to learn, memorise and verbally transfer
knowledge and formed the basis of creating "Human books" for
posterity. As there are evidence of differences in the transcripts of
manuscripts on the same subject, a process of rationalisation has
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 69
been found necessary to do full justice to its abstruse meanings.
The hesitation on the part of our national authors, to re-interpret
apparently inconsistent information, has indeed set us back from
recovering priceless knowledge from these works. Western
translators have guestimated the age of the Suthras to be
concurrent to the rest of the Vedic works and is estimated to be
(postglacial) 10000 BC or later.
Lokmanya Tilak seems to have been the first Indian intellectual
to recognise and openly state that the apparent inconsistencies in
the Vedic works had a logical explanation (vide his books "The
Arctic home in the Vedas" and "The Orion"). After analysing the
geological and climatic anomalies in the Rig Veda, he
mathematically deduced the probable period of its origin as being
greater than ten thousand years, back in the pre-glacial era, by a
civilisation thriving in the polar region which was warm then, due
to the uneven variations in the equinoctial precession of the earth's
ecliptic. Along with other geological researchers he had established
through archaeological / geological evidence available then, that
the historical global inundation, due to the melting of polar glaciers,
occurred around 10,000 years ago. The Lokmanya proposed that
the complete spectrum of Vedic knowledge had been resurrected
in its entirety, after the cataclysmic floods, by following the
traditional brahminical method of verbally propagating and aurally
recovering information, that was practised by our Vedic forefathers
in the pre-glacial period.
In the Atharvaveda, the 28 logical stellar positions (Nakshatra)
mentioned in detail enables one to conclusively identify that period
32,000 years ago, by applying the ecliptic precessional rate indicated
in it (see appendix B). Deducting 10,000 years for post-glacial
recovery, a major portion of the remaining 22,000 years of preglacial
development must have resulted in an advanced civilisation,
judging from our current achievements even within the last 1000
years. The clue to the location of any submerged archaeological
evidence of the original civilisation, far below the glacial ice, is
given by the identification of the 22nd. stellar position, that would
have been visible in that period. It would have been somewhere
between the 60th and 80th. Northern-parallel. Only 27 stellar
positions are recognised and used currently in Vedic astronomical
70 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
almanacs etc. and seems to be a postglacial correction, this validates
the Lokmanya's hypothesis. Consequently, it can be logically
concluded that the Sankhyakarika and the Vedas originated from
an advanced civilisation, (see note 8) existing in the north polar
region during the pre-glacial period and therefore it really belongs
to all humanity and not just Indians, Aryans etc.
Even if the concept of an advanced civilisation seems
unpalatable to the present insular human race, the unexpected and
unexplainable depth of information in Sankhya unequivocally
confirms the point of view that it could not have been from the
evolving generations within the last 10,000 years. Sanskritologist
Max Muller, quoted in his introduction to the translation of the
RigVeda, "it is a task for the next century". In another context, he
described it, apparently in a state of exasperation, as the "infantile
babbling of primitive tribes." Unfortunately, the latter view seems
to have prevailed among the western translators with the result the
Sankhyakarika has not been given the attention it deserved. Several
eminent translators have identified it as the earliest, highly
condensed treatise in Sanskrit. Therefore, the meanings of its
words and phrases ought to have been developed only by a
technique of contextual decoding (especially since Ishwarkrishna
gives a strong clue in Suthra 69, by the inclusion of an extremely
ambivalent Sanskrit term whose intrinsic meaning borders on
hidden or secret concepts in many subtle ways) rather than by
applying conventional translation methods under the normal rules
of semantics. The failure to realise the need for such a process has
left out the secret and hidden meanings contained in Sankhya.
In order to help the reader fully understand Sankhya principles,
a special lexicon (see appendix 6), created by a technique of
statistical verification, gives the current English technical term
closest in meaning to the Sanskrit phrases in the context in which it
is used in the Suthras.
There is considerable evidence that the Vedas are an expansion
of Sankhya principles covering the four aspects of understanding
phenomenon, namely: from knowledge gained by logical &
theoretical principles, established in the Rigveda; by practical
identification of key-triggering or initiating methods in the
Yajurveda; by a practical system of harmonising or unifying all the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 71
required parameters, dealt with in the Samaveda and by the
identification of basic materials such as organic and inorganic
matter forming the chemical and genetic resources, identified in the
Atharvaveda. The four Vedas form a horizontal level grid of equal
importance but the brahminical system of vocalised transmission of
knowledge to future generations, necessitated a vertical
segmentation to make use of the synergistic natural support given
by genetic and social backgrounds.
Veda means the science of unification by resonance. Ve is
weave or unite and Da is 'that which is given or already exists'.
Sanskrit letters also have numerical values, which allows the skilful
presentation of a mathematical formula with a related pedagogical
meaning. The very first Suthra or Sloka in the Rigveda is a theorem
showing the method of extraction of free energy from the
Substratum and each letter in it has a sequential numerical value
accurate to 25 decimal places that defines the expansive extractable
quantum of energy and it's equivalence to currently known values
is remarkable (See appendix 6). In the Atharvaveda the very first
sloka identifies the starting point scale value for all theoretical
calculations in the Substratum, both in descriptive and numerical
values and it's uncanny numerical equivalence to Planck's findings
is indeed startling (see appendix?).
The subject content of the Sankhyakarika confirms the view of
many intellectuals that, all the epics like the Mahabharata,
Ramayana and other Puranas, are a dramatised three dimensional
live presentation of a field theory representing the super-symmetric
and self-organised state of the dynamic Substratum of all
phenomenon. Vedic ideology practised under the currently
recognised umbrella term of "Hinduism" coined by latter day
invaders of India, is indeed a ritualised procedure using the
quiescent power in the Substratum to maximum advantage that is
not only harmonious but also compatible with long term
conservation requirements of the global environment and total
energy balance. Vedic ideology was based on the fact that only by
acquiring a great depth of knowledge could one gain a high degree
of freedom to act but at the same time, it inculcated a tremendous
respect for the inviolability of natural or axiomatic law that
compelled the beholder to confer on it the mantle of divinity.
72 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Sankhya principles show that the unique profusion of genetic life
on this planet is due to an extremely fine balance of coherent
oscillatory activity at a precise distance from the centre of the our
galaxy and the stellar sun. Sankhya re-focuses man's attention to
the reality of universal phenomenon and exhorts him to
understand it's laws, so that he could act correctly and purposefully
in consonance with it's goals and in the process willingly gain the
wisdom to see the divinity in its existence.
Briefly, Sankhya and subsequently the Vedas strongly emphasise
that reality must be accepted without preconditions, postulates and
hypothetical constructs. In this sense, none of the current theories
in physics fulfils this criterion. Since the reality of the universal
phenomenon has never been in question, it becomes axiomatic to
accept the factuality of its foundation and the need to maintain the
constancy of its basic contents at the same level, before and after
any and all attempts at theoretically explaining its functions. It
means that the fundamental contents of a holographic Universe,
for example, it's mass or it's boundary radius or it's period of
existence or other such postulated parameters, cannot be taken into
account in generating a theory and therefore any such attempt
would be futile as it stands for an absolute and changeless state.
Moreover, a perfect and complete theory must avoid the pitfalls of
definitions based on arbitrary characteristics and develop its own
relational logic that describes phenomenon in relative values of a
purely axiomatic nature. The logic is that absolute, open ended,
unbounded, limitless conditions cannot be dealt with by
mathematics in a precise and meaningful way but can only convey a
subjective pedagogical impression of notional limits.
An important aspect of mathematics must be kept in the mind
of the investigator that it is only a tool for modelling the behaviour
of reality under specified modes and the choice of such a system
must yield results naturally which means that the number of inputs
and the analytical steps in its process must be a minimum if the
conclusions are to have a high degree of certainty. It must not be
cumbersome to operate and the process must be easily
understandable through a simple logical procedure. Sankhya
highlights a caveat in formulating a mathematical approach when
dealing with reality at the fundamental level and that is the three
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 73
dimensional or volumetric aspect of natural phenomenon cannot
be excluded or separated in the analytical process. The Sankhya
approach overcomes single and two-dimensional analysis by
adopting a technique of counting cyclic changes in the vibratory
field of the Substratum. Therefore, the description of the Universe
is necessarily confined to quantifying its changes as pure ratios
based on appropriate axiomatic principles.
The learnt concept of clock time is a subjective one and leads to
the imagined instant & eternal polarised concept, similar to the
unreal zero & infinite numerical open ended limits. Clock time is
not an observable parameter nor is it naturally connected to events
that it helps to record for it is an arbitrary human creation. Sankhya
concept of time is very clear and unambiguous. In a free and
dynamically oscillating environment, any parameter becomes
observable or detectable only when it changes from its normal
resonant and synchronised state indicating an out of step
condition. The important part of this logic is that unless one
observes at least one cycle of event it would be impossible to
recognise a change. Then the smallest cycle of oscillatory events
becomes a natural unit of time in which periodic changes can be
represented as a comparative ratio applicable to all levels and the
repeatability or cyclic nature is axiomatically connected through the
concept of self similarity and scale invariance.
In a resonant and coherent state of monotonous activity the
notion of past, present and future becomes one which eliminates
the concept of reversibility of a time sequence, until asynchrony
sets in, due to internal or external causes. As an example detecting
the parameters of a rotating wheel depends entirely on the strobe
light frequency, its dwell time and the moment when it's cycle is
started and an arbitrary change may indicate a reversal of the true
state. In short, if no change can be accounted for then there cannot
be any detectable manifestation and having eliminated the
absolutes as an influencing parameter, the accountability is limited
to phenomenon that can be termed only as "local". This factor
brings home an important limitation that non-local or unconnected
regions cannot be brought within the ambit of a real equation.
Hence, equated solutions, resolving problems of the whole
74 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Universe, cannot be real but only locally derived principles can be
applied by extrapolation to a finite limit.
In a factual sense the Galactic phenomenon is local and
connected, for despite it's diametrical dimension of approximately
200,000 light years it remains a monolithic ensemble acting as a
single unit for billions of years. Mathematical concepts applied to
reality must produce unequivocal solutions; else, its qualities of
precision are lost. Sankhya elucidates in Suthra 30 that in reality
simultaneous interactions are multiplicative or logarithmic and
sequential reactions are additive. In a field of components in a state
of freedom from external influences, at resonance the interactions
synchronise along all three axis, to create a relatively coherent or
stationery condition that enables the ensemble of vibrations to act
as a unit with centre-of-mass characteristics, for axial synchrony
aligns the vibrations to fall in step. In such a concept, the
ideological division between mass and energy is automatically
eliminated because only synchronised or superposed vibrations
exhibit mass characteristics. Therefore in a resonant oscillatory
state the third power of any rate of vibrations forms a natural
damping reaction because it forms a stationery point or the
algebraic sum of it's co-ordinate change is zero and provides the
limit of a boundary (or a singularity) and eliminates the need to
postulate such cut off points.
A plenum or a closely packed sea of fundamental components,
in an unhindered state of freedom, far from the influence of its
bounded limits must follow laws that are described as self-similar
or derived from its own internal background. It is made into an
axiomatic rule in Sankhya because naturally obstructed vibrations
can only superpose with existing states, the numerical identification
of which is a pure axiom and such a series goes under the
commonly known name of Fibonnaci numbers. Vector relationship
within a cycle are an indicator of a phase change that in reality spell
out the degree of superpositioning of vibrations leading to the
concept of inertia and mass. In such a situation then there are only
three important points that determine the scale of interaction,
which are the maximum, minimum and an internal balancing cutoff
point that needs to be derived to make the laws work
successfully in such a plenum. Therefore, the timing or duration in
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 75
a cycle must be related to the maximum and minimum rates as a
quantised and constant factor to ensure self-similarity and scale
invariance. Sankhya principles enable the derivation of a time-cycle
quantum that is probably unique to science and proves its validity
by its specific numerical association with the "nuclear particle" in
its neutral state.
The Swabhava principle of self similarity, (derived in the main
text describing the three Gunas) provides a precise numerical
method of dealing with such concepts and a positive proof of the
existence of a third order damping constraint that induces quantum
states is defined. The synchronising or third order coherent point is
the instant when the product of the interactive components values
equal the sum of the sequentially reactive component numbers
within that cycle. It defines the ground or reference state in an
environment where everything is in motion. This factor exposes
the futility of evolving mathematical techniques to deal with higher
number (than 3) of spatial dimensions. Number two has a special
significance; the product and sum of 2 are equal; therefore 4
becomes a stable unification numeral and the cube of 2 is 8, which
is twice the value of 4 signifying a stable or resonant oscillatory
condition. The cube of number 2 = 8 forms a scale-invariant static
node which can be raised to any power to deal with other scale
levels, using the same fundamental principles and embodies the
third order damping reaction that limits and contains phenomenon.
'Two' in fact becomes the primary and basic unit that can be dealt
with logically at all levels whereas 'one' is a mathematically sterile
unit because logarithmic or multiplicative operations leave it
unchanged unless the principle of dimensionality is introduced.
The numeral One is an absolute ratio of infinity upon infinity;
hence it forms the natural limit of any comparative process like an
equation and is the basis of the conceptually advanced form of
integer mathematics that Sankhya uses. One or any number can be
factorised in two ways to represent reality correctly. The product of
factors (multiplicative) represent instantaneous or simultaneous or
synchronised values whereas the sum of factors (additive) represent
periodic or sequential or time- involved processes.
As an example, if nine vibrations occur one after an another in a
period the rate of oscillation would be one per event that sums up
76 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
to nine in a period of nine events. However, if the nine vibrations
occurred at the same instant the value per event would be nine,
summed up over the period and factually represents the
logarithmic nature of simultaneous action. The nine simultaneous
vibrations form the leading edge of a square wave with a zero time
base, which in the current mathematical logic has no true or real
solution. If nine people clapped their hands sequentially the
observer would be able to count nine individual events but if they
clapped simultaneously the one event could be described by 1 x 9
or 3 x 3 as factors without changing its intrinsic value. In an
endless chain of moving wagons each unit may contain varying
numbers of stored components which are conceptually seen as
simultaneous number ensembles of vibrations in transit on each
wagon and from a relative point of view it does not matter whether
the ensembles move from wagon to wagon or the wagon itself
moves. Maharishi Kapila emphasises, through Suthras 7 to 9, that
this hidden super-positioning factor has serious ramifications in the
physics of the Substratum.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 77
Clarity Of Thought.
Analysing phenomenon logically invariably led to reducing it to
its elemental level. Such a procedure succeeded because counting
the elemental components distinctively led to an accurate equation
of balance. As long as the process involved static or stationary
objects, the procedure remained simple and traceable. Activity
involved objects that moved or changed location. Accounting for
the interval or time period meant, that the concept of accounting
for objects had to be changed to measuring elemental states of
activity. Hence dealing with a dynamic Universe through a single
logical law that integrated time and space as an unit, required an
intellectual approach that had not been introduced so far in
science. Maharishi Kapila created a unique and brilliant procedure
to unify these two seemingly opposing parameters. He considered
the cubic solid to be just the form of a vibrating set of parameters
that remained in the same location to imitate that permanent shape.
Through that approach, the entire set of universal parameters was
accurately derived in Sankhya.
The existence of the Universe and all phenomena is confirmed
by observation, detection, and measurement. The complete
detection process, by either human senses or instrumented
methods, depends entirely on vibrations for its transmission and
reception. All the human senses, including tactile responses, are
motivated only by vibrations and likewise, instrumented results too
are conditioned by the same. The key is to understand repetitive
oscillatory interactions of the elementary components that cause
vibrations. If it is strictly limited to the study of oscillatory
functions, then a purely intellectual effort should enable man to
construct a basic theory, right from the ground up to its limiting
boundary. Such a fundamental theory should enable him to
anticipate the entire spectrum of permutations, combinations and
its ramifications, that are possible in the dynamic oscillatory state.
With this understanding, he could derive the limits, limitations and
the conditions necessary for the theory to operate as predicted. He
could also identify the critical turning points to be verified in
reality, to confirm its theoretical validity. All this is possible because
only one parameter, namely vibration, is to be studied analysed and
understood. Above all, if this subject was to be understood by
78 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
everyone then it had to have every supplementary subject or aid to
comprehension, built into it.
That is exactly what Maharishi Kapila did in evolving the
Sankhya principles, purely by intellectual means, using the human
mind as his theoretical and experimental laboratory. The depth of
his intellectual acumen can be gauged by his mode of presentation.
Since it was to be transmitted orally through vocal statements (see
note 4), by young and old through generations, who may or may
not have been capable of understanding its technical purpose, two
levels of meanings were woven into it. The carefully chosen words
had a general, static, everyday meaning , applicable to humans, so
that the temptation to give a slant to 'difficult-to-understand' words
was eliminated and a metric poetic style encouraged the young to
reproduce it faithfully. Additionally, the coherence or unity of a
thought process was defined by the poetic Arya metre, like the full
stop at the end of a sentence. The hidden real hard core meaning
could be extracted by an intellectual and confirmatory Siddhi
process of meditation, indicated in Suthra 6. The critical numerical
verifiers of important theorems was presented in the guise of an
innocuous numerative style as an apparent aid to memory. Every
word, number, syllable and economic style of its presentation has a
meaning. The proof that the Maharishi succeeded is confirmed by
the fact that not only every important constant in physics literally
falls out on application of its principles, but has provided an
impeccable algorithm to identify every unit of scientific value from
the Substratum in the future.
The true significance of this work can be brought out more
forcefully by comparing a statement historically ascribed to an
ancient Greek intellectual, who after evolving the principle of
leverage, stated, that with a lever long enough and a place to stand
on, he would move the earth. Maharishi Kapila gave the process of
evolving the most powerful intellectual lever, the Moolaprakriti, the
dimensionless and scale invariant yardstick that would allow any
individual to reconstruct the Universe intellectually through just 70
significant Suthras or holistic theorems (see note 9). Authors of the
"Concepts of particle physics" ,Gottfried and Weisskopf have
posed this excellently thought out question "Can some grand
principle – some wondrously elegant set of equations – encompass
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 79
all of physics ?" and explained what physics seeks is " an axiomatic
basis of austere but compelling force which, when elegantly
formulated, leads inexorably to phenomenon that are complex and
that were previously inexplicable, or not even anticipated" …… .
There could not have been a better poser, for Sankhya not only
fulfils all the criteria sought above but goes one step further, by
providing such a numerically perfect answer, as proof, that could
be applied to any and every equation man could formulate with
reference to the Substratum. Sounding a cautionary note, humanity
in general and the specialist in particular, seem to prefer
complexity to simplicity, romanticism to reality and the obscure to
the obvious, all of which may make difficult the acceptance of
Sankhya for what it really is and one can only hope that his innate
mental flexibility and inner wisdom is awakened enough to
understand and accept its factual clarity in expressing an extremely
complex observable phenomenal structure that offers the ultimate
gift of nature, abundant energy at maximal efficiency.
An important consequence of the Moolaprakriti yardstick is the
introduction of six important conceptual mathematical changes
(among many others) in current physics that will inexorably compel
intellectuals to accept the Sankhya concept of the Substratum of
space. Firstly, the holographic state of the undetectable
components of the Substratum can be mathematically defined to
the required precision for the first time, like the periodic table in
chemistry, between both the central nuclear core & bounded limits.
It can be presented as a continuous spectrum or continuum,
thereby introducing a radical change in our scientific understanding
of space. The mathematical formulation, modelled on an algebraic
power series, permits even the nth level displacements to maintain
the coherent and self-similar interactive vibrations permanently in a
quiescent stationery state that acts as an absorber or energy sink.
The coherent, super-symmetric, super-conductive, quiescent
state is maintained at a precise interactive level by a super heavy
coherent blackhole Purusha mass equivalent to 1025 GEV or 41
million times heavier than the planck mass and is yet to be
identified in particle physics. It forms the immovable ground state.
Incidentally, it also provides an ideological solution to the
cosmological riddle of an open or closed Universe because of an
80 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
enormous store of mass energy in a "coherent potential" state. The
explicitly defined Sankhya view of the Substratum is that a plenum
of components form a base for manifesting phenomenon, like a
screen for projecting a movie or a coated television tube that
reflects the electronic radiation but with the added difference that
the internal state of the components function continuously in a
super-symmetric and super-active vibratory mode which when
disrupted beyond a precise level leads to a directional displacement
of oscillations as radiation. In simple words the
Secondly, it proves that the rate of transmission of "control
information indicating the state of vibratory stresses" , defined in
Sankhya, as transmigration of vibratory power by tunnelling
through the Substratum, rises to become "instantaneous" across
any conglomerate self contained unit, be it a galaxy or a nucleus,
thereby fulfilling the concept of the missing advanced potential
necessary to preserve the principle of causality. It means that even
a Galactic boundary functions in a 'simultaneous' mode as a single
entity with a centre of mass characteristics, due to control of it's
inner coherent potential by a mere internal phase shift in it's
coherent state. It has a cascading amplifying effect like a
pantograph arm and it's diametrical distance acts like a rigid rod
due to an extremely high compressibility or rigidity modulus caused
by an axiomatic collapse function. It is the sum of all past
interactions that provides the potential to act. The rigidity is due to
an extremely high super-positioning density of vibrations built up
by the continuing axiomatic interactive resonant state over an
eternity of cycles in a sea of components.
Scientists like Mach, Planck, Maxwell, Schwarzschild,
Chandrashekhar, Hawking and Sakharov & Einstein in particular
identified the need in principle for a type of metric elasticity or
deformation parameter in space and several derivations exist under
their respective names. The Sankhya internal rigidity potential
under the definition of Abhiman is an extremely elegant axiomatic
consequence of applying the self-similar resonant interaction as a
summated series in infinite cycle duration. It means that every so
called free geodesic of approximately 200,000 light years in space,
acts like a rigid rod in which both the ends twist or rotate by the
same amount literally at the same time or instantly by the defined
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 81
Ahankar process. The allowable cycle time for a 360 degree twist is
within the range of a single Moolaprakriti cycle. The twist alters the
vector potentials along the entire length and is balanced by local
corrective action subject to the potential energy state existing
there. This factor explains the EPR and the Aharanov – Bom
anomalies but more spectacularly the cohesiveness of the Galactic
No object or wave really moves with a translational velocity
that would violate the principles of special relativity but the
"instantaneous or simultaneous" change in the direction or phase
of interactive stresses causes transmigration of stress-phase-angle at
a phenomenal rate, which is obviously a new factor in physics.
Viewing the transmigration phenomenon objectively and logically,
there should not be any intellectual difficulty in accepting it as it
has been occurring in nature from time immemorial, say in the
form of sound wave and electrical-magnetic wave transmissions
with a velocity difference of approximately million times, analogous
to the difference in photon and stress-phase-change
transmigration. Hence a disturbance that transmits both a sound
and electromagnetic wave independently through a medium,
cannot be easily identified as being related, by a later measurement,
because of the large velocity difference.
A long rigid rod will transmit to the other end, the same event
at different rates depending on whether it is a sound-wave , electromagnetic
wave or a simply by a physical push. Consider a mental
experiment wherein the start of a train from a station 300 metres
away is signalled electrically in a micro-second, by sound in a
second but a "very rigid rod" would transfer both rotary and linear
micro movements instantly and will be detected before the other
signals. When activity is coherent and synchronised it acts as a rigid
ensemble. This experiment indicates both the electrical and sound
vibrations are aspects indicating the degree of "non-rigidity" of the
rod or medium. Sankhya proves that relative to all the vibratory
signals man is or can be aware of, the components of the
Substratum form an extremely rigid plenum that rises by 86 orders
to reach a super-positioning density level of 96 orders at the
moment of a colliding interaction between them.
82 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The fact that a Galactic ensemble can remain together for
millions of years demands through logical rigour, the concept of an
internal physical connection, for axiomatic mathematics has
demolished once and for all the principle of action at a distance or
oscillatory activity without a medium. By the same token space
cannot maintain an integrated control over units greater than a
Galactic ensemble. While relativistic analysis gives all the
importance to sequential movement or "time-like" activity within
the light-cone, there is no evidence of any explicit method of
solving problems in "space-like" regions beyond identifying it as
such. The Abhiman / Ahankar factor indicates that distant
gravitational potential changes can be detected, only as a local
phase change, at an approximate phase related velocity between the
4th. and 6th. power of light velocity, identified as MohaThaama to
AndhaThaama states covering 1018 modes of stress-phase- changes
and not as a wave in the classical sense. This mode of action is
dealt with in physics as entropy, but statistical methods are needed
to analyse in detail whereas self similar Guna roles maps this region
Hence two distant space-like events are related by a signal
transmitted by the twist of a "rigid rod" and the rigidity factor
conditioned by the stress generated by the density of phenomenon
( matter) in a locality and the maximum stress, is in "flat" or
Euclidean space. Such events would seem spontaneous if the
internal transmigrating cause is not known. This principle
highlights the possibility of detecting distant events, almost
instantly, through synchronous-amplification devices that can
detect a phase shift / change in the vector potential or gravitational
potential of the Substratum. Perpetual seismic activity is a spacelike
phase related activity caused by other stellar bodies. Apparently
cerebral neural systems seem to have this capability in the form of
telepathy, clairvoyance and psycho-kinesis, predicted by Sankhyan
principles of Yoga and reliably witnessed by scientific investigators,
for example, like Puharich of confirmed psychic feats performed
by Uri Geller at the Stanford Research Institute.
Thirdly, it proves that all radiated phenomenon, like photons of
light, must decay, which consequently removes the foundation for
the highly unpalatable "Big Bang" expanding universe concept but
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 83
at the same time provides a logical mathematical explanation for
the distance-proportional red-shift of spectral lines that Hubble
discovered. For that was primarily the cause of it's origin, despite
being aware of the fact that this anomaly did not exist within a
Galaxy. Since Sankhya specifically recommends integer
mathematics as the correct path to understanding phenomenon,
the relativistic equations of motion along a geodesic, when
transformed through integer mathematical procedures, show that
it is a loci of a line of components with a nett zero differential
internal-stress-energy-tensor value. It further demonstrates through
algebraic mathematics that the infinitesimal displacement
identifying the geodesic, itself has a coherent potential that can be
expressed in a self-similar and perpetually coherent Moolaprakriti
power series by a dimensionless variable, upto infinite levels, which
seems to be new to physics.
The gravitational red-shift confirms this concept, which
demands the distance proportional behaviour and by the same
token it leads to the inexorable conclusion that any cupful of
energy called a quanta must wear itself out at some finite distance
in a free field. A photon is an accelerated wave packet that has
broken out of the boundary of the phase synchronised coherent
state due to an obstruction that has disrupted the symmetric
internal oscillations. Spatial transmigration of stress like an
electrical signal, precedes the photon, similar to a sound wave, to
tell it when to stop. The photon mass is a Moolaprakriti, excited by
a structured ensemble of seven levels of randomly superposed
vibrations that wagon-hops along the 'geodesic' components,
dropping a count per hop, which allows the first ensemble to last
approximately 60 light years. The internal stress level of log 66
axiomatic value dissipates itself at a radius of log 22, being the
volume1/3 proportion of a plane wave..
Fourthly, in a holographic model there is no ideological
division of mass and energy, hence even the lightest "particle"
must possess the quality of synchronous, centred vibrations or
"mass," thereby clarifying it's structure. Superpositioned vibrations
act as a unit on a supporting base, thereby introducing the concept
of inertia in a field. Because of this dichotomy, Einstein was
compelled to postulate the principle of Equivalence to explain the
84 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
seemingly magical quality of mass and force maintaining a constant
relationship in a the gravitational field. In a holographic model all
manifested "particles", are only superpositioned sets of vibrations
in the undetectable Purusha components in the Substratum.
Hence all particles of any "mass" must "move" at the same rate
like different sized objects move together at the same rate on an
escalator and each of its step or landing signifying a different state.
Fifthly, the "coherent and unmanifest massive state" of the
dynamic Substratum provides the base for absorbing radiation
(decay) through the collapse function that maintains the rigidity of
the field, resulting in the principle of spontaneous & continuous
creation. The axiomatic collapse function, being a continuous and
constant phenomenon, depicting the simultaneous-sum of all
pevious interactions, caused by any obstruction to a resonant state,
enables the Substratum to maintain the coherent super-symmetric
state with an abundant reservoir of synchronous mass- energy in
an unmanifest or hidden state along any two synchronised axis.
The logic is based on the fact that higher vibratory states will
always be reduced to the lower state it is in contact with, by
equalising, akin to a thermal equilibrium process.
Lastly but of significant importance, the large hidden spectrum
of high "mass / energy" phenomenon can be extracted when the
perfectly balanced, coherent and super symmetric state of the
Substratum is disrupted by high frequency asynchronous triggering.
Physical evidence of this process already exists in the form of the
enigmatic cosmic ray phenomenon triggered spontaneously by a
seemingly random collapse function. Ball-streak-lightening and
Polar Auroras are another example. The mechanism of Hawking's
super-radiance phenomenon, being an exact replica of the photon
spectrum at the blackhole boundary, gives additional confirmation.
Hawking's blackhole temperature value is derived through
Sankhyan logic with extreme precision. The Sankhya mathematics
shows that there is a continuous, constant and simultaneous
interactions active in 1018 parallel modes, that makes the
Substratum the most active foundation of the Universe and yet it
is not detectable! It opens the door to a new system of
environmentally safe, cold and synchronous conversion of large
amounts of field energy into either mechanical or electrical work
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 85
output . See Section 'Powerhouse of theUniverse' and the 'Self
Charging Battery' for details.
It is unlike nuclear processes that uses the principle of
converting mass potential into kinetic energy through a change in
phase or state, which is similar to a fossil fuel cycle that needs a
periodic conversion set-up. It requires a natural or manmade
procedure to cycle the input fuel so that it is capable of sustaining a
radioactive interaction. In space the stress energy vector potential is
at an astounding 1035 Newton's in relative terms. As an illustrative
example, the atmospheric air pressure of 105 Newton's responds
with a massive thunderous sound wave lasting several seconds to a
near instantaneous lightening trigger. It is indeed an irony of fate
that India, the country that revered and preserved this Vedic
knowledge intact, has been competing as assiduously as other
nations in searching for a viable energy alternative, while it had the
key in its keeping, in the form of an ancient heritage.
Many centuries ago Count Magdeburg evacuated air from two
very large metal hemispheres placed together and when a number
of horses could not pull them apart, he let in air to allow the
containers to separate on their own. This experiment was necessary
to prove to the scientific community of that period that pressure
(force) and vacuum (suction) were not two separate and opposite
forces but was due to a single force : the pressure of the dynamic
atmospheric air. Since they believed that human lungs would be
crushed in an environment in which air exerted a pressure of 14.7
lbs. / or 10,000 Newton's / sq.M.; they had to be shocked
into accepting this currently acknowledged common fact by a
dramatic experiment.
The logical lesson from it was profound. The observed force
due to a vacuum was only due to the pressure or state of activity of
some thing in it namely invisible air, which had inherent potential
and kinetic qualities. Sankhyan logic indicates that our current
understanding of the basic cause of phenomenon is precisely at the
same crossroads and a Magdeburg type of experiment is vital
today to establish the true structure of space but unfortunately the
size of the sphere needed would turn out to be of sub-atomic
86 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Hence the Sankhyan intellectual approach to theorising about
space was well founded for science had learnt through the
Michelson Morley experiments that qualities of the "vacuum of
space" were beyond experimental observation. All the current
impressive developments in science stands for a horizontal surface
thrust but the discovery of new phenomenon in "thousands"
gives a misleading impression of progress in depth. Success in a
vertical approach (depth) would immediately exposes the current
knowledge as belonging to one deck whereas Sankhya proves that
seven such decks are needed to complete just one scale level and a
cycle covers 7 x 10 scale levels ! That is one magnificent stretch of
phenomenon, by any stretch of imagination, be it mathematical or
The concept of a dimensionless theory would be intellectually
acceptible if all phenomenon were to be strictly presented as a
relational parameter. In fact all numbers can be represented as
ratios by putting 1 in the denominator without affecting current
mathematical parameters. While 1 at higher index levels remain
unusable, any parameter set as an equivalent ratio would have
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 87
Special System Of Proof
The Sankhyan holistic intellectual approach, using rigorous logic
as a tool, led to evolving realistic principles in areas beyond
observable confirmation like the Substratum of phenomenon.
Sankhya endorses the view that mathematics, like any language, is
only a structured code and does not automatically ensure the
maintenance of logical rigor. Realism demanded the acceptance of
the axiom "one cannot detect Nothing". Having established that
in reality, only a change in "Something" can be detected, the basics
of a dynamic fundamental state was evolved by a system of
mathematics that suited it's "starting" status. Dynamic behaviour
at the basic level had to be defined in a simplified but definitive or
axiomatic way to eliminate errors of logic, yet it had to be
applicable to non-dynamic or static states as well. Similarly the
mathematical evolutionary base had to be non-controversial for all
times in the future, hence only simple, unambiguous and selfevident
axioms, that were outside the boundaries of postulates,
preferences, dimensionality, language, interpretations, subjects,
disciplines, techniques, culture and civilisation, could be chosen.
In a Universe where every observable is always in a state of
change it was absolutely essential to lay the foundation on some
constant and predictably changing process whose operating
parameters could form the firm, axiomatic, base for mathematical
logic. Having established that only a change could be verified, it
became essential to develop an axiomatic principle of constancy of
change, under fundamental conditions, as a natural course, that
would form the dynamic yardstick of logic.
Even more important was the need to find a mathematical
logic to sustain the principle of change as a permanent feature and
augment it with a constant incremental ratio forming an infinite
series, that prevented the activity from dying out. Further, the
holistic approach to any theoretical evolution demanded that it
must derive its own proof from its internal logic and also identify
and declare beforehand at what point the proving sequence was
complete or indicate the proof that it has been proved. Applying a
modern flow chart concept, any unitary yardstick of logic placed in
a minimal sequence of six equations of proof would close the loop
in a circular mode and subsequent placements would only repeat
88 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the process already covered. Further, the six logical yardsticks
placed in a hexagonal form, automatically connected every vertex
to the centre by the same unit of logic thereby increasing the six
sequential connections to 12, the additional 6 being simultaneous;
forming a hexagonal ring with six spokes. This is a concept of
positive simultaneous affirmation or the principle of Siddhi
(analysis of logical stream of information in a simultaneous mode)
in Sanskrit, that an individual can apply to himself to know that his
conclusions are correct within the framework of the chosen logic.
Perfection in real time control of a functioning system is ensured
by the inclusion of redundant or parallel units operating
simultaneously but it is a negative use of the foregoing principle,
for it moronically repeats the same process and is a trade off
obtained by sacrificing efficiency for higher reliability. However, in
simultaneous affirmation, which in effect is an incremental form of
redundancy, the results of the previous analysis are the inputs to
the next sequence that effectively changes the scale of the repetitive
In effect it improves the confirmatory process by the power and
is therefore highly efficient in exposing deviations as a value
magnified by the power. There are similar parallel processes in
nature that improves performance many times over by creating a
condition called negative resistance that produces an effective
avalanche which leads to resonant coherent states like the
phenomenon of superconductivity, identified as the Moha-
Mahamoha-AndhaThaama Thaamasic . Sankhya regions. The
implications of such a proving process is mind boggling. As each
sequence is completed, the investigator finds he has no freedom to
deviate from his starting logic but is conditioned by the strict
requirement that the next sequence he is yet to formulate, must
not only tie up through the same logic, forming a precise valued
central link, but above all it must lead him back to his starting
premise within the remaining order of power sequence. One is
lead to wonder if any modern investigator would accept such a
precondition. Sankhya has such a proof based on the principle of
"Nyaya". The proof of the correctness of Sankhya logic is
established internally on the same principle by following the selfconfirming
Siddhi process and is explained in some detail here to
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 89
show the logical refinement involved in proving an extraordinary
thesis beyond all doubt. A logical yardstick L , signifying the stable
and reliable value of a rate of change is laid out as a hexagonal ring
of six units but progressively its power index is raised by one so
that it forms a sequence from L1 to L6. The six L units form the
spokes that act simultaneously to provide the common value at the
centre as shown.
Fig: The Closed Substratum Of Space
The numerical value of derivations following the logical order
indicated in the diagram must all be equated to the value at the
central point, absolutely accurately. The relevant values of L and C
derived in the appropriate sections provide the extraordinary proof
that the phenomenon is stable, unified, perpetual and unmanifest
or perfectly conserved. My is the smallest and elemental unit-period
of activity and L is the maximum number of such interaction or
counts per unit cyclic period.
90 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The coherent Purusha state or blackhole of maximum mass or
inertia or delay or ' static' state per cycle is Kx = My ( L6 ) . The
next state of increase in activity equals the Planck Mass equivalent
of Mahad Prakriti state of Mps = My ( L5 )/(7+1/7). Thirdly, the
state of increase in activity equals the transition activity or the
Stress transmigration ratio of 7 states St = My ( L4 ). Fourthly, the
stable, neutral and fundamental nuclear state of Prakrithi or the
Neutron as PM = My (L3)/Px. Here the interlocked Mahad
Vikrithi or acclerative state of the Electron as Me also equals the
same My (L3)/Px. Fifthly the fundamental particulate state of the
Vikrithi or Neutrino as Ne = My (L2) (2 p/7)2. Sixthly, the
fundamental fraction of a time-cycle of simultaneity when the
difference between the static and dynamic state is nil as Tcy = My
(L)/7 and equals the Planck time in quantum theory.
A cycle in Sankhya is defined through logic as 10 counts. There
are three phases of an interaction and two interfaces where the
change of phase occurs totaling five in one direction. Another 5
similar phases in the opposite reaction totlas a sequence of ten
interactive events in a cycle. The product of such an interaction is
10 x 10 = 100 and the sequence to equalise it is 50 + 50 = 100 as a
resonant sequential interactive reaction, for any balanced
oscillation must cover equal distance in equal times in both
directions. It means that 50 /100 = 2 forms a stable oscillatory
cycle. Any deviation cannot be less than one count or the ratio of a
one count deviation in the total cycle will be as shown ; 50 / (50 -
1) = 50 / 49. In order to ensure that an oscillatory state continues,
L6 must reduce to L within one count or a cycle ratio 50 / 49 or
1+(2/100)1+(2/100)2+(2/100)3+((2/100)infinity = 1.020408163
Then L to L6 must all equalise in 50 / (50 –1) = 50 / 49 cycles to
maintain the resonant state. The astronomical rate of power
radiation needed to sustain the ratio L6 / (1.020408 –1) equals the
value derived in physics is 3.3e+52. Further it will be shown that
there are still higher rates at smaller cyclic intervals which will be
new to physics. If producing
the conditions to suit the above is enough of a challenge it is still
inadequate to produce a holographic or dynamically self starting
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 91
condition. It leads eventually to a stationery or a permanently
unmanifest dynamic condition. The series above is exactly equal to
50/49 of a cycle in infinite interactions. The unit 1 is likewise
integer factorised to produce a complex simultaneous series (
shown in the mathematical section) to represent the six Ls. With
these predetermined and internally derived proving tools the, the
Substratum described as "Aikaantha-Aathyantha-Atho-Abhavat" in
Sanskrit, is proved to exist permanently beyond a doubt. The
critical constants in the special and general theory of relativity are
confirmed through the axioms developed in Sankhya and highlights
the error that has led to conceptualising space in unreal terms. As
shown later in the relevant Suthras, each of the 6 vertices is
identified with a precise valued constant like the Moolaprakriti at
centre, the constant rate of change L, the Satwic Bhava or charge
at L2, the Rajasic Linga/Bhava or electro-magnetic / lepton /
boson / hadron region at L3 , the Bhava Moha Thaama or baryon
region at L4 , the Linga Mahamoha Thaama or quark region at L5 ,
the Andha Thaama or the Higgs or Planck mass region at L6 and
the Purusha / Abhiman core or blackhole region at L7 , with a
mass around 1025 GEV. The Ahankar tunnelling region, new to
physics, from L7 to L is the vertical potential drop that is balanced
by a single Moolaprakriti with an uncertainty of 50/49 of the cycle
in infinite time sequence as shown by the series above. Each spoke
has the corresponding power index signifying the level or rate of
transmigration or transmission of vibratory stress within the
Substratum. The maximum differential or relative rate is L6 and
the entire simultaneous region of six L units, forms the coherent,
synchronised, resonant, super-symmetric, superconductive,
superposed, super dense, simultaneously active, balanced, dynamic,
but unmanifest or undetectable state because the interactions are
balanced internally. The proof hinges on the sequential factor
50/49, supported by an even more exotic and complex time
constant series, shown later, defining the simultaneous L tunneling
states by a single self-similar numerical value raised to any power
index level . In the mathematical explanations, it will be shown that
all the parameters mentioned above are dimensionless counts
numerically equal to values accepted in current physics. Hence it is
not surprising that, Maharishi Kapila's Sankhyakarika is held in
92 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
high esteem and is specifically mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita,
which explains, without mathematics, the functioning of the
holographic field in the Substratum, from chapters 13 to 18. It is
pertinent to mention here that Einstein (see note 7) raises this very
question that the number of equations of proof required to define
distances between n points of Euclidean or flat space is (((n2 – n)
/2 ) –3n), which gives a null or negative result with the value of n
= 7 or less. Hence 6 has to be added to this equation to give
meaningful results. As shown, the concept of simultaneous
affirmation has confirmed that 6 are not only more than enough
but completing even these literally becomes a Herculean task. But
in Sankhya (see note 10) this task is made into a mere mental
counting procedure. Why ?. So that every human being can
understand the universal process. It is their right to know and
understand a truly democratic process of universal manifestation, if
they so desire. It also implies that, with a near universal spread of
this knowledge, it must be used with reverence and caution and if
misused there is the danger of a similar retaliation by others with
similar knowledge. Hence the epitome of Sankhyan thought is that
real knowledge leads to total freedom of action, with a real respect
for democratic procedures as truth can act as a double-edged
As an example of Sankhya logic and clarity of thought, the
development of a simple generic equation for any interaction in the
Substratum is shown below. Sankhya does not segregate
phenomenon into domains of force. Logically it cannot because
only vibrations are involved and the difference in interactive
potential can vary from a single count to the sixth power of L
within a cycle. Any volume can be described by length cubed or L3
and if L = V x T (Velocity into time) then V3 x T3 will be the new
definition of that quantity M = L3 whose volumetric form is V3 and
density is T3 . Again, using a dynamic description, R can be
defined as a rate of change C into time interval T. Then, in a state
of freedom to interact, two sets of polarised factors present
themselves for manipulation , keeping N at unity :
R3 = ( C x T2 ) x ( C2 x T ) = Volumetric form
R3 = ( C x superposed interval T2) x ( C2 x interval T)
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 93
Consequently M = R3 x N3 = C3 x T3 x N3 . While time T can
be measured and has a meaning, the square or cube of time T, must
be eliminated as it cannot form a detectable parameter. Re-writing
that equation with C x T = R as a measurable parameter then the
mass M = R x C2 x T2 x N3 . Since the dimensionless ratios,
density as N cubed and time as T squared, cannot be measured
directly, its product can be written as the constant G in an
equation where G = T2 x N3 . C can be measured along any axis so
the simultaneous combinations of C along all 3 axis is presented as
the cube of C. Rewriting:
M= R x C2 x (T2 x N3 ) = R x C2 x G = R2 x (C / T) x G = T x
C3 x G
Or M /G = R x C2 = R2 x (C / T) = T x C3 = (R x C2 = M x
( 1/G)
Students of physics will recognise the last as a dimensionless
harmonic equation, equivalent to the well known Newtonian
gravitational expression (Newtonian gravity constant is Gn)
(R v2 = Gn M) or v = Ö{ (Gn M) / R }
if the gravity constant Gn is taken as the reciprocal of G and v
as C. Sankhya shows that the constant G hides a very large range
of simultaneous interactions and the state of the Substratum is
shown below. Surprisingly there are no direct equivalent terms in
current physics defining the 4 phases within the gravity constant
domain and therefore the highly specific Sanskrit term is given
Raja Interactive Oscillatory Cycle G = Constant
Class of activity Coherent state Dynamic state
Substratum state Yuga Krama
External Abhiman Ahankar
Internal Linga Bhava
The oscillatory rate C remains stable as it is caused by the very
first level of increment from one to two as an axiomatic principle.
The constancy of C provides the stable ground level that maintains
the variable parameters in a proportional and controlled state with
reference to it. The foregoing equations can be transposed as
M = R x C2 x G = R2 x (C / T) x G = T x C3 x G and rewriting
T x C3 = M / (T2 x N3 ) = (M / G) = L3 when T = 1
94 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
While this equation expresses the equality of the change on the
left side the right side L3 must be kept constant as it represents the
absolute reality, so the constancy is maintained by the hidden
parameters in G. In mathematical terms this is a sterile equation
because if the right side must not be changed and C is stable then
T cannot change. But it is not so. C is the axiomatic rate of
vibration in any direction and the total in all three directions is C3
in a cycle but there is nothing to prevent it synchronising or
vibrating simultaneously in step or in phase in all directions, along
all 3 axis, at the same rate of C. As an example, if 10 people
clapped their hands in a sequence, the 10 events could be counted
but if all of them did so simultaneously, at the same instant, then
only one event would be registered but with an identifiable
difference that the latter would be louder, because the energy
content of 9 hidden claps are emitted at once. Hence, when the
vibrations along 3 axis synchronise in phase, immediately one
understands that an extraordinary event has occurred. The count of
C3 has reduced by synchronising to C along all 3 axis and time T
has increased to T x C2 so that the right side remains unchanged
(though G internally exchanges to equalise by tunneling) and this
location now vibrates in the breathing mode and has acquired the
quality of mass or synchronous behaviour that amplifies activity.
When an unsynchronised rate as high as C3 drops or collapses to a
simultaneous state of C then the effort to equalise will create a
transmigration of higher rates of vibrations towards the C state
(like in attaining thermal equilibrium) but it has now to be in the
sequentially extended time T x C2 (or equivalently the coherent
potential has increased) therefore this state of inward drift
remains for a long time. In fact it becomes eternal as shown in
Sankhya Suthra 68. The change by increase in measurable count as
(T x Cn ) in the Substratum by mere synchronisation of 2 or 3 axis
is shown below:
1. t x c3 = m / (t2 x n3 ) = (m / g.) .
non synchronised state - all 3 axis in free state.
2. (t x c ) x c2 = m / ((t2 x c ) x n3 / c) = (m / g).
any two axis synchronised.
3. (t x c2 ) x c = m / (((t2 x c2 ) x n3 / c2 ) = (m / g.).
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 95
Here all three axis are synchronised in the coherent breathing
mode and energy stored as mass by the absorbed value of C2 . the
c2 factor in g (t2 x n3) has tunnelled from observable density n3 to
the hidden superposed domain of time t2 as (t2 x c2 ) x n3 / c2 . It is
easy to see this transfer in principle but experimentally it can be
only detected as a change in the mass / energy relationship with a
corresponding change in the coupling or bonding mass / energy
ratio. Only an intellectual theoretical analysis will expose the
tunnelling aspect.
The important factor to understand is that though all the
numerical values remain constant , the mere process of
synchronisation leading to coherence brings about a commutation
of adjoining factors to produce a spectrum of changed states. The
definition of when two sets of vibrations synchronise perfectly is
derived through the principle of self similar interaction. The
synchronisation point has two well defined constraints. Cyclic time
period and the distance in which the same number of vibrations
per cycle must be matched precisly, should be derivable as an
axiomatic state. Application of the self similar factor x = 0.618034
ensures that the above state is axiomatically sustained and these are
derived and proved in their respective Suthras.
The key to this functional behaviour is the equation that
balanced incremental or additive time factors. It is matched to the
simultneous or 'instant' incremental ratio and is equal always. That
is 1+x = 1/x or (1+x)n = (1/x)n. Regardless of how the vibrations
per cycle change, the state of synchronous behaviour as a coherent
single unit will be maintained. Hence any cubic, spherical or unit
entity can be described in detail, to any levels of accuracy, of its
internal intercative behaviour that maintains the unified form or
structure. Therefore any nuclear entity, be it the sun or the nucleon,
can be mapped into zones of identifiable functional
characteristics. The numerical values can be extracted by defining
one single parameter that has relevance. Sankhya Sutras define a
limit on the previous, past or original state as being cubed. Time
cubed cannot be measured but a cubic dynamic state must contain
velocity cubed into time squared units in a cyclic time period, both
of which are measurable. Through this concept one can derive the
96 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
time element of a field as the cube root of a detectable value N and
it in turn becomes the field element of N cubed states.
All this can happen within the Substratum only because
vibrations transmigrate through a self-similar law of interaction
along the unmanifest components. The change in the self-similar
coherent state involves the mere shifting or sliding of the power
index in a Pascal triangle of indexed constants terminating at
infinity. at has occurred can be explained in many ways. It is the
ubiquitous singularity, the gravitational collapse, the black hole,
the coherent and kinetic potential interactive gradient, the
asymptotic freedom state of quarks, the proton electron boundary
unit configuration , the spectrum of electromagnetic phenomenon,
the molecular ensemble, the galactic stellar planetary combination,
and so on endlessly.
Sankhya describes it picturesquely in Suthra 21 as the
association between one who is blind and the other a lame one
trying to get out of a deep hole. The integer mathematics
formulation shows, without a shadow of doubt that the build up of
a coherent state, labelled as a collapse, is the most natural
phenomenon in a holographic mode. Any normally self resonant
activity will collapse to a coherent state if obstructed.
Thus gravity is born, the root of all forces but it changes it
colour during its climb to the boundary in eternal time without
changing M but only its internal state of the constituents of G. It
can occur anywhere and every where, at any place , at any time,
but only within the Substratum that functions in a holographic way.
In fact it is happening all the time as the quantum fluctuations in
the vacuum of space. The change from C3 to C2 and C by
synchronising of the axis, provides the three interactive categories
of hadronic, bosonic to photonic and leptonic states with similar
level-wise characteristics. The largest conglomerate group being a
Galaxy to the smallest Moolaprakriti is established as a continuum
and all function by the same formulation. All interactive exchanges
are described by the same expression regardless of size or cyclic
period. The manifested objects are finite and mathematically
definable but the Substratum and its duration are beyond any
definition because it is an absolute and fundamental state, only with
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 97
reference to which the entire process of manifestation has
The answer to the most enigmatic question 'What is gravity',
being sought so assiduosly by researchers, is provided by Sankhya
logic. It is caused by a missing interactive count and the count is
missed because it synchronises with an adjacent interactive count.
A movement of an interactive location (seen as a force) is caused
when an equal and opposite reactive interactive state does not
arrive at the same point at every cycle of interaction. In real terms
the foregoing state is the cause of any movement and becomes a
force when a number of units act simultaneously to destroy the
balance that two equal interactive states maintain.
The enigma of gravity being a onesided movement or force is
explained by the fact that when a large number of interactive states
act simultaneously and syncronously a proportionat number of
reactive counts to act simultaneously, with the result a gap in the
interactive cycle is created. The gap in interactive response creates
an inward or "attractive forc". The phenomenon of inward
acceleration is to be seen as spheres or rings of simultaneous
interactive states moving towards a 'mass' because the reactive
response has failed to arrive in time to maintain the balanced
location. The aggregative units of interactive states represent a
movement of stresses.
The substratum is a continuum but detection takes place only at
nodal positions as only integer counts mark the end of the
interactive process. Inbetween nodes two parameters will identify
any state. There is no uncertainty in the substratum for every
interactive event is due to specific cause and locations are bound by
laws of cubuc resonance. The most important fact is nothing
moves in the substratum but only stresses transmigrate as vibratory
ensembles. The solidity is established when the rate of compressive
modes exceed c1+x counts per cycle or a femtosecond . The field
becomes continuos and simltaneous transmision of counts increase
wavelength. Lower count rate or longwavelength regions act as
absorber states. Summarising the above one gets the value of a
maximum charge when a (c1+x) synchronised count along two axis
splits to lose synchrony and becomes (c1+x)2 count value as a
quantum of charge in motion. Reversing this action by combinng
98 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
(c1+x)2 to synchronise exactly in phase along two axis makes c1+x
vanish and only so that mass value of c2 appears as a hidden count
because (cx)2 being a coherent stress count increase during an
interaction it escapes detection but turns up as the reciprocal of the
gravitation constant in space to restore an equation with a missing
mass value. In other words both mass and charge are momentary
or transitary count increases as stress during an interaction and
equates the coherent 'restful' state to G as the gravitation constant
and quantifies the accelerative increase in stress during an
externalised interaction as a charge with a value of E.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 99
The Missing Count
Sankhya methodically identified all the possible logical reasons
for detection and non-detection of events in a dynamic or
changing environment (Suthras 5 to 10) and arrived at an
important conclusion that in a dynamic system, synchronisation or
simultaneous actions ( among many other reasons) hid events and
made them undetectable yet the hidden events were accountable.
Recall the simultaneous claps episode mentioned earlier. (A similar
static analogy would be to view from the top 4 cubes stacked
vertically along the y axis and next to it another 4 cubes laid in a
horizontal sequence along the x axis.) From a standpoint of
correct understanding, the two types of events were identical in
totality (10 claps from 10 people), but one had a unitary sequence
or Bhava kinetic phase that was time dependant (the cubes along x
axis) and the other was simultaneous but number dependant Linga
potential phase (the cubes stacked vertical).
Hence a critical observer could arrive at a correct conclusion by
measuring, analysing and accounting for the total event, using the
three aspects of sequential, simultaneous and an intermediate
transition phase that could be a mixture of the two. The concept of
detecting simultaneous activity at the basic level was clarified by
using integer mathematical procedures. To illustrate, the number of
units or objects in equal lengths in the x and y axis (at right angles
to each other) cannot be the same, for the item at the intersecting
zero position is common to both rows. If sixteen cubes were
placed to form a square, 4 would form the base and three rows of 4
cubes each, placed above it would complete the task. Mathematical
generalisation results in expressing it as the product of 4 x 4 = 16,
giving an erroneous impression that both length and height have
the same number of cubes. Occupancy wise yes but identity wise
no, because the first cube in the base has been counted again in the
vertical length. Since only the state of the cube is cognisable a grave
error has crept in by recounting the first one. To clarify, if the
horizontal row represented activity proceeding leftward, then if the
vertical column stood for an upward move, the first cube shared
both these characteristics. Imagine two persons taking a census of
two rows of houses on two streets at right angles to each other
with one house common to both streets at the junction. Unless
100 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
they are aware of this common house it is likely to be counted in by
both persons. The nature of the error is in the simultaneous
representation on one cube, for the sequential counts along both
the vertical and horizontal directions tally.
2 counts
Synchronised counts hide 6 counts. Prakrithi.
8 counts
Unsynchronised along all 3 axis. Vikrithi
Fig: Concept Of Vanishing Counts
The error was in accounting for the potential phase. It must be
realised that in a stack of 4 cubes (two on two) the gradient of
change is one by two and not two by two as would be presented in
a static framework. Sankhya shows that this potential difference
amounts to 50 percent of the total and added to the fact that the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 101
two axis, in any interaction do not present equal units in equal
times, keeps the state of the substratum dynamic at all times.
There, due to the shared functioning of the central cube in all three
directions, vibrations can never synchronise or attain a state of rest,
internally, at the basic nodal level. The instantaneous activity level
at this node called Andhatamisrah or "darkest division of hell", has
a coherent mass equivalent of 1025 GEV. Moreover, as there is no
limit to the number of vibrations that can superpose on a
component of space, any such error can throw an equation totally
out of balance.
Since only a change in oscillations are detectable, there is a
caveat in differentiating units or conglomerate groups. Even if
there are many objects, if all them present the same count rate, the
observer has no way of identifying the individual units due to the
camouflaging effect or zero contrast status. The problem is
exacerbated when accounting for time. Timing is count dependant.
Counting 10 interactions in a cycle is accountable. The ratio of
1/10 of cycle time into 10 cycles is balanced. But if each of the ten
counts hid 10 more counts as exactly syncronised actions, the
process of accounting for time hides a serious error. The 100
counts received as ten counts/ per cycle indicates that that each
count takes 1/100 of cycle but that assumption would be highly
inaccurate. For it hides the fact that between two counts there was
a clear interval of 1/10 of a cycle. The former assumption indicates
a crowded sequence of interactive events
whereas the events were separated by inactive intervals. This
error in derivation of time has given an erroneous impression of
the smallest time interval. The Plancktime does not exist nor
can it exist because the smallest interval in time is the Compton
interval or 1/(5e+13) of a cycle or second When all three axis
synchronise then the cube of ( 1/5e+13)3 = 1/1.25e+41 is shown
as the Planckian interval. But that does not exist for the nuclear
diameter is the smallest and detectable dimension which allows an
interval of only ( k-1)/(5e+13) as the discriminatable unit.
Analysing the information mathematically from the source that
sent 10 simultaneous counts with each detectable count will expose
the interval as 1/100. But observation or measurement will indicate
102 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the blank periods between counts as being one tenth. The counts
have vanished but the density remains. Two factors here help
absorption of counts. Ten counts will be moving towards 1 count
interval and the density being 10 times the time of reaction too will
be reduced proportionately. Hence the higher counts can
transmigrate to the low count region easily. Hence space is an
absorber of counts.
Two objects with two different rates cannot stay adjacent to
each other unless there is a common or equilibrium rate at this
junction. Similarly higher rates of vibrations will modulate the
lower rate and create numerable median or harmonic states or the
higher rates will move towards the lower one. Therefore an
axiomatic ground state must be identified as the normal
background to relate all phenomenon in a meaningful way. The
first component can be differentiated from another only by the
difference in its count rate. A count of one (or a set) can be
recognised only against the next sequence of 2, forming a total of
3. Three cubes can be placed in the x and y axis forming equal
lengths but the 1 and 2 difference can be created only by viewing it
as a right triangle with a base of 2 and a relative incremental height
of 1 forming a hypotenuse of value Ö5.
The fundamental nature of this representation is understood by
seeing that if all three cubes are at the same level or in a line the
count rate does not change and can only be one as the height or
potential is same but the simultaneous occupancy or
superpositioning density has increased.
Within the instant or cycle this ratio must be treated
logarithmically. The variation from a count rate of 1 to 2 is the very
first change possible and all rules of interaction must begin from
this axiomatic base. Sankhya logic shows that if this 1 to 2
oscillatory ratio of change is maintained, a coherent or stationary
interactive relationship is sustained. If the ratio reduces, the
oscillatory interactions superpose showing compressive or
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 103
aggregative qualities; if otherwise separation takes place, exhibiting
movement and expansion. The logic of the entire range of
phenomenon in the substratum has been constructed from this
dynamic base as an unbroken stretch of complex numerical
constants forming a continuum.
Accountable three dimensional space could be described
logically, symmetrically and economically, only by a cube and the
concept of accountability demanded that the fundamental unit
retain this continuity at the elemental level. Hence the
infinitesimal, point-like unit could not be conceived of as anything
other than a cube. It becomes an axiom if it is understood that any
other shape requires a derived coefficient to equate it to a cube.
Therefore, there is no escape from the unequivocal conclusion that
if any section of real space is to be accounted for mathematically,
even for an instant, by the ultimate elemental unit, be it the point,
infinitesimal, component, particle or whatever, only the cube
perfectly satisfies the prime condition required for the title of
elementarity meaning that it cannot be any thing other than a single
category. (Any gaps between shapes other than cubes must be
justified by another quality, bringing in its wake constants of
dimensionality.) If it is realised the concept of a point in geometry
and the infinitesimal in calculus, hides this logic, then it would at
once be evident that both could hide an entire universe of vibratory
phenomenon, because an oscillation is not a "thing" but only the
"activity count on or in a thing" and if all the vibrations act in
unison it is impossible to detect the occupation numbers by direct
measurement. From the foregoing it becomes amply clear that the
current conceptual base of the entire mathematical structure cannot
be meaningfully applied to the hidden simultaneous, coherent,
symmetric, dynamic and unmanifest nature of a holographic
model of space not because the formulations are defective; it is far
from that. In fact logically the current spectrum of mathematics is
perfect in the extreme but it can apply only to detectable
phenomenon that has a sequential logic, velocity characteristics
with at least an instant of the human fiction called clock time. It is
well known that the detectable dynamic nature of oscillatory
vector, scalar and spinor fields, including the electro-magnetic
spectrum, disappear or vanish in the so called "stationery" states.
104 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
To quote a significant statement from Einstein's book "The
Meaning Of Relativity" in explaining conservative qualities of the
field he states "It is interesting that according to the equations (
energy conservation equations) the density of the energy currents (
a1, a2, a3 ) as well as the energy density (a4) vanish for a field that
is independent of x4 (=time/velocity co-ordinate) . From this one
can conclude that according to this theory a stationery field free
from singularities can never represent a mass different from zero."
In the Sankhya mathematical section it will be shown to the
contrary that only the stationery field can have the maximum mass
in the form of a coherent potential. ( Lp2 x Dp) for the insignificant
point in the field is indeed a singularity represented by the
elemental cube, the Purusha . This caveat had been precipitated in
physics by the failure of the Michelson Morley experiments to
detect space as a substantial medium, which drove the relativistic
ideology to adopt the notion of a field devoid of substance but
endowed with compensatory features labelled as "geometrodynamics"
using the concepts of Reimann, Gauss and Euclid,
leading to an abstract form of tensor mathematics. The dependence
on an independent field concept brought in problems of
singularities that needed arbitrary postulation of boundary
conditions that robbed the theory of the 'perfect' status. The reality
of the quantum phenomenon did not tie up with the field
mathematics and drove the wedge deeper and away from the goal
of unification. Logically space seemed and behaved as a continuum
or plenum but the quantum phenomenon posed the need to
introduce a mathematical volte-face towards a purely algebraic
theory which did not seem to exist. In this background, the
Sankhyan concepts do give a deeper understanding, to solve the
type of problems outlined above, by the physics community.
Maharishi Kapila has emphasised the dual nature of the
intellectual analytical process and Suthra 5 defines the entire
procedure, exactly as what must have been followed by all the
intellectual stalwarts in recent times like Newton, Maxwell, Gauss,
Reimann, Planck, Einstein, Bose, Hawkins, Penrose and many
others. It is based on an open ended sequential analytical process,
commonly referred to as a left brain dominant approach, that
depends heavily on a parallel confirmation from other sources,
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 105
which again could be based on reliable theoretical and
experimental experience of other trustworthy intellectuals using the
same logical approach. When an investigator finds that the
sequential inferential analytical process is insufficient, when
researching the hidden, submerged, eclipsed, occulted, camouflaged
aspects of simultaneous phenomenon, he can develop a parallel,
simultaneous, synchronised or holistic technique commonly
referred to as a right brain dominant approach, that allows him to
actually mentally experience it as a real activity giving a self
confirmatory internal solution.
One can raise a point of issue by stating that instrumented
visual displays of complex phenomenon can do the same thing. It
is not so for two reasons. Firstly, a real physical or mental human
experience that is conditioned by all the senses simultaneously
cannot be reproduced in its totality by any artificial or synthesised
effort. Secondly, instrumented live or synthesised creation of
complex phenomenon is necessarily based on a deep prior
mathematical knowledge of that class of event, to make it
understandable and reproducible. Suthra 6 defines such internal
confirmatory experiences as a Siddhi and a detailed explanation of
the process is given in appendix H that elucidates the reason for its
success. At the fundamental level, all human experience is indeed a
mental process. The old adage that a picture is worth a thousand
words can be extended to mean that a realistic mental experience is
worth a million pictures. If there is a doubt about its efficacy , it
would become very clear if one accepts that a realistic
phenomenon is a holographic event on a macro scale then the
cerebral creation becomes an identical resonant oscillatory
reproduction on a micro scale. This resonant mode of transfer
covers the spectrum of hidden-coherent phenomenon like
telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition etc..
The old gramophone reproduced the entire range of orchestral
music merely through the focussed point of a needle. As a quick
example, 12 witnesses surrounding an accident site will give 12
sequential accounts of the incident, based on each individual's
location, to a judge for a decision. After listening to them, he
mentally sees the "instant" of the accident by analysing those 12
statements through a simultaneous intellectual cognitive process of
106 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
juxtaposing their corroborative statements. While the judge may
not have witnessed the accident, his mental analysis of the cross
correspondence of the statements of twelve witnesses in the
'simultaneous' mode would provide him with the proving
connections to enable him to actually "see" the event in his mind.
Whereas the actual witnesses would never mentally get "the birds
eye view" of the event as the judge did, for they would have been
mentally conditioned by the position from which they physically
saw the accident as a sequence and the important fact that
witnessing of an event from one location automatically excluded
them from witnessing from other locations at the same moment.
To mentally see the event as the judge did they must follow the
process that he had experienced.
This mode of search for truth has been demonstrated, verified
and attested innumerable times by philosophers, saints, mystics,
clairvoyants and others endowed with a natural right brain
dominated para-psychological aptitude. Only in a holographic
Substratum could the cerebral vibrations resonate in synchrony
with itself to faithfully reproduce an instant of its reality. Just as
electromagnetic sequential resonance is the base for the entire
spectrum of communication & entertainment devices, the same
phenomenon in the form of simultaneous transmigratory
resonance called coherent, superposed , superconductive activity
forms the base for a much wider spectrum of para-psychological,
astrological, tidal and related spontaneous phenomenon. In
physics this coherent state is encountered in the form of
ferromagnetism, superconductivity, asymptotic freedom in quark
behaviour etc. Based on Sankhya, it would not be wrong to say
that all knowledge, intelligence, experience and existence itself is
only a vibratory ensemble with an extended field of reducing
vibratory count-rate ending in equilibrium. While there is no doubt
what so ever of the existence of the para normal, it is not a magical
Disbelief is solely due to the inability of such specialists to
communicate in the language of sequential rationality called
mathematical logic and as shown above the existing mathematical
base just could not expose this simultaneous spectrum hidden,
eclipsed or camouflaged behind the "zero" unit of "observational"
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 107
time. One cannot divide by zero time! As a simple example, a
crowd of people would vouch for the single clap in the 10
simultaneous claps episode, whereas the para-normal person would
insist on having heard more than one clap (by instinctively
discriminating the loudness or potential factor) but he may not be
able to prove it rationally. The Aharanov / Bom experiment to
detect the phase shift in the potential is in the same category. One
important change in the mathematical approach to solving
problems in the coherent field must be accepted by the
investigator. Since the equation of interactions in the Substratum is
balanced every instant, time or cycle varying changes have no real
meaning but every integer count has; for it follows a logarithmic
process. Hence the number of real alternative answers are as many
as the counts involved and the maximum in the Sankhyan cycle is
1050 ; so if he is prepared to do as many iterations then he is
assured of having a complete knowledge of all phenomenon in his
scale of existence, meaning that there is no uncertainty in the
Substratum but only the impossibility of dealing with such large
simultaneous numbers on a sequential basis. This concept,
attributed to Dirac and other physicists, goes under the name of
large number hypothesis in physics The logic is explained in
Suthras 46 to 50.
Since Sankhya principles are based on self evident axioms the
problem of re-counting of the common cube at the junction gets
eliminated automatically by the concept of self-similarity in
numerical integer combinations and in fact it commences where
Fourier, accredited with developing the periodic wave analysis
transforms, left off – at the zero interval. The example of the
"simultaneous ten claps within the instant", exposes the zero time
interval between the ten claps and the current mathematical
procedures cannot deal with it accurately and precisely. The
simultaneous ten claps will superpose instantly to produce a square
wave edge approximation in zero time by applying Fourier
principles. A vertical edge of a true square wave is a simultaneous
representation of two sequential events at two different potential
levels at the same instant and both of which are the equivalents of
the "point" in space and the "infinitesimal" in time. Since only
vibrations are being dealt with, the potential difference, signified by
108 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the vertical height in a square wave, must be identifiable as a real
physically fixed location for at a "zero or instant" time interval it is
impossible to measure a rate of movement. Logic demands that the
two different potentials, at the top and bottom of the vertical edge,
at the same instant, must have a scale-invariant interactive
connection, without violating the principle of causality. In the
language of special relativity, it forms the ideal static rigid
measuring rod that must follow the same rules of mathematical
Could there be a mathematical procedure that interactively
connects, two different potentials of two simultaneous activities at
different levels, simultaneously within the instant? Such a
mathematical process exists in the form of a Moolaprakriti selfsimilar
integer power series that does not contradict the known
laws of science. It polarises this vertical potential in infinite ways
through "infinitesimal simultaneous rotations" in identical time
constant intervals with predetermined coefficients to balance the
super symmetric state of the undetectable components of the
Substratum to a constant unity value by tunnelling. The quantised
rotation or change of phase is done by mere sliding the index of
the self similar ratio, up or down be one unit at any point and all
the other index automatically change to equalise to unity at the
SAME moment. It is scale invariant and functionally the equivalent
of metric Euclidean space dealt with in relativity. It means that, if
the interaction along the x axis varies as a kinetic change in velocity
or frequency then the y axis must also simultaneously vary as a
potential change in wave numbers or height to keep the vector sum
constant. It introduces the necessity of endowing even a line
integral in electromagnetic theory or a geodesic in general relativity,
with an identifiable potential value that has a starting gradient of 1
by 2. It was this factor that the Lorentz transform identified but
was interpreted as shrinking rods and slowing clocks as space was
thought to be empty and moving particles as independent bodies
with specific identifiable characteristics.
In special relativity, briefly the definition of simultaneity is, that
two events at A and B appear at the same instant when observed
from the midpoint M of interval AB. If M is real and occupies
even an infinitesimal space it is impossible to establish the real
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 109
centre because two observers can never occupy the same location
at the same instant, (the common axis point mentioned earlier must
belong to one or the other half) and any observational process is
time-cycle dependant that has an inherent uncertainty so
theoretically simultaneity could never be established by such a
process of measurement. The mathematical notion of an
infinitesimal lulls one's reason into accepting its insignificance but
the awareness, that there exist virus and micro-organism with
functions as complex as humans, in its scale, must open our mind
into accepting the need to change our view of space and avoid the
generalisation that the concept of the infinitesimal can be extended
to any level. The point, infinitesimal, line integral, null geodesic and
other such mathematical and mental artefacts of supportive logic
do not really exist in isolation or as absolute values. The reciprocal
value of the infinitesimal displacement field is a large number that
must stand for a coherent potential in a relative theory.
Logic demands the recognition of the complementary aspect of
any parameter: Small time interval leads to high energy rates or a
spatial point similarly spells out a large coherent potential. One
cannot be without the other and that is what Sankhya emphasises a
number of times. The hard truth is that everything that man
knows is built up by interpreting vibrations and the number of
vibrations that can occupy the same place can be infinite, hence a
"common point" in three dimensional space can hide a universe of
vibrations. But the sad part is that man can quantify the observable
universe only by detecting the sequential vibrations he cam
measure but is oblivious to the simultaneous activity he cannot
detect! If man is serious about really understanding ALL
phenomenon he cannot ignore this fact but must have the courage
and skill to quantify the invisible, simultaneous vibrations by
axiomatic means. As a pointer there are 18 incrementally graded
quark levels but theoretical premises based on empiricism in
particle physics extends it only to 6 levels; exactly a third but the
levels are logarithmic.
The ideological relativistic difference between a rigid rod and
ticking clock is wiped out in the Substratum because holistically the
rigid measuring rod is in fact it's undetectable components
mimicking a "rigid row of closely packed clocks" showing the
110 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
simultaneous (same or synchronous or coherent phase) time-cycles
and the clock, on the other hand, is similarly mimicked as an
"infinitesimal or point " section of this rigid rod showing sequential
phase changes in its state of activity, in the undetectable
components of the Substratum. What differentiates the rod and
clock is the phase difference (right angle at maximum difference) at
the instant of an observable interaction because what the observer
is dealing with is only the state of the components in the
Substratum and that must be defined by two aspects, the
simultaneous and sequential characteristics. More so in any bound
or gravitational system due to the phase angle being distorted, by
the superpositioning process, towards the "static or massive or
attracting" center.
The relativistic phenomenon governed by the Lorentz
transform, also exists in the Substratum in contrast to the view in
general relativity that it fails in high "density" regions. Instead of
the rod shrinking, the potential, synonymous with the vertical edge
of the square wave, turns into a vector with a "phase angle" that
changes the coherence pattern of its simultaneous vibratory
domain or it twists. The product of potential Linga and kinetic
Bhava vibratory counts never looses its unitary status, not in zero
time nor even in eternity, not in a single count nor even in 1050
count rate. It cannot because what 'travels' are only vibrational
changes. In a fundamentally democratic field it is logically incorrect
to accept that two different basic parameters could exist
simultaneously or is needed to fulfil the same function.
Therefore conceptually the potential is nothing other then
sequential displacements taking place in zero time (or the instant
unitary cycle) and the velocity is the potential acting in sequential
displacements in multiples of "zero time" or cycles, as viewed by
an observer from his position. In his absence both 'potential and
velocity' merges by acting simultaneously so the net result is that
no change or movement is observable. The observers obstructive
presence causes the polarisation by upsetting the coherent state
which regains the potential balance internally within the cycle. If
not, the oscillatory excursions in opposite directions loose its
equality, which then causes the central node to move in proportion
to the difference or inequality, displaying the quality of movement,
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 111
velocity or acceleration. It is just vibrations moving along a closely
packed plenum of cubic components in a field with a modulus of
deformation amounting to 1050 count rate.
The concept of a holographic base for all phenomenon requires
a constant oscillatory background state, derived from an axiomatic
condition natural to physical laws. Otherwise, a dynamic system
dependant on a "start and stop or begin and end" parameter will
only become another variant of the "Big-bang" syndrome. The
value of the constant oscillatory background must be sufficiently
large to unequivocally accommodate the observed spectrum of
phenomenon. As a logical corollary a faultless system of control is
needed to support the maintenance of such an oscillatory value at
an exact level, so that it eliminates implosive or explosive runaway
conditions in thermal, nuclear, electromagnetic, gravitational and
other observed energy groups. Moreover this state of control, must
have exquisite characteristics of feed-forward or advanced mode
control, tied in with a feed-back or retarded method, backed up by
an adequate reserve power loop to meet every exigency, any-where,
every-where and for all times. Such a system exists in the
Substratum and one of its "random" manifestation in its simplest
form to maintain the oscillatory state within a ten millionth
deviation band, is the controversial 2.7 degrees Kelvin background
radiation, misinterpreted as a remnant of an initial expanding
fireball era. In this context, Einstein is supposed to have said that
God does not play dice but Sean Sheeter (Author of 'The unified
model of the universe') pithily adds that he gave it to man to play
The control parameters in the Substratum covers six sequences
in three loops and is specially dealt with in a number of Suthras (55
to 68) which highlights the constant forward control necessary to
maintain a Substratum in a coherent and stable state. It is extremely
illuminating to find that the intellectual efforts of 5 important
scientists like Newton, Maxwell, Planck, Hoyle-Narlikar and
Einstein, who laid the cornerstones in physics and incidentally
extended it to cosmology, could have unified all the five areas that
Sankhya did centuries back. Newton empirically derived the static
gravitational macro field parameters at the outer level by
developing calculus to prove the concept of a mechanical-object
112 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
based reality mathematically and established the gravity constant G
as a unit of dimensionality. It is half the reciprocal value derived by
using Sankhya principles based on the "Thaama-Raja-Sathwa"
Guna concepts. The Newtonian derivation is equivalent to using
only the Thaama aspect and ignoring the Sathwa and Raja factors
involved in the common zero interval that reduced the true G
value by half. Maxwell derived from micro field theory the same
gravity parameter, that seems very different, by following a
combination of empirical and theoretical premises that were similar
to the Sankhyan Sathwa concepts but kept aside the Thaama and
Raja factors. As shown in a later mathematical example the
impedance value 377 of Maxwell space is in fact related directly and
exactly to the Newtonian gravity constant G because Maxwell took
into reckoning again the common cube between the vertical and
horizontal that made a logarithmic difference, which separated the
same coherent field as two different E and B axial activities at the
observable or sequential level. Planck mathematically exposed this
missing common cube at zero interval as a quantum with density
at the detectable level but the state of mathematics did not
encourage him to look into this cubic quantum activity within the
instant cycle.
In Sankhyan terms Planck's effort dealt with the Thaama and
Sathwa states but he failed to expose the Raja interactive state
involving the gravity parameter G hidden in the quantum as a
simultaneous phenomenon that was unimaginably larger than the
spectrum he had investigated, for Sankhya shows it to be the
repository of all potential. The near ideal Hoyle-Narlikar theory
based on conformal invariance eminently unified both the macro
and micro fields at the observable level and the attempt to bridge
the internal shortfall in potential, by absorption of radiation, was
ideologically correct, for it provided both the necessary
compensatory "mass" build up and the consequent phase shift in
internal coherence (thereby eliminating the Hubble parameter).
However the "instantaneous" mathematical barrier prevented it
from predicting phenomenon that could be verified. In Sankhyan
terms it justified the Raja link to both the Sathwa and Thaama
states in external Bhava time, but it fell short by failing to
mathematically provide the tunnelling instant Abhiman advanced
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 113
potential connection with the Ahankar phase shift to balance the
Bhava external change. Einstein bridged the Maxwell shortfall in
potential by the Lorentz mechanism that provided an equated
relationship to velocity at the exposed or radiated level but failed to
extend it to simultaneous or high density regions, once again due to
a conceptual breakdown in mathematically appreciating that the
point and the interval were as important as the Universe itself.
While Einstein was probably able to realise conceptually the
total equivalence of electromagnetic and gravitation phenomenon,
he came close to a total unification by his intuitive but arbitrary
inclusion of a cosmological constant, that in fact provided the
perfect conversion scale of time and space within the instant, but
his concept of mathematics and the structure of space confounded
by the Hubble parameter, left a logical void that he could not
bridge. The fact that he postulated the principle of equivalence
brought him very close to seeing the holographic nature of
phenomenon but the power of geometry by Reimann and others
held sway. The fact that the principle of relativity led naturally into
an enigmatic 'four' dimensional space gave the clue to the
holographic nature of reality. One would be forced to describe a
hologram in terms of an understandable 3 dimensional space in
which the time varying vibrations remained in the same locations
leading to the illusion of four dimensions.
In Sankhyan terms he investigated the Raja characteristics just
outside the instant, the external metric of spatial "infinitesimal
distance and zero time" which were in the sequential Bhava
domain, but failed to connect the Abhiman / Ahankar phase lying
just alongside, inside the instant cycle. Maharishi Kapila taught man
this little trick of peering over this "instant" barrier, by making him
mentally change the so called horizontal axis 'velocity or Bhava'
representation, onto its head, as a vertical axis 'potential-Lingavector'
as an Abhiman potential in instant time. The description of
cubes stacked in the x and y axis depends very much on the
observers orientation. Sankhya proved that both were exactly the
same in a holographic, oscillatory, field of the Substratum, that is in
a coherent, synchronised, eternally dynamic, unmanifest state of
total democratic, self-similar freedom called Kaivalya; which is the
ultimate yet it is also the original primordial state. It would not be
114 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
wrong to create an axiom which says "vibrations remain vibrations
despite all changes and manipulations" and "vibrations remaining
in the same location make it look solid".
Aharanov-Bom's experimental verification of the hidden vector
potential, the EPR experiment and Bell's theorem, among many
others, are hesitant confirmations of the validity of the Sankhyan
concept of the Substratum. Every scientific intellectual, Mach
onwards, has sought a universal connection and at the same time
abjured the conceptual dependence on a preferred or postulated
base to describe the Universe. Maharishi Kapila's mathematical
definition of the Substratum makes it truly democratic and satisfies
the highest principles of theoretical evolution. In physics and
chemistry the reason for the "peculiarity" of the particle spectrum
and the periodic table is due to the Linga (superposed) - Bhava
(phase shifted) polarisation of the coherent potential illustrated
above and science has regularised it into an acceptable
mathematical regime through a generalised atomic table periodicity
formulation like (2 x n2 ) which overcomes the error of a recount
of the common cube, by dilution.
To illustrate, the true periodicity at the basic level of integer
combinations is (n2 + n) x ½. = P but when the value of n is very
large P = n2 x ½. . As an example if n = 2 then P = (n2 + n) x ½.
= 3 whereas by P = n2 x ½. = 2. At the level of the Substratum
this aspect cannot be overlooked. Sankhya solves this problem by a
combinatorial process using integer number series that not only
applies to the atomic periodic table but also to every interactive
state of the components in the Substratum, in exactly the same way
and the same scale. In the process, it eminently clarifies the reason
for the "ladder or nested " mass/energy structure of the entire
spectrum of atomic and nuclear particles with only three levels of
classification right through the quark spectrum. the Planck mass
and finally the blackhole.. The Substratum has it all. Everything
that man wants to invent, discover or find by experimental stonethrowing,
is already there. What is needed is a holistic approach
coupled with intellectual clarity and a responsible attitude to
objectively use this treasure house just for his wellbeing but
strongly resist the temptation to exploit it, for it is also the source
of all intelligence that ruthlessly controls imbalance by initiating a
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 115
reactive process instantly but to be completed in future time. Now,
the most important conclusion from the foregoing explanation is
that it can only happen in a Substratum compatible with the
Sankhyan definition based on a holographic model of phenomenal
interaction. Further, the Sankhyan success in explaining
interactions at the basic level confirms another axiom that is often
overlooked in mathematics and that is, logically an elementary unit
less than one cannot exist in reality and conceptually one is infinity
upon infinity.
116 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Summary Of Suthras.
The original Sanskrit Suthras were created for oral transmission
as evidenced by the metrical format and the austere presentation of
a subject of such complex structure. The manuscripts, though
accurate in its effort to convey the original meaning, contains
several ambiguities that naturally creep in over long periods.
Differences in several manuscripts from varying periods have
created an uncertainty and vagueness which has lead to depending
more on the original phonetics for decoding th correct meaning.
Hence the phonetic presentation in the Roman script is analysed
and decoded in the "Detailed Analysis Of Suthras" section.
Though the Sankhyakarika ostensibly belongs to the shelves of
Vedic philosophy and religion, its axiomatic mathematical contents
on the contrary, compels its placement on the racks of Cosmic &
Particle physics and Quantum Mechanics. Therefore an overview
of the real meaning of Sankhya Suthras is given here to impress on
the scientifically oriented intellectual, the rational flow of scientific
thinking at its logical best. The actual translations will show the
rigorous and irrefutable logic that connects the original Suthras in
Sanskrit to the theorems presented in English. The headings,
though not in the original, have been created to highlight its
essential meaning.
Fundamental space
1. The dynamic substratum:
Investigating the triad of interactive stresses confirms that such
interactive modes of stresses exist but it would not have been
detectable, had it not been for the existence of the coherent -
perpetual - dynamic - unmanifest state of its existence (of the
2. Qualities of substratum
Standard methods of evaluation through detection are affected
by distortion, attenuation and inferior resolution to details; but an
alternate method that is totally satisfactory, is based on the
principle of discriminating the basic and dynamic substratum into
its appropriate components of the unmanifest, manifest, the selfpotential
and kinetic or dynamic potential.
3. Axiomatic 3 dimensional wave fundamentals of substratum.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 117
: The fundamental resonant oscillatory state is synchronised,
coherent, resonant and stable; the first interactive oscillatory state is
of maximum intensity of acceleration; then there are seven levels of
coherent, harmonic and oscillatory interactive stages followed by
an expanding radiation above a sixteenth order of the fundamental
value; the nuclear core is neither oscillatory nor harmonically
Intellectual Verification
4. Verification of reality through axiomatic proof.
Siddhi or conclusive holistic proof is arrived at by a process of
logical and theoretical analysis of information from observations,
inferences and axiomatic principles. When such holistic
conclusions are further condensed by using the threefold analytical
process with appropriate rationale and theory, it is established as a
conclusive axiomatic theorem.
5. Process of verification of detectable phenomenon.
With reference to persistent continuous sensory perception of
phenomenon, there are three aspects of information with
characteristics like (positive) detectable, (negative) undetectable,
(neutral) original characteristics that can be measured, analysed and
interpreted to establish an axiomatic theorem or principle.
6. Process of holistic derivation of proof is Siddhi
And in the case of phenomenon that is imperceptible, mobile,
expansive and hence undetectable, inferential method using
holistic, deductive, logical, verification technique to mentally
experience phenomenon, is known as Siddhi (perfect resonance).
Axiomatic reasons for nondetection
7. The reasons why manifestation may not be detected.
Extremely far or near distances, mental and sensory
inefficiencies, subtle or attenuated conditions, occultation or
eclipsing of the object, poor background contrast, camouflaging
effect (are the causes of non detection or non measurement of
8. Reason why the fundamental substratum is not detectable.
The non-detectability (of the substratum) is due to the
extremely attenuated reactions put out and not because it
(substratum) does not exist. Only reactions are detectable. For
when the reaction of the primary or first displacement takes place
118 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
then a sequence of oscillations are detected that are either in its
original form or harmonics.
9. Logical reasons why substratum must exist if manifestation
It is axiomatically illogical to accept that continuous or all
possible modes of action (manifestation) are possible without a
physical cause; the ability to act in all possible ways must be due to
the existence of a cause, therefore it becomes an axiomatic rule.
10. Detection of manifestation is due to changes, the lack of
which makes phenomenon undetectable.
The caused detectable effect of manifested phenomenon are
relatively temporary; confined to limited region; proceed from
action to action; resulting in a sequence of actions; and also
becomes the cause of initiating further action; with identified
characteristics; has the quality of being substantial or with mass; as
it is a resultant, so it is a secondary trait; and the unmanifest cannot
be detected because of the inability to discern such effects.
Self-similar law of interaction
11. Ability to discriminate 3 aspects of Gunas or interactive
stresses is the cause of detectability.
The inability to discriminate between the triad of stressed states
that form the dynamic connection is the cause of not detecting
phenomenon in a synchronised, static or unmanifest state. The
triplicity of dynamic interactions that connect it, is a principle that
applies to the first or primary intense state and the succeeding
reactive states of manifestation and likewise to the nucleus which
however is in the opposite state (non detectable state)
12. Characteristics of Gunas (triad of interactive stresses).
Just as the human being undergoes, when under stress, a three
stage transfer from a state of buoyant feelings through a calm state
to a state of utter despair; the three interactions of the Guna are
from a state of free and mobile expansion through a balanced and
resonant interface to a state of compact static contraction. As a
result the three states are capable of mutually interacting to
override or strengthen or weaken, one or both at the expense of
the remaining aspects; be creative or destructive as a whole;
associate or join or pair or combine to form groups; and also exist
by itself as a self supporting resonant or dynamic entity.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 119
13. Definition of Gunas.
Sathwa is the interaction which operates outward at the
maximum rate with the required intensity and energy to transmit
the interaction beyond the level of the first octet of interactions
past the nuclear boundary that is in a fluidic or flexible state;
Raja is the interaction in the transition region of seven
oscillatory plus the first forming the octet of interactions; that
shuttles inward or outward to transfer the interactions from nuclear
boundary to the second radial boundary and vice-versa;
Thaama is the decelerating interaction acting inward forming
the static nuclear boundary;
Vrithi is the resultant interaction that is radiated in the form of a
self-sustained vortex of radiant energy created by the permutations
and combinations of the previous three levels of interactions to
transfer interaction or radiate energy.
14. Holistic logic can predict hidden states.
Through a process of holistic analytical derivation of proof it is
proved that non detection or detection is due to the observers
inability or ability respectively to detect any or all of the three
modes of exchange or transfer of interactions. And the very
process of Siddhi or 'holistic analytical derivation of proof' is itself
due to the unmanifest state of the substratum reacting through the
action of the Gunas or three modes of transfer of interactions by
it's own inner motivation or potential or cause or interaction to
manifest as awareness or consciousness .
Phases of oscillatory states
15. Cyclic oscillatory interaction creates natural waveform.
Cyclic interaction at the interface is due to a sequentially
changing value that is due to acceleration or deceleration of an
interaction . This cyclic action is the cause and effect, by turns, to
attenuate and concentrate (expand and contract or decrease and
increase density) to produce an oscillatory waveform that is a
standard in nature.
16. First change of phase occurs with increasing interaction.
In a manifestation of decelerating potential ,the triad of
interactions is initiated into action resulting in a rising or increasing
effort, interaction or pressure; and a transformation occurs ; a
distinctive change of state, like that of vapour condensing to liquid,
120 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
takes place when the inward going interaction is brought to a very
restful(=synchronised therefore static state .
17. Second change of phase creates nucleus .
The nucleus is the location, centre or core that holds the power,
potential, interaction or energy produced as a result of the cyclic
collision or aggregation due to close contact, back to back, of the
oscillating volumes or waveforms, initiated or triggered into action
by the operating principle of the triad of Guna (interactive
interactions), in a relatively isolated, free and synchronised state.
[Summarising: the Purusha or nucleus is a superpositioning of
three dimensional oscillatory waveforms due to the mode of action
of the Gunas in a static state of dormant potential in the
undetectable, absolute substratum that is synchronised and
coherent, perpetually dynamic but unmanifest and the period being
determined solely by the time constant referred to in suthra 3 that
forms the self potential referred in suthra 2. ]
Nuclear state as superposed coherent activity
18. Logical proof that the nucleus is a conglomerate.
Since the causative action leading to aggregation and dissolution
or creation and destruction are not simultaneous or instantaneous
at the nuclear interface the holistic conclusion is that there must be
many nuclei or individual core components (Purusha) and also
because the reversal of interactions of the triad of interactions
(Gunas) produce multiple types of phenomenon whereas it should
have been singular, (had the nucleus been a singular or elementary
19. The complex nuclear state forms background for
From previous Suthras the conversely inferential holistic
conclusion is that the nuclear state forms the background with
particulate or inertial mass, in which it is relatively seen as being
neutral, unhindered and static.
20. Static and dynamic state is sustained by interaction.
Because of the proximity of the static and dynamic states the
static state seems dynamic and through the action of the Gunas
the dynamic seems to behave in a static mode that maintains a
21. Nuclear state is reference background.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 121
Fundamental measurement of phenomenon references nucleus.
Therefore the static nuclear state provides the basic background to
detect or measure the first, (primary or fundamental) active
(manifested) state as a comparative or relative difference.
Manifestation of phenomenon proceeds on the principle of
fulfilling the need to maintain a balance like when a blind man and
lame man team up to behave normally and effectively.
Logic of self-sustaining activity
22. Mathematical derivation of the dynamic self-similar state.
By the action of the primary interaction a self sustaining
oscillatory state is established from which a series of measurable or
detectable energy is radiated at a value that is at a sixteenth power
of the primary value and in a progressive series incremented to the
sixteenth level that binds or condenses phenomenon through five
levels into five sets of manifested phenomenon.
23. Ascertainment by axiomatic mathematical logic,
Intellectual logical confirmation process involves the
application of axiomatic law in an expansive mode, backed with
knowledge, flexibility to change scales and ratios in the order of
powers whereas the opposite contractive, inverted and
fractionising concepts lead to misconceptions and errors of
24. Mathematical description of field force as a spectrum.
Static potential and kinetic self-similar force (or energy) initiate
action in a progressive incremental value in sequential sets of two
to form a spectrum containing a sequential group of eleven , in
groups of fives, of field (subtle) forces.
25. Expansive interaction rises to 11th. Power
The expansive Satwik state has a set of eleven levels of change.
The compressive Thaamasic change initiated through self-action
elemental particles with mass and self-sustaining vortex of charge
the interactive Rajasic state is both expansive and compressive.
Cerebral system as an universal function
26. Efferent and afferent sensory systems.
Efferent or input sensory responses are light, sound, smell,
chemical (taste) and contact (touch) and the afferent output or
action responses are defined as oscillatory, exchanging,
transporting, radiating and creating.
122 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
27. Interactions in the sensory systems.
Mind or the cerebral system is capable of processing both the
efferent or incoming input sensory information and afferent or
outgoing action oriented outputs and it can produce a specific
output despite the diversity created by the permutations and
combinations of the internal aspects of the three Gunas with the
numerous external incoming signals.
28. The five levels of cyclic vortex (photonic) activities.
The five types of sensory input signals are activated by discrete
quantum of forces and it results in five categories of output as
oscillatory, interactive, transmigrating, radiating and creative
Perpetual oscillation and radiation
29. Definition of self similar internal activity and radiation
The cyclic vortex functions on self similar principles upto the
third power , is non-synchronous, and yet interacts internally
together in an extraordinary way. But in the synchronous
accelerated state at the fifth power it becomes a fundamental unit
of energy radiation.
30. Definition of a cyclic vortex and a spherical harmonic
When the oscillatory cycle count in all directions act
simultaneously or synchronously and is raised to the 4th. Power, a
cyclic self-supporting Vrithi (photon) is formed. When it acts nonsynchronously
or sequentially it becomes detectable and
measurable with a degree of certainty. In the initial state prior to
the above when the oscillatory count reaches the power of three
and is synchronised and acts simultaneously in all directions , it is
in a self supporting harmonic oscillatory state but is not detectable
or observable.
31. The cyclic vortex is kept in continuous oscillation only by its
internal potential.
The cyclic vortex or spherical oscillator is kept in continuous
interactive exchange upto the very end (limit) only by the nuclear
or core potential developed by the mutual exchange of internally
motivated and triggered self similar and self organised impulse or
force and there is no other external potential cause.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 123
Potential as coherent states
32. The static and kinetic potential limits.
The potential rises to the 13th. power to accelerate superpose
and radiate. Consequently the kinetic potential rises to the 10th.
Power to accelerate, superpose and radiate.
33. The internal and external potential limits.
The internal limit of potential is at the third power and the
externalising detectable factor defined as existing in present time is
upto the 10th. Power. The third power factor contributes to internal
bonding or it is a limiting state .
34. The potential to act is at the 5th.power level.
The will or internal potential to act increases rate to 5th. power
of both the specific and non specific or the observable and the
hidden sensory signals. Sound signals relate to speech or oscillatory
functions whereas the rest relate to all the five observable
Third order constraint cause phenomena
35. The formation of a basic field is determined by the 3rd.
Order damping action.
At the point when all measurable interactions plunge to its limit
and form a coherent bond it is a measure of the effort involved and
therefore the third power of this bond forms the base or limiting
medium , the remaining powers of interaction use this as medium.
36. Decay of radiated phenomenon.
Spectrum of light transmission process is a complex and
mutually interactive Guna exchange sequence and it is totally
controlled by the Purusha potential and it is the only coherent
motivating factor clearly till its end.
37. Extraction of potential energy from the Purusha domain.
A comprehensive and extraordinary use can be made in the
following way. The potential of the Purusha can be attained from
the minute coherent state hidden inside the Purusha by repeated
precisely triggered inputs to initiate the primary interactions.
38. Classification of activity of Vrithi and elements
The self-generated vortex or Vrithi has a non specific or wide
range of activity level while the elements are at five levels upto the
fifth power of activity . The spectrum logically covers the classes of
124 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
activity states defined as synchronised, non synchronised,
interactive, superposed and coherent
39. Genetic code
The field sustained by the fundamental source of energy bonds
into three organic species. The mobile field is constant and
controlled and the organic states of three species are cyclic or
Superposed states create ground potential
40. Linga state as coherent and superposed oscillations.
Static mass states are created by maximally absorbing and
superpositioning the entire spectrum of vibratory or oscillatory
states, from the largest and strongest to the (limit) finest, minimal
kinetic charged states.
41. The need for the substratum as supporting framework for
Just as it is not possible to present a picture without a
supporting base nor cast a shadow without an appropriate pillar, so
also it is impossible to have the synchronised and superpositioned
static state without the required supportive base.
42. The synchronised state provides attracting potential to
build up mass.
The synchronised and coherent state of the nuclear core forms
the target potential to attract the oscillatory interactions to
synchronise and superposition itself circumferentially,
simultaneously, similar to the movements in a dance, which
increases and strengthens resonant state of the interactions .
The balance in interactive states
43. Conditions under which the laws of interaction are certain.
The source or starting point of the axiomatic laws of resonant
action are from the state when the charged interactive state is in a
state of perfect resonance and the starting point or start of timecycle-
period count of measurement commences when the action is
in a state of relative rest or static state for detection is only possible
when the detected component is at a restful state.
44. The mode of natural action based on rules.
Satwic expansive actions are supported by axiomatic laws and
expands towards a free state but actions opposing it results in
reduced states that leads to Thaamasic or compressive states that
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 125
are restrictive. Inner self potential is the only cause of
synchronisation and establishment of coherent state but
obstruction or restrictions results in a confined and bonded state.
45. State of unbalance is the motivating cause of manifestation.
When the Rajasic interactive states are equal and balanced,
accumulation or increase of mass by absorption or
superpositioning of active displacements occur. When unbalanced
or unequal the increase or decrease in force causes acceleration or
deceleration creating the manifest spectrum of universal
Spectrum of interactions defined
46. Interactions in the synchronised state causes 50 orders of
The ascertained order of the spectrum of interactive states due
to the conditions of unbalance, non synchronisation, balance and
coherent synchronisation caused by the interplay of three Guna
modes of interaction rise upto 50 ( power index).
47. Balanced , synchronised and its reversed variation sequence
of interactions.
A sequence of 5 orders (power index) of change is created by
the three varying states of interaction like non-synchronous,
interactive change and synchronous. Weak and unsynchronised
states have 28 orders while the balanced phase has 9 orders and
the perfectly synchronised state has 8 orders of sequentially
variable levels.
48. Order of compression increase when one, two and three
axis synchronise.
Interactive changes in the compressive Thaamasic state proceed
on the basis of 8 orders of change along one axis and increases by
the same order when it synchronises with another axis at a deeper
level. At the next intermediate level it increases by 10 orders and at
the final core level it increases by 18 and by another 18 at deepest
core level synchronisation. That is 8 + 5+4 , followed by (5) in
each axis and finally (8+10) 18 . It is a combinatorial process of
incremental rates that can synchronise and remain in balance only
as even numbered levels.
49. The 11 & 17 orders of the weak and balanced groups.
126 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Eleven orders of expansive interactions cover the observable
range out of the previous 28 orders mentioned before. The balance
of 17 orders consists of the balanced and coherent states and the
radiant states. With the 5 orders of radiant state it forms 22 orders.
The 17 orders form the common potential to both phases.
50. Nuclear balancing parameters
The interaction inside the nuclear state can be defined as at the
fourth power, initiating cause of action and responsive self reaction
, the time period of the reaction and the destined potential available
for the reaction. Externally detectable fundamental activity is
categorised as being at the fifth power and when these two act
together synchronously it is the ninth power.
Interactions cause stress.
51. Colliding interaction cause of vibrations.
Knowledge gained through research on vibratory or oscillatory
stress caused by colliding interactions follow three step action (of
compression – shuttling- expansion –Guna mode) leading to
intensive superpositioned, divergent, or synchronised states, raised
to the eighth power in a coherent mode. The original state prior to
the interaction has been established to be in a controlled,
compressed, cubic, volumetric state, raised to the third power.
52. The polarisation of phenomenon into coherent potential
(mass) and kinetic potential (charge) modes.
Neither can a characteristic potential source exist without a
kinetic phase nor can a potential phase without a kinetic mode. A
vorticular particle is initiated by a potential source. The potential is
classified as mass and the kinetic phase as charge from which dual
combination all phenomenon is initiated and maintained by a dual
mode of polarisation.
53. Guna classification.
Natural or inorganic or matter oriented phenomenon is the
result of 8 orders of variations and the organic or sub human order
is fivefold . The human order is from a single variant, these three
classes succinctly control the complete spectrum of phenomenon.
54. The distribution of Guna interactive states.
Ascending order of outward manifestation is predominantly
Satwic and the descending inward mode of creation is
predominantly Thaamasic and the intermediate range is
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 127
predominantly Rajasic and it is consistently so right from the
starting dynamic creative field to the final coherent static order of
55. Stress in three modes follows self similar laws in the
dynamic substratum.
Therefore the process of decay and absorption introduces
interactive stresses that maintain the dynamic state of the Purusha
and on its absorption of the vorticular interactive activity by the
nuclear core the process of superpositioning continues until the
interactions are minimised and a coherent self similar state is
56. Manifestation is the result of interactions to maintain the
balance between nucleus and boundary.
In this way interactive oscillatory activity is initiated and
perpetuated from the intense fundamental activity at the source to
the final coherent superposed massive state at the isolated nuclear
boundary where the self potential balances with the reactive
potential at the starting point .
Coherence causes potential states
57. Attainment of a coherent superposed state initiates
oscillatory state.
The growth of a calf is due to the flow of milk that seems to
have commenced without a cause or specific instruction ; in a
similar way the formation of the nucleus takes place by the stress
transmigration of a static potential through the gradual attenuation
of the primary kinetic force into a synchronised state of freedom
by its own internal motivation or initiating activity to balance
58. The unmanifest state maintains the potential to act.
People are motivated into maintaining a state of activity to
reduce their zeal for action; similarly the unmanifest state
maintains the Purusha in an isolated state free of stresses by
absorbing the stresses of the continuous static through kinetic
balancing interactions.
59. Forming of nucleus due to reduction of potential difference
Just as the external exhibition of a dancer's performance
reduces his urge to continue his performance because it satisfies his
desires; similarly the outward spreading of internally motivated self
128 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
energy diminishes its potential to radiate and thereby reaches an
interactive state of balance in an oscillatory state.
60. Cause of interactive oscillations
Various factors , controllable, corrective, supportive , non
supportive nuclear state along with the interactive Guna qualities
and its opposite coherent superposed states of dynamic and non
dynamic, potential and lack of potential maintains the oscillatory
Synchronisation causes holographic states
61. The oscillatory displacement at the point of balance is very
At the nuclear boundary the oscillatory displacements reduce to
such a minute angular oscillatory movement that its very existence
seems doubtful. The consequent reduction in the interactive self
potential does not ever allow it to radiate detectable information on
the state of interaction of the nuclear region.
62. Interactions are cause of manifestation as a holographic
Therefore nothing is bound, released or translocated. Only the
oscillatory wave forms of interactions is bound or superposed by
synchronisation, released by desynchronisation and transferred by
transmigration due to unequal displacements and this dynamic state
continues endlessly.
Self-similar interactions
63. Interaction.
The oscillatory waveforms superposition itself by its own
potential to form the nuclear density by compressing it's
waveforms to the seventh power when it becomes equal to the
static nuclear potential and when it expands it releases one
waveform at a time.
64. The lack of specific self-potential leads to a ground state.
Hence fundamental research indicates that non availability of
self-potential is the cause of the existence of a potential sink
(ground state) and not due to any precise measure of interactive
control that a pure changeless ground state exists (in the nuclear
core of the components of the substratum.)
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 129
Equalisation of potentials
65. The state of balance when the nuclear boundary is in
When the oscillatory interactions are minimised because of the
reduction in activity between the boundary and nuclear core, the
interactive current becomes neutral and the activities at the seven
radial levels becomes insignificant, the Purusha attains a firm
background state.
66. State of balance by eliminating the potential to act.
Observing the neutral state of one gives the proof that the
observable movement of the other has ceased and even though
both are together no interactive manifestation exists.
Conversion of charge to mass
67. Conversion of kinetic force into static potential as inertia or
The basic principle of acquiring a solid state or mass is by
synchronising the components into a relatively static level by
allowing the spin angular momentum to be converted to a potential
state. The exchange or accumulation is through a self similar
proportion or ratio.
68. The final synchronised, coherent , dynamic state of isolated
The process of acquiring mass is given effect by
superpositioning the interactive vortex like waveforms by changing
it into a gradually diminishing cyclic interaction that reaches a
synchronised and coherent state of balance within the first or
primary activity boundary. Attaining the synchronised and coherent
state eliminates delay, inertia or friction and allows this state to
continue unhindered in complete freedom.
Heirarchy of knowledge transmission
69. The knowledge of the nuclear potential is codified in this
The knowledge of the nuclear potential is encoded in this work
by the great Maharishi where-in the method of intellectually
ascertaining the process of manifestation of phenomenon from its
origin, through its growth and till its dissolution are explained.
70. The hierarchy of information transmission
130 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
This pure and exotic doctrine the sage gave to Asuri who in
turn handed down to Panchasikha by whom it was extensively
propagated as the perfect set of principles explaining the mode of
action in reality
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 131
Detailed Analysis Of Suthras.
[Note: The English translations from Sanskrit have been
decoded contextually and may differ from the traditional
translation. The Suthra sub-headings have been added to indicate
it's contents and is not a part of the original. The magnificence of
Maharishi Kapila's intellectual skill is confirmed by the fact that
space which is the Substratum for all phenomenon, is never
identified directly or named as such, in order not to reduce it to the
same state as ordinary phenomenon, because the Substratum as
defined axiomatically by him is the fundamental and absolute state
of 'being or existence' that is equal to a divine state which follows
one axiomatic law.
The Sankhyakarika unifies all aspects of human intellectual
investigations into a single process defined through axioms, from
start to finish, thereby unifying science and religion, the two
apparently confrontational modes, further complicated by an
arbitrary division of material and spiritual qualities, in investigating
reality. Veda means 'weave that which exists' or unify existing
nature through logical reasoning or laws.
All the Sankhya Suthras in Sanskrit have been transliterated
into English and the closest holistic meaning of the complete
Suthra is given below each Sanskrit verse. As already emphasised in
the earlier section, the phonetics of this early creation seem to be
more important than the later scripted creations. The corrected
phonetic characteristics are given in Appendix 6: 'The Sanskrit
Language" The specially prepared Lexicon in the appendix section
contains a glossary of Sanskrit-English equivalents of all the key
words in the Sankhya Suthras.
The Sanskrit terms in the Suthras contain advanced technical
information that are not covered by standard dictionaries. Sanskrit
dictionaries invariably highlight the passive, static or generalised
meaning, which relegates the dynamic characteristics to the
inferential level. Hence these have been decoded through the
Siddhi process and collated by a computer program based on
contextual reference and statistical comparisons. As indicated in
the introduction, the first Suthra itself has been mistranslated due
to conceptual errors. (See Comparison in the appendix section for
132 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the analysis of the first Suthra.) The Preface and Introduction
contains the general principles on which the holistic meaning of the
Suthras were derived. Re-iterating those thoughts again, the
Sankhyakarika intellectually derives the Substratum of all
manifestation through rigorous, axiomatic logic. There are no
experimental inputs of any kind in Sankhya. Yet all the scientific
parameters derived only from axiomatic statements have been
found not only to be correct but also accurate beyond expectation.
Numerical values of formulas are given to see its extraordinary
accuracy and equivalence at a glance.
The final mathematical equivalent is given in both standard and
integer mathematical notation. As explained in the Introduction,
the Suthras must be integrated and understood by the Siddhi
process of Suthra 6. Hence explanations cannot be confined only
to the Suthra being dealt with but the derivations from later
theorems have to be brought in and may seem pre-emptive. As the
Suthras are presented in a terse and concise way, what may
apparently seem to be arbitrary back and forth references, cannot
be avoided if a complete and cogent explanation is to be given at
the appropriate stages.
Another significant point must be noted that the very first
Suthra in almost all important Sanskrit works contains the core
theorem and if one is able to understand it thoroughly, analysing
the rest of the supportive theorems become a secondary procedure
or a corollary. In Sankhya it is particularly true and the explanations
below contain the essential core mathematical principles in brief
from all the Suthras. Suthra 1 is a pivotal theorem and provides
the basis to understand subsequent Suthras. The descriptive
heading along each Suthra stands for a summarised meaning
derived from its contents and is not a part of the original text. It
displays at a glance the contextual meaning and also highlights the
logical connection to the preceding and following Suthras. The
Sankhyakarika in its original form was created for an oral
transmission process following the rules of metric verses. Hence it
is essential to follow the Siddhi process, mentioned in Sankhya
Suthra 4,5 and 6 to relate and connect the verses.and understand its
real meaning.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 133
Suthra 1.
The Dynamic Substratum
Stress triple interaction investigations
thadhabhighaathakey heythau .
Such interactive modes exist .
dhrishtey sa'apaarthhaa
detection of such would have been meaningless
chennaikaanthaathyanthatho'abhaavaath .
were it not for the synchronised perpetual dynamic
unmanifest state.
Meaning: Investigating the triad of interactive stresses
confirms that such interactive modes of stresses exist but it would
not have been detectable, had it not been for the existence of the
coherent - perpetual - dynamic - unmanifest state of its existence
(of the substratum).
Explanation:. Only a change can be detected and an
interaction between components or objects causes a change that
can be observed. An interaction that is not observable or detectable
causes a stress. A resonant interaction continues endlessly if it is
balanced. If an interaction is obstructed then the reactions from it
accumulate at that point. A stress is caused if there is a lack of
freedom to balance out or equalise immediately. stresses
accumalates as a pressure or force if there is no way to release it.
Du:khatraya: Du:kha is stress (See Comparison Of
Sankhyakarika Translations in the Appendix), in this context.
Interactions cause collisions or colliding states which normally
implies the existence of a velocity component prior to an impact.
But in a sea of components forming a continuum such a free
movement would not be possible but the pressure of contacting or
interacting with adjacent units would create stresses and these
could be inward or compressive or outward and expansive or just
an in between resonant shuttling state. These three variations in an
interaction take place cyclically in such an ocean of identical
components, whatever these might be. These interactive stresses
134 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
are stored over a period of time, released periodicaly or
immediately. These three aspects form the 3 modes of accounting
the state of stress over a time period. The definition of the three
Gunas refer to these states of stresses as Du:khatraya.
Three modes of interactive stresses are described in Suthras 11
to 14 as the Three Gunas. One of the meanings of Guna is 'a
bowstring' signifying a tensor or vector aspect of a force, like the
taught tension in a resonant bowstring. Any interaction has three
characteristics like hard or inelastic collision, springy or elastic
reaction to an impact and a spongy or resonant shuttling phase.
The three modes of interaction are a natural or Swabhava type of
reaction to distributing of interactive cyclic time in a self similar
Thaama Guna is compressive, dense and inelastic, Raja Guna is
resonant, shuttling and bonding and Sathwa Guna is expansive,
radiant and elastic, interactive states. The interactions being in a
confined or restricted space like a sea of identical components or a
field of elemental matter, the interactive changes can only take
place by exchanging the differing parameters in a simultaneous
process. Such a process is defined as a self-similar or Swabhava
type of interaction and defined in the respective Suthras. In terms
of cyclic time it must be considered an instantaneous process or
action within the smallest cyclic period. Hence expansive,
compressive or resonant activities caused by an interaction will be
proportional to the logarithmic or multiplicative product of the
interactive parameters. Taking C as cyclic rate of oscillation or
vibration and x as rate of change per cycle then the three Guna self
similar interactive states are shown as vibratory counts per cycle by
the formula .
Equation S.1
Thaama = C1+x . Raja = Cx+x . Sathwa = C1-x .
The above values are logically derived numerically in their
respective Suthras. Then the meaning of Suthra 1 is that these three
forms of interactive stress could only exist if the substratum or
field of components in space had the following four qualities
namely Aikaantha, Aathyanta, Atho and Abhavath, as being
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 135
synchronised , perpetual, dynamic but an unmanifest state of
existence. These states are analysed and its axiomatic values derived
below. The diagram below will clarify the concept The
Fig: The Guna Diagram.
dot represents the stored stresses in the Thaama compressive,
dense, coherent and stable state of Aikaantha. The double arrow
head shows the periodically released Raja interactive, resonant ,
stationary but transmigratory state of Aathyantha. The long single
ended arrow shows the 'iinstantly' released Sathwa expansive,
radiant and mobile state of Atho The single arrow indicates that
counts along two axis are synchronised. When counts along 3 axis
synchronise perfectly in Thaama state then both the double and
single arrows turn inwards or 'dissappear'. Then space becomes
unmanifest and undetectable state of Abhaavath and the Universe
remains in the Aikaantha state. Therefore space the fundamental
reality can be in only one state of Aikantha the coherent state of
three dimensional or cubic resonances. Movement needs the fourth
Aikaantha: It is a sunchronised or coherent singular state
where all components act simultaneously as a single entity in the
Thaama state shown as the dot. This can comprise activity in both
forms where relative movement between interacting components
may or may not exist. That is, relative activity may all proceed
together or may be in a sequential form within the cycle. As an
example, ten people can clap periodically either simultaneously or
sequentially. Though the ten simultaneous claps will be counted as
one, it still contains the ten claps. Only the degree of nonsynchronisation
will allow one to differentiate between the ten
different claps. Hence all the interactions can remain together in
the same relative relationship of a frozen form or move relative to
each other in a cyclic period of movement and yet remain a
singular entity. Hence Aikaantha has two mathematically limiting
values depending on its state of internal relative movement
Assuming there are n components then the maximum number
of possible interactive states must be N / 1. Comparing the
relationship with smallest possible value of an isolated component
136 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
of one unit, the number of possible interactive states become N-1
and the incremental ratio of a change, simultaneously or instantly,
becomes (1+(1/(N-1))N-1 (as simultaneous interactions are
logarithmic): As N approaches infinity F2 equals the base of the
natural logarithm e in modern terms. If all possible interactions are
carried out n-1 times simultaneously then it will approach the value
of e or FM2 .Here the logarithmic sum of the incremental value
and its ratio reach an asymptotic or limiting value of a
transcendental number..
Equation. S.1A.
N 1
N 1
N 1
N 1
Hence the larger the number of interactive components or
larger the relative volume acting as a single unit, it will always tend
to equal 2.718 or e at the maximum rate of simultaneous or 'within
a cycle' or instant period of interactive changes or counts. Any
count of an interaction can be obtained only after the completion
of the cycle and therefore the unit count per unit cycle is a relative
instant. Aikaantha is an axiomatic state that shows the substratum
of space will always remain in this singular or frozen state of
dynamic interaction when unhindered.
The next possible variation is a relative cyclic-period difference
between the interactive components which can result in a 'rotary'
or cyclic periodic movement of the interactive stress forms or
oscillatory waveforms. Mainly, Suthras 24, 30, 52 and 55 lead to the
derivation of the counts in a cyclic period. Here the interactive
forms, despite a relative movement, must remain in the same
location to fulfil the condition of Aikaantha or singular or unitary
state. The reason is that in any confined plenum or a sea of
components or a vast field of matter, where there is no possibility
of an external intervention or far from the boundary of influence,
interactive exchanges can take place only by a process of
simultaneous exchange of required parameters from within itself.
This law of Swabhava or self-similarity leads to a unique ratio that
defines the value of a cycle as 10, if the Aikaantha state is to be
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 137
ensured. Axiomatically the rate of variation in cyclic time between
any two identical interacting components has to be 1 to 2 as shown
in FM3: Problems on vectors etc were solved by variant methods
called triangulation long before the Greeks.
Equation. S.1 B.
Solving the cyclic period-difference or ratio by triangulation
works out to x as the golden mean:
Equation. S.1 C.
1 22 1
If x is halved and triangulated, and the difference is again halved
and triangulated iteratively and the result multiplied by the
Equation S.1 D.
2 Ai 1
1 1 Ai
A . . i 1 2i 2
powers of two raised by the same number of iterations, as
follows, then formula is shown as F4. The relationship to the
138 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
current value of p has been brought in as proof to show that the
cycle is indeed of ten counts, which value is derived further below
through other axioms.
It proves once again even an interaction with a relative cyclic
period difference will remain in the same singular or stationary
position of the Aikaantha state because the sum of all the
interactions within the cycle only add up to p /10, provided the
initial displacement is x or x/2. Even though any interaction is
always directed in the line of action, the relative direction between
two axis change with a variatio in rate of interaction between two
axis. It has an important significance. Regardless of the rate of
interactive counts per cycle the interactive stress forms
(waveforms) will follow a circular path and complete the circular
cycle only after 10 sequential interactions but yet remain in the
Aikaantha state as shown mathematically.
Axiomatically there can be only three modes of interaction as
derived in the Guna Suthras. Then these three modes can act
simultaneously or sequentialy. The permution combinations shown
below indicate only 10 possible states as shown below:
Fig: Axiomatic Cyclic Limit Of 10 Counts.
It is highly indicative that the observed complication is because
the three modes of an interaction are directly related to the
direction of the 3 axis. The solid arrows mark the original inward
state and the dashed ones radiate. The closed triangle show the
simultaneous dense Thaama state while the radiating arrows show
the radiant Sathwa mode. The mix of dashed and solid arrows
indicate the number of axis that is not synchronised with the
original state. It shows 10 distinct combinatorial states. Three
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 139
counts for the closed triangle with 3 axis converged , another three
counts for the 3 axis in radiant mode totalling 6 ways. Then there
are four additional variants of inward & outward going
combinations of parallel and antiparallel combinations. Two axis
synchronise perfectly to reduce the interactive counts
logarithmically when the value of a count is less than 1 / C1+x = 5e-
13 . Or about a femtosecond differentiates the synchronised from
the non synchronised state as identified in Suthra 32 as a bonding
action. Similarlry 1/C1-x defines desynchronisation is complete and
leaving 1/(Cx )2 as the period in which the bonding or resonant or
coupled state can exist. These three parameters have a fundamental
identity in Physics and is shown in the axiomatic derivation section.
The essential point to note is that the tranfer of interactive
parameters can act only along one axis albeit it may be bothways,
within the duration of such activity. Sequences 1,2,3 & 4 and 7,8,9
&10 transfer the effects only through 5 and 6. In a confined region
the 1 to 4 states represents the ingoing, centered and highly
compressive states symbolised by the closed triangular set of
arrows. Whereas the 7 to 10 are expansive being free to act
outward again symbolically as an opened oot set of three arrows.
However the constraint is at the interface of the transition state at 4
and 7. . The outgoing three axis to be constrained to act inward in a
confined way through a double axis path of 5 and 6 that acts as a
single channel by synchroniseng. Because of these two axiomatic
and transcendental ratios of 'e' and ' p ', any interaction between
identical components in a confined or region bounded by other
similar components, will remain in the Aikaantha state and only
transmit the stresses in a transmigratory mode following the 3
Guna interactive characteristics. Axiomatically and logically the
components cannot move away relative to another unless there was
freedom to move.
Since the substratum is a sea of identical components, there is
no freedom to move along any axial direction. Hence the
Aikaantha state is maintained by two values of e and p /10 as a
ratio. It causes the stress values to build up to a constant limiting
value. Since the interactive reactions follow laws of self similar
action, it can also be expressed as an infinite power series. The
accumulated stress provides the potential to respond instantly to
140 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
any change caused by an unbalanced interaction. It causes
interactions to take place simultaneously. Mathematically defined as
a coherent state, because space wise it oscillates symmetrically at
the same nodal positions and cycle (or period) wise it is in
synchronous step with previous cycles and forms the background
state. It is a state in which all the components in the substratum
oscillate periodically in locked step or timing. Hence it is an
undetectable state as only a change from a standard state can be
detected in relation to it. It is a self similar & synchronised state
and is always in a balanced state . The self similar fraction x and its
internal division adds up to one with increasing powers of x
(representing fraction of unitary cycle) to any level.
Equation. S. 1.E.
xn 1.618034
Though an Aikaantha state is depicted as a stationary state with
a unitary value because of its coherent, synchronised and
simultaneous behaviour, it can still be described numerically by the
above equation to any level of accuracy. If one state can be
identified as having a real relevance with a value of xn then the
spectrum of possible states that have a relative harmonic or
proportional connection can be identified within the unitary
Aikaantha state. Since it remains in a stationary position and
symmetrical state it cannot rotate or change its orientation relative
to any point of reference.
It is an extraordinary state wherein all the stable states exist
simultaneously and harmoniously all the time. It is a dynamic state
that maintains the same stable conditions at the same positions all
the time. It is a symmetrical state that maintains it symmetry all the
time. It contains the same set of coherent vibrations in every
location or point. As an example if an extremely small section can
be broken off, it will contain all the coherent oscillatory
combinations in this infinitesimal section from which the original
information can be regained. It is a holographic state, described as
an Andhatamishra state in Sanskrit or the equivalent of a tiny
blackhole state.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 141
Coherent states have identical conditions in a self similar and
scale invariant mode everywhere simultaneously and also act in the
same way. It is similar to a linear harmonic standing wave but in a 3
dimensional substratum. It is a cubical or spherical 3 dimensional
harmonic wave functioning in an internal breathing mode where
only the logarithmic index of the potential, changes or flips one up
or one down to maintain a null difference between any adjacent
state, periodically. The breathing mode changes the potential level
by increasing or decreasing the power index by one unit and two
adjacent levels cannot have an index level difference greater than 1.
As an example:
Equation. S.1 F.
n 6 ( 1 x)n.xn =1
x6 6.x7 15.x8 20.x9 15.x10 6.x11 x12 =1
The internal shift of balance is a logarithmic value of one but it
implies a simultaneous change of 10 units or a cycle. Hence internal
changes can be simply identified by the logarithmic index as cyclic
changes. Stresses internally tunnel or avalanche by changing the
index values by one which means a shift of 10 counts as a
simultaneous cycle. Such phase changes are beyond detection.
The individual state of components being identical to each
other in every way and in a state of total internal freedom, vibrate
in every possible mode and transmit and share these interactive
oscillations in such a way that the locations of identical stress count
values fall into regions of nested cubes (or spheres) in every cycle
or period that constitutes the instant or duration of activity. It's
speciality is that all variations are registered as a change in the static
potential resulting in a phase or synchronisation difference and not
by a change in linear velocity or its local position. It would seem to
be devoid of motion but that is because the entire activity is due to
the superpositioning of vibrations in the same location. It is a
vertical increment in potential or decrease in the oscillatory-cycle
interval as opposed to a horizontal activity like linear velocity. It is
explained in Suthras 40 and 41.
142 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Each axis has two oscillatory states with a periodic relationship
of 1 and 2 or cyclic relationship of one and half, that would allow
the nodes or turning points to maintain the same locations at the
same cyclic rate of two. The incremental rate needed to maintain
an expanded oscillatory cycle is (23 = 8) – 1 = 7. The true
Aikaantha state that remains isolated yet it sum remains 1/7, that
ensures the spectral characteristics of Sathwic phenomeon. FM7
lays the foundation for the Purusha state.
Equation.S.1 G.
0.1428571429 =
The internal cycle is maintained by superposing according to
the x series. The internal division can be extended to any level
(FM5) and the coefficients in this series, similar to those in the
binomial theorem , forms a Pascal triangle. Shown in the axiomatic
derivation section)
Aathyantha. It represents a state of endless activity or
perpetual dynamism or interactions without end. Any cyclic time
period will not end or cannot come to a stop because of the other
three factors. In order to theoretically justify cyclic time periods of
an eternal nature the axiomatic factor that would provide for this
quality must be identified as a quality inherent in the substratum of
space. If this quality does not exist then it becomes a certainty for
one to predict the end of dynamism and state of non-existence.
The existence of the Aathyantha can predict the continuation of
dynamism which naturally leads to sequential or repetitive state of
cyclic action.
It is a perpetually interactive state. It is cyclic, synchronised, instep,
recurrent and never reaches a limit that stops the interactive
process. The first of three formulas shows that even if a
polarisation factor x is summed up to infinite powers of index and
for infinite time-duration the maximum potential will not exceed
the kinetic or basic potential by more than 1+x or the rate of
expansion cannot go beyond the power of 1+x. Therefore the self
similar superpositioning count at any one location cannot exceed
C1+x at a single level and will be shown to be the Bhava / Ahankar
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 143
value of a charge, in Suthra 32. It signifies a self induced assymetry
in time that maintains the oscillatory state. Any cyclic interaction of
10 counts of one component with another similar one gives an
instantaneous product of 100=102 counts and the maximum delay
of a count in each direction of oscillation provides a total of 2
counts in 100 per cycle. Assuming that this delay continues ad
infinitum as an endless series, then the uncertainty in an interactive
count cannot exceed this count or stating it differently the cycle
may be extended by this factor to bring about a balance in a free
state at any.
Equation. S.1.H.
100 2
1 2
2 2
displacement level. The value of RS is the natural or axiomatic
delay in which the oscillations decay and remain snchronous.
The two parameters e and p /10 ,ensuring the Aikaantha state,
have the quality of endless dynamism built into its derivation. The
ultimate value of e is a constant, reachable only at an infinite rate of
interaction.. Similarly p /10 is a transcendental number that tends
to reach a constant limit at an infinite rate of interaction. Even then
it only ensures the 'circularity' of the cyclic time variation thus
ensuring a centering action.At its higher orders of interactive state,
it remains centred or seems 'static'. The two other states of Atho
and Abhavath too must ensure the perpetual characteristics needed
to sustain the cyclic state. The ratios of continued resonance and
continued expansion in the two modes of simultaneous and
sequential activity must be analysed and the appropriate factors
derived. But before demonstrating how both these aspects of the
field space support it, such parameters must be derived .
Atho. It is the non-symmetric space-like displacement and non
synchronous cycle ( or period ) characteristics in the, resonant
oscillatory background state that forms the dynamic base for all
phenomenon. It motivates manifestation of phenomenon and as it
is a state that exposes change, it can become detectable. Any
incremental displacement at the elemental level has to be 2 as in
144 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
EP3 But the spatial volumetric incremental relationship varies by 7
in relation to the first one (23 = 8 – 1) = 7 counts. Similarly
doubling the radius provides 7 equal incremental spherical nested
volumetric units. See diagram. The rings expand radially as the
cube root of 2 to 8. The cubic space too can expand by the same
mode if synchronised on all 3 axis. The additive mode is shown
with the blue cube as the primary unit. Equal oscillatory
displacements in equal time periods produce a balanced state.
Fig: Doubling Spectrum By 7.
However, here an interactive state is established wherein there
is an inherent inequality either in nodal numbers, distance or time
period between any two axis at right angles. Suthra 21 picturesquely
describes the above oscillatory state as the dependant association
between a blind man and his lame companion helping each other
to get out of a pit that symbolises the potential well. A
mathematical analysis of the very first vector state of a 1 by 2
gradient leads to some special features.
The term signifies movement or dynamic characteristics. When
an interaction from an external source provides an impetus or
motive force to move then such movement is temporary or it
comes to a halt on the termination of that activity potential. But the
definition of the substratum is associated with a fundamental state
that is not dependant on external inputs and must necessarily
provide such characteristics on its own or from its internal state.
. Abhaavath: It is the unmanifest interactive state that does not
exceed the maximum potential, or expansion / contraction
parameters. It implies that all interactions are contained internally
in a balanced and synchronised state. It is a state where in all the
dynamic parameters baalnce and equalise to retain the coherent
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 145
state, perpetually and eternally. The Abhaavath state is a coherent,
synchronised, simultaneous and symmetric interactive state where
all exchanges are carried out internally. The exchanges involve
stress transmigratory actions that do not involve any displacements.
The nett cyclic exchanges result in zero relative displacement which
ensures the maintainence of an unmanifest or undetectable state.
The following mathematical expression symbolises and defines the
unmanifest Abhavath state.
Equation. S.1 I
p =3.1415926536 RS =1.0204081633
e =2.7182818285 p . .
x =0.6180339887
The ratio e/ p represents the Thaamasic coherent state of
simultaneity where all interactions act internally as a single unit.
The e factor FM2 is a simultaneous count within a cycle and hence
treated logarithmic mathematically. The p factor (derivation shown
in FM4) represents the sequential interactive state within the
Thaamasic domain. The ratio x / RS (FM,5,6,7) stands for the Raja
resonant state of interaction that remains within a bounded region.
The expansive logarithmic factor 1/x =1+x symbolising the
equality of the interactive cycle in both the simultaneous and
sequential increments. It is the starting point for all interactions
that externalise .The 10 is the simultaneous counts involved in an
interaction that has each unit proportional to x/2 , the axiomatic
self similar ratio to maintain an interactive state perpetually. While
7 represents the sequential increment when an interactive period
doubles. These form the principle rules to contain the Guna modes
of interactions. All these factors are transcendental numbers thus
ensuring their usage to Athyantha or unlimited number of
interactive states.
The Abhavaath state is shown as a balanced interaction where
the left and right side are perfectly equal and prevents any stress
transmigratory states that could give rise to radiant and therefore
manifest states. The expressions shown below define the
Abhavaath state as a zero difference in count during an interaction.
146 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The transcendantal numbers forming the ratio of simultaneous
Thamaasic states being equal to the rato of Sathwic sequential
Equation. S.1.J.
The ratio of the Thaamasic Purusha spectrum is exactly equal
to the Sathwic Moolalaprakrithi spectrum.
Equation. S.1. K.
Summarising the Logic. :The Sankhya view that evolves out
of the complete theory is that only vibrations are detected by the
observer and all manifested phenomenon are aggregates or
collective states of such vibrations on a fundamental base.
Vibrations are actions and logically it must be caused by
fundamental objects or components. Since only relative changes
canbe be detected , any fundamental component that is not in a
vibratory state cannot be detected. Vibrations are caused by
components in an interactive state or a cyclic state of colliding and
separating that is common to all interactions and wave
phenomenon. The interactions create three distinct modes of
stresses. Collisions are compressive or inelastic. The resultant
reaction is expansive or elastic. When the interacting components
lack the freedom to move away the interactive state is maintained
in a cyclic or shuttling mode in the same location in a resonant
state. Vibrations can be measured if it has an oscillatory amplitude
or displacement or a to and fro movement but if there is no space
to move the vibratory action creates stresses or pressures. Such
stresses transmigrate across the components in the three modes
described earlier. This important Suthra lays emphasis that if the
observed process of detection is dependant on vibrations, then
fundamental space must contain components with those four
characteristics described as states, which makes it function in a
holographic way. That is all vibrations remain in fixed relationship
relative to each vibratory point in a coherent and resonant state.
The axiomatic logic is that if vibrations are caused by interactions
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 147
then the interactions itself can only be between objects, what ever
these might be. The objects need not be defined as it only forms
background. Since only vibrational counts of interactions are
measured and compared dimensional definitions too are not
needee. The following Suthras provide logically concatenating
proof to show that manifestation is a holographic phenomenon.
The Sankhya Suthras derive an unified theory that is self-similar,
scale invariant, perpetual, self-organising, self starting and clocktime
independent. The same laws apply in evaluating the galaxy,
sun, planets, protons, electrons etc. The distance always varies with
cyclic interactive period keeping C the perpetual oscillatory rate
constant. And that is an axiomatic rate due to the action of vectors
at the fundamental level. Therefor, the examples chosen remain in
the realm of particle and atomic physics just as a matter of
148 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 2.
The qualities of the substratum.
detection process-standard or traditional
sahyavishudhikshayaathishayayuktha: .
thadhviparithah: shreyaan
hence-alternative appropriate
Meaning: Standard methods of evaluation through detection
are affected by distortion, attenuation and inferior resolution to
details; but an alternate method that is totally satisfactory, is based
on the principle of discriminating the basic and dynamic
substratum into its appropriate components of the unmanifest,
manifest, the self-potential and kinetic or dynamic potential.
Explanation: The terms Aikaantha and Aathyantha logically
leads to the concept of the manifest and unmanifest and Atho and
Abhaavaath to the differentiation of the dynamic state itself into an
active kinetic state and a static potential phase. Suthra 1 established
that all interactions in the substratum were coherent, balanced and
internally contained.
The logic behind this suthra is difficult to comprehend. The
concept of vector forces from polarisation is brought out through
Guna logic in this suthra. Holistic analysis shows that detecting an
object depends on the emanation put out from it; hence it can exist
and yet not be detected because there is no emanation from it. If
an object is detected at all it must be because of the emanation it
puts out. Any information interpreted correctly constitutes
intelligence. Information, that is not detectable, exists in a potential
or static form. But when detected this information or signal or
intelligence has to be in a state of relative movement, which is a
kinetic potential. Traditionally, knowledge or information is
communicated through the senses, primarily sight
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 149
Vijnaan or
Kinetic or
Vyaktha or Manifest or countable
Detectable or time varying
Jna or Potential Or Coherence
Vertical stack or Simultaneous
Avayaktha or unmanifest
or static or hidden or top view
of vertical stack not countable
Fig: Discriminative Ability
and sound channels. Such an information process may be
affected by adverse conditions and the knowledge so gained may
suffer from distortion, attenuation and poor resolution. Like sight
and sound are communicated by the respective forms of vibrations
and distortion can be recognised when these are found to be
different from the original. Weak or attenuated light and sound
makes it difficult to understand the perceived or heard results. Poor
resolution is when the grades of colour or tone cannot be
differentiated. All or any of the defects shown above may exist in
the source of the information or the process of communication or
in the recipient. It applies to instrumented systems as well, for the
human sensory organs are considered to be natural instruments
following the same principles of phenomenal behaviour.
Then how can one know when the knowledge so received is
correct and can be relied on? Maharishi Kapila enunciated a
method which enabled man to verify and ascertain the correctness
of knowledge gained by himself and is based on the very first and
fundamental set of principles that govern all the phenomenon
experienced by man. The phenomenon may be manifest or
150 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
detectable, or it may be unmanifest and therefore undetectable.
Since phenomenon is dynamic the potential that causes it must be a
part of the principle and the variations, (in the phenomenon) being
the result of differences in potential. It conveys to the observer
information or intelligence or knowledge of the process through its
variations. Fig: 8 Clarifies the concepts.
If man can gain the ability to discriminate between these
varations at the fundamental level where it operates, then he can be
certain of the validity of the acquired information. Because by
comparing and evaluating he can therefore comprehend the
subtlest change. Why is phenomenon manifest or unmanifest (or
detectable & undetectable) at the fundamental level? There is only
one reason; and that is the ability or inability to detect the timeinterval
or duration of phenomenon Or the ability to discriminate
at the finest or subtlest level can confirm the existence of the
changes at the fundamental level.. As logically derived earlier, the
components of the substratum are in only one singular state of –
dynamic existence. If the movements or motion or oscillations
synchronise, that is the time difference between vibrating
components reduces towards what the observer considers to be
zero or too small to detect, the phenomenon seems to be static,
inert etc. And such a time duration becomes his instant and a
measurement yardstick against which all subsequent measurements
can be made meaningfully. In fact that undetectable interval is the
primary or first differential or the first unit of time interval , against
which further measurements can be made.
Being unobservable, it unfortunately cannot used as a unit of
comparison, as it has been pointed out that the ability to measure
depends on an observable relative difference. However the next
incremental unit must be detectable and that is at a level or
measure of two units. Hence logically an absolutely important
dictum, rule, law or principle is established that at the fundamental
(unit) level, detection is not possible and that whatever
phenomenon is detected or measured it must be of two or more
units. (this is the basis of the advaita & dvaita concept; that is
manifestation if detected, is always two (dvaita), dualistic or
pluralistic in nature or the very process of detection requires a
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 151
relational or relative background of more than one. Stating it in a
negative terminology of not two (advaita) therefore means one.
Another important factor emerges when any change takes place
in a dynamic substratum. Since the observer detects manifestation
only due to time delay, then considering the undetectable time ratio
of the substratum as " one upon one", the very next delayed ratio
has to be "one upon two" due to an increase of the first unit
against the apparently static background of the substratum.
Therefore the first unitary change must produce the second unit,
which can now be detected against the monotonous or unitary
background state. One is an absolute number signifying the
smallest digit (not zero) that is real and is a relational set or a
fraction with both numerator and denominator having the same
values. When the numerator has a value different from the
denominator, the number set becomes a fraction or a ratio or a
gradient wherein the static and dynamic states differ in value, of the
same type of units,( be it dimensions or time) or the synchronised
state is lost.
The manifest and the unmanifest phenomenon is governed by
the quality or effect of synchronisation. If a phenomenon or any
element of manifestation is synchronised with the fundamental
substratum (equal components) then the phenomenon does not
manifest itself to the observer or it cannot be detected because the
difference in time or movement is too small (less than a unit) to
detect but the potential or motivation causing the undetectable
activity is present (it exists) so it is a potential in a static form but
unmanifest. When it is detected, it is because the time or
displacement is large enough for the observer to detect but because
it is detected as a relative movement it is now called a kinetic force
or dynamic potential and is manifested. At this stage, if it
synchronises with another similar phenomenon it is considered an
integral part of the manifested phenomenon or an agglomerate in a
simultaneous mode of action.
The non-synchronised aspects are the dynamic (kinetic) part of
any manifested phenomenon and it is this last aspect that is
normally called a phenomenon by the non-discriminating observer.
Therefore a very important principle is evolved from the above: If
the human observer seeks to detect the subtlest, smallest, quickest,
152 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
weakest of phenomenon in his thinking environment then he must
(repeat must) attain the synchronised or coherent state with the
substratum, (of his cerebral system) because then and only then can
he detect or be aware of the nascent change at its very source or
starting point. Does it mean that when detection of phenomenon is
not possible man's ability to acquire knowledge and understanding
of nature is stopped? Then his intellectual capacity to theorise in
the abstract and evolve principles through rigorous logic must
come into effect and only then can he complete the process of
understanding nature totally
Even a minute change can be easily detected against a static
background and such a synchronised (static) state of the mental
environment can be achieved as indicated earlier by a simple
process of being stress free; by not initiating any mental or other
activity; by being passive; going with the tide of self-generated
thought by neither pursuing nor obstructing it but by giving in and
allowing it to take place for thought itself is an inherent activity of
the fundamental field; a passive attitude of acceptance; a relaxed
state of ease and comfort; a state of contentment that inhibits the
generation of a motive to initiate activity ; a no-want state; a state
where-in one has positively renounced the initiative to generate an
act in thought, word and deed. The above is a state of harmony,
synchrony and is an absolutely static or synchronised condition
relative to the fundamental field. It is the Aikaantha-Aathyantha-
Atho-Abhaavaath or self-similar, frictionless, unhindered (kaivalya),
relatively static state of resonance. If from such a state, the most
complex and subtlest form of mental inquiry is initiated then it has
the best chance of generating a correct and appropriate solution.
Suthra 4,5 and 6 define the parameters to mentally understand
phenomenon. The process is detailed out in Appendix The Siddhi
Meditative Process
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 153
Suthra 3.
Axiomatic 3 dimensional wave fundamentals of substratum.
prakrithyvikrithyah: saptha .
fundamental-harmonics seven
sixteenth-approaching-radiation -
naprakrithir na vikrithih purushah:.
neither-oscillatory nor-harmonics nuclear core
Meaning: The fundamental resonant oscillatory state is
synchronised, coherent, resonant and stable; the first interactive
oscillatory state is of maximum intensity of accleration; then there
are seven levels of coherent, harmonic and oscillatory interactive
stages followed by an expanding radiation above a sixteenth order
of the fundamental value; the nuclear core is neither oscillatory nor
harmonically interactive.
Explanation : The fundamentals of three dimensional wave
theory is defined in an axiomatic way. Oscillatory states are based
on relational values. The ratio of a harmonic or synchronous
vibratory state begins at half or two. Synchronous oscillations in
step along all three axis will vary according to the volumetric value
of vibratory counts. Since the counts are superposed or in- step or
in-phase with each other it is described as a coherent state or
Prakrithi state. If it loses its in-step or in-phase phase but the
number of oscillatory counts per cycle remains the same it is in a
harmonic or Vikrithi state. When it loses even the harmonic state it
is a freely moving or Vikaro state of expansion, radiation or
acceleration. The change from one state to another is conditioned
by axiomatic ratios. If the coherent, volumetric state is one unit,
then a change to 2 will require an incremental ratio of 21/3 . The
difference between the two will then be 1.259921-1= .259921. On
the other hand if the value of on side of a cubical unit is one then a
change to 2 will result in a volemtric ratio increase of 23=8 and the
154 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
difference as 8-1=7. These ratios can be used used as relative units
in a flexible way. Hence Prakrithi Vikrithi states increase by 7 when
the radial dimension doubles. The change to a Vikaro state requires
the 23=8 counts double and that is 24=16, as explained in detail in
Suthra 30.
Moolaprakrithi.(definition). The concept is that space
consists of numerous elemental components. The components,
described as representing a cube to maintain conceptual simplicity
and axiomatic rigour, populate all space. Being free and numerous,
all the elemental cubes interact with each other in Swabhava or self
similar Guna modes as detailed in Suthras 11 to 14. The degree of
separation from each other defines the interactive parameters.
Eight adjacent cubes can define the small cubic space that identifies
the interactive interval or gap in the central location where the
eight corners of the cubes can meet .
Fig: The Moolaprakriti Concept.
It is shown as the red cube in the diagram and displays the
cubic form maintained by the 8 vibrating larger blue cubes. That
red cube can be described in terms of interactive counts of
vibrations in a cyclic-perod, assuming that all the eight blue cubes
interact in the same location. The size of the red cube has a specific
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 155
numerical relationship to the larger cube. It can be numerically
related in powers of 2 or 2N or (23)N = 8N etc. The larger blue cube
can now be considered as just the combination of the the smaller
sized red cubes. The collection of red cubes act as a blue cube by
vibrating together as a coherent synchronous, group displaying the
quality of Thaamasic simultaneous activity If the coherent and
synchronised state of interacting or vibrating together
simultaneously is disrupted then that position produces the effect
of the red cube. It is a cube vibrating out of step or synchrony. It is
a cube that does not remain in the same state or location as the rest
and displays a different condition. It is the fundamental condition
of commencement of activity called Moolaprakrithi.
Moolaprakrarithi the red cube is not a cube but a state of a cube in
an active state or a state different from the rest. It is a vibrating
form that exists unly because other vibrating cubes exist and is a
holographic form. The meeting point of three axis shares a single
point which in reality is cubic point. It is the fundamental concept
of an unit of charge in Physics.
Purusha. (definition). An important change of condition takes
place at this interactive interface. The impact between two cubes
can result in 3 states of interactive reactions as defined in the Guna
Suthras. These are instantaneous separation on impact as an
inelastic reaction of the Sathwa state. Or it may elastically vibrate
and remain in a resonant Raja state.
Thaama. Raja Satwa
Fig: Moolaprakrithi To Purusha Transition
156 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Purusha As Number Of Moolaprakrithis.
Fig: The Purusha Moolaprakrithi Formations
Finally it may combine together to attain a uniform, singular,
synchronous and coherent state of activity as one larger cube in the
Thaama state shown in the diagram. The Sathwa state shows the
radiation of a set of Moolaprakrithis as Vrithis (coherent particle
states)) on sudden or inelastic collision. The Raja state shows the
resonant harmony of two sets of Moolaprakrithis interacting
simultaneosly at the same rate as a bound state. The Thaama state
shows the absorption of two sets of Moolaprakrithis in a higher
state of activity as a superposing, compressing,or denser states.
If the red cube Moolaprakrithi is considered the elemental
unitary state then larger cubes can be created as multiples of it as
vibrant but coherent unitary states The Moolaprakrithi is a cube of
space in a vibratory state and the non vibratory state of this same
unit of space cannot remain in that size because of the axiomatic
nature of a Guna interactions. Hence the elemental components in
space combine, aglomerate, or join together as a larger, self-limiting
unit of space, only which can remain static or coherent or passive
or unmanifest etc. There is a single Guna law that acts in identical
ways at every agglomerate level of phenomenon At each level
there is the same proportionate limits of maximum and ninimum
interactive counts but the form and size may vary to attain balance
at each level.
Saying it another way perpetual self similar oscillatory activity
comes to a stop naturally only at the Purusha level. Hence it is
called the Andhathaamshra or dark and dense state of supereposed
vibrations in space. The Guna principles explain why and how this
has to be so due to axiomatic reasons. When the oscillatory state
becomes undetecable by superpositioning of counts
communication with that state is cut off and becomes an isolated
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 157
blackhole state. Suthra ww shows that at 1/(5x1013) the ability to
discriminate the interval between interactive counts dissappears
and it superposes on the previous count. It is the blackhole state in
Physics. Therefore every unit of quiescent , apparently static, barely
resonant and unmanifest unit of space is a Purusha, massive,
blackhole, potential, state of dormant, internal, stress
transmigrational activity of the elemental components in space.
Conceptually, it behaves exactly like the components deep in an
The natural drift of active states towards lower or reduced
activity levels is purely due to the action and reaction counts not
being cyclically equal. As an example if 20 interactions per cycle
(ipc) unit interacts with a 10 ipc unit, the 20 ipc will move in
towards the 10 ipc unit because for every 2 counts there is only one
reacting count to attain a balance of counts. This is the
fundamental cause of transmigration of counts between any two
different count rate states. At the basic elemental level this drift of
Moolaprakrithy counts towards the Purusha coherent states is
observed as a gravitating phenomon. At intermediate levels this
type of migration of counts display the Linga/Bhaava and
Abiman/Ahankar changes in the Thaama-Raja-Sathwa Guna
characteristics which represent the strong, weak and
electromagnetic interactive spectrum Suthras 46 to 56 define the
entire spectrum from the Andhathaamishra blackhole state to the
fleetingly radiant Moolaprakrithi avalanche. At denser level fields in
space the vapour, fluid and solid phase change states are caused by
the Guna characteristics in exactly the same way..
Therefore the Galactic centre, the Sun, the planets, the hadronic
nuclear states like the neutron, proton electron and all such forms
that have a coherent internalised count state must seem to attract
non coherent ensembles. The precise axiomatic mathematical
reason for such transmigrating conditions are spelt out in Suthras
24 and 52 for the changes in state at the Thaama Raja (Quark-
Hadron) and the Raja-Sathwa (Hadron-Lepton-Neutrino) interface
respectively. The bracketed terms are only a broad indicator of the
types of particulate forms, in a very complex spectrum of
158 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The logical conclusion from the derivation above is defined in
Suthra 62 .which declares that nothing is bound, released or
trnsferred except the vibratoty state. Expressing it in another way,
solid, fluid and radiant states are due to the three Guna states in
which interactive oscillations combine and remain as ensembles
acting simultaneously in groups. . It leads to certain conceptual
changes in the way manifestation can be perceived. The vibrating
cubic form in a synchronised and coherent state represents a
hologram like the Moolaprakrithi , except for the number of
interactive counts acting simultaneously. Lack of dimensional
classification does not detract from the accountability of space in
terms of the holographic cube because both are of the same form
in the same sea of components in space. The concept of
dimensionality becomes superfluous. Assuming all cube
components loose the freedom to interact, then there can be no
gap at all in which case the error ratio will be the count relationship
of one holographic cubic form of a Moolaprakrithi state to the sum
of all cube components in space. This proof exists in the Suthra 68.
It shows that if even one holographic Moolaprakrithi cannot exist
then all manifestation as phenomenon must dissapear.
The Prakrithi Vikrithi spectrum of seven levels. The
Purusha and the Moolaprakrithi form the limits of the coherent
and radiant states representing the Thama and Sathwa Guna states
respectively. In between lies the spectrum of transition states The
Prakrithi are the nodal or synchronous states that vibrate in
harmony with the fundamental level. When vibratory distances or
wavelengths expand by the same amount or double, the cubic
count value rises to 8. It increases by seven different count rates.
These are incremental states that exist as harmonics at distinct
levels. Every time a wavelength doubles the incremental states rise
by another 7 additional states with a different scale level of
vibrations. Since these are at distinct harmonic levels, the spaces or
wavelength in between these nodes also have the Vikrithi vibratory
states that do not synchronise with the fundamental.
While the Prakrithi states remain in harmony and are detectable
as stable ensembles of vibratory states, the Vikrithi vibrations do
not exist as stable ensembles. Vikrithi states are not harmonic and
exist as a constantly and consistently changing state that may
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 159
harmonise momentarily with other states. While Prakrithi states
combine by harmony or synchronous-oscillations to display higher
density, mass, energy, force etc at specific locations or intervals, the
Vikrithi states display the changing states due to non synchrony
and non coherence. In Physics the Prakrithi states depict the
Thaamasic fernionic characteristics of spin half particles while the
Vikrithi displays the Rajasic bosonic form of spin one particles.
Though Sankhya does not refer to these states as particles but as a
mixture of the three Guna oscillatory states of spatial components.
The Vikrithi being the in between discordant states of the same
Prakrithi spectrum, it too has 7 additional levels of vibratory states
with every doubling of a distance or wavelength etc.although not a
stable and detectable spectrum. This spectrum creates
transcendant, fleeting, momentary, unspecified phenomena that are
difficult to calssify.
Though the Moolaprakrithi in action is similar to the Vikrithi
state it cannot be termed as such because all other stable states are
axcatly in step with it. Because every phenomenon is described in
terms of the Moolaprakrithi count value. there is no need for
dimensionality. Since it is the smallest possible state of activity it
forms the accurate unit of an Universal accounting process.
All measurement or detection is in relation to the basic state.
Krithi is a cutting or sudden dividing action and gives the
vibrations or oscillations the quality of a square wave, not a smooth
or slowly changing quality like a sinewave variation at the basic
level. Interactions between inelastic objects can only display a sharp
cut off or period of separation. It implies a high frequency or high
vibratory rate per cycle and small or fine displacement or
wavelength. At the point of balance between two different rates,
the difference must be very small, both displacement and rate wise.
This point is identified in Suthra 32 that pinpoints fraction of a
cyclic count rate at which two interactive countrates are considered
to be of identical value.
Avikrithi means a superpositioned state of oscillations of a basic
or fundamental rate and does not contain harmonics. Such a
condition implies that the superpositioning is carried out within the
cycle or the time factor is less than unity or the ratio of radial
displacement to velocity is less than one. The vibrations or
160 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
oscillations are contained within a boundary and are coherent; that
the rate is the same in all directions and the displacement of the
vibrating boundary is synchronised and acts in the breathing mode
and its centre of action remains stationary. It is not an accelerative
state. It is a three dimensionally harmonious state. Its rate of
vibrations forms the ground state and is maintained at the same
rate due to an axiomatic characteristic.
An oscillation that has an equal inward and outward period of
interaction or half of the total cycle. It remains stable and it defines
the Moolaprakrithi state. It is a standing wave and must have time
or displacement equal to ½ a cycle or distance. It is an axiomatic
state in which all parameters are self similar which is a Swabhava
state. It is not a detectable state as the nett displacement is always
zero. Therefore at the fundamental level even though the
Moolaprakrithi activity sustains the balance there is no detectable
reaction to measure or observe. Space though full of activity does
not display unbalanced reactions below an identified level.
The addition or combinations of oscillatory states follows
axiomatic rules, that is, a new state is created by joining with an
existing state, to expand acceleratively. The prakrithi or the
spectrum of oscillatory states, divides into avikrithi or harmonic
states that are stationery or have nodal and antinodal positions.
Nodal harmonics are integer dependant and all rates are integer
based but the ratio or gradient of a change are shown as fractions.
These states have 7 nodal levels for the following reasons. The
stable oscillatory state can change from its fundamental state of 1
to 2 and in all three axis it equals 23 = 8 and subtracting the first
or primary prakrithi state leaves 7 nodal levels of harmonic states in
a complete cycle of 8 nodal combinations. Similarly internally the
the sum of inward going harmonics is 1/7 .
Therefore this Suthra lays down the algorithm for all future
relative measurements in a cycle. The seven levels are captive and
they cannot be separated in a spherically harmonius cycle and it
must be realised that any measurement must take cognisance of
this basic factor. The spectral density of seven harmonic levels
affects any change from one level to double that level or an
increase in ratio of 1 to 2. At the basic level it is of the largest
magnitude . The moolaprakrithi is stable and forms the first
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 161
internal level but the prakrithi – vikrithi polarisation to the next
level gets externalised but still remains stable for the following
reasons. The later Suthras will show that an interaction on colliding
or obstruction of the vibratory state, superpose or add instantly or
the output sum becomes a product of the two values. When
balance is attained by separating in a sequential or periodic mode
the value divides into equal halves or is additive. If the division is
not equal then there is movement of nodes towards the lower value
state. Any interaction is direction dependant along any axis and any
colliding action between the vibrating components can increase the
rate of change from 1 to 2 as 2 x 2 = 4 but the captive value of 7
+1 = 8 is still larger than 4 and the level of activity is not enough to
radiate or move away. The next level is reached when either one
axis or a synchronisation of 2 axis has nodal value of 4. Then an
interaction between two adjoining states will have a product of 4 x
4 = 16 which then can separate in equal distance or time cycle of 8
+ 8 = 16 and still remain balanced. When 16 is exceeded,
movement away from centre commences or the centre of action
drifts or radiation of vibrations takes place. The graphic
presentation makes it clear that in a count rate of 10 per cycle the
combination of increments yields 8+8=16 = 4 x 4. The expression
for adding incremental rates that can be stable or divisible by 2 is (n
x (n+1)) /2 . This method eliminates the recount of a cube in two
or three axis synchronisation and the cube is the equivalent of a
point in space or a node.
The stable combination = 1 + 3 =2 +2 = 22 =4
The unstable combination= 3 + 6 = 4.5 + 4.5 =32= 9
The expression (n2+n)) /2 provides stable combination.
Taking a series of n that takes an external incremental unit,
gives the values of cunts as 1+2=3. 3+3=6. 6+4=10. 10+5=15.
15+6=21. 21+7=28. 28+8=36. 36+9=45. 45+10=55. etc
162 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Fig: Aggregation Of Space Components.
The combination 6+10 =16= 8+8 =42 is stable. When
balanced it is stable else there are stress currents in both direction
that shift the nodes. The left combinations are stable only at a
gradient of 1 in 2. The combination of incremental harmonics can
remain stable if divisible by 2 to maintain the standing wave
relationship. The right side combine with similar states in a
coherent standing wave Prakrithi relationship. (The periodic table
in chemistry and the quark spectrum in particle physics follows the
same rule and details are shown in Suthras 46 to 50)
Vikaro (definition). Is the state of unsynchronised, unbalanced
or eccelerated activity and it commences from the 16th. nodal level.
The next level of expansion or increase in harmonics occurs in the
next cycle. The stable or fundamental or cohrerence state described
by cubic formulation can only be upset by an interaction with
another cubic form but the reaction from the interaction polarises
according to Guna laws. Hence the cubic state of third power
increases to the fourth power interactively to launch the Vikaro
accelerative or radiative process.
Purusha. Axiomatic derivation. The core Purusha position is
in a densely superpositioned state. It is kept in balance by the
moolaprakrithi activity. The standing wave nodal position is
maintained because of the reaction from the components
oscillating at the same stable background rate C.
But if it is less, then the nodes drift towards the core or centre
to attain a stable nodal position. The nodal spacing depends on the
maximum superpositioning density.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 163
Fig: Prakrithi Vikrithi Nodes In Purusha.
Density along one axis is shown. The Purusha node is a cubic
point in reality. Suthra 30 defines it. The Purusha combines both
Prakrithi and Vikrthi to harmonically remain in a coherent state.
The stress due to interactive density is maximum and the red
square in figure 12 above shows it but its not to scale. Taking that
point as a real unit and dividing each side by two gives 8 units.
k 2
3 cyclic_expansion 101 x sequential_expansion k8
102 2
1.02040816 EP7
Purusha Kx .
10 . 1 x
102 2
Continuing it endlessly results in extending the cyclic period of
divisions as an instantaneous or logarithmic sum within one cycle.
The value is arrived at FM7. While the first division gave the value
as (1/2)3 = 1/8 the EP7 shows an increase to 1/7. Applying the
Guna rules of simultaneous, sequential and resonant interactive
states, results in FM9 values.The conceptual shape of the Purusha
Linga state Kx in the Thaamasic state of coherent interaction is
shown in Fig: 14 The stress lines show the variation from the stage
164 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
when all the three axis synchronise to a point and gradually expand
to the Mahad Prakrithi Mps form.
Fig: The Purusha Andhathamishra Form
The Purusha state defined as the sum and product of coherent
activites is strictly a process of dividing by 2. The proof that
concept must be correct is given by the sum of all the Vikrithi
states. As defined before the Vikrithi is the non synchronous state
of the same number of vibrations at the coherent nodes. FM11
gives the value called a Catalan in mathematics. Equation. S. 3.A.
Vikrithi Vk
( 1)n.( 2.n 1) 2 1 0.9159656254
C 10
1 22 2 2.9657596692.108
Moolaprakrithi My
1.3446202249.10 51
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 165
There is a very accurate reason for the small difference between
the Purusha Kx and the sum of Vikrith Vk values. It is explained in
the 68th Suthra, but the RS prakrith state limits the Kx value to
balance with all the other parameters.
Moolaprakriti. Axiomatic derivation. The Moolaprakrithi is
the smallest interactive component of the Purusha. Since it is the
basic or fundamental state and forms a unit of interactive time
cycle or inertia count with every state, it has a number of ways of
derivation that confirms its extremely small value relative to the
Purusha. The cycle of 10 counts increases its value by breaking its
coherent and synchronise state and attains the value of C. The
velocity of light in Physics has the same number value if the
wavelength is defined as a metre and time of a second is exteneded
by a factor 1.010845. The ability to derive the equivalent of the
velocity of light that was made into an universal constant and limit
arbitrarily, reinforces the logic of Sankhya, for here it is an
axiomatic constatnt of interactive vibrations between components
in the space. C corrects the experimental value by the doppler shift
created by the Galactic transfer velocity in space.
In Sankhya, components in space do not and cannot travel but
only stresses created by interactions can transmigrate. The
combined or aglomerate form is maintained by vibrations caused
by interactions and only such stresses transmigrate. Hence the
concept of a velocity in a sea of components in space cannot be
accommodated but the transfer of stresses as phase transmigration
velocity is justified. The holographic vibratory state remains at a
constant rate C in FM12, when coherence is broken and the value
changes according to Guna laws during the cyclic interactive states.
It will be shown in later Suthras that interaction rates remain at
23.23 and 259.55 vibrations per cycle as the internal coherent and
surface resonant rate of transmigration of stresses respectively.
They correspond to sound and terrestrial quake velocities. C =
296575966 is reached when coherence breaks at a gradient of 1 by
In an interaction between two components three modes of
evalution is followed. The vibrating cubic form of a component of
space in a coherent state is numerically equal to C3 counts per cycle.
166 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
A point to note is the cyclic interval is 1/C3 if all three axis are not
acting together or operate in phase or in step. It changes to 1/C2 if
two axis synchronise and 1/C if all three synchronise into a
coherent state. The disapperance or vanishing of C2 in two stage of
synchronisation of axis is the cause of the observed difference in
mass-energy or charge-potential or strong-weak-electromagnetic or
solid-liquid-vapour or hadron-lepton-photon polarisation
phenomenon in Physics.
The Thaamasic mode of internal interaction is C3 x C3 =C6. If
a number of component forms are combined then the six sides
interact with its opposite as C2 and all three axis acting together
results in (C2 )3 = C6 again. This is the maximum number of
interactive states that can be created within a cycle. Therefore the
Moolaprakriti must logically be the 1/C6 fraction of the maximum
period of the Purusha coherent state. My is the smallest possible
interactive value taking C as the value of the resonant state. The
relevance of the Moolaprakrithi to all aspects of cyclic
phenomenon is highlighted in the figure 'Closed Substratum of
Space' on page 82. The derivation of all the six stable states linked
to the Moolaprakrithi value by C is an exquisite proof of the
profoundness of Sankhyan logic shown the section 'Axiomatic
Mathematical Derivations".
Prakrithi Mahad Saptha. Mathematical Derivation. The
Prakrithi states are nodal ensembles that retain their stable
positions while changing from the coherent to the resonant
positions. All these are changes in the same locations that interact
as a simultaneous group and expand to the stable level. The
interactive states in this spectrum of seven levels are at the core
level . The Mahad state changes are brought about by a break in the
coherent state where all three axis are in step and the count is just
C even though the C3 is its real value. Here the vibrations or
oscillations occur in the breathing mode and only the stresses
transmigrate as internal phase changes hence C2 is hidden as
superposed counts.
As the angular cyclic interval widens between any two axis the
breathing mode counts change from C to C3 in stages. The
superposed state signifies the potential phase or the Linga mode of
interaction. The progressive angular widening changes the Linga
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 167
potential into the Bhava form of kinetic potential. It changes the
breathing mode to a radially widening spinning mode of interactive
balance. Evidence of changing time periods are introduced in the
region. The polarisation of Linga into the Bhave phase as
sequentially changing location of interactions is seen as spin. When
C has broken its coherent state by increasing C through C2 to its
basic level of C3 the process reaches its stable state at the expanded
end. During this complex change, superpositioning density,
interactive time cycle, radial counts and inertia (or mass) have
changed simultaneously in a perfect process of self similar ratio
of exchange without radiating or absorbing counts in the same
The Mahad Prakrithi changes to Saptha Prakrithi state as
transmigratory stress change process in the same location. It can be
visulalised as twisting and untwisting type of oscillatory
interactions, in a stable state. Identifying it in Physics the Mahad is
the Planck Mass state and the Prakrithi Saptha the Neutron in the
hadronic spectrum. The quark levels change through seven levels
of interconnected states identified as being in assymptotic freedom.
All these interactions are axiomatic because the motivation comes
from hindering the synchronisation process of absorbing counts. It
is the perfect yo-yo effect that is sustained only because there is no
physical movement but transfer of stresses at resonance through
transmigration. The rigorous derivations are shown in the section
on axiomatic mathmatics but the relevant states are derived here to
enable understanding of a most phenomenal process that
establishes the power house in space. Equation. S 3. B.
Kx 10 .
1 .
n 102 2
Mps . 10
1 22 2
2.2036944538.10 8
168 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The Mahad Mps value is derived by allowing the 7 RS resonant
state, that maintains the coherent Purusha Kx state of balance, to
expand to C . FM13 shows the Purusha Kx change to Mps by an
exchange of the expanding parameters C/(7 RS) to its
axiomatic limit. Value of C an expression from FM 12, is
shown in FM13 to highlight at a glance the spectacular change of a
blackhole state Kx to its interactive commencement state of Mps.
The same change shown in symbolic form highlights the
equivalence in a traditional form.
Fig: The Linga-Bhaava Polarising Form.
The Purusha Kx oscillatory state depicts momentum confined as
internally transmigrating stresses. That equivalence is confirmed by
the Planckmass momentum of Mps into C, the velocity of light.
This interface Fig. 14A called Andhathamisrah-Moha changes from
a coherent potential state of interactive stresses held as 'confined
momentum' to a dynamic momentum of the Mps Mahad mass.
Here is an extraordinary proof that the largest momentum Mps C
is equal to the resonantly oscillating stresses in every Purusha
blackhole in space as Kx 7 Rs. This equivalence of static
momentum or dormant potential to dynamic momentum is the
equivalent of entropy in Physics, which enumerates the modes of
change possible in such a state. It provides the mechanism for
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 169
absorbing interactive counts from the C state to the 7 RS coherent
state. Therefore radiation is absorbed in space, hence photons must
decay in 1018 interactive displacement of 1/10 of cycle or 0.6283.
Further, the Mps value is derived in 5 different ways and give
identical numerical value which removes any doubt about its
statistical significance.
PM the Prakrithi Saptha or the 7th harmonic level of the
Baryonic/Hadronic spectrum is identified as a stable nuclear state.
Its generic derivation is shown in FM14.
Equation S. 3 C.
12 12 12
2n.A . n 2
1 22 2
1.6744231791.10 27
Comparison with FM12 exposes the change over from the Mps
coherent boundary to the synchronous limit. PM a hadronic state
behaves in Neutron / Proton modes depending on its freedom to
act. The PM state is a C3 / Px count in space , the perpetual and
axiomatic internal oscillatory state. It cannot decay but all other
states decay into this state first. Because Px is the axiomatic
coherent, 'rest' state of a cubic unit of holographic space. This
axiomatic constant figures in many interactions at the fundamental
level. The actual PM state cannot be detected as it is in a coherent
state. FM15 shows the perfect balance. Just as a spherical photon
cannot be detected, so to the PM, Mps and Kx states Any
difference in counts between any two axis sets the An vector ( see
FM4) to balance by resonance. It forms a potential well or the
negative gradient in the normal C3 count The Px factor keeps the
surface in a spherical form of vibrations in the
170 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Equation. S.3.D
12 12 12
2n.A . n 2
1 =
1 =
breathing mode for all three axis have C/ Px1/3 counts that
provides lower rate to keep PM surface boundary in the form of a
potential well. The Linga / Bhava interfaces at the PM boundary is
stable because no counts are radiated or absorbed. A critical
analysis of the mutual relationship is given below with a diagram.
Kx.7.RS 6.535628
Mps.C 6.535628
PM.Px.C3.7.RS 6.535628
Fig: The Thaama Intreraction In Linga Mode
The Kx, Mps and PM are three phases of the Thaama Linga
coherent potential in a centred state and all are equal to a constant.
Kx is the Andhathamisra state at an interactive internal stress
transfer rate of 7 RS counts per cycle.
Here the Purushha component in space is in its fundamental
isolated and free state. It is the ground state where FM12, Kx
formulation exists. Therefore all higher count rates drift towards
such centers which behave as a blackhole state. Why do interactive
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 171
counts drift?The diagram Fig:14. shows how the higher interactive
count drifts or gravitates or transmigrates to a stable lower count
The 5+5=10 maintains the same central meeting point always.
The 11 to 14 counts show the incremental drift of the meeting
point towards the 5 count rate. 5/10 is 0.5 but 5/14 = 0.357 The
reason why count rates drift to the Kx level can be explained by
another method. The Mps count is accumulated C times and held
together as a simultaneous ensemble which then has to be
interacted only 7 times in a cycle to equal the total Kx count value.
Momentum conservation concept imposes the rule that larger the
count value as a single ensemble, the slower is the rate of
interactive transfer. It takes 8 cyclic changes or 108 counts to shift
to the lower level.
Again if 5 counts per cycle takes 1/5 of the cyclic period to
5+9 =14
Fig. Stress Transmigration.
reach a point, then 10 counts per cycle sends 2 counts in the
same period. Hence the essence of the principle is if the counts per
cycle match exactly then the meeting point remains in the same
position or else there is a change in interactive location. Two
sentries keeping watch across a doorway will always meet at the
centre if they take the same number of equal steps . The moment a
step or rate becomes unequal the process of separation starts. This
is the only reason for transmigration or movement of vibratory or
oscillatory states that represent stress in any of three forms. Filling
172 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
a box with 100 cubes one at a time takes 100 operations and the
interval of time for each action takes 1/100th of the whole cycle.
If 10 cubes are transferred simultaneously as a group in each
operation of 1/100th of a cycle, 9/100th of the remaining part is an
idle period in which no transfers would be detected. Therefore
simultaneous events have to be treated differently and cannot be
averaged. The Laser amd Maser types of coherent phenomenon
with unusual results underline this concept. Coherent radiation of
energy is in pulsed form.
The Mps at the Andhathamisra-Moha (blackhole-boundary)
interface interacts in the Raja Linga mode at C counts per cycle.
Though cubic space counts are C3 / cycle the potential is reduced
to C because 2 axis are synchronised at this interface and hides the
C2 counts. Recall the experiment when ten claps count as one clap,
when perfectly synchronisously. In this state stresses transmigrate
and act in the sequential prakrithi mode and is the equivalent of
momentum without any movement or static stress. If there is
movement the two axis synchrony will be broken and the Prakrithi
state will be destroyed. The resonant C counts per cycle at a cyclic
period diference of 1 to 2 remains centred and thus creates the
largest inertial state ready to transfer stresses. The proof is shown
in the axiomatic derivation section where the displacement counts
per cycle is exactly 7/My, proving that the Moolaprkriti is not only
the smallest unit of activity but also the highest eccelarative unit in
the Universe. The counts at this interface transmigrate to Kx at 7
RS when the rate C is exceeeded. The potential drop at this
interface is C/7 RS counts per cycle..
The Prakrithi Saptha PM also acts within the Thaama state and
operates at the Moha- Mahamoha interface. It expands as the
change in the coherent state breaks the symmetry. The density or
the superpositioning of counts reduces to an axiomatic cyclically
interactive state of synchronous activity. It attains the equivalence
of the normal state of components in the C3 state of a cube
oscillating in the breathing mode. In the breathing mode only the
stresses from confined interactive activity transmigrate internally to
maintain balance but there would be no detectable change in the
external state. For example while inside the Sun there is intense
activity but the shape of the outer surface remains the same. All
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 173
the interactions upto this point have been internal, self similar,
perpetual and unmanifest. It is still in the Thaama interactive state
operating in the Linga mode of simultaneous activity. This interface
is in a complex interactive state that breaks its coherent,
simultaneous Thaama mode to enter the sequential and radiative
Raja and Satwa interactive modes. A detailed analysis of the
complex changes are shown diagramatically and axiomatically in.
7 .
k 1
2n.A . n 2
Abhimaan Ahankar
Bhoothaani Vikaro
Fig: The Bhava State Of Nuclear Interface
The Red Linga mode of simultaneous interactive states breaks
at the pink Abhimaan interface first and later at the green Ahankar
interface. All the regions blue, green and violet are detectable.
Within the blue only Thamasic and Rajasic Prikrithi harmonic
states remain stable and observable. The Rajasic Vikrithi non
synchronous states are not stable and only fleeting, momentary
and trancendenatal phenomenon can be observed, detected and
interacted with. The Sathwic states are free, expansive and radiant
states that become observable as a reaction. The Sathwic radiative
states form the resonant decay states that interactively get absorbed
into the substratum the moment they are accelerated beyond C
because the coherent and quiescent Thamasic Linga state of the
Kx/Mps/PM spectrum are always at C . Recall C2 synchrony hides
174 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
in C3 to maintain only C counts. As a result of two axis
synchronising, space cannot be radiant because it is in an
absorbing state. The absorbing action is only possible in the
coherent state wich automaticall reduce counts by synchrony.
Again recall Kx is idling at 7 RS counts per cycle and therefore it
has a prodigious capacity to absorb all counts above 8 per cycle.
Extremely long waves are involved in this spectrum.
Fig: The Abhiman Potential Well .
The Abhimaan interface between the C3 Thaamasic and a
spectrum of Raja states varying from C2 to C in cyclic periods
extending over 13 billion years, forms an unusual junction or
transfer point. Two opposite locations of the Abhimaan gap must
be dealt with synchronously but not simultaneously. It means the
interactive event in the Raja Abhimaan interface need not be found
in the same location. As an example though the distance from the
moon or the sun remains approximately same, the orbiting bodies
keep changing its angular locations according to certain rules.
The concept of spin does not exist in an interactive
environment but sequential displacements may seem to follow a
curved path in a period. Current Gravitational theories look at
the phenomenon as isolated from the coherent stresses in space
whereas Sankya theory shows that disturbance of the restful or
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 175
coherent state of the substratum creates gravitational and or related
activities. All manifestaion is a local event because the maximum
rate of power generation is vested in every coherent point in space
and disruptive signals trigger action locally.The blue Boothani
spectrum forms the magnetic or superposed count section in the
resonant Raja state. Crossing the green Ahankar interface the
purple Sathvic state commences as a radiative or accelerative
transmigratory mode of Vikaaro. It covers the radiant photonic
spectrum upto the boundary where phenomenon gets reversed due
to axiomatic conditions.
Shown in Fig:17, the Linga Bhava transition mode, at the
Abhimaan interface, forms a potential well, through conversion of
the coherent symmetric state into a synchronous resonant state, at
the same potential , across this gap. It is a linking, coupling or
connecting region that changes simultaneous interactions to
sequential interaction and viceversa without loss of counts.
Potential Linga state changes to a Kinetic Bhava state across an
axiomatic gap. The nodes in the simultaneous domain have a ratio
shown in the derivation of Kx in EP13. In the Abhimaan region,
there are synchronous, sequential and resonant states that are
shown in Fig:17 as (k-1), 7 and FM4 as p /10 . The change is the
angular p / 10 and (8-1) factors respectively. There are no changes
manifestated at this interface. As an exmple water forms into ice at
the same temperature without loss of sensible heat yet ice has 'lost'
latent heat. [This is the vanishing count event due to
synchronisation of interactions.] In Fig:18 the outer lip at the
circumference depicts sequential events that do not take place
simultaneously. Hence interactive events would seem to rotate or
spin or change position in sequential steps. The central hole depicts
the simultaneous activity superposed or synchronised or phased in
lock-step at the same radial location. It is the Andhathamishra or
blackhole region. The dip or well formed can be understood by
visualising the actions in this region.
Consider that the central section, for example, has 100 counts
but grouped together in tens and distributed radially in 10 sectors
around the 'hole' region. Opening out ten counts in an equalised
mode would require 10 times the distance. But here the combined,
interactive ratio 7/(k-1) forms a constraint which results in a
176 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
deformation due to a non linear rate of interaction of the Vikrithi
or non-harmonius oscillations type. The Prakrithi mode at the
mouth of the hole is separated by an axiomatic ratio of (k-1) from
the next Prakrithi harmonic stata at the outer lip of the well. In
between, the non-synchronous Vikrithi state diplays a
lower potential or count rate and interactive states from both
sides of the well attain a balance at the trough. The well indicates a
lower potential or Abhimaan state with a lower count rate per
cycle due to synchrony. As a result the absorption factor explained
earlier comes into play and forms a stable and resonant state at the
bottom of the trough. The ratio is exactly the count diffrence
between Prakrithi state of PM or nucleon and the Vikrithi state of
a lepton or Electron as 1837.42 This value is an axiomatic
numerical ratio and this cyclic proportionality exists at the Linga-
Bhava interface. The Prakrithi state gravitating from the central
hole region down into well meets the Vikrithi state too
Equation. S 3. E.
k 1
2.30862.10 30 Me 9.110234.10 31
2n.A . n 2
2.30862.10 30 Ne 9.528734.10 35
Ne. .
k 1
3 7
2n.A . n 20
2.30862.10 30
Gravitating down from the outer lip to attain a balance. The
Prakrithi or hadronic state loses its denser superpositioned count to
progressively take a curved path while the Vikrithi state loses it rate
of displacement to eventually attain a superposed coherent or
synchronous or superposed potential state. The balance is shown
in FM16 exactly at 2.3e-30 fraction of a cyclic count. It is worth
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 177
noting the subtle mecahnism of control in maintining the balance.
The PM (Neutron/Proton etc) side has a fixed ratio of 7/(k-1)
whereas the vector An is a variable that matches the standing wave
harmonic of 2n to maintain this balance on the Electron to
Neutrino section over the outer rim. The Electron Me and
Neutrino Ne are separated by the resonant potential difference
caused by the nodal separation. While the Electron at the first
Abhimaan potential-well balanced the Proton- Neutron
configuration, the 7 Neutrino spectrum shown in the Raja
Bhoothani region balanced the green Ahankar transition zone.
Beyond it in the purple Sathwa state, the well known hydrogen
spectrum, where the radiant zone commenced.
Fig: The Ahankar Spectrum Of 7 Ne States.
A notable point at this exotic interface of the Ahankar region, is
that the potential changes by breaking resonance between the two
axis in the Raja resonant region across a k-1 gap to radiate Vrithis
or Photons. The proof is in the mass-energy value of the 7th
neutrino of 53.2 electron volts (EV) to the 13.6 EV of the
hydrogen radiant spectrum. By placing Fig. 18 as the enlarged
region in the central zone of Fig 19 the plancks constant with a
potential value of 7 Ne or 372 EV resides in the hole while the Ne
of 53.2 EV stays at the bottom of the well and the Hydrogen
spectrum of 13.6 EV radiates from the outer lip through 7 nodal
levels shown in Fig. 19. The mechanism of spontaneous creation
of various particle states depending on density of interactive stable
178 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
counts is in each region and is shown in the axiomatic derivations.
Hence Neutron and Proton states are just the interactive counts at
the top or bottom of the inner side of the well and the leptonic
Electron or Neutrino states are similar bottom or top positions on
the outer rim of the well. Similarly planks constant of 7 Ne and Ne
are the top and bottom states of the inner side of the well while the
Vrithi or photon of Ne (k-1) value radiate from the outer rim.
All these particulate states are created by hidden potential
interaction that releases no evidence of its action. Because
superpositioning or phase locking or simultaneous interactions are
carried out within a cycle of 10 counts, which forms a
'logarithmical instant'. Hence only the log index of cyclic changes
of ten counts/cycle alter the values. In between, only the phase or
angular relationships change without creating any detectable
displacement. The hidden potential change is a magnificient
simultaneous operation created only by the axiomatic conditions of
all related parameters.. The mechanism of interactive change is
given in the section 'Power House Of The Universe'.
Another proof for a cycle of 10 inteactive events is shown
again as it is relevant to the concepts in this Suthra.
Equation. S.3.F.
1 3 5 7 9 =25
9 7 5 3 1 =25
10 10 10 10 10 =50
Even numbered interactions or oscillations will be absorbed as
a synchronised harmonic to form a standing wave or a nodal
position. The odd numbered oscillatory rates will however tend to
build up harmonics. Therefore the total number of incremental
states possible are the five variations in the Guna spectrum and
that leads to a total of 25 variations in both phases. That creates a
standard cyclic variation of 10 counts at each stage that evens out
to maintain an apparent static state. A standing wave does not
consume energy and this sequence confirms that fact.
In later Suthras the cycle is derived and shown to be 10 ( (n x
(n+1)) /2 when n=4 ) and the logarithmic value to the base 10 is
the measurable value of C ; C = 10C = 296575966 oscillations per
cycle. This is the stable oscillatory rate per cycle when there is no
acceleration or rate of change of cycles. The numerical value is
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 179
equal to the velocity of light in m/sec in physics. But in Sankhya it
is the stable oscillatory ground state. The moolaprakrithi value is
derived from it.
Fig: Observable Phenomenon.
In order to understand why space seems undetectable, a cubic
section is shown with a 'random' aggregation of Moolaprakrithi
states as coloured cubes. The cubes that are able to vibrate or
oscillate due to non coherent interaction are shown with spaces
surrounding them. The changing boundaries enable detection but
in the rest of the apparently blank space the changes are
undetectable and the cubes become invisible. The visible ones are
in a vibratory state , hence become observable as matter or
phenomenon. The blank sections are also field by the same
elemental components but cannot be detected for they are in a
coherent vibratory state. Suthra 32, defines the maximum
acceleration or the minimum cyclic interval that makes it
impossible to discriminate between two interactions. The field of
action becomes continuous. While the interactive cyclic rate is C
180 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the limiting rate is C1+x. That rate marks the boundary of two
adjacent components and the extremely small interval hides the
separated state of the components.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 181
Suthra 4.
Verification of reality through axiomatic proof.
perception-inference-axiomatic principles
cha sarvapramaanisidhathvath.
and complete-logic- by siddhi
thrividham pramaanamishtam
threefold rationale-appropriate
prameyaasiddhi: pramaanaaddhi .
theoretical- siddhi. logical theoretical container
Meaning: Siddhi or conclusive holistic proof is arrived at by a
process of logical and theoretical analysis of information from
observations, inferences and axiomatic principles. When such
holistic conclusions are further condensed by using the threefold
analytical process with appropriate rationale and theory, it is
established as a conclusive axiomatic theorem.
Explanation: (Siddhi is also translated as a perfection meaning
'flawless.' Any proof of any theorem or proposition must be
flawless or form axiomatic principles) The threefold analytical
process is : Sequentially analysing information. Analysing the
sequential information in permutation and combinations of the
previous results and drawing inferential conclusions . Putting all the
previous outputs together in a simultaneous mode and intellectually
experiencing the foregoing results and deriving a set or unified unit
of logic that can be used as the container or nested nugget for
including more complex and related conclusions. It becomes a
logical theorem
The process is the same interactive method followed by the
Guna interactions, explained in later Suthras 11 to 18
The outcome of such a process is an acceptable, perfected,
holistic, logical set of conclusions that can be called a theorem or
The same process can be repeated with more complex input
information to establish new principles containing within it earlier
principles to form a nested holistically logical theorem or principle.
182 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The meditative process dealt with in appendix C covers the above
principle in detail and establishes the unambiguous technique of
attaining the skill of thinking or rationalising perfectly by following
the same interactive process followed in the substratum.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 183
Suthra 5.
Process of verification of detectable phenomenon.
reference –sensory-persistent
drishtam trividhamanumaanamaakyaatham .
perception threefold -inferential-defininition
axiomatic principle/theory
Meaning: With reference to persistent continuous sensory
perception of phenomenon there are three aspects of factual
information with characteristices like (positive) detectable ,
(negative) undetectable, (neutral) original characteristics that can
be measured, analysed and interpreted to establish an axiomatic
theorem or principle.
Explanation: In dealing with vibratory or oscillatory
phenomenon, measurements or detection processes must take into
account the three phases of an oscillation. Any oscillation adds
parameters to an original or base level and goes below or displays a
negative characteristic that must be inferred and obtaining factual
data depends on this principle of analysing all the three phases.
Manifested phenomenon can be dealt with by using
observational techniques in a referential way to establish empirical
principles, rules and theorems. The neutral characteristics are the
common or standard yardsticks established by common consent,
usage, practice etc. As the absolute value of any phenomenon can
never be measured or detected by the observer, as shown earlier,
the positive and negative values are the incremental and
decremental values the observer detects or measures with
reference to a standard or neutral base value of his own choice,
need or capability. The real meaning of a totally relative perception
or detection or consciousness or awareness is established by this
184 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 185
Suthra 6.
Process of holistic derivation of proof is siddhi.
synchronised-moving expansive phenomenon-imperceptible
prasidhiranumaanaath .
successful inference
hence-and also-holistic axiomatic proof
parokshamaaptaagamaath siddham .
experience mentally-axiomatic-deductive-holistic-proof
Meaning: And in the case of phenomenon that is
imperceptible, mobile, expansive and hence undetectable,
inferential method using holistic, deductive, logical, verification
technique to mentally experience phenomenon, is known as siddhi.
Explanation: And in the case of phenomenon that is
undetectable because it is synchronised, mobile, expansive or
imperceptible ,inferential methods using holistic deductive logic
(siddhi) is the only verification technique that will provide the
From the very first suthra it was established by a string of
rigorous logic that the fundamental substratum could never be
measured, detected or dealt with through direct sensory interactive
techniques of any type. Now this Suthra establishes that the
verification of the basic substratum can be carried out only by
rigorous logic through a structured system or technique called
siddhi or holistic meditative system. It is a process of analysing
information in a synchronous or simultaneous or parallel mode.
This method can therefore be applied to any verification process
where direct evidence or information is not available. In fact it is
the system of perfecting the rational & logical thinking process.
Since the phenomenon is not detectable, a technique of providing
an abstract basis is siddhi and the meditative procedures (appendix
c) give an error proof answer. Science depends on mathematics to
provide the rigour to verify the correctness of a theorem or a
186 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
But Sankhya lays emphasis on a specialised process of thinking
that is superior even to mathematical logic. There are two
important reasons both of which are dealt with in Suthras 2 & 14.
The major reason is that even detectable phenomenon are
experienced in the mind as a mental event before one gains total
understanding of it. The process of mentally experiencing a
phenomenon is in no way different from the laws governing an
external event. The substratum of the mind behaves exactly in the
same way as the universal substratum. The process of gaining
perfect understanding is like the operation in photographic
reproduction in a movie camera; the dynamic external scale of
events are compressed or focussed to an internal scale and
recorded perfectly every instant. The mind is capable of dealing
with phenomenon in a similar way , not only with detectable but
also abstract or synthesized inputs with perfection. It is said that a
picture is a worth a thousand words and it could be extended in a
similar way to mean that an "instant" of a movie is worth a
thousand "still" pictures but all these are only in the "visual field".
By the same logic Sankhya siddhi process is a dynamic experience
worth a thousand movies!. The verbal description of such an
experience will be a complex process.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 187
Suthra 7.
The reasons why manifestation may not be detected
athiduurath samiipyadh- indhriyaghaathan
too- faraway too close- sensory obstruction
mental - stresses
saukshmyad-vyavadhanad- abhibhavat
subtleties- occultation- predominance
samanabhihara-cha .
camouflaging -etc.
Meaning: Extremely far or near distances, mental and sensory
inefficiencies, subtle or attenuated conditions, occultation or
eclipsing of the object, poor background contrast, camouflaging
effect (are the causes of non detection or non measurement of
Explanation. The individually obvious factors are listed below
but there is a major collective reason that affects the detection
process seriously. Items 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 existing simultaneously can
distort the result. However the same type of distortion occurs
when vibrations or oscillations synchronise. If ten people clap their
hands sequentially the ten claps can be detected as such. If they all
clap simultaneously or at the same time then only one clap would
be heard due to factors covered by items 3, ( poor
discriminatability of claps), 6 ( one clap covers many claps), and
8, (one clap is heard but nine claps are hidden in the duration of
the first clap) but it would be louder than the single clap or its
energy / potential value would be greater. Hence one must take all
these factors into account consciously before coming to
The factors causing the attenuation are self explanatory and
needs little explanation to understand. A signal is really a variation
in a background state of continuos dynamic change. The ability to
detect implies that the observer has the power to discriminate these
variations to get the real meaning to decode it effectively. Any
obstruction obviously would interfere directly. But if the signal
188 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
cannot be distinguished from the background dynamic state , the
signal cannot be dealt with meaningfully. One cannot detect a
candle at a distance in bright sunlight, or a particular sound in a
cacophony of sounds, a particular coloured object against the same
background colour etc. The explanation is as follows:
1. Athi-durath : too far = loss of signal strength due to great
2. Samipyad : too near = signal strength strong, overlaps,
discrimination not possible
3. Indriyaghatan: sensory obstruction = high resistance to
signal transmission.
4. Manon avasthanat: mental or instrumental stresses and
5. Saukshmyad: subtle or attenuated , low intensity
6. Vyavadhanad : occultation or eclipsing. = periodic physical
obstruction in the signal path.
7. Abhibhavat : background contrast. = signal to carrier
differential amplitude too small.
8. Samanabhihara : camouflaging effect , simultaneous events
,signal noise at same level.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 189
Suthra 8.
The reason why the fundamental substratum is not detectable.
subtleness hence non detection notnon-existence
karyatastadupalabdhi .
reaction therefore detection
mahadadi thach cha karyam.
intense-original following- actions
prakritivirupam swarupam cha .
oscillations- harmonics - fundamental
Meaning: The non detectability (of the substratum) is due to
the extremely attenuated reactions put out and not because it
(substratum) do not exist. Only reactions are detectable. For when
the reaction of the primary or first displacement takes place then a
sequence of oscillations are detected that are either in its original
form or harmonics .
Explanation: The state of the components of the substratum
are in a dynamic state but when the reactions from the interactions
are very fine or subtle it may not be possible to detect it but that
does not mean that there is no activity in the substratum of space.
When there is an activity at source an intense reaction follows with
a number oscillations that are in the original form or are distorted
and therefore make it detectable in some aspect or another. When
the coherent or balanced state is upset the non synchronous
vibrations or oscillations become detectable.
As will be shown later, the substratum is in a dynamic
oscillatory state due to the quality of self similarity , wherein due to
gradient 1: 2 or rate difference of one unit, the internal state of the
components is kept in perpetual oscillation due to a third order
damping force generated internal due to the rate of acceleration
exceeding the cube of velocity during the change in parameters.
The oscillations or permanent only because no energy or force is
either radiated or absorbed in this process but is continuously
balanced as an internal cycle. Only the unbalanced, secondary or
reactive radiation is detectable.
190 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 191
Suthra 9.
Logical reasons why the substratum must exist if manifestation
illogical-action-continuous-material cause
acceptance all- possibility
shaktasya shakyakaranath
non existing ability-possible-act
karanabhav cha
cause-existence therefore
satkaryam .
law or axiom or rule
Meaning: It is a logical error to accept that continuous or all
possible modes of action (manifestation) are possible without a
physical cause; the ability to act in all possible ways must be due to
the existence of a cause, therefore it becomes an axiomatic rule
Explanation: Logically only changes can be detected and a
change is an action or activity. Activity cannot exist without a base
or something to act on. Again reactions are result of an action so
there must be a cause or an original reason.From the Suthra x it
was established that only reactions are detected . There fore if
something is detected there can be no effect without a cause nor
can there be a reaction without an action. Detection of any
manifestation must be due to an action , (the oscillatory nature of
phenomenon) as outlined in the earlier Suthras . Action causes
reaction and is equal and opposite. This Suthra lays out the
foundation in a negative way to oscillatory dynamics. 1. Cause
precedes effect and effect becomes cause for the next cycle, and
will continue endlessly, decay (stop) or resonate(increase) according
to the timing or phasing explained below. 2. If within the duration
of cause the effect is reversed (by any means) then the cycle is
discontinued ( decay till cycle is stopped). 3. If the reversal of effect
(by any means) is timed or synchronised with the termination of
192 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the causal cycle the static state is reached. 4. If the reversal of effect
is timed or synchronised with the start of a cycle then the increase
will sustain and grow to a state of self sustained resonance and if
this timing is lost the cycle will decay.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 193
Suthra 10.
Detection of manifestation is due to changes, the lack of which
makes phenomenon undetectable.
lingam .
potential characteristics
saavayavam paratantram ayaktham
with- mass dependant manifestation
viparithamavyaktham .
reverse- unmanifest-phenomenon
Meaning: The caused detectable effect of manifested
phenomenon are relatively temporary; confined to limited region;
proceed from action to action; resulting in a sequence of actions;
and also becomes the cause of initiating further action; with
identified characteristics; has the quality of being substantial or with
mass; as it is a resultant, so it is a secondary trait; and the
unmanifest cannot be detected because of the inability to discern
such effects.
Explanation: This theorem must be understood very well to
know the process of manifestation because it leads to an
extraordinary conclusion. That is the observer cannot detect the
permanent aspects of nature. Monotonous oscillations cannot be
detected meaningfully.(the carrier wave lacks information.) Change
is the cause of detection. Even if a dynamic event repeats the same
set of details in a synchronised way such that no change is caused
then the phenomenon is undetectable. The process of
detection or measurement is a referential or a relative process and
unless the phenomenon being measured has a comparable
foundation ,it cannot be detected. Comparison of both the static
and dynamic qualities are necessary to understand it. Hence every
aspect of an investigation must show this relative characteristic; like
if time is measured then the phenomenon must be of a temporary
194 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
nature or else it becomes the background phenomenon or the
permanent state. Taking the locality of the phenomenon it must be
confined to a limited region for it to be called an event ,else it
becomes the background state; a permanent blue sky is the
background to detect changes which show up as clouds, sun, stars
etc. For the same reason only reactions can be detected since it is
related to an action that is caused. If the cause is sustained then the
reactions sustain a sequence of events or characteristics without
which it becomes undetectable. The change that creates a
phenomenon from a fundamental background state always
produce a time (or duration) change indicating inertia or mass.
Since any manifested phenomenon is the result of an initiated
change then it can be considered only as a secondary activity hence
the primary cause cannot itself be detected. Therefore the
fundamental, originating causes can never be detected by any
means by an observer who is a phenomenon himself, in the sense
that his existence itself, is due to a reaction or secondary effect.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 195
Suthra 11.
Characteristics of the three states of phenomenal interaction.
thrigunamaviveki vishaya:
triple-vectors-undetectable phenomenon;
samanyamachethanam prasavadharmi .
synchronised-inanimate generation law
vyaktham thatha pradhanam
manifest onwards primary force and
thadviparithasthatha cha puman.
Reverse-likewise and nucleus
Meaning: The inability to discriminate between the triad of
stressed states that form the dynamic connection is the cause of
not detecting phenomenon in a synchronised, static or unmanifest
state. The triplicity of dynamic forces that connect it, is a principle
that applies to the first or primary intense state and the succeeding
reactive states of manifestation and likewise to the nucleus which
however is in the opposite state (non detectable state).
Explanation: Please see explanation section on stress in Suthra
1, for a detailed explanation of the concept of Guna. The triad of
stresses identified initially as internal, external and locally created
are all connected by a single factor which is a force or a
displacement acting in three modes called Triguna or triple activity
vectors. If this triad of forces in any form is not detected then
manifestation is not evident and dynamic phenomenon seems static
and static phenomenon is undetectable. Hence it is termed a law or
rule that if the Triguna is not detected than phenomenon seems
unmanifest. In fact the non dectability of the nucleus or Purusha is
due to the inability of the observer to detect the Triuna for the
nucleus. It is called a nucleus because the activity of oscillations or
vibrations that must be occurring in a dynamic substratum, cannot
be detected by the observer in any discrete or measurable way but
is only aware of its effects. Similarly radiation is detected only in
certain groups that is called a spectrum while the universe is filled
with a continuous sequence of wavelengths or frequencies.
Therefore the observer must attempt to discriminate the triad of
196 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
forces to detect and suppress it to not detect, and understand that
non detection of phenomenon does not mean non existence of
phenomenon but the triad of forces is not detectable for various
reasons Mathematical: Time is accounted in terms of interactions.
The even numbered intercations are divisible as powers of 2 and
remain in the same location as nodes but odd numbered
interactions spread as harmonics.
Unit time 12 =1 1x1=1 1+1=2 1-1=0
Time2 22 =4 2x2=4
Time3 23 =8 4x2=8
Time4 24 =16 8x2=16
Simplifying by removing even nodes the sum of the odd
interactions in one direction add to 25 and in reverse, total 50. But
in each location the total of 10 counts establish the cycle.
1 3 5 7 9 =25
9 7 5 3 1 =25
10 10 10 10 10 =50
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 197
Suthra 12.
The qualities of the triad of forces that form the connection .
buoyant-balanced-despair- self
prakashapravrithiniyumaarth: .
vrithyshravaguna .
Meaning: Just as the human being undergoes, when under
stress, a three stage transfer from a state of buoyant feelings
through a calm state to state of utter despair; the three interactions
of the guna are from a state of free and mobile expansion through
a balanced and resonant interface to a state of compact coherent
contraction. As a result the three states are capable of mutually
interacting to override or strengthen or weaken ,one or both at the
expense of the remaining aspects; be creative or destructive as a
whole; associate or join or pair or combine to form groups; and
also exist by itself as self supporting resonant or dynamic entity.
Explanation: Here the description of the triad of forces is
given in holistic logic so that the student can experience the
dynamic interaction in his own mind through the meditative
process set out as a principle in Suthras, 4, 5 and 6. From our
current scientific standpoint this Suthra is extremely important and
informative. To understand it, some of the information from the
later Suthras will have to be brought in at this point. Lets take the
substratum containing the equalised components in a dynamic state
and assume all of these to be vibrating or oscillating at a rate of 2
oscillations per unit time with a displacement of 2 linear units in
the same period and that all of them act in a synchronised manner
and as a consequence all of the components subtend the same
proportionate measurements relative to each other at any point in
time and the change in direction happens at the same time in all the
components when one component impacts each other . In this
198 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
mental picture let us change by reducing the rate of the component
to the left of the centred one, by 1 unit to one oscillation per unit
time keeping all other parameters the same. A sequence of
changing events will take place in a certain period till a balance is
achieved with the altered situation. The unit at the centre in its
excursion to the left will not impact that unit at the same time as
the rest but will continue its excursion till it impacts at a later time,
thereby causing a loss of synchronisation. The central component
would have moved 2 + .66 = 2.66 units the left 2 -.66 = 1.33 unit
in the same time of 2.66 units. Applying the same logic all the
components around the left one would travel 2.66 units before
impact because the left one would travel only 1.33 units.
In this example we see the action of the three guna - a delay
reduces the distance allround thereby producing the effect of
compaction or increase in density or mass and on the other side an
extension of the distance between the impact points or an
expansion of the space all round reducing density similarly and in
between a balanced state or the interface where the changes oppose
each other. Looking at this exercise holistically, we have taken a
parameter from one zone to another thereby creating stress or an
exchange of one characteristic that produces another type of
change which is only possible in a dynamic state. It is the
originating or normal state in Sankhya. The change from a
synchronised or balanced state produces a stress or force or
motivation or potential which if left to itself will return back to the
original synchronised state in a sequence of changing events. more
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 199
Suthra 13.
Identification and defining of the three forces.
satvam laghu
radiant swift
chalam cha rajah: ,
shuttling between is the resonant state
guru varnakameva thamah:
heavy as-if-bound coherent state
pradipavachaarthatho vrithi: .
radiating-from-it- potential vortex
Meaning: Sathwa is the force which operates outward at the
maximum speed with the required intensity and energy to transmit
the force beyond the level of the first octet of forces past the
nuclear boundary that is in a fluidic or flexible state. raja is the
force in the transition region of seven oscillatory plus the first in
the octet of forces; that shuttles inward or outward to transfer the
forces from nuclear boundary to the fluidic boundary radial
boundary and vice-versa; Thaama is the decelerating force acting
inward forming the static nuclear boundary; vrithi is the resultant
force that is radiated in the form of a selfsustained vortex (particle)
created by the permutations and combinations of the previous
three levels of forces to transfer force or energy.
Explanation: It has been already explained earlier that two
unit volume oscillate at half the time period of a unit volume within
a standard environment. Similarly a length of two units will have
half the time period of a unit length etc. In this background the
following is to be understood. The identification of sathva as the
electromagnetic radiating force ; raja as the electro-weak bonding
force and thaama as the strong nuclear force complements the
concept of the triad of forces or GUNA, as the different phases of
a standardised waveform of an oscillating volume in the substratum
. Vrithi is the mediating force transferred through a volume that
attains a self sustaining particulate or inertia producing status when
200 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
accelerated beyond a thresh-hold. The concentration of forces at a
colliding point forming the crest of a holistic 3 dimensional or
volumetric wave in the nuclear region with the qualities of inertia
or mass being displayed in each cycle along with the associated
quality of thaama or strong force. At the trough of such a wave the
equalising quality of sathwa or the orbital balancing
electromagnetic force exists in each cycle . Both thaama and sathwa
have the quality of time permanence in each cycle as these form the
turning points or nodes of the cycle. In the intermediate region
however there is a continually changing force that is either
accelerative or decelerative in each half of the cycle and it gives the
quality of a changing or shuttling force which is Raja or the weak
charge changing force that bridges the electromagnetic and strong
force regions in particle physics.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 201
Suthra 14.
Holistic logic can identify both manifest and unmanifest
avivekyadhi :
non detection;
siddhahtraigunyaththadhviparyayabhavath .
axiomatic-triad of forces such reverse non existing
karyasyavyaktamapisiddham .
Meaning: Through a process of holistic analytical derivation
of proof it is proved that non detection or detection is due to the
observers inability or ability respectively to detect any or all of the
three modes of exchange or transfer of forces. And the very
process of siddhi or 'holistic analytical derivation of proof' is itself
due to the unmanifest state of the substratum reacting through the
action of the gunas or three modes of transfer of forces by it's own
inner motivation or potential or cause or interaction to manifest as
awareness or consciousness
Explanation: The important point made here is that siddhi
follows the same fundamental process nature uses in all its
interactions. The process of detection of phenomenon or other
wise is dependant on the observers ability to detect any or all of the
three modes of transfer of forces, as it is proved by analytical
holistic logic that every effect must have a cause or every reaction
must be preceded by action and the detection of effect or reaction
is connected with detecting any of three forces of the triad. Non
detection of phenomenon does not mean a phenomenon does not
exist. While hearing, seeing, smelling etc. allows the observer to
witness certain forms of manifestation, other senses will expose
different levels of phenomenon. The process of siddhi follows the
fundamental interactive rules of the triad of forces ,so the logic of
the results are the same. Therefore the corollary is that if by logic a
202 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
particular state or mode of phenomenon is derived as a necessary
state of existence then such a state must exist but the observer may
not detect it for the reasons already enumerated above. The nature
of transmission of force are such that manifested matter and
phenomenon may not be detectable and hence can exist in forms
and interaction that are opposite to our current experience such as
antimatter, dark or invisible matter ,black holes and time reversed
phenomenon. If holistic logic predicts a phenomenon, it must exist
even though the senses may not detect it. note: difference between
Colebrooke and Larson version. more.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 203
Suthra 15.
The result of a cyclic force is a natural waveform.
bhedhanam parimanath
changing value of measure
samanvyathshakthitha: pravritheswa .
sequential power cyclic action
karanakaryavibhagathavibhagadhvaisvarupasya .
cause-effect-attenuation-concentration natural waveform
Meaning: Cyclic interaction at the interface is due to a
sequentially changing value that is due to acceleration or
deceleration of a force . This cyclic action is the cause and effect,
by turns, to attenuate and concentrate (expand and contract or
rarefy and pressurise or decrease and increase density) to produce a
waveform that is of a standard form in nature.
Explanation: Here the characteristics of a dynamic substratum
is being defined. The Gunas, as shown , are the three modes of
variation of a force due to cyclic reversal in an oscillating volume
and when it is applied on a continuous basis a standard form
emerges that is universal. It is an oscillating volume with standard
form , a sperical wave form. In Suthra 30 the time and cycle
characteristics define the mathematical expression governing the
interactive guna states.
Thee diagram 'Transmigration of vibratory stresses' shows the
interactive nature of stresses and how it transmigrates across the
substratum of space. Two spherical interactive forms remain in the
same relative locations when stresses are equal all around it. On
being triggered into an unbalanced state the vibratory stress forms
transmigrate in a direction to equalise. But that process increases
and decreases the vibratory counts by superposition and rarefaction
so that density counts increase and decrease cyclically. This Suthra
defines that very clearly that the interactive process between
components in the substratum creates varying stresses cyclically. In
order to equalise, the uneven vibratory stresses in a confined
medium, transmigrate periodically according to the Guna laws of
self-similar proportionality.
204 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Fig: Transmigrating Vibratory Stresses
The rate of increase and decrease follow the Swabhava mode
mode of simultaneous transfer within the cycle as c1+x as the
incremental rate and c1-x as decreasing rate at the same time in
different regions within the stress domains. Such a process is a
natural way to create waveforms. Two major points are highlighted
through this Suthra. One, no objects or substantial entities move
physically and two, that detecting the repititive stress forms in the
same location gives rise to the idea of substantial process. If
vibratory stresses oscillate in the same location it is seen as an
objective particle. In case it transmigrates it gives the impression a
dynamic waveform.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 205
Suthra 16.
A first change of phase or fluidic state occurs with rising force.
karanamasthyavyaktham pravarthathey trigunath:
cause-reducing-manifestation initiating triple-guna-action
samudayaccha .
and decelerative action
parinamath: salilavath
changing state like fluid
prathiprathigunaashryavisheshath .
towards-very –estful-interaction-a-distinctive-phase
Meaning: In a manifestation of diminishing potential ,the
triple interactive state initiates a restful state of coherence and
synchronisation and a transformation occurs ; a distinctive change
of state, like that of vapour condensing to liquid, takes place when
the inward going force is brought to a very synchronised
(=synchronised therefore static ) state .
Explanation: The reason why the unmanifest substratum
becomes manifest is clearly explained using a principle that is very
well understood today. During the oscillatory cycle if the
decelerating force can be brought to a very restful state a change of
phase occurs thereby increasing density or inertia or mass such that
it becomes detectable or manifest due to the change. Taking water
vapour as an example ,if the temperature which really is an
indicator of the state of oscillation (or energy content) is brought
down to state where the rate is lowered to the point of relative rest
or zero temperature the vapour condenses into water which is now
detectable as a different unit or element. In the next Suthra the
same logic is continued to show that from the liquified state a
condensed core state or solid phase change occurs.
206 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 17.
The second change of phase creates the solid or nuclear state.
collision-background-cause of
thrigunaadhiviparyayadhadhishthaanaath .
guna-interaction-start-reversal-of-starting location
kaivalyaarthapravritheshwa .
Meaning: The nucleus is the location, centre or core that holds
the power, force or energy produced as a result of the cyclic
collision or aggregation due to close contact, back to back, of the
oscillating volumes or waveforms , initiated or triggered into action
by the operating principle of the triad of forces, in a relatively
isolated , static, unhindered state of freedom .
Explanation: Recalling that from Suthra 8 to 11 ,the inability
of the observer to detect, measure or deal with the substratum in
anyway was not possible due to the relative nature of detection
itself ,but theoretically sets out a procedure to prove the existence
of the substratum by logical inference. Here again, the nuclear or
core region logically must be a part of the substratum , but not
being detectable directly, this Suthra establishes the nature of this
core as a pure potential or sole repository of the force or energy in
a completely restful state but makes it clear that it seems restful
only because it is the region of continuous collisions or close
contacts with numerous waveforms, which are the only detectable
forces by the observer. The Suthra has portrayed a picture of a
number of volumetric waveforms in a dynamic oscillating state
colliding cyclically or periodically and the region where such action
takes place is the holder or container of power in a static form and
in a relatively restful state, due to the operating principle of the
gunas; which means the core or nucleus is a holistic crest of a wave
where the density is high hence has a mass only due to
accumulation of all the oscillations in that region in a smaller region
208 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
for a certain proportion of time. Nowhere in the Suthra is there a
reference to the substratum or any matter of any form, to give the
nucleus the quality of solidity massiveness and the like that normal
common-sense attitudes require. At the observed level the
confinement of water under pressure produces the isolation of the
nucleus into regions of strong bonding or rigid states thus creating
the solid phase while the individual regions are in state of
attenuated oscillation.
Summarising: The Purusha or nucleus is the region in which a
periodic collection of waveforms due to the mode of action of the
gunas seem to be in a static state of dormant potential in the
undetectable ,absolute subtratum that is omnipresent, omnipotent
and omniscient and the period being determined solely by the time
constant referred to in suthra 3 and forms the self potential
refereed in suthra 2. b therefore from the above it can be
concluded that the nucleus is a synthesised permanent region in the
absolute sense and therefore it can never be detected in a direct or
measurable way. there will always be a nucleus or Purusha.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 209
Suthra 18.
18. Logical proof that the nucleus is a conglomerate entity.
prathiniyamaadhayugapath pravrittheswa .
general-rule-not-simultaneously cyclic-action
Purushabahuthvam siddham
nucleus-plurality logical proof
Triad-of-forces-inversion-the only cause.
Meaning: Since the causative action leading to aggregation and
dissolution or creation and destruction are not simultaneous or
instantaneous at the nuclear interface. The axiomatic conclusion is
that there must be many nucleii or individual core components
(Purusha) and also because the reversal of interactions of the triad
of forces (gunas) produce multiple types of phenomenon whereas
it should have been singular, otherwise.
Explanation: The logic of this Suthra is extremely profound
and establishes the error in the interpretation of other vedic works
that have led to the identification of the Purusha as the soul of
human beings specifically whereas the logically derived meaning
shows very clearly that in any interraction if there is a delay in the
cause-effect or action-reaction cycle it is only due to the effect of
the nucleus or a self-supportive entity- the Purusha. (The concept
of a distinctive human soul brought about the necessary
reverential connection to the unitary SOUL that operated beyond
the bounds of human logic.) The action reaction cycle being
operated by a unitary principle of polarisation, as Gunas, would
logically produce a unitary class of results if the nucleus were also
classified as a unitary or solid type. But the observations show the
opposite and the nucleus being the provider of the static or passive
background potential the conclusion logically must be that the
nucleus as a class cannot be of a unitary type. To provide the basis
for the many varieties of manifestations the nucleus must be
classified as a pluralistic category. Hence the nucleus must contain
210 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
many Purushas or many combinations of nuclei or elementary
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 211
Suthra 19.
The complex nuclear state forms the background for
manifestation of phenomenon.
thasmacchaviparyasath siddham
from previous and conversely holistic proof
sakshithvamasya purushasya .
forming background state nuclear region
kaivalyam madhyastam
unhindered neutral state
drishtarthvamakarthrabhavashwacha .
Meaning: From previous Suthras, the conversely inferential
holistic conclusion is that the nuclear state forms the background
state with particulate or inertial mass, in which it is relatively seen
as being neutral, unhindered and neutral state to measure against..
Explanation: The Gunas or the triad of forces were identified
with the wave forming characteristics ,wherein Thaama had
qualities that were the opposite of the other two. Raja and Sathwa
were relatively dynamic states. Raja formed the bridge or
connection between outer and inner regions while the nucleus
formed a central core drawing itself in to form a more dense and
massive state. The Sathwa balanced the different forms actively
across extended boundaries while becoming less dense. The core
region with the opposite qualities became the necessary supportive
framework for manifestation to occur like the inert, supportive
canvas backing for a painting or the light reflecting screen for
projecting a movie film. Without the core or nuclear structure
manifestation or phenomenon could not have taken place
meaningfully. Yet the nucleus or Purusha was not the fundamental
substratum but was only a passive third partner in an interactive
triad of forces all arising out of the substratum. more.
212 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 20.
The state of sustained interraction is a state of balance
thasmathath samyogadhachethanam
therefore association-static-inert-state
chethanavadhiva lingam .
dynamic-as-if characterised
gunakarthathvey cha thattha
action of gunas and thus
kartheva bhavathithyudhasina: .
dwindling-action-a-if existence-neutralised.
Meaning: Because of the proximity of the static and dynamic
states, the static state seems dynamic, through the action of the
gunas The dynamic seems to behave in a neutral mode that
maintains a balance.
Explanation: The relatively static nucleus and the dynamic
surface( of the oscillating volume) attain a state of balance through
the interraction of the triad of forces. Therefore relatively the
impression is given that the static nucleus is dynamic and the
dynamic surface is static while in the balanced state. Moreover ,
unlike the normal experience, a state of balance is a state of
dynamic interraction to sustain a static or equalised displacement
on a continuous basis. Therefore a state of balance is a dynamic
interactive state wherein all the measurable parameters are the
SAME and therefore seem STATIC . The active force or prakriti
seems static and the static nuclear region seems active. There is
synthesis of two different qualities into one unitary state and
therefore could form or assume the fundamental status or role of
ground state. more
214 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 215
Suthra 21.
Measurement or detection of phenomenon at the fundamental
level. _
purushasya dharshanaartha kaivalyaartha
nuclear state detection-potential unhindered- potential
tatha pradhanasya .
therefore fundamental manifested state .
lame-blind –interdependance-similarly
samyogasthath kritha: sargah: .
combination thus proceeds manifestation
Meaning: Fundamental measurement of phenomenon
references nuclear potential in an unhindered and synchronised
state. Therefore the synchronised nuclear state provides the basic
background to detect or measure the first, (primary or
fundamental) active (manifested) state as a comparative or relative
difference. Manifestation of phenomenon proceeds on the
principle of fulfilling the need to maintain a balance like when a
blind man and lame man team up to behave normaly and
effectively. From this combination all manifested proceeds.
Explanation: All phenomenon is a holographic presentation. It
is the unsynchronised state of vibrations that is detected. But the
substratum is not detected always. Yet it is in a dynamic vibratory
state. Hence there must be a situation where it is active yet does
not display or manifest. This theorem shows how it is always
dynamic yet is in a free or unhindered or isolated state from the
surrounding environment.
Suthra 21 sets out an actual example of the association of two
men, one lame and the other blind to bring home the point of not
only control, but also the factors of dynamic and static state in a
synchronous mode, the interdependance of relative motion in an
interaction, the nonexistence of time as an operating part of reality
and the total freedom in the static state.
Here the principle of uncertainty is explained. Like the blind
man has to await the visual instruction of the lame man, sitting on
216 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
his shoulders, the lame man has to wait for the blind man to move
before he can give a renewed set of instructions. If these reciprocal
events of cause/effect or action/reaction take some time the
observer has no way of finding out the intervening events. As an
example, let us imagine the lame man gives instructions to the blind
man to move a certain distance at a certain rate and direction and
as he starts to take a step along a weak bridge, a section just in
front falls off. Unless the lame man is able to assess this situation
fast enough to give timely instruction to the blind person before his
next step he will stumble into the gap. This example shows a
number factors involved in control.
Seeing and moving are interactive and synonymous with
detection and movement ; detection itself consists of a 'seeing' and
'informing' activity while movement has two phases of
'responding' and ' initiating'. In this sequence of four steps, three
are internal and until the actual detectable movement starts, there is
complete uncertainty of the state of this interval. In the next
sequence the past action would be completed and if continued the
overlapping nature may hide the actual discrete nature of activities
required to keep the duo in motion.
That is why the prediction of events in the intervening period
depends on the trends of the previous confirmed events and
statistical methods have to be resorted to. Also the detection of the
event is made possible only because there is a synchronised
background of the nucleus; only against which the process of
measurement or detection can be made meaningfully to initiate
consequent action. Restating the above differently it becomes
evident that the fundamental substratum is not static yet it
resembles a static state because of synchronisation, balance and
It is not detectable because there is no externally radiated
information ( and what happens internally the observer has no way
of confirming) and when it (substratum) polarises into the
synchronised (and therefore a relatively static) potential and the
unsynchronised kinetic dynamic phase due to a self-similar
divisional mode, the first evidence of manifestation is available to
the observer because the instantaneous action/reaction cycle now
is delayed in attaining a balance, which then propogates a chain of
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 217
interractive events in its effort to attain a balanced state or a state
in which the nett action/ reaction energy or the nett time interval
is zero at some level.
Most important: this suthra lays the foundation for the
dynamic, selfsimilar and selfsufficient state that forms the relatively
"static" background in a dynamic state. Against which detection of
manifested phenomenon could be meaningfully interpretted and
understood. The unhindered or free manifested state of the
dynamic substratum must be due to an inherent quality that while
making it the first or primary manifested state, it is still not
detectable because it neither takes or gives out energy and
therefore seems to be static and undetectable. The next suthra
reveals this profound state in mathematical terms. It is the
"ekanthathyanthathobhavath" of the very first suthra.
The reader should not the special effort taken to explain the
nuclear state in 5 Suthras (17,18,19,20 & 21). It is to highlight the
extraordinary nature of the nuclear phenomenon. Maharishi Kapila
takes the nucleus as the central, fundamental, important and
"background forming" phenomenon and makes it very clear that its
characteristics are not a fundamental but a relative state due to the
dynamic nature of the substratum and the nucleus is also a
manifested or a locally created phenomenon but with the opposite
qualities in relation to the active prakrithi, which is also a
manifested phenomenon. The subtratum is the only absolute and
permanent state and therefore undetectable and unmeasurable. To
reiterate, in suthra 17, the solid nature is a state similar to
condensation, where the displacement is below detectable limits (
and hence seems to be one solid unit). In suthra 18, holistic logic is
used to dispel any lingering doubt that the nucleus is a singular,
particulate, solid component because, only the components of the
substratum could have this quality, but because of this very quality
the substratum becomes undetectable. The nucleus is detectable as
a result of the interraction with the active prakriti, but because
such reactions are not always the same it must be concluded that
the nucleus has different characteristics submerged in an
apparently singular, "solid" state. Further a very important point is
emphasised here - the nucleus is not the ultimate particle or entity
or component of the substartum. In suthra 19, the apparently
218 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
static, conglomerate nuclear body or entity forms the reference or
background or zero potential state, only against which any
measurement or detectable parameter can be meaningful, like a
voltage has a zero reference point, or height of a building refers to
ground level and so on. It is obvious that there is no other choice
when the substratum is not detectable and the active parakriti is
ever mobile, whereas the nucleus is relatively static and detectable
by comparative methods. In Suthra 20, the starting point for
detection or measurement is established by bringing about a
synthesis between the static nucleus and dynamic prakriti when
both seem to be the same or each one has the opposite qualities
and this is when both are in a state of interractive balance.It is very
evident that the two states are not unique elementary objects
formed once and for all BUT actually two complementary states
that are formed and reformed interchangeably! In suthra 21, the
highly complex phenomenon of the nuclear state is designated the
role of the fundamental state from which and only from which the
observor can detect and measure and understand phenomenon in a
correct and meaningful way. Therefor the ground state is an
apparently synthesised manifestation of static and dynamic states in
interactive balance.
The reason for the existence of the principle of uncertainty in
confirming the manifested parameters is given by fundamental
logic.most importantly, it shows the need for the prime dynamic
selfsufficient state to explain all phenomenon.
Summary note: the undetectable substratum comprising
limitless,undefinable components in a dynamic synchronised state
and therefore undetectable, polarises into static and dynamic states
through nonsynchronisation caused by obstruction and becomes
manifested or detectable or measurable and the value of the
measurerable parameter is related to the nuclear state when in a
state of balance or synchronisation with the active dynamic
polarised element. the above is very relevant to current concepts in
physics. the nucleus is identified as a conglomerate structure and
nested into various sub nuclear energy levels comprising the baryon
spectrum of mesons,quarks,bosons etc, all of which are not
normally detectable unless interracted in high energy accelarators.
the atomic spectrum, being the stable manifested phenomenon,
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 219
comprises the nucleus (Purusha) as the massive static hadronic
component kept in balance or synchronous state (Thaamasic), by
the dynamic, leptonic component (prakriti in the satvic state)
through interractive mediation of the basic field made detectable by
the electromagnetic oscillatary phenomenon of photons (vritti in
the rajasic state) , through emanations at the first level
corresponding to the compton wavelentgh Thaamas are all purely
relative to the Purusha and being the nuclear phenomenon, its
absolute level depends entirely on the observers sensitivity to
discriminate changes at the subtlest level. the same relative set
repeats itself ad-nauseum as nested levels of manifestation; and as
a result the same set of mathematical laws apply at all levels and
the scale is time symmetric. holistically its like looking at a
spaceship vanishing into the distance and while the image of the
ship diminishes proportionately the observer can rest assured the
same set of mathematical rules are in operation, in it, all the while
and will always be so, even when the ship becomes a mere dot.
220 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 221
Suthra 22.
Mathematical derivation of the dynamic selfsimilar state.
intense expanding moving continuously self acting
asthasmaadhgannaschashodashaka: .
expanding in this way calculated and sixteenth diffusing
thasmadhapi shodashakaath panchabhya :
in this way also sixteenth binds fifth power encircles
panchabhoothani .
the 5 levels of manifestation.
Meaning: By the action of the primary force a self sustaining
oscillatory state is established from which a series of measurable or
detectable signals are radiated at a value that is a sixteenth of the
primary value and in a progressive series incremented to the
sixteenth level that binds or condenses phenomenon through five
levels into five sets of manifested phenomenon.
Explanation: This is the most important theorem in the
science of unification of all phenomenon in the universe. As a first
step the holistic equation set up in this Suthra in the latter part
will be presented in a graphical way to make it understandable.
Fig: Self-similar Interaction.
Self-similarity, acting instantly in a confined region, is controlled
by a single ratio that operates in 3 Guna modes.
The piston in the middle of the cylinder is retained in position
by equal pressures on both sides. If the piston has to move then
222 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the pressure on one side has to increase while at the same moment
the pressure must decrease in the same ratio within the same
period on the other side.
The two diagrams show the possible movements that can be
defined by the same mathematical expression. The thin arrows
show expansion and the thick ,compression. The important point
to focus on is that both expansion and compression must take
place at the same time or simultaneously. That expansion is an
incremental function while compression is a decreasing function at
the same instant of time and the relative proportion must also
remain the same to produce that movement. Though the cylinder is
a volumetric space the degree of movement can be expressed as a
linear ratio as the areas on either side of the piston remain the
same. If the amount of change from midposition is y then the
equation can be represnted by:
Equation S 22.
The first row shows the sum and difference caused y. The
second row shows the rate of change as a proportion that must be
equal, at the same time. The third row shows a limiting condition
for the value of y to be precisely evaluated. Though numerous
equations emerge as a corollary with exceptional predictability,
solving the above by the sum of squares gives :
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 223
Equation S.22 A. Derivation of self similar value is shown.
The solution shows the ratio equals the golden mean where
x=0.618034. The process of binding or encircling is created if
resonant oscillatory action is maintained at the ratio of x. Using the
self similar ratio in an iterated mode creates the ratio p . The
algorithm is shown below.
Equation. S 22. B. Derivation of the ratio of circumference to
diameter is shown below.
Equation S.22.C. The solution to any iterative level is shown.
Taking the limit of ½ 3 =1/8 then the sum =1/16 . Factoring 8
in a self similar way gives 5/8 and 3/8 approx. in the same
proportion as x and x2 . Then 16-3=13 and 8+5=13 and 8+3=11
224 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
and 16-5=11. Thes values become the power index in simultaneous
interactions. The mechanism of how the Purusha amd
moolaprakrithi states maintain the oscillatory state perpetually is
derived in later Sutras. But this Sutra lays the foundation for the
manifestation process. The electromagnetic spectrum is formed by
the polarisation process derived above as the electric field at the
11th. power index and the magnetic field at the 5th.
Explaining the process specifically, the Purusha forming the
background or ground state , polarises the interactions along two
axis into 8 +8=16 orders . Then 8+3 =11 = 16-5 orders form the
expansive or accelerative states while 8-3 = 5 = 16-11 orders form
the compressed or superposed and accelerative states. These
indices are the electric and magnetic polarisation of the field and as
the superpositioning densities increase the characteristics of
manifestation changes into five levels .
. The sequential increment in rate of oscillation as logarithms to
a cyclic (yuga) base of 10.
Fig: Self-similar Resonant Combinations.
Sequence n+1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 phases in cycle = 10
Increment n x ( n + 1 ) x 1/2 = 1 3 6 10 value of
increment. Combining to get even index for divisibility
(1 + 3 = 4 =2+2) (3 + 6 = 9=4.5+4.5) ( 6 + 10 = 16=8+8)
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 225
Equation. S.22.D. The spectrum of electromagnetic phenomenon
is shown below as two phases in the Raja as 5 orders and Sathwa as
11 orders of interactive counts per cycle.
226 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 23.
Ascertainment by axiomatic mathematical logic.
adhyavasayo buddhirdharmo jnanam
ascertainment intellectual-axiomatic knowledge
viraga aisvaryam.
obectivity power level
Meaning: Intellectual logical confirmation process involves the
application of axiomatic law in an expansive mode, backed with
knowledge, flexibility to change scales and ratios in the order of
powers whereas the opposite contractive, inverted and
fractionising concepts lead to misconceptions and errors of
Explanation: The form of logic that should be used for
obtaining proof or verification is given as a holistic process using
expansive mathematical logic in the order of powers or exponential
ratios. In simple terms fractional or decimalistion techniques of
mathematical logic would result in erroneous concepts and would
not help in deriving the correct proof. As indicated in the
beginning the logic was to breakdown manifestation to the lowest
common factor and use it as the logical yardstick. Hence one
becomes the logical choice for a numerical yardstick . Fractional
numbers are open ended in the diminishing scale and therefore do
not provide a natural limit as the number one. One is to be seen as
the ratio of two or more equal components or numbers , like 2/2
or infinity/infinity are equal to one but normal mathematical logic
implies that all numbers are indeed related to one; such as 2/1 or
infinity/1 maintain the individual values. Therefore one is, repeat
one is, the smallest number. Holistic logic then uses one as the
smallest unit of measure. Any small fractional number can be
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 227
converted by reciprocalisation into its unit relationship. The
proportionality of numerical relationsghips can be maintained by
the power or exponential relationship. Like 1.2599 cubed is 2 and 2
cubed is 8. Therefore using 2 as the equivalent of 1.2599 would
yield the same ratio as 8 to 2, so a fraction of 1.2599 is avoided.
What is the advantage? The most complex calculations can be
accomplished mentally for one thing and incidentally one does not
need logarithmic and trignomic tables in mathematical calculations
and the associated errors existing at the limit of its proportionality.
The spectrum of vibrational combinations is shown using integers:
A cycle has 10 levels and maximum of 50 on each side is reached at
balance by combining odd and/or even states. It applies to the
periodic and particle spectrum.
If odd numbers are added as 1+3+5+7+9=25 and repeat it as
adescending scale then 1+3+5+7+9+9+7+5+3+1=50, gives the
maximum spread of spectral scales without reapeating.
1 3 5 7 9 =25
9 7 5 3 1 =25
10 10 10 10 10 =50
2 2 2 2 2 =10
Even numbers add up but the harmonics gets submerged in ir
2 4 6 8 =20
8 6 4 2 =20
10 10 10 10 =40
2 2 2 2 =8
The coherent spectrum is contained in 8 and the radiant
spectrum in 10.
228 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 24.
Mathematical description of internal field force as a spectrum .
pravarthathey rag.
interactive spectrum.
ekaadhashakaschagannas thanmaathra:
elevenfold as calculated potential fieldforce
set of five
Meaning: Energy of an interaction is polarised into two
aspects of self organised static potential and self- acting dynamic
force that initiates the entire spectrum of energy interactions
extendng to a range of 11 steps whereas the static self potential and
dynamic self-action ( or kinetic self-similar force or energy) form a
balanced set of two factors which initiate action. In the dynamic
self-action mode it expands in sequential steps to a limit of 11
sequential levels. Whereas the contracting static potential state
reaches a limit of 5 sequential levels.
5 LEVELS 8 + 3= 11 8 - 3 = 5. 11 + 5 = 16 = 8 + 8
Internal state is 3 (Cubic or three axis synchronised)
Abhimano = 8 - 3 = 5 the superpositing of vibrations
internally (magnetic count)
Ahankar = 8 + 3 = 11 the expansion by acceleration
extenally (electric count)
The internal cycle has 4 levels . As shown in Suthra 23 1& 3 and
& 4 willcombine
1 + 3 = 4 = 2 + 2 is balanced and next 6+10 = 16 = 8 + 8 is
also balanced.
But between 3 and 8 the balance is upset as follows
Thaama 8 – 3 = 5. 8 – 4 = 4 8 – 5 = 3 8 – 6 = 2 8 –
7 = 1 8 –8 = 0
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 229
Sathwa 8 + 3 = 11 8 + 4 = 12 8 + 5 = 13 8 + 6 = 14 8 +
7 = 15 8 + 8 = 16
Fig: Abhimaan Ahankar Polarisation Graph
The count rate inwards decreases as it goes towards the first
positon and increases outwardly. The potential difference gets less
towards the centre and is a maximum at the unity cycle boundary.
1 + 3 = 4 3 + 3 = 6 6 + 10 = 16
Fig: The Mahad Vikrithi Vrithi Polarisation State
(2 + 2 = 4 = 2 x 2) (8 - 3 = 5and 8 + 3 =11) (8 + 8 = 16)
(Yugapac state) (Abhiman and Ahankar state) (Vritti state )
(Oscillator) (electro-magnetic-state resonant-state) (photon)
This is an important theorem explaining the internal
selfsustaining oscillation due to the permutation and combination
of the Sathwa, Raja and Thaama Guna polarisation mode. The
electromagnetic phenomenon is mathematically shown to be a
vibratory interaction of the components of the substratum. This
theorem explains the Maxwells electro-magnetic phenomenon in
the simplest axiomatic way at the fundamental level in space. The
above statements of axiomatic logic cannot be disproved and it
8 3
8 3
0 5 10 15
8 3
8 3
230 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
holds good only if the substratum is composed of Purusha as the
passive supportive components. It shows how the state of the
components always combine to maintain a 1 by 2 relationship to
maintain the oscillatory rate of C. It also shows that a radiated vritti
or photon is initiated by an increase in its Sathwa internal stable
count rate of C at the 8th.power to the 11th. power, equal to the
electric field intensity, by an interactive shift in its internal rate from
C to the 5th. power of Thaama rate that is the equivalent magnetic
intensity or superposed or masslike state . It is a compensatory self
similar exchange. Hence the Vritti or photon could be sustained to
the extent of the 11th. power increase in rate. But a radiating Vritti
or photon must have a self-sustaining form which could be ensured
only by a minimum of two axis synchronising or acting
simultaneously. Then the count increases to 11+5 = 16 the
accelerated power index or 16th. power. Therefore it is the
maximum number of counts that cound be radiated at a time. If it
increases from 16 to 24 by the third axis synchronising then the
rate of count ransmisiion drops to zero because the potential or
motivating action is reduced to nil as it becomes internal. From a
position of two axis acting simultaneously the potential is
maximum but steadily decreases to zero when the 3rd. axis
At the fundamental level that is always in a dynamic state there
are two polarised states of internal dynamic activity. In the static or
synchronised state, energy of selfaction is in the compressive or
contracted thaamasic state and in the dynamic or kinetic phase it
acts in an expansive or radiant satwic mode. The interactive rajasic
state is an imbalance between these two states or phases,.It is the
cause of manifestation. The expansive phase forms an incremental
sequence of 11 steps or states whereas the contractive mode
reaches a limit of 5 levels. Because the creative interactive state is
always in a dual state of oscillatory balance it is necessary to define
it by a mathematical sequence that allows it. Odd states can never
reach a balance . So a balanced state can be stablished if the
sequence is always an integer number divisible by
two. Such a logic is ensured by the expression (N2 + N) x
1/2 = Y. Let us take the first pair of 1 and 3 to form the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 231
interactive state. The sum 1 + 3 = 4 and can be divided by 2 . 2
+ 2 = 4 = 2 x 2. 3-1 =2 and 1+1 =2. From Suthra 30 we
learn that instantaneous interactions are multiplicative or
logarithmic while sequential action is additive. The first
combination 1 + 3 = 4 = (1 + 1 = 2 = 3 - 1) has a unique
characteristic. Product 2 x 2 =4 and sum 2 + 2 = 4are equal. It
means that at the level of the first combination the instant and
period are both equal. In terms of the Guna interaction the
compressive Thaama 2 x 2 equals the expansive Sathwa 2+2.
The Raja Guna is zero (4-4 = 0). Therefore the reaction is nil or
there is no detectable time involved or the energy exchanged in the
dual mode is equal. The interactive cycle is closed and self
sufficient. No energy (force) etc is either absorbed nor radiated. it
is instantaneous and not detectable bcause no energy transfer from
or to an external source is involved. This phase is in perpetual
oscillation . This state cannot occur again because the product of
integer numbers above 2 cannot equal the sum of such numbers
and therefore the Rajasic state is not zero or the interactive state is
manifest , exchanges energy with external environment and is
propagative. It is leve 1.If we take the next pair of 3 + 6 = 9 . It is
not an integer number when divided by 2 and cannot form a stable
state . It has to be confined or structured from external sources to
remain in a stable state. It is AN odd sequence. It can combine
internally.Then we take the next set 6 and 10. The sum is 6 + 10
= 16 and the sequence is 8 + 8 = (6+2) + (10 -2 ). It can be in a
stable state. The product 4 x 4 = 16. The ratio of product to sum is
16 / 16 = 1 or the cycle is complete and but the duration is 4 / 8
=1/2. The relative energy level is ½ x ½ = ¼. It is at level 2.
The Raja state is ( 4 x 4 ) –( 8 + 8) = 0. Consider numbers 10 +15
= 25 . Since the quotient is not an integer when divided by two it
cannot be stable as it is an odd sequence. It can combine with
others. But 15 +21 = 36 and forms an equalised set of 18 +18. It
can be stable and the ratio 6 x 6 =36 = 18 + 18. The Raja state is
( 6 x 6 ) - (18+18) = 0 .
232 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 25.
Expansive interaction rises to 11th. Power
Sathvika ekadhashakah:
expansive elevenfold
pravarthathe vaikrthadh ahankarath .
initiating acceleration self-action
bhuthaadhis thanmatra:
elemental mass ; elemental vortex or particle
sa thaamasas thaijasadh ubhayam.
with contractive interactive both
Meaning: The expansive sathwik self active state has a set of
eleven levels of accelerative change that creates elemental states
with super-positioning modes and self sustaining units of activity
or vortex. The compressive thaamasic change initiates through
interactive combinations of both the raja and sathwa states.
Explanation: The expansive sathvik mode increases from its
balanced internal oscillatory count rate of C at power index 8
(Suthra 22) to power index 11 (Suthra 23) 8 + 3 = 11 and is an
accelerative radiating unit containing a selfsustaing vortex created
by combinational interactions with the Thaama compressive state
and Raja polarising modes.
8+3=11 16-11=5 5+11= 16 c2 4p2 / 7 = Vrithi = photon
The electromagnetic interaction leading to the radiation of a Vritti
or photon is explained in this Suthra. The normal internal
interaction is balanced within a unit cycle time but the Raja
interactive state combines with the Thaama state to increase the
Sathwa acceleration sufficiently to allow the radiation of a Vritti or
photon. It means that the cycle time must be greater than
circumferential period . The balanced period is given as 7 units or 8
–1 =7 but the vibrations along the two axis must increase its rate to
exceed the radius to circumference ratio of 2 p along both axis at
the same time. That (2 p x 2 p) = 4 p2 = 39.48 times normal rate
at the cycle time when the Thaama superpositioning density rises to
its maximum level. The timing logic is dealt with in Suthras 65 to
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 233
68 and the time involved gives an acceleration rate consistent with
5.64 x C4
234 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 26.
Efferent and afferent sensory systems.
buddhindhriyani chaksu:
sensory-responses observable;
oscillatory, interactive exchange transporting
expell or radiate regenerate or create
action responses defined
Meaning: Efferent or input sensory responses are light,
sound, smell, chemical (taste) and contact (touch) and the afferent
output or action responses are defined as oscillatory (speech),
exchanging (grasping), transporting (walking), expelling (excretory)
and creative (regenerative) functions.
Explanation: This verse identifies the human efferent and
afferent sensory responses as an extension of a generalised
principle arising out of the classification of five levels of
externalised incremental changes resulting in these responses . It
applies to all manifestation processes, including humans, organic
and inorganic spectrum.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 235
Suthra 27.
Interactions in the sensory systems.
duality in internal functions in effect – mind
sankalpakamindriyam ca sadharmayath.
Autonomous-control-senses also resembles
bahyabheddascha .
Meaning: Mind or the cerebral system is capable of processing
both the efferent or incoming input sensory information and
afferent or outgoing action oriented outputs and it can produce a
specific output despite the diversity created by the permutations
and combinations of the internal aspects of the three gunas with
the numerous external incoming signals.
Explanatiom: The cerebral process is defined as functional
process common to all aspects organic life. It is depicted as a
processing system that interactively deals with both incoming and
outgoing information through one guna combinatorial law . It is
capable of combining complex multiple inputs to process
interactively and output a unified or varying result for initiating
action. It again is a generalised theorem of a universal process of
cerebral functions and includes humans too.
The universal process of thinking is shown graphically. The two
interactive states of afferent and efferent process follow the guna
sections of the
236 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Senses, sight,
Smell, taste,
Actions, grasping,
Moving, expelling
Fig. The Cerebral Process Based On Gunas.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 237
Suthra 28..
The five levels of vrithi activities.
shabdadishu panchanamsound-
onwards sequence of five
alochanamatramishyate vritti:.
observable-measure-of-action vortex
cha panchanam
are sequence of five .
Meaning: The five types of sensory input signals are activated
by discrete quantum of forces and it results in five categories of
output as oscillatiory, interactive, transporting, radiating and
creative activities.
Explanation: The spectrum of outputs from a processed input
consisting of information received as sound, light, smell, taste or
touch through its respective interactive processes results in outputs
that generates sound oscillatory reactions as speech. Light, smell,
taste and touch related information received in its respective forms
stimulate responses that relates to grasping, locomotion, expelling
and regenerative functions. The above process relates to all formas
of life which also relates to human responses. The concept behind
Suthra 27 and 28 is that the cerebral process is an organised system
to deal with informating functions that come from the interactive
field of phenomena. The cerebral system is response related
reactive system that immediately processes action related
information logically and correctly to initiate activity at the right
level, within the required time.
238 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 29.
Definition of self similar internal activity and radiation
svalakshanyam vrittistrayasya
self-similarity cyclic-vortex-third-power
seyisha bhavathyasamanya.
yet moving together functions-in-different-modes
samanyakaranavrithi :
praanaadhya vaayava: pancha.
energy-current radiation-unit fifth-power.
Meaning: The cyclic vortex functions on self similar principles
upto the third power , is nonsynchronous, and yet interacts
internally together in an various way. But in the synchronous
accelerated state at the fifth power it becomes a fundamental unit
of energy radiation.
Explanation; The internal cyclic interactions upto the third
power functions on self similar principles that is in a
nonsynchronous manner . The synchronous non-spherical –ovoid
–torroidal shape of a Vritti or photon is created by accelerated or
increased count rate along two axis simultaneously equal to (2 p)2
as it has to radiate outwards that equals the fifth power. That is
the third power is volumetric and surface acceleration adds 2
orders to total 5. Again, the generalised principle of vorticullar
functions applies to all levels.
240 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 30.
Definition of a cyclic vortex and a spherical harmonic
yugapacchathushtashya thu vrithi:
instantaneous-cycle-fourth power applies-to cyclic-vortex .
kramasascha thasya nirdhishta .
sequential consequently detection .
drishtey tathapiadrishte trayasya
manifested similarly-such-unmanifest third power
tatpurvika vrithi.
Previous-source cyclic-vortex
Meaning: When the oscillatory cycle count in all directions act
simultaneously or synchronously and is raised to the 4th. Power, a
cyclic self-supporting vrithi (photon) is formed. When it acts nonsynchronously
or sequentially and it becomes detectable and
measurable with a degree of certainty. In the initiating state prior to
the above when the oscillatory count reaches the power of three
and is synchronised and acts simultaneously in all directions , it is
in a self supporting harmoniic oscillatory state but is not detectable
or observable.
Explanation: Instant 1/x = sequence 1+x
Principle of Simultaneity. (instant or inelastic or colliding
interaction) thaamasic
Principle of Relativity (sequential or elastic or moving or
rebounding or radiating interaction) is satwic
Principle of Resonance ( resonant or shuttling or bonding or
balancing interaction) rajasic
Prior or internal state
Thaama (product of interaction) – ( Sathwa (sum of reactions)
+ Raja (resonant))= 0
sequence = 1/x =x/x2= x2/ x3 = x3/ x4 = x4/ x5 = x5/ x6 = x6/
x7 = x7/ x8 = 1 + x
Vrithi Balanced oscillator 24 = 16 = 8 + 8 = 23 + 23 Product
equals sum.
242 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Starting point of detection of activity
Yugapach (Simultaneous) 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 .
Kramasa (Sequence or Periodic) 8 + 8 = 16 = (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 )
+ (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 )
Yugapach / kramasa 4 / 4 = 1 = Resonant static state
Purvika vrithi 3. 23 = 8 = 4 + 4 internal resonance
Simultaneous interactions model—the interactions inside the
earth or sun that's acting as unit. Or the self energy iside a proton
or electron or photon etc. are all simultaneous.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 243
Suthra 31.
The principle of self-similarity is the cause of perpetual internal
oscillatory state.
svam svam prathipadhyanthe
self-similar self-organised all the way to the end
parasparaakuthahethukam vrittim.
Mutual-interactive-exchange-selfmotivated- cyclic vortex
purashartha eva hetur
nuclear potential only motivating impulse
na kenacit karyathe karanam.
no other motivating potential cause
Meaning: The cyclic vortex or spherical oscillator is kept in
continuous interactive exchange upto the very end (limit) only by
the nuclear or core potential developed by the mutual exchange
of internally motivated and triggered self similar and self
organised impulse or force and there is no other external potential
Explanation: The Principle of self-similarity is explained as an
internal interactive exchange that exists perpetually and the
potential to motivate it is developed by triggering the two internal
states of compression and expansion in mutual exchange process
of coherent potential to kinetic movement.
1+x = 1/x : (1+x)n = 1/xn : (.5 - x3/2) /.(.5+x3/2) = x
244 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 32.
The static and kinetic potential limits.
karanam thrayodashavidham
potential-cause thirteenth power
tadhaaharanadhaaranaprakaashakaram .
karya cha tasya dashadhaahaaryam
kinetic-activity consequently is tenth-power -acceleration
dhaaryam prakashyam cha .
superpositioning radiation also.
Meaning: The potential rises to the 13th. Power to accelerate
superpose and radiate. Consequently the kinetic interactive rate
rises to the 10th. Power to accelerate, superpose and radiate.
Explanation: The self similar compression or superpositioning
factor 1+x applied to the normal oscillatorey state of
the substratum raises it to the 13th. power from its expansive and
radiant state of c raised to 1-x. The numbers are log index.
Fig: The Radiation Phenomenon
The green 16 represents the interactive value of C2 in the
resonant Raja state. In a balanced state the coherent, perpetual,
self similar interaction polarises the internal state into light blue 3
the expanded Sathwa state and the pink 5 Thaama state. Due to an
impact from a neighbouring component its light blue 3 adds to its
existing value as 5+5+3 =13. But that shifts the balance from the
Green= 8+8=16. Red=10+3=13. Blue=3
. Pink=5+5=10. Light-blue=3+3=6
246 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
previous centred state to blue 3 and red 13. Therefore the red 13
acts as a simultaneous coherent unit and transfers the extra 3 to the
next unit and returns to its original balance state.
The easily understandable process of transference of counts to
radiate phenomenon is portrayed with extreme clarity. Converting
it to values in physics shows how the electromagnetic phenomenon
functions. Using C as the velocity of light the following numbers
emerge as axiomatic values, for C is derived .
C = 296575967 Cx = 1.7221381E+5
C2 = 8.79573E+16 C1+x = 5.10744E+13
C3 = 2.6086E+25 C1-x = 1.722E+3
Cx-2 Px1/2 =8.9612E-12 1/Cx Px1/2=1.268E-6
4 p /C1-x = .007297 1/(C1+x k rs)2 = 2.319E-28
Explaining the equations, log C2 16+, log Cx is 5+ and log C1-
x is 3+. The well known constants, permittivity epsilon,
permeability mu, the electromagnetic coupling alpha and lastly the
electron charge in mks units are shown by the side of the Aharana,
Dhaharana Prakashyam and Karanam values all axiomatically
derived. Physical measurements are affected by the simultaneous
coupling constant Px, (not derived because it is hidden) and the
equivalent values are shown as a rigorous logical derivation.
When two counts act simultaneously in less than 1/C1-x of a
cyclic period the two act as one and reflects as the increase in mass.
Hence charge beyond (C1+x)2 changes into a mass value. The same
equivalent value is derived in general relativity too to indicate a
mass value in terms of didplacement/length.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 247
Suthra 33.
The internal and external potential limits.
Antha: karanam thrividham
the limit of potential third power
dashadhaa baahyam thrayasya vishayaakhyam
tenth power external triad detectable-defined
saamprathakaalam bahyam
present-sequential-time external
thrikalamaabhyantharam karanam.
Third-power-of-time-internal bonding
Meaning: The internal limit of potential is at the third power
and the externalising detectable factor defined as existing in present
time is upto the 10th. Power. The third power factor contributes to
internal bonding or it is a limit .
Explanation: The expansion is effected by the 10th. power
factor when the interaction is externalised in real or current time.
The third power imposes a limit on the the interactive state as a
limiting or damping force that cannot exceed the 13th. power
superpositioned state.
248 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 34.
The potential to act is at the 5th.power level.
buddhindriyaani tesham pancha
motive-sensory-signals increase to fifth power
vagbhavathi shabdavishaya
speechforms relates to sound vibrations
sheshani tu panchavishayani .
Remaining concerns all five forms of phenomena.
Meaning: The internal potential to act increases rate to 5th.
power of both the specific and non specific or the observable and
the hidden sensory signals. Sound signals relate to speech or
oscillatory sound functions whereas the rest relate to all the five
observable interactions.
250 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 35.
The formation of a basic field is determined by the 3rd. Order
damping action.
santha: karanaa bhuddi :
internal interaction coherence
sarvam vishayam avaghahate yasmath.
all phenomena plunges-to-a-point forcefully
tasmath trividham karanam dvari
therefore third power bonding medium
dvarani sheshani.
user of medium the remaining powers
Meaning: At the point when all measurable interactions
plunge to its limit of stress and form a coherent bond it is a
measure of the effort involved and therefore the third power of
this bond forms the base or medium , the remaining powers of
interaction use this as medium.
Explanation: The coherent level creates the static state that
allows the other non coherent states to plunge or accelerate
towards it and stays with it to form a bond. The third power of the
interactive rate forms a limit and all such states become the base or
ground level to become a medium, on which the remaining states
interact using it as a medium.
It is an explanation for the observed attractive gravitational
action. All vibratory or oscillatory states remain together at one
place or in a bound state when all three axis have the same rate. A
higher rate of vibrations on an object will move towards the one
with a lower rate and interactivel exchange to equalise or attain an
equilibrium state to stay bound or in one location.only
252 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 36.
Decay of radiated phenomenon.
yethey pradhipakalpah :
spectrum radiation-decay-process
paraspara vilakshana gunavishesha:.
mutual complex guna specific
kritsnam purushasyartham
total Purusha potential
prakashya buddhau prayachhaanti.
manifest coherent action controlled-final-end
Meaning: Spectrum of light transmission process is a complex
and mutually interactive guna exchange sequence and it is totally
controlled by the Purusha potential and it is the only coherent
motivating factor clearly till its end.
Explanation: Radiated phenomenon must decay because it is
motivated only by the Purusha potential which has a specific limit.
The complete spectrum of light is transmitted by the mutually
interactive complex guna process and the entire manifestation
sequence is wholly or only due to the Purusha potential and it
provides the motivation for it till its end. It shows light decays and
the motive is provided till its end.
C2 x (4 p2 )/7 = Mps / (my x c3 x k)
254 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 37.
Extraction of potential energy from the Purusha domain.
sarvam pratyubhogam yasmath
comprehensive extraordinary use forcefully
purushasya saadhyati bhuddhi.
Purusha-potential attainable coherent potential
saiva cha vishinishti puna:
with also precise trigger input repeated
pradhanapurushantaram sukshamam.
interactions inside the Purusha minute
Meaning: A comprehensive and extraordinary use can be made
in the following way. The potential of the Purusha can be attained
from the minute coherent state hidden inside the Purusha by
repeated precisely triggered inputs to initiate the primary
Explanation: Potential energy can be extracted from within the
hidden interior Purusha domain by a process of repeatedly
triggering the primary interactive region with a minute or sharp or
fine input of energy.
256 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 38.
Classification of activity of virthi and elements
self-generated vortex-non specific-order
bhuthani pancha panchabhya.
element five fifth order
yeta smrita vishesha :
spectrum law species
shantha ghorascha muddasca.
synchronised interactive-and superposed
Meaning: The self-generated vortex or vritti has a non specific
or wide range of activity level while the elements are at five levels
upto the fifth power of activity . The spectrum logically covers the
classes of activity states defined as synchronised, non synchronised
/ interactive and superposed / coherent .
Explanation: The self generated vortex covers a wide range
and are not confined to any specific order . The elements cover a
distinct or specific sequence of five levels rising upto the fifth
power and it is classified in three specific groups as follows. When
all the three axis synchronise and act together in a coherent mode it
displays high inertial qualities of massive and ponderous action .
The two axis synchrony is highly interactive and covers a wide
range wheras the linear activity confined individually to a particular
axis has a linear, laminar and synchronised mode of action.
258 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 39.
Genetic code.
sukshma matapitrajah:
field organic
sahaprabhutaistridhavishesha: syu:.
sustained-energy-source-triple-species bond
sukshmastesham niyatha matapitraja nivartanthe.
mobile field constant organic cyclic
Meaning: The field sustained by the fundamental source of
energy bonds into three organic species. The mobile field is
constant and controlled and the organic states of three species are
cyclic or periodic.
The 23.5 interactions per cycle (ipc) is a fundamental rate of
oscillation within a confined or closed shell. The transition from
23.5 to 259 ipc at the surface gives the transition region. At 23.5
the left and right handed spins or oscillatory transmigratory
movements are combined. The charge differentiation does not
exist below 23.5 ipc but polarises beyond it upto 259 and has it s
distinct characteristics established beyond c. Hence similarly
molecular, genetic and other 'single' body units below 25 ips will
not display any difference. A virus state is a state below 23.5 and
has no sex cahracteracteristics. Beyond it the 'handed' difference is
exposed and male / female classification commense. In
spontaneous regeneration from space at the correct environmental
conditons a sexeless virus state can metamorphosise into any sex
characteristics. A particuar variety of frog have been discovered
alive deep inside a stone when broken.
260 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 40.
Linga state as coherent and superposed oscillations.
purvothpannamashaktham niyatham
source fallen not bound subdued
forces intense to subtlefield at extreme limit
sansarathi nirupabhogam
spectrum absolute absorption
bhavair adhivasitham lingham
chargeforms superpositioning mass-characteristics
Meaning; Static mass states are created by maximally absorbing
and superpositioning the entire spectrum of vibratory or oscillatory
states, from the largest and strongest (to the limit) finest, minutest
kinetic charged states.
Explanation: The Linga state is a superpositioned state. When
displacements due to an interactive change is at a faster rate than
the normal balanced interactive oscillatory state, it piles up (one on
top of another) and many act at one time or simultaneously giving
the effect of an increased force, from the same component unit.
Within the period of a cycle the Linga state retains it value
permanently thereby giving the superposed state a continuous and
permanent value of increased quantum termed as mass or rest mass
in physics. Though superposed and mass increases the counts get
reduced by synchronising and therefore forms a state of lower
activity that allows higher interacrive rates to drft towards it and get
absorbed. The change over point is shown below, where n=21.
Equation S40. When the interval is less than the stress value the
counts are absorbed or two axis act simultaneously.
262 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 263
Suthra 41.
The need for the substratum as supporting framework for
chitram yathaashrayamrithe
picture for instance-support-framework
sthanvadibhiyo yatha vina chaaya.
Post for instance without shadow
thadhvina visheshairna
so without specific -not
thisthathi nirashrayam lingham.
as required without resting place synchronised state
Meaning: Just as it is not possible to present a picture without
a supporting base nor cast a shadow without an appropriate post,
so also it is impossible to have the synchronised and
superpositioned coherent state without the required supportive
Explanation: This Suthra emphasises the logical need for a
supporting base . An object does not need a support as it has an
existence on its own due to its structure or contents. But a drawing
must have a paper or canvas or supporting framework of some
kind that would be used to project the drawing. A shadow by its
very nature is dependant on an object to obstruct light , only then it
is cast . Hence it must be understood that a Linga state is not an
object in itself but it is the accumulation or collection of vibrations
or oscillations from a previous interactive state of Bhava activity ,
which seeks a "rest" or inactive state with relation to its location
and therefore it must belong to something that is existing or
substantially verifiable. The base must be real or it must have
substance. The substratum as described in the very first Suthra is
necessary to provide the supporting framework. Such a base is
necessary as a mathematical reality to proceed with the logic
enumerated so far. Manifestation is a hologram built up of
vibrations of elemental components.
264 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 42..
The synchronised state provides attracting potential to build up
superpostioned mass
Meaning: The synchronised and coherent state of the nuclear
core forms the target potential to attract the oscillatory
interactions to synchronise and superposition itself
circumferentially, simultaneously, similar to the movements in a
dance, that increases and strengthens theresonant state of the
interactions .
Explanation: The build up of the Linga characteristics of mass
is explained in a picturesque way to illustrate the mode of action.
Mass in an object is a permanent increase in its density. But in the
substratum the mass is built up by the occupation of oscillatory
displacements on the same component location on a time sharing
basis. This as an important theorem that explains the most
fundamental nature of a movement. When action and reaction in a
self similar interaction of equal components in the substratum is
not balanced or the cycle period is not half, then there is a drift or
movement towards the direction of the delayed reaction and as the
interactions pile up and accumulate the delay increases thereby
causing a chain reaction of movement that forms or becomes the
nuclear centre with mass or inertial linga characteristics. the original
interactions or bhava state that had equal spatial displacements in
both directions in maintaining a balance, now experience a
reduction in displacement and an increase in the cyclic period in
the region towards which it has drifted and as a result more than
one displacement or interactive exchange is forced to occupy the
266 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
same location. The Suthra makes it clear that it is a an incidental or
superficial attachment or super-positioned state. This action of
many interactive displacements occupying the same location in the
same period is a time sharing act of superpositioning like when two
dancers occupy the same place by stepping in harmony at different
but equal fractional intervals. If there is a misstep the harmony is
broken (see note 2.). Because of many interactions occupying the
same place the reactions behave as though many components act
reactively at the same time or simultaneously or coherently or
synchronously. The effect is a multiplication of the reactive value
or an in increase in the mass or linga characteristic of the core and
now the core acts unitedly or as one unit and displays centre of
mass characteristics. Its an ensemble or collection of components
acting in unison. Whenever the activity along the axis synchronises
in rate with an axis in another direction superpositioning takes
place along the circumferential position simultaneously on all sides.
Two axis synchrony gives a united surface of activity with a flexible
centre of mass which typically is the electromagnetic behaviour in a
fundamental field and the liquid / fluid status in a molecular field.
Three axis synchrony provides the solid phase behaviour and a
particle with a dense and fixed centre of mass characteristics.
It is important to understand that mass characteristics in the
substratum, in a state of kaivalya or freedom, can be generated only
by coherent, synchronised, superpositioned states
Equation S.42. The synchronisation creates PM the Prakrithi
Saptha or Nucleon.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 267
Suthra 43.
Conditions under which the Laws of interaction are certain.
samsiddhikascha bhava
state-of-resonance-also charged state
prakrithika vaikrthascha dharmadhya:.
oscillatory accelerative activity are the start of axiomatic laws
dhrsta: karanaashrayinah
detection reaction-resting-place
karya-shrayinascha kalaladhya.
action -resting place start of time or cycle count
Meaning: The source or starting point of the axiomatic laws of
resonant action are from the state when the charged interactive
state is in a state of perfect resonance and the starting point or start
of time-cycle-period count of measurement commences when the
action is in a state of relative rest or static state for detection is only
possible when the detected component is at a restful state.
Explanation: 1+x = 1/x x-(1-x) = x3 .The fundamental laws
of interaction are correct or valid only for the coherent state ,
meaning that the rules of logic can be applied correctly when the
active state is steady and unchanging. If a calculated value is to be
ascertained it can be expected to be correct only for a resonant
state that holds for the duration of that cycle. Similarly when
measuring or detecting an interactive state the observer can
synchronise or count or time an activity from the position at which
it is relatively stationery or seems to be resting. Counting the
number of bounces a ball makes can be correct only if timing of
the count is synchronised when the ball hits the floor . This Suthra
defines the certainty of detection or measurement in a dynamic
state of components. There is a possibility of uncertainty of
measurement and also loss of proportionality of interactive rules if
the stated conditions are not observed. It also has serious
ramifications in theorising. The substratum is not detectable for the
reasons given above. For instance a foot rule with markings in
tenths determines the accuracy to a tenth. As a result of this
268 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
theorem the two important parameters in an oscillatory state is
defined. Assuming an interactive count of ten per cycle along an
axis and it interacts with a similar axis count of an adjacent unit
then it will increase to 10 into 10 = 100 counts but if the two are to
maintain the restful state of remaining in the same position then it
must distribute the 100 as equal counts of 50 along each opposing
axis within the cycle . If not the excess that continues beyond the
cycle will cause unsynchronised count states at the interactive
Equation S.43. There are three locations at which measurement
of parameters can be made or observed.
The Linga/Bhava interface of the Purusha Kx and
Prakrithisaptha PM interacive level in the strong force region
provides a stable state called the Compton wavelength in physics.
The next mid level Raja resonant balancing point of the
Prakrithisaptha PM and Mahadvikrithi Me is where almost all
manifest phenomena remain in a stable / bonded state. The
Proton/Electron interface or hadron / lepton weak force region is
a complex one. Next the MahadVikrithi Me to Vikrithisaptha Ne
change takes place in the Abhiman/Ahankar interface where the
accelerative Vikaro state radiates 7 Ne as a Vrithi or Photon. The
unmanifest state of zero is an indicator of a self similar oscillatory
activity in perfect balance when there are no inputs but an
unbalanced state triggers this state into a reactive response. The
zero state is kept in balance by Ne transmigration in a tunneling
mode and only when 7 Ne are triggered simultaneously a detectable
vrithi or photon is radiated.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 269
Suthra 44.
The mode of natural action based on rules.
dharmena gamanamurdhvam
axioamtic laws leads-upward
leeding to lowering of actions opposing natural law.
jnanena cha apavargo
self-potential cause of state of coherence
viparyayadishyate bhandah.
reverse results in restrictions
Meaning: Sathwic expansive actions are supported by
axiomativ laws and leads upwards or towards a free state but
actions opposing it results in lowered states that leads to
thaamasic or compressive states that are restrictive. Inner self
potential is the only cause of synchronisation and establishment of
a coherent state but obstruction or restrictions results in a confined
and bonded state.
Explanation: The natural self similar laws support an
expansive or upward or free states of synchronous and harmonised
states of existence of interactions. Opposite states leading to
compressive or confined states, require the action to oppose the
natural mode. Coherent synchronised states are created by the
inner self potential
Equation. S.44. Self similar axpansion can continue without
270 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Equation .S.44.A. Reducing or restrictive series end at the 3rd
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 271
Suthra 45
State of unbalance is the motivating cause of manifestation.
vairyagath prakrithilaya:
neutral state absorption of activity
samsaro bhavathy rajasadragath
manifestation forms resonant-spectrum
aisvaryadavighatho viparyayath tadviparyasah.
Power-acceleration reversal and its opposite
Meaning: When the rajasic interactive states are equal and
balanced accumulation or increase of mass by absorption or
superpositioning of active displacements occur. When unbalanced
or unequal the increase or decrease in force causes acceleration or
deceleration creating the manifest spectrum of universal
Explanation: A state of balanced interaction is one that
simulates a static or stationery condition and as a result all
interaction drift or move towards such a condition thereby
increasing its potential by superpositioning the interactive
displacements by absorbing it in the same location, which increases
the density or mass of that state. Therefore any location that is in a
synchronised and balanced interactive such that it seems to
relatively stationery or static, it attracts or causes other interactive
states at a greater level of activity to move towards it to attain a
state of balance. However when the state of balance or synchrony
is lost the activities continue and the variety of such interactions are
the cause of manifested or detectable phenomenon. The
synchronisation of interactions take place in all directions and the
interactive rates synchronise or equalise along all the 3 axis of
spatial configuration , so the position at which it occurs remains
centred and stationery , which results in a spherical surface of
activity being presented.
Also another important change takes place when the axis
synchronise. The activity reduces to a coherent synchronised level
that makes it an action centring state. Assuming that each axis has a
count of 10 interactions per cycle and all the 3 axis are not in a
272 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
synchronous state. The total number interactions per cycle will be
1000. If 2 axis synchronise the count will reduce to 100 and will
present only 10 counts when all three axis synchronise. Assuming
that all the surrounding components were at 1000 counts prior to
this event, on one synchronising, all the 1000 count units will be
now interacting with a 100 count unit whose reaction interval will
be 10 times as long. Hence all the surrounding units will move
towards this centre till it meets with an opposing reaction to stop
its movement and thereby regain the balanced state. The inward
move produces the Linga state while the moving units are in the
Bhava phase.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 273
Suthra 46.
Interactions in the coherent state cause 50 orders of change.
Yesha prathyayasargo
Axiomatically ascertained-spectrum-of- manifestation
Viparyayaashaktithushtisidhaakya: .
interaction due to unbalanced state of gunas
thasya cha bhedasthu panchasat.
Hence the varieties are fifty orders
Meaning. The axioamtically ascertained order of the spectrum
of interachanged states due to the conditions of unbalance, non
synchronisation, balance and coherent synchronisation caused by
the interplay of three guna modes of interaction are 50 (order of
Explanation: It is an extremely important theorem that
identifies the incremental variations by a process of permutation
and combinations , possible due to three major interactive modes
of the Gunas producing 4 complementary phases of balance and
synchronisation and its opposites.
Viparyaya – interactive
Ashakti – unsynchronised or weak
Thushti balanced and equalised
Siddhi coherent & synchronised
Siddhi Thushthi Ashakthi Viparyaya
4+5=9 9+8+11=28 10+18=28
8 9 28 5 =50
1 3 5 7 9 =25
9 7 5 3 1 =25
10 10 10 10 10 =50
A cycle has 4 phases (Suthra 30) and adds sequentially to
1+2+3+4=10 which forms the standard count in a cycle and also
274 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
gives the logarithmic base in internal changes that are deemed to
take place instantly or self-similarly within the unit cycle. The log
Any rate increase in the substratum must be an incremental one.
It means that the increase is over the previous state. The graphical
display shows a 1 to 10 sequence in rate laid out as combinatorial
state in the substratum. The white shows a count rate of 1 and
next to it is red with a count of rate 2 but it has 3 components and
count rate 3 as orange must have 6 components and so on . The
gradient is shown in the left graph. Neither 1 nor 3 can divide into
equal integers to oscillate In a stable mode but 1 can combine with
3 t form 4 which can interact as a colliding 2 x 2 = 4 and separate
as a sequential decay of 2 + 2 = 4 , thereby keeping the cycle
balanced. Similarly every combination upto a cycle count of 10 is
shown. It progress as 1,3,6,10 etc and the combinations progress as
1+3=4 6+10=16 15+21=36 28+36=64
4 (2x2) 16 (4x4) 36 (6x6) 64 (8x8)
100 (10x10)
In the substratum only one side remains above the ground level
vibrations rate of C and the remain below , that is within C or C
An oscillating state must be able to split or divide equally if it is
to remain stable. That is if the instantaneous product of colliding
Thaamasic interaction is to be balanced with the expanding Satwic
sequential time like reaction, then the rate of separation in both
directions must be equal to half of the Thaamasic product value.
By combining two adjacent states it is possible to produce divisible
states that produce such synchronised combinational levels as
follows and splitting it by half to keep the rate same in both axis to
retain coherence and synchronisation:
2 + 2 = 4 8 + 8 =16 18 +18 = 36 32 + 32 =
64 50 + 50 =100
The incremental rate of such combined sequences increase by
one unit based on its own time cycle. Hence it is stable and it
cannot divide in any other way.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 275
2/2=1 8/4=2 18/6=3 32/8=4
The odd number gap between product of interactions can also
combine as follows:
1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36
45 55
Sequential or additive
3 + 6 = 9 10 + 15 = 25 21 + 28 = 49 36
+ 45 = 81
and simultaneous interaction
3 x 3 = 9 5 x 5 = 25 7 x 7 = 49 9
x 9 = 81
Since odd numbers cannot divide all these interactive
combinations are transient but the following sequential or time
involving Raja combinations are stable and balance the interaction
and decay harmoniously.
1 2 3 4
1 + 1 = 2 3 + 3 = 6 5 + 5 = 10 7 + 7 = 14
9 + 9 = 18
The total of these are also 50 and shows that it can be in a
balanced state because the recurring gap of 4 is harmonious as 2 x
2 = 2 + 2
2 + 6 + 10 + 14 + 18 = 50
The five orders of combinational change gives 2, 8, 18, 32 and
50 in both directions and 2 + 6 + 10 + 14 + 18 = 50 as
sequential combinations cover every unit incremental rate to
provide a stable interactive group at all levels above and below the
neutral level. Even though the combination process involved
uneven incremental counts the ratio of the change increases only in
discrete unitary steps to maintain proportionality. The incremental
ratio ascends unit by unit , thereby maintaining the integer
relationship necessary to hold the integer count relationship order
276 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
in both the internal logarithmic (instant) and external numerical
(sequential) increments. It establishes the rationale for the
synchronised states that allow two or three axis to oscillate
synchronously within a single unit to give it the centre of form or
mass status. Further it allows two adjacent axis with same
oscillatory count to remain in locked synchronous, coherent mode
producing the bonding, linking or coupling effect seen as orbital
capture in atomic and molecular states. When two or three axis
counts are not the same the counts multiply to produce all the
possible variations in interactions. If synchronised the counts are
absorbed and seem to disappear but superpose along the axis as a
changed Linga state (acquire mass) from the previous varying
Bhava phase. A visual example would be that of two gear wheels
rotating at different speeds trying to mesh but are kept apart by the
teeth on one contacting in turn all the teeth on the other wheel and
both wheels stay separated by a distance equal to the sum of the
two radii. When the revolutions are synchronised the teeth mesh
and the gear wheels move in closer to each other because each
tooth occupies the gap in the other wheel, thereby producing a
reduction in the volumetric status which is the equivalent
synchronous or coherent state of acquiring a mass or
superpositioned wave number or increase in the field potential or
orbital capture or bonding or coupling etc.
The consequence of this spectrum is that within the component
of the substratum the maximum number of interactions that can be
accommodated or superposed or made massive or increase the
static potential by, is 1050 counts.
The combinatorial process shown keeps any two axis
synchronised with the third axis to keep the state of the ensemble
in unified , coherent , selecting and with a unified centre of mass
action. To maintain synchrony and coherence all interacting values
must be even numbered or else timings in two axis can vary by half
an integer that would not stay in static relative position with
another component, in which case synchronisation, coherence and
resonance is lost .
The unit increase in the substratum is within a cycle but it must
be remembered that a an increase from 9 to 10 needs a cycle
fraction of 1/9 to 1/10 to change one count whereas 99 to 100
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 277
requires 1/99 to 1/100 of the cycle for the same unit. The principle
of division is on self similar basis. The first slope is 1 to 2 , which
means the average rate of change per unit is
(Ö12 + 22 ) = Ö5 /2
The maximum self similar increment in rates must be based on
what is available at that instant and that gives the following series:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10
0 +1 = 1 2 + 1 = 3 5 + 3 = 8 13 + 8 = 21
34 + 21 = 55
1 + 1 =2 3 + 2 = 5 8 + 5 = 13 21
+ 13 = 34
In order to make it scale invariant the above incremental series
must be reduced to the same slope or first ratio Ö5 /2 which gives
the final power series as follows:
The factor x = 1.618
1 x /Ö5 /2 = 2.236 = x2 = 2.618
2 x /Ö5 /2 = 4.472 = x3 = 4.236
3 x /Ö5 /2 = 6.708 = x4 = 6.853
5 x /Ö5 /2 = 11.18 = x5 = 11.09
8 x /Ö5 /2 = 18 = x6 = 18
13 x /Ö5 /2 = 29 = x7 = 29
21 x /Ö5 /2 = 47 = x8 = 47
34 x /Ö5 /2 = 76 = x9 = 76
55 x /Ö5 /2 = 123 = x10 = 123
Note: The electron number periodic table follows the same
combinational process 2, 8, 18, 32 and 50 along two axis but does
not reach the 50th. order as the atomic density exceeds the coherent
and synchronised level at the 42nd. count and therefore
combinations beyond 84 along two axis become unstable and start
to decay and becomes radioactive. Since the atomic periodic table
is built by combining above the base or ground level of C cubed ,
the two sides of the interaction are added on the same side above
the ground level like (the first 2 is below ground level)
2 + 8 = 10 +8 = 18 +18 = 36 +18 = 54 + 32 = 86 + 32 =
118 +50 = 168 + 50 = 218.
All these values in the periodic table are above the substratum.
278 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 47.
Balanced , synchronised and its reversed variation sequence of
pancha viparyayabheda
Five-orders-of-interchanging states
synchronous and non synchronised interaction
28 orders of change balanced 9th.order 8th. order
coherent state.
Meaning: A sequence of 5 orders (power index) of change is
created by the three varying states of interaction like nonsynchronous,
interactive change and synchronous. Weak and
unsynchronised states have 28 orders while the balanced phase has
9 orders and the perfectly synchronised state has 8 orders of
sequentially variable levels.
Thaama Li/Bh Raja Ab/Ah Satwa
9 0.5+0.5 8 2+1=3 8+3=11 28
9 .5+.5=-1 8 -2-1=-3 8-3=5 22
18 0 16 0 16 50
The 4 cycle phase has a maximum of 10 counts and assuming
that it is purely internal the Thaama product of 10 x 10 = 100 is
split equally as a sequential Sathwa expansion of 50 + 50 =100 to
maintain a balance. Hence 50 per direction is a limit in a balanced
state. The 5 variations are shown within the count of 50. Each
sequence has its own internally coherent rate.
The five orders of variation, both in the non synchronised and
synchronised states, increasing in steps of one count order or 10
counts, are as follows
2+2=4 8+8=16 18+18=36 32+32=64 50+50=100
2/2=1 8/4=2 18/6=3 32/8=4 50/10=5
2x2=4 4x4=16 6x6=36 8x8=64 10x10=1-00
280 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The change from 2 to 8 , 8 to 18, 18 to 32 and 32 to 50 is by the
addition of two odd or indivisible rates combining sequentially or
staying in adjacent synchronous states . The odd states or confined
or contained by even rates to make it coherent and synchronised.
The following states form the atomic spectra along one axis and
when synchronised with another axis the counts increase by the
same number or its paired counterpart.
2+3+3=8 8+5+5=18 18+7+7=32 32 + 9+9 = 50
Siddhi states or coherent and synchronised phases. Any count
ratio of 4 has a unique balanced state because 2 x 2 = 2 + 2 and
can never become unsynchronised or incoherent or unbalanced
and therefore can never be detected or recorded as an interaction
and this count structure will always be hidden as a Linga or mass
phase in a permanent state. Therefore the 8 and 32 count step will
remain as perfect coherent or synchronised siddhi states:
Combinations 32 + 32 = 64= 8 x 8= (2 x 4) + (2 x 4), 32/8 = 4
But it can combine with adjacent states to produce variations.
Tusti states or balanced mid order states. The 3rd. order 18 can
divide into 9+9 as intermediate states. 9 is formed by 3 x 3
interactive states with its own Linga or centre of mass capabilities
as 3 is the order of the damping force .
The Asakti states or weak or unsynchronised states formed by
combination are :
5+ 5 = 10 8 + 10 = 18 10 +18 = 28
Since 2 and 8 are synchronised states it can become
unsynchronised by combining with the 3rd state of 18 and the total
combination is 28 orders.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 281
Suthra 48.
Order of compression increase when one, two and three axis
varieties-compressively- 8th. order
mohasya cha dasavidho mahamoha:.
superpositioned and 10th. order deeply nested
coherence 18th. order of charge forms the darkest densest level.
Meaning: Interactive changes in the compressive thaamasic
state proceed on the basis of 8 orders of change. along one axis and
increases by the same order when it synchronises with another axis
at a deeper level. at the next intermediate level it increases by 10
orders and at the final core level it increases by 18 and by another
18 at deepest core level synchronisation. that is 8 + 8 , followed
by (5+5) =10 in each axis and finally (8+10) 18 +18 . It is a
combinatorial process of incremental rates that can synchronise
and remain in balance only as even numbered levels.
interactive changes in the compressive thaamasic state proceed
on the basis of 8 orders of change along one axis and increases by
the same order when it synchronises with another axis at a deeper
level. at the next intermediate level it increases by 10 orders and at
the final core level it increases by the sum of 10+18 or by another
18 at deepest core level of superpositioned synchronisation.
282 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 283
suthra 49.
the 11 & 17 orders of the weak and balanced groups.
ekadashaindrayavadha saha
eleven –orders of expansion capable
sapthadhasavadha bhudderviparyayath
seventeen orders coherent-non-synchronisation
balanced-coherent phases
Meaning: eleven orders of expansive interactions cover the
observable range out of the previous 28 orders mentioned before.
The balance of 17 orders consists of the balanced and coherent
states and the radiant states. With the 5 orders of radiant state it
forms 22 orders. The 17 orders form the common potential to
both phases.
Explanantion:The 50 orders comprise two sections of self
similar groups as follows :
((25+1+2)=28) + ((25-1-2)= 22) = 50 = (28 –3 =) 25 + 25 (=
22 + 3 )
28 = 11=( 8 + 3) + 17( = 9 + 8) : 22 = 5(= 8 – 3 ) +17 (= 9
+ 8 )
284 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 285
Suthra 50.
50. Nuclear balancing paramaeters
the internal nuclear field fourth power
bahya visayoparamath pancha
external objects fundamental fifth power
nava thushtayo:bhihitha
nine balanced-both-equalised
Meaning: The interaction inside the nuclear state can be
labelled as fourth power, initiating cause of action and responsive
self reaction , the time period of the reaction and the destined
potential available for the reaction. Externally detectable
fundamental activity is categorised as the fifth power and when
these two act together synchronously it is the ninth power.
Explanation: The interactions remain internal because it is
balanced. The fourth power of internal instantaneous interactions
are balanced if the four phases of internal balance are
286 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 51.
51. Colliding interaction cause of vibrations.
Uha: shabdhoadhyayanam
knowledge gained cause of vibrations through research
dhukhavighathasthrayah suhrthaprapthih
stress colliding tripleacting intensive-superpositioned
dhaanam cha siddhayo'ashto siddhey:
divergent also synchronised 8th. order coherence
previously controlled state third power
Meaning: Knowledge gained through research on vibratory or
oscillatory stress caused by colliding interactions follow three step
action (of compression – shuttling- expansion –guna mode) leading
to intensive superpositioned, divergent, or synchronised state,
raised to the eighth power coherent mode. The original state prior
to the interaction has been established to be in a controlled,
compressed, cubic, volumetric state, raised to the third power.
Explanation: The components of the substratum are in a
dynamic and synchronised state corresponding to a volumetric or
cubic representation and follows a third order damping control or
reaction, proved and established in the derivation of rules
controlling the triple acting guna interactions. The normal dynamic
state is maintained by resonant interactions wherein the three
phases of thaama compression, rajah shuttling interaction and
consequential reactive sathwa expansion that equalises according to
swabhava or self similar rules. However when a collision occurs
the intensity causes the vibrations or oscillations to aggregate,
collect, pile-up or superpose on the component such that the
density, mass or inertia increases to eight times or powers
(instantaneously). The proof of this behaviour is established by
analytical and mathematical logic as follows: at the instant of
collision the oscillatory counts of the two components combine to
form a THAAMASIC increase proportionally to two units. The
increment must take place along all three axis to maintain the
synchronised and centred state so the count value rises to 2 cubed
288 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
= 8 within the instant duration of the collision (See note 1). The
corresponding RAJASIC interaction must equal 8 counts in the
normal sequential spatial shuttling form in which it normally
oscillates. The SATWIC expansive reaction must account for the 8
units by equalising in an expansive mode. Since only two
components were involved in the colliding interaction the reactive
values must be generated only by these same two units as an
expanding displacement . Had there been eight unit components
involved in the collision the equalisation could have been possible
within the unitary cycle by all the 8 components absorbing the 8
counts. Therefore the two unit components must now equalise in
eight sequential steps or stages or the duration must equal eight
sequential steps to absorb the increased counts. Subtracting the
normal unit displacement in a unitary cycle there are seven
additional expanding vibrations or oscillations superposed or
accumulated on the component. Therefore the Raja interactive
shuttling duration shows seven distinct phases of the oscillations
that are superposed in a sequence of seven additional wavelengths
in a cycle. This state continues because the next cycle adds a
similar count value so that the counts increase logarithmically to
the 8th. power in a cycle . As a cycle contains 10 units as a count
duration, (Suthra 30) the 8th power is based on 10. So the
consistent , constant, resonant, synchronised state of a cycle must
contain 108 counts increment or additional interactive
displacements that are equally subdivided into the expansive
RAJASIC – SATWIC cycle. Summarising, an intense colliding
interaction value rises to two units that is then translated into cube
of two displacements that superpose and the expansive reaction
equalises the instantaneous rise in cycle time value of 8 in
sequential displacement of 8 cycles and subtracting the normal,
usual unit value there exist seven sequential expanding cycles for
each intensive collision. If the 3 axis counts are synchronised then
the count remains at 108 and the spherical boundary remains
undisturbed . If the 3 axis loose the synchrony the sphericallity is
lost and the count rises to a maximum of 1025 . The observed
spectrum of seven colours in light created by an accelerated photon
as set , or the seven sound frequencies created by an impact in air
are the consequences of the above explanation. One must note that
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 289
the substratum is in constant dynamic , selfsimilar interaction but
light is produced only when it is in an accelerative or unbalanced
and therefore non-spherical interaction, because had it been
otherwise light would have been spontaneously emitted from the
substratum and spherical photons with helicity zero would have
been detected. The components of the substratum are oscillating
continuously at a self similar rate of 296500000 cyclic interactions
consistent with a stable oscillatory cycle due to a1 to 2 difference in
timing between the axis. Similarly the field of air molecules are
vibrating at the same proportionate self similar rate of 256
interactions for a unitary cycle, because the air field is not a free
one and synchrony along two axis is forced . The statement that
there are so many interactions in a cycle means that not a single
interaction is simultaneous with another during that cycle. Both in
light and sound and in every spherical harmonic oscillator there are
seven incremental levels of changing values before it repeats. This
situation is true only if the field functions in the normal
SWABHAVA state of freedom from external influences. And
above all this self similar behaviour is possible in a substratum of
equalised, similar, identical and compacted plenum of components.
Note 1. Using momentum conservation (though not applicable)
principle and using a unit mass then the displacement on colliding
will be half the diameter of the component and the volume will be
proportional to ½ cubed and density will rise to 2 cubed within the
impact duration and this must be dissipated by a linear movement
of both units away from the centre. If both units move at the same
speed in opposite directions the centre of collision remains
stationery. If one remains stationery the other moves away at 108 .
Note 2. The same behaviour takes place when measuring
waveforms on an oscilloscope. If the timing between the vertical
and horizontal axis is identical then a single diagonal line or a circle
would be visible. If the timing between the two axis is made
different then numerous waveforms in continuous motion would
be visible. A triggering pulse is needed to make the waveforms
superimpose one train of waveforms on the next train to make
290 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
them stay stationery .These patterns are called Lissajou figures and
are used to study the state of synchrony between two axis.
In an odd count interaction the only possible way of
synchronising is by combining with the next incremented count
rate, which provide the following sequence of numbers by of
previous to present and can be expressed as a formula where n =
previous number.
Order of interaction
Spread of interaction 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. Incremental States By Combinatorial Process.
The cycle has 10 counts and in 8 cycles 80 counts reside in th
same location if no net displacement is there. The 70 counts
occupy adjacent levels and indicates the superpositioning level. The
70 counts are to be accounted for because the 8th. is the original
state and can never get lost. If the displacement is equal on both
sides then the domain of activity remains centered else it moves by
the net difference in the direction of retarded or negative or slower
activity level. The observed spectrum of seven colours in light
created by an acclerated photon, or the seven sound frequencies
created by an impact in air or the consequences of the above
explanation. One must note that the substratum is in constant
dynamic , selfsimilar interaction but light is produced only when it
is a colliding or accelerative or unbalanced interaction, because had
it been otherwise light would have been spontaneously emmitted
from the substratum. The components of the substratum is
oscillating continiuosly at a rate of 296500000 interactions in a
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 291
cycle but reacts only if there is an unbalance. Similarly the field of
air molecules are vibrating at the same proportionate self similar
rate but at a rate of 256 interactions for unitary cycle . The
statement that there are so many interactions in a cycle means that
not a single interaction is of the same value during that cycle. Both
in light and sound and in every sperical harmonic oscillator there
are seven incremental levels of changing values before it repeats.
This situation is true only if the field functions in the normal
SWABHAVA state of freedom from external influences.
292 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 52.
52. The polarisation of phenomenon into coherent potential
(mass) and kinetic potential (charge) modes.
na vina bhavairlingham
not without kinetic-phase-coherent state
na vina lingena bhavanirvrithi:.
not without coherence potential phase the kinetic state vortex
linghaakhyo bhavaakhyatasmadhvividha:
mass-defined defined charge hence polarisation
pravartate sargah.
Initiates phenomenon
Meaning: Neither can a characteristic potential source exist
without a kinetic phase nor can a potential phase without a kinetic
mode. A vorticular particle existed due to a potential source. The
potential is classified as mass and the kinetic phase as charge from
which dual combination all phenomenon is initiated and
maintained by a dual mode of polarisation.
Explanation: This shows the interdependance of static and
dynamic potential in the substratum. In the coherent and
symmetric state there is no prefferred or prevalent or predominant
orientation and as there is no physical movement of components
the cause and effect determines the potential and kinetic phases.
The potential phase change induces balancing procedures which is
the kinetic phase and when it exceeds the self-similar rate of
balance then it becomes externalised and displays radiant qualities.
294 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
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Suthra 53.
53. Guna classification.
ashtam vikalpam daivam
eightfold variations natural phenomenon
thairyagyonam panchada bhavathi
the sequential five modes
manushyam tvaikavidham
coherent single class
samasathoyam tridha sarga.
succintly restrain threeways manifest phenomeno.
Meaning: Natural or inorganic or matter oriented phenomenon
is the result of 8 orders of variations and the sequential are five
orfders. The self sustaining order is from a single variant, these
three classes succintly control the complete spectrum of
Explanation: Natural phenomenon operates as a aspectrum of
8 levels. As the fundamental dynamic state is an oscillatory activity
the very first state must axiomatically cover the increment from
level one to two. That the expansive state of the oscillation will rise
as 23 = 8. Hence, as these are distinct phases of activity levels it
presents phenomenon at 8 stages at the fundamental level. From
these 8 expansive stages , 3 levels by combining form coherent
states, which again become the building blocks for 5 remaining
states. If the 8 states are termed as a horizontal or sequential
process the combination of three plus the remaining five are
transition states using the 3 synchronised levels as unitary base
states for the five. Then finally when all 7 levels combine into a
single coherent form, within the spectrum of 8, it is a free and
mobile state totally dependant on itself. It marls the initiating phase
of a unit of moblile or free phenomenon.
The seven levels form a spectrum like light, sound etc. Each has
a distinctive characteristic of identification. When all these 7 are
combined into a coherrent ensemble and radiated it forms a vrithi.
For example light has photons, sound has phonons, and at the
subatomic, atomic and molecular levels, the gluons, mesons and
296 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
bosons and so on. At the Galaxy level, rings of stellar bodies form
the spectrum and at the stellar level planetary bodies contribute to
these states. The atomic periodic table represents agglomerate
leves of groups with distinctive characteristics. These combinations
continue at nested levels of fundamental groups. Like the chemical
and mineral groups on, earth are sub-groups of te
atomic/molecular combinations. Further the botanical and
biological species are derivates of the previous groups. The Sutra
lays out the principle through an alegorical comparison to species
on earth.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 297
Suthra 54.
54. The distribution of Guna interactive states.
urdhvam satva vishalastamovishalasva
higher orders expansive predominantly denser region
moolatah sarga.
basic order of manifestation
madhye rajovishalo brahmaadistambapariyantham.
The mid resonant order covers brahma to grass ultimately..
Meaning: Ascending order of outward manifestation is
predominantly sathvic and the descending inward mode of creation
is predominantly thaamasic and the intermediate range is
predominantly rajasic and it is consistantly so right from the
starting dynamic creative field of brahma to a blade of grass and
final state of manifestation.
Explanation: The single coherent state polarises into the three
phases of expansive, dense and the intermediate phase. The
axiomatic self similar law of distribution of phases through
suerposition of intreractive stresses must follow the single guna
form of polarisation. That is the denser region can form only by
borrowing from another phase which automatically becomes the
lighter one. Naturally the denser region will have a higher
interactive count and so becomes the fundamental foundation for
all phenomena. The transition phase in the middle must have a
ratio that reflects both states or it becomes the halfway state of
change. The distribition following guna classifications then have a
numerical distribution of two states as x + x2 = 1 and the 3 phase
distribution as x2 + 2x3 + x4 =1 . This Sutra refers to latter
numerical expression which reflects the polarised state of the
substratum in the mode of manifestation. The former reflects the
quiescent state of unmanifest balance.
298 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 299
Suthra 55.
55. Stress in three modes follows self similar laws in the
dynamic substratum.
thathra jaramaranakritam dhukham
therefore growth-to-decay-activity stress
prapnothi chetanah purushah.
attainment dynamic nucleus
lingasya vini vritheh.
superpositioning minimised vortex
tasmad dhukham svabhavena.
thus stress self similar
Meaning: Therefore the process of decay and destruction
introduces interactive stresses that create the dynamic state of the
the purusha and on its absorption of the vorticular interactive
activity by the nuclear core the process of superpositioning
continues until the interactions are minimised and a coherent selfsimilar
state is established.
1 / x = 1+ x
300 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 301
Suthra 56.
56. Manifestation is the result of interactions to maintain the
balance between nucleus and boundary.
ithyesha prakrithikritho
thus-axiomatic oscillatory activity interactions
intense force source static matter to the very end.
towards nucleus isolating potential
svartha eva parartha arambha:
self acting potential other reactive potential initiates.
Meaning: In this way interactive oscillatory activity is initiated
and perpetuated from the intense fundamental activity at the
source to the final coherent superposed massive state at the
isolated nuclear boundary where the self potential balances with
the reactive potential from the start .
302 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 303
Suthra 57.
Attainment of a coherent superposed state initiates oscillatory
Vatsavivriddhwinimitham ksirasya
Calf- growth without apparent cause milk
yatha pravritter ajnasya
like commencement in all innocence
purusha vimochanaksha nimittam
nucleus goal of freedom without apparent cause
thatha pravritti pradhanasya
of commencement fundamental oscillatory activity.
Meaning: The growth of a calf is due to both , milk as its
food and its commencement without any apparent cause or specific
instruction ; in a similar way the goal of the nuclear state to attain
a state of restful balance, isolation or freedom from actionpotential,
is both the cause of initiating and maintaining a
fundamental oscillatory state of continuous activity of the
Explanation: The allegorical statement highlights the silent
mode by which coherent states are created . The synchronisation of
oscillations wthin a finite interval causes increas of mass because
two activities have combined to form a single action.
304 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 305
Suthra 58.
58. The Unmanifest state maintains the potential to act.
anxiety - covering-purpose
yatha kriyasu pravarthathe loka:.
just as activity initiated by people
purushasya vimokshartham
for the nucleus purpose of releasing
pravarthathe tatvad avyaktam.
initiate similarly unmanifest state
Meaning: Just as people are motivated to initiate action to
reduce their anxiety; similarly the unmanifest state maintains the
purusha in an isolated state free of stresses by absorbing the
activity of the continuous static and kinetic balancing interactions
Explanation: The nucleus is in a state of relative rest because it
is isolated from the potential to act or vibrate. Unless there is a an
inert or passive base to absorb the interactions or provide a screen
from constant interchange of static and kinetic potentials to
maintain a balance, the nuclear state of coherence can not be
maintained. Therefore the unmanifest or inactive state is a
necessary condition and allegorical example is used to to highlight
this factor by comparing the silent and hidden human potential
quality of "anxiety" as a latent motivation that maintains activity,
similar to the hidden and undectable Avyaktha state of the
substratum. The unmanifest state is devoid of detectable level of
activity and therefore forms the activity absorbing base,
groundlevel or sink.
The process of absorbing activity counts has two aspects. When
absorbed it can increase either the coherent count or its activity
count. If the process of absorption equalises along two axis its state
changes from Sathwa to Raja state. On equalising along three axis
the Raja shifts to the Thaama state. Maths?
306 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 307
Suthra 59.
59. Forming of nucleus due to reduction of potential difference.
rangasya dharshayithva nivarthathe
on stage desire to be seen ceases
narthaki yatha nrithyath.
dancer by dancing
purushasya thathaatmanam
nuclear state thus self energy
prakashya vi nivartate prakrithi
by radiating diminishing oscillatory state
Meaning: Just as the external exhibhition of a dancer's
performance reduces the urge to continue performance because it
satisfies his desires; similarly the outward spreading of internally
motivated self energy diminishes its potential to radiate and
thereby reaches an interactive state of balance in an oscillatory
Explanation: The alegorical picture shows that activity radiates
vrithis of diminishing numbers to emphasise that the potential is
reduced as radiation takes place and to introduce the concept that
the vrithi or photon must decay eventually. Radiation is potential
Equation S.59. All the stable states radiate reducing number of
moolaprakrithis till the Vrithi Ne state.
308 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Equation S.59.A. The radiation of a Vrithi ot photon takes place
when 7 Ne states are simultaneously accelerated. The Plancks
constant as the value of a quantum of radiation in physics shown as
h is equal to 7 Ne or the spectrum of energy around the nucleon.
Equation S59. B. The equivalent states in physics is shown in
units of electron volts and it is interesting to note that the hydrogen
spectrum of 13.6 electron volts (ev) is actually the first expansion
boundary at k-1=0.259921. The Ne or neutrino of 7 levels has a
value of 53.45 ev .
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 309
Suthra 60.
60. Cause of interactive oscillations
anupakaariny pumsa:
passive nucleous
with guna and its converse qualities
sathasthasyaarthamaparthakam charathi
dynamic non-dynamic-potential-potential-less oscillates
Meaning: Variety of controls, correcting and supporting
interactions are provided by the active prakrithi state to keep
passive nuclear state with and without the interactive guna qualities
in an oscillatory mode.
Explanation: The coherent nuclear state of oscillatory balance
is constantly controlled by a variety of opposing states of
interactions that reflects the three guna states in all its
combinations. It could support or oppose to keep the oscillatory
state in dynamic .balance. The essential state of a balanced
oscillatory activity is one of self-similarity in a simultaneous mode.
As an example a bow could be seen as a balanced state of stresses.
The arch is under two modes of stress. Compression in the inner
side and tension on the outer side while the string is in a resonant
state of balance. If the string is pulled the arch of the bow is bent
more which consequently increases both the compressive and
tensile stresses . On release of string the bow snaps back into its
former state. The action of the bow highlights the concept of
using simultaneous states of accumulated stress to release it
instantly to gain velocity in the arrow. Again the bow can pulled
slowly and snap released. In the steady state it is in a resonant state
of constant balance to correct the fine oscillations of the string.
Two major constraints are introduced here. In any field of
components, stress is caused by polarising its normal inactive state.
If the polarised state can be contained perpetually only then can an
oscillatory state exist. Its change initiates reactions as a
310 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
consequence. Hence the dynamism in space can be defined by
these concepts. Perpetual oscillation must be derived by
transcendantal numbers which form infinite seried. Generalising
the Guna relationship, Thaamasic states = Rajasic x Sathvic states.
Elaborating coherence= Resonance x radiance. Putting into three
dimensional states Volumetric = Area into Length. The oscillatory
aspect is represented as Axis3 = Axis2 x Axis.
Equation S.60. The Thaamasic state is balanced as follows:
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 311
Equation S.60 A. The fundamental oscillatory state is built up
by polarising the two adjacent components through transcendental
series to maintain the oscillatory state perpetually. The Purusha
value Kx remains perpetual through axiomatic interactions in a self
similar mode.
312 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 313
Suthra 61.
The oscillatory displacement at the point of balance is very
prakritheh : sukumaatharam
oscillatory displacements very fine-move-angular
na kimchidhasthithi
almost doubtful (its) existence
mey matirbhavathy
interactiv information existence
ya drishtaasmitha punarna
obtain observable self-potential not again
darshanamupaiti purushasya
ability to be observable -of nuclear region
Meaning: At the nuclear boundary the oscillatory
displacements reduce to a minute angular oscillatory movement
that its very existence seems doubtful. The consequent reduction in
the interactive self potential does not ever allow it to radiate
detectable information on the state of interaction of the nuclear
Explanation: Perfect and eternal balance is maintained in the
Substratum that cannot be observed as no parameters are radiated.
If it radiates the balance is upset or if its balance is upset only then
it radiates. There is no translational or velocity type of movement
in the Substratum. The balance is maintained by a phase or angular
change in the coherent relationship. Hence nothing moves.
The concept of oscillatiory or vibratory count dissapearing by
merging with one another is a difficult process to understand. The
oscillatory rate along any two axis can be identical or even if the
rate is same it can start and end at different times. If there are 10
vibrations per cycle along one axis and the other too has the same
rate but different timing or phasing then the count would be
10x10=100. But if oscillations start and finish in step the count
detected at the boundary will be only 10 in a cycle because two
counts are acting in step. If ten people clap ten times in second in a
random order where no clap synchronises with another then a 100
claps would be heard in that time period. But if all ten people
314 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
synchronise and clap together in a stepwise fashion then only 10
claps would be heard in a second but each clap (of ten people)
would sound louder.
Equation S.61. Even though an interaction follows a straight
line path from the moment the intercation is completed, the reason
why it seems to follow a circular route is due to a difference in rate
or timing of subsequent interactions.
The interactions following self similar proportionality
approximately equal the ratio p  in 4 count rates and countinue to
match it in infinite count rates as it is a transcendental number. But
the difference between each sequential increase has relevance.
When the difference between two successive steps is less than
the minimum interval between the maximum rate of oscillations,
then two successive oscillations would be counted as one or as
occuring simultaneously. The ability to discriminate the fine time
cycle difference is lost and the counts rate gets reduced. The
maximum rate of oscillation is limited by self similar ratio and the
value of 1/c1+x and two counts merge into one. It depicts a sharp
square wave timing when the maximum and minum rates occur at
the same instant.
Equation S.61.A. It shows the ratio at which a count merges
and semms to dissappear. The effect is to reduce the count rate at
this boundary and being lower higher count rates drift toards it.
This action increases the vibratory stress in it and results in increase
in mass or inertia and delays the reaction.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 315
The transition from single vibration to a merged or coupled
vibration at 20 to 21 count rates is clearly show above. This count
rate corresponds to a rate at which a Mahadvikrithi is formed is a
clue as to why Me is exposed as a detectable and an ensemble with
mass is detected. If that merged count is to be realeased the count
rate must be increased to above 21 so the time interval is reduced
to allow the merged count to be rekeased to act freely. But this
point being a coherent or simultaneous state , a whole ensemble of
vibrations would be released at once. The energy released would
seem to be more but conservation law is not violated because the
work done in synchronising over a period of time is now equated
to releasing a whole ensemble instantly. The impulse momentum
equation would show its balanced state.
Equation, S.61 B. The balanced nuclear state absorbs one
Vikrithi Ne in which the angular displacements in both the
coherent and synchronous state are absorbed. To release aVrithi or
photon 7 Ne units must be released simultaneously. But that is not
possible in the values shown below. Hence nothing would be
released after attaining balance by absorption unless triggered by an
unbalancing interaction of 7 Ne or more.
316 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 62.
62. Interactions are cause of manifestation as a holographic
thasmannabadhyate napi muchyathe
therefore-not-bound nor even released
napi samsrathi kaschith.
nor even transmigrated neither
samsrathi badyathe muchyathe cha
transmigrated bound released only
nanaashraya prakrithi
never resting oscillations
Meaning: Therefore nothing is bound, released or translocated.
Only the oscillatory wave forms of interactions is bound or
superposed by synchronisation, released by desynchronisation and
transferred by transmigration due to unequal displacements and
this dynamic state continues endlessly.
Explanation: Therefore the concept of a particle concept of a
particulate form is motion is an illusion. What moves are the
stresses caused by th interactions . These stresses move as
collective ensembles periodically. Hence the concept of particles
bound by by a force being released by another force is to be
revised and gain the correct understanding that what really
transmigrates is a vibratory form of waves caused by the interaction
between two undetectable objects in the substratum of space. This
state can only be descibed appropriately by the term hologram. The
vibrating or oscillating state is defined by the prakrithi value and
the summation of all such states in one coherent ensemble that
resembles a passive or static ensemble is the Purusha value. The
never resting oscillations are epitomised by an axiomatic state
defined as Rs = 1.020408163265 .
An important conclusion comes out of this concept. No object
can move in a plenitude of the same. The field of space
comprising components that provide the foundation for an
interaction cannot move. It can attempt to move but being
confined it can only cause a stress by impacting with others. The
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 317
stresses so created can transmigrateacross components is in a
sequential manner within the cyclic period of an interaction, thus
depicting three-dimensional or cubic waveforms. If the waveforms
of stress are close and superposed a continuum of stress is created
in the field of comonents thus creating the illusion of a solid
framework in motion, from which the concept of particles in
motion has arisen.
Equation S.62. The transcendantal ratios for continued
resonance in both compressive and expansive modes
Equation S.62 A. Both Purusha Kx and Mahadprakrithi Mps
states are equated to perpetual resonance rs and that is a positive
indication that there is no force in any form is required to maintain
the dynamic state, endlessly.
Equation S.62 B. The Prakrith saptha PM and Vikrithi saptha
Ne also remain in perpetual balance in the same mode. It is a
critical state of balance as Ne is harmonic state and transmigration
is at the slightest unbalance is indicated but despite that at the
balanced state it has a perpetual dynamism.
Equation S.62 C. The Mahadvikrithi Me being a reactive state to
the Mahadpakrithi Mps, has qn unstable position. While the Me
state must exist always because Mps is a perpetually interactive
318 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
process. Me resonates at the PM interface to remain in balance and
that shift into the first expansive boundary creates atransmigratory
state. Hence Me the electron must trnslocate constantly to maintain
Equation S.62 D. The Boundary of the Universe at a radial
distance of RU at which distance the Vrithi or photon decays back
into the substratum and is absorbed , maintaing the Abhaavath
state necessy for a perputal dynamism. The state of resonance is
maintained but the same degree of translocation as the Me, is also
reflected at this position, which indicates a transmigratory state of
stress due to absorption of decaying photons.
The conclusion from this Sutra is that there are no such things
as particles but only oscillatory ensembles ranging from the
Purusha state to the moolaprakrithi and its aggregates leading to a
Galaxy. Because the Vrithi or photon decays at RU every observer
will see the same depth or spherical volume of his Universe from
his location. Manifestation is a conservative and democratic
process at every level.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 319
320 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 63.
Rupai: sapthabhirevabadnathya
Forms seventh-level-upto-superposes
-self-potential-by-self potential
prakrithi :
oscillatory waveforms
saiva cha purushartham prathy
equal to nuclear-potential but
vimochayatya eka rupena .
process of release by one form.
Meaning: The oscillatory waveforms superposition itself by its
own self-potential to form the nuclear density by compressing it's
waveforms to the seventh power when it becomes equal to the
maximum nuclear potential in coherent form and when it expands
and radiates it releases one waveform at a time.
Explanation: The nuclear potential is created by itself due to
its coherent state and the levels of superpositioning action rises to
seven when it equals the maximum potential that can be
maintained by the interactive state in resonant balance. As
explained in Suthra 3 an intercation higher rate of intercation drifts
towards lower rates because of nonsynchrony. Only if an
interactive stress form is countered by a similar stress form at the
same rate can the location of the intercation remain at the same
position cycle after cycle. Else the point of impact or collision must
move toward another location. This drift seems to be a force of
attraction. Hence if a countering stress form fails to meet on
oncoming one it will ultimately end up at the very source of the
opposing one. That leads to aggregation and superpositioning
which results in a larger number of counts being registered within a
cycle. Hence density or mass has increased.
Mathematical formula: The moolaprakrithi My interaction at
the ultimate level rises to seven when the mahad prakrithi Mps
reaches oscillatory states superpose to attain the coherent state.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 321
Then the entire ensemble oscillates as one single unit. When it
breaks coherence it releases one entire set or ensemble in one
instant as a vrithi. It is equal value to a unit electic charge based on
planck's constant and is shown below.
Equation S 63. The superpositioning density by synchronising
along all three axis as K leads to the maximum density Dp and
realease of one level equals a unit of charge. Dp is the value of
planck desnsity and the charge Eo equals the electronic charge as
shown below. It is the ultimate self-similar density of Mps.
The values of h , C and alpha are from figures published in
standard physics texts based on natural units. These are shown in
the section on Symbols.
Equation S.63 A. Because Dp is created on its own potential the
interaction has a simultaneous balancing density Dm. It is the
density of MahadVikrithi or Me . The release of one unit is the
electronic charge couplng constant.
The Mahadprakrithi and Mahadvikrithi are the compressive and
expansive oscillatory counterparts due the polarisation of c14 into
(c1+x)7 (c1-x)7 simultaneously or within the interactive cycle.
322 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 64.
64. The coherent self-potential creates ground state.
evam thathvaabhyaasannaasthi
confirmed fundamental-research non-existence
na mey nahmithyaaparishesham .
not interactive confinement-measure-supplementing
kevalamuthpadhyathe jnaanama
singular-source-of-origin potential-sink
Meaning: Therefore fundamental resarch establishes that non
existence (of potential ), and not due to any precise interactive
measure of supplementary control, that a pure changeless ground
state exists.
Explanation: Special attention is drawn to the cause of the
existence of a ground or zero state towards which interactive
activity will drift towards. Here total synchronisation in timing
between axis causes the apparent reduction or dissappearance of of
interactive response or reaction and therefore the interactions at a
higher rate of oscillation drift or transmigrate towards the lower
state. It seems as though it is attracting the interactions towards a
source that seems massive and slow to respond. But that is just an
appearance of an attractive forceacting at a distance which does
not really exist.
When in interactive stress transmigrates across the components,
an opposing interaction would end it by an interactive exchange.
However if the opposing reaction fails to appear then the original
stress transmigration ensemble would continue till it is opposed. If
the rate of opposing interaction is very low or nil the other is
absorbed as a synchronously vibrating stress count. The inactive
state increases by the stress count value that is reflected as an
increase in inertia, mass or delaying ensemble. The increment
occurs because it syncronises with the lower rate vibration or
oscillation and attains a relatively restful or passive state. Though
the total stress count has increased it seems to oscillates at a lower
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 323
rate because many counts act together or simultaneously. As an
example of ten people clap individually one after another cyclically
the ten counts per cycle is detectable. But if all ten people clap
together, only one massive count would have been detected, over a
longer time interval. The total count per cycle however remains the
same. This is the reason that the rest mass radiates c2 counts of
vibrations as energy because the vibrations along two axis that was
synchronised and was counted as c , now on release, becomes non
synchronous and the counts are detected individually.
Stating it differently the superposed nuclear density is only due
to the slower interactive response and the oncoming interactive
states sink into this lowest activity state of Kx.
Equation.S.64. Kx the Purusha state in the coherent superposed
phase of c3-2 equals a single Mahadparakrithi Mps state.The
Prakrithi saptha or PM in the synchronous state shows the Purusha
potential has been reduced by c2 to allow the PM build up. The PM
state grows into the Mps state as c3 superposes and synchronises
along two axis in exchange for allowing Px to be absorbed along
the axial direction over the spectrum of 7rs levels. Similarly the
Vikrithi saptha Ne state tunnels to increase c3 to c4 in exchange for
interactive synchrony along two axis at the boundary of the 7th
spectral level.
The Kx state being the densest andhathamisra state absorbs the
interactive counts to maintain its amaximum mass of the coherent
potential as a ground or activity sink, like a heat sink.
324 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 65.
65. The state of coherence when the nuclear boundary is in
thena nivritthaprasavaamarthavashaath
consequently hidden-source-potential-absorb
prakrithim pashyathi purusha:
oscillations-inactive- nucleus
prekshakavadhavasthhith: svastha:.
Ground-state-location coherent state.
Meaning: When the oscillatory interactions are minimised
because of the reduction in activity between the boundary and
nuclear core, the interactive current becomes neutral and the
activities at the seven radial levels becomes insignificant, the
Purusha attains a dense superposed coherent ground state.
Explanation: As the interactions move towards the nuclear
location because the intercative reaction comes at a slower rate as it
combines together by synchronisation and though the overall
count number remains the same but the response interval becomes
longer. The count numbers at twice the radial level would reduce
by 22 =4 at the radial level by cobining into sets of 4 through
synchronisation. Hence the interval too wound lengthen
proportionately. At half the radial level it woud reduce the count
again by the same factor and similarly increase the interval. As a
result an exponentially increasing count rate would transmigrate
towards the nuclear region that would have gained counts in
incremental sets while the interval would have increased by a
similar rate. When the entire nuclear ensemble reaches a resonant
rate consistent with the states surrounding it to maintain a
synchronous in step oscillatory rate the inflowing counts would be
balanced by the oscillation of the entire boundary of the nuclear
region in a coherent but oscillatory state.
Equation S.65. The first expansive state of 23 =8 at resonance
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 325
Reaches a coherent level by absorption or superpositioning of
oscillations that sums up to 1/7 . The absorption of counts by
expandning in two modes of radial and linear sequences reduces
the Purusha state to just 1/7 as shown below.
Equation S.65A. The interactions at the boundary combine and
synchronise to act together and thereby the decrease in count rate
motivates the transmigration of counts towards the coherent level.
The ratio of Mps/Kx and Mps/PM absorption of counts shows
the spectrum of seven levels are involved both ways.
Equation S.65 B . The neutral or ground level Vrithi Ne or
photon has a neutral current of approx. 1/49th at balance.
Hence the activity at the boundary remains at a fraction but not
inert and indicactes a synchronous activity but not coherent state.
Equation S.65 C. The activity at the Prakrithi-saptha or PM and
Mahadvikrithi or Me boudary is at 1/343rd level.
326 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 66.
66. State of balance by eliminating the potential to act.
Dhrishta mayethupekshak ekau
observation consisting-variety-neutral one
drishtaahamithyuparamithyanya .
observation-movement-measure-ceases-other .
sathisamyogey'api thayo.
Existence-adjacent even though
prayojanam nasthi sargasya .
benefit non existence manifestation .
Meaning: Observing the neutral state of one gives the proof
that the observable movement of the other has ceased and now
even though both are together no interactive manifestation can be
Explanation: As the nuclear boundary is in a lower state of
vibration and registers a lower count rate, the measure of activity
can be gauged or detected by observing the state of the outer
resonant boundary. But when that activity level too becomes
undetectable then there is no transmigration of interactive
responses to trigger or display any type of manifest phenomenon.
Equation S. 66. The difference at the interface where the
Prakrithi Saptha or PM and the Mahad Vikrithi or Me attain
balance at the minimum rate of 3 or 4 interactions per cycle show
the negative value at 3 and positive at 4 index
The value at 4 though positive is just 1/18 in excess of the value
of 7 Ne's needed to radiate a vrithi or photon that could be
measured . Hence at the resonant interface the
interactive activity is extremely small and is not detectable as a
positive radiative value.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 327
Equation S.66 A, shows the positive value at index 4. The
positive value equals exactly 377 electron volts of energy and as a
unit of charge contributes an ampere/sec the impedance is 377
Equation S.66 B, shows that the positive value at the interactive
rate of 4, is just 1/18 over the value a 7 vrithi rate required to
radiate a detectable count rate.
The esential nature of this interface remains at a gentle
interactive level till a disturbance triggers an unbalanced state to
motivate transmigration of counts both ways. The 1/18th
corresponds to the 18 andhathaamisra states and unless all 18 states
are triggered simultaneously no Vrithi or Photon will be radiated. It
decays when all 18 coherent levels are reduced to one over a time
cycle duration of TT=2.02084475E+17 or 6.4 billion years.
328 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 67.
67. Conversion of kinetic force into static potential as inertia or
thishtathi sanskaaravashaa
chakrabramhavaddhrithah sharirah.
like-flywheel-rigidity inertial mass
Meaning: The basic principle of acquiring a mass is by
synchronous superpositioning of oscillatory interactions on
components into a coherent and super symmetric state that is
relatively static by triggering the spin angular momentum to be
synchronised perfectly. Thereby acquire a coherent potential or
dense state by superpositining of interactive states by a self similar
proportion or law .
Explanation. The enigma of how the mass of solid bodies
could be formed by vibrations or oscillatory stress in the real field
of space. The derivation of many principles in the previous Suthras
are used to construct the process of generating a body with mass or
solidity characteristics from a purely oscillatory state. The axiomatic
causes of why detection becomes impossible was explained.
Further it was shown the three guna states could not exist unless
there was a background state with specific qualities. The point of
discussion here is that when vibrations synchronise and act
simultaneously as a coherent unit then the fundamental
components in space get defined and its outline gives
characteristics of solidity or substantiality. When interactions act in
the same place they seem to be stable. Again when the number of
interactions in a single location increases then the characteristics of
firmness, solidity or inertial states that display qualities emerge.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 329
In order to sustain the vaibrating state the laws of perpetual
oscillations governed by the principle of self similarity in a confined
domain are needed to maintain that state.The Suthra puts these
factors together to show through the concept of a flywheel how
the momentum built up keeps the spinning object in that state.
While it is an analogy, the principle of self similarity is emulated by
the flywheel concept. The mass in motion is always moving ahead
of a location in a small fraction of time. Hence any change to the
flywheel motion must be initiated to preceed the location at which
the change is reqired. Self similarity qualities in the three guna laws
do that precisely. Three levels of absorption of counts will be
shown as an example of how mass is aquired by converting angual
Equation S.67. Shows the derivation of (2p/10) as an
interaction. Since all three axis must be in an identical state to
maintain coherence the 'spin' at boundary yields Px as the
absorption value.
Equation S.67A. The ratio of Kx, the Purusha state to PM the
Prakrithi saptha or nucleonic state per cycle is Px. Similarly the
Mahadrakrithi Mps has the same ratio Px when c3 has reduced to c
by synchronising along two axis in exchange for 7 rs incremental
cycles of the PM expanded state.
very effectively shows that the absorption of c2 for 7rs has changed
the Kx state to the Mps state within the Px cycle. The conversion
of angular momentum to a coherent state is confirmed by the
equivalence of Px.
330 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Equation S.67B.
The Ne Vikrithi Saptha has increased by c into K7 times to create
the Prakrithi saptha state of coherence at the nuclear boundary
within the same Px cycle. Therefore Kx. Mps, PM and Ne are all
equivalent states in varying cyclic periods and can maintain the
coherent state when synchronised along all three axis. In that state
no manifestation would be evident as the oscillatory phases operate
in the self similar mode inside the coherent boundary. The point at
which two axis synchronise is determined by the vectorial
difference in the interval between two adjacent oscillatory states. If
the interval between two adjacent sequences as n and n+1 is
smaller than 1/(c1+x )2, which is the smallest interval possible
between oscillatory states between two axis, then the discriminatory
interval becomes virtually nil. Hence two interactions would act
simultaneously when the difference in the interactive interval is less
than 1/c1+x as shown below.
Equation S.67C.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 331
332 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 68.
The final synchronised, coherent , dynamic state of isolated
prapthey sharirabhedhey charithaarthathvath
acquiring mass-conversion by synchronous balance
Meaning. The process of acquiring mass is given effect by
superpositioning the interactive vortex like waveforms by
conversion into a gradually diminishing cyclic interaction that
reaches a synchronised, coherent and balanced state within the
first or primary activity boundary. The coherent state in which
activity is simultaneous creates no hindrance to maintain the
synchronised cyclic oscillatory action perpetually.
Explanation: Recalling that the statements from the first Sutra
had defined the conditions needed for the three forms of stresses
to exist a state of coherent, perpetual , dynamic but unmanifest
state. The gradual superpositioning of interactive stresses by
absorption due to reducing interactie counts produced the
unmanifest state. That ensured that the superposed stresses would
remain in a coherent state as the process of manifestation was
solely responsible for unsynchronised and unbalanced activity.
Therefore the interactivity being confined within the primary
activity boundary following self similar laws assured that the
transfer of interactive stresses at the lower rate would aid or
augment the activity internally and thereby eliminate an hindrance
or obstruction or friction or delay that would bring the oscilatory
activity to a stop. Therefore as the required conditions for ensuring
a free set of conditions that eliminated the triad of stressess had
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 333
been established the maintainence perpetual oscillatory activity was
made certain and therefore accomplished finally.
Additional Comments: The first Suthra stated "Investigating
the triad of interactive stresses confirms that such interactive
modes of stresses exist but it would not have been detectable, had
it not been for the existence of the coherent - perpetual - dynamic -
unmanifest state of its existence (of the substratum). "
Referring to the first Suthra the logic of the conditional
statement in it is proved :The final proof of the entire spectrum of
manifestation after sequentially analysing the logical factors is given
in this Suthra. The opening Suthra itself follows the principle of
looping back to create a circular rationale by choosing a
phraseology that elliptically negates itself. The triad of stresses is a
reference to the guna interactive states of Thaama, Raja and
sSatwa. This Suthra explains how the Satwic nature of the vortex
like interaction of the un-synchronised waveforms outside the
primary boundary or Pradhana state, drift towards the nuclear
centre because it is in a relative state of rest due to the coherent
and synchronised condition of the Purusha location.
The Raja region closer to the Sathwa interface has a larger
oscillatory count rate but at the other end near the Purusha
interface the oscillations combine or superpose together and act
simultaneously as a coherent set of synchronised vibrations with a
diminished count rate. As the oscillatory ensemble drift towards
the centre the superpositioning quality increases the density of
stresses residing in it and when the inertia or mass and at a
particular point the superpositioning density reaches a maximum ,
all detectable oscillatory movements synchronise and act together
in a coherent breathing mode or a whole spherical surface vibrates
as a unit. Therefore the innermost boundary is isolated or screened
by the outer spherically oscillating surface. The inner, static,
stationery, passive, dense with maximum number of oscillations
simultaneously occupying this location at the nuclear Purusha core
acts as potential sink but because of the screening spherical
boundary it can never become active enough to lose its' attracting
potential or sink status. The screening spherical surface in the
breathing mode is in an interactive Raja state that carries out the
change from a sequential oscillatory state to a parallel or
334 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
simultaneous super posed state. Since this conversion takes place
over a rate changing factor of 2, there are (8-1) 7 intermediate
levels of change as explained in Suthra 3 , those describing the
Guna states and Suthras 63 & 65. The most important underlying
principle is that all the descriptions pertain ONLY to vibrations
taking place on or in the undetectable components of the
substratum The entire theory is based on analysing the holographic
state of the substratum.
Mathematical : The most rigorous condition for perpetual
oscillations require that every stable state must be capable of the
unmanifest or zero radiative level certifying the maintenence of an
unhindered or friction free state exists. Here all such states are
shown to equal 23=8. The symbols are explained in the index
section and the derivation in axiomatic derivation section.
Equation S.68.
The perpetual oscillator state :
Equation S.68.A Fundamental unmanifest level
Equation S.68B .Axiomatic coupling Constants :
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 335
Equation S.68C Space Stress Density:
Equation S.68D
The neutral level forming the ground state of manifestation:
Equation S.68E The Thaamasic or coherent level :
Equation S.68F
The Linga/Bhava interface of Prakrithi-Vikrithi level:
Equation S.68G
The Abhiman/Ahankar interface of Vikrithi Vikaro level
336 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Equation S.68H
The Mass of the Universe is conserved or space is unmanifest:
Equation S.68I
Final proof that all forms of interactive stresses are conserved
and the unmanifest state is maintined. Neither should stresses be
radiated beyond the radius of the Univrse nor should it absorrb
from outside the Universal boundary. Vrithis or photons cannot
be radiated beyond the radius of the Universe RU:
Equation S.68J
Unless the vrithis are absorbed within the boundary the balance
in maintaining the space density at the critical level that would
ensure non absorption of stresses from outside its boundary is
needed as proof. For they may not be stresses outside the boundary
but rigor of logic is maintained by that proof:
Equation S.68K
tp2 × ×rs
× Ã¦Ã§
= 1
The stressess in the substratum are kept in oscillation for a very
efficient reason. Oscillations compress and expand alternately
creating two opposing types stressess. If there is a delay then the
different stresses will oppose each other to set in the process of
decay that will eventually reduce the motivating cause for the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 337
oscillation. But if the two opposing forms of stress can be timed
such that it aids each oscillation in the right direction at the right
time then it can continue endlessly. But to contibue perpetually no
work or or energy output should take place for only then the
infinite time aspect can be logically supported. Again to fulfill the
no work state there should not be any observable movement. If
there is no movement or no change in short such a state cannot be
detected, for detection is a relative measuring process. Then the
substratum would seem passive, static, quiet, inactive and so on.
Only the transmigration of streses would continue as a hidden
activity that does not invlve the expenditure of energy. Then it
would seem flat.
Fig. The Coherent Perpetual Oscillator .
The graphic displayed above shows the stresses in the
substratum as though a membrane exists at the neutral location.
But in real terms nothing would be detected unless the vibrations
remained in the same laocation as a coherent stress form thus
338 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
fulfilling the holographic state fundamentals. Lower diagrams show
the three phases of change within a cycle as three oscillatory
phases. The middle phase displays a flat state of zero activity and
as long as the stress excursions remain equal above and below the
neutral state the nett result of all the oscillatoty activity will be zero
within the cycle. The stress transmigration takes place when the 90
deg. Phase difference of the coherent cycle is upset which results in
a wave transfer.that seems to be a quadrupole rotation.
Observation averaged over a cycle will display the flat state in the
middle diagram. Hence space seems undetectable.
A.Positive excursion of oscillation
B.Neutral excursion of oscillation
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 339
. C.Negative excursion of oscillation.
Fig. A,B,C. The Neutral Oscillator State.
340 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 69.
The knowledge of the nuclear potential is codified in this work
Purushaarthajnaanam idham
nuclear potential theory in this work
guhyam paramarshina samakhyatam
secret by the greatest maharishi encoded or framed
origin growth and dissolution
chintyante yatra bhuthanam.
intellectual ascertainment of existing reality.
Meaning: The knowledge of the nuclear potential is encoded in
this work by the great Maharishi where-in the method of
intellectually ascertaining the process of manifestation of
phenomenon from its origin, through its growth and till its
dissolution are explained.
Explanation: The essence of this entire intellectual creation
was to lay bare the process of the complex holographic interaction
in three modes within the substratum , which was defined in the
first Suthra and was proved unequivocally by an elliptical logic
connecting Suthra 68. The core principal identified the ever present
potential at the nuclear centre as the primary cause. Being a
complex intellectual process, the Maharishi took precautions to
ensure its correct interpretation by the following process.
The process of disseminating knowledge through the ages, in
Vedic times, was by vocal recitation of logical theorems or
aphorisms and it was handed down to the next generation. The
method was perfected by a brahmanical system of training that
made sure of the correctness of information so transmitted. In
order to doubly ensure that the essence of the core principles were
transmitted in its original and pure form, the Maharishi had
encoded the vital information into the Suthras that apparently had
a general everyday meaning and also gave a method of extracting
the original meaning , intact and correct, in Suthras 4, 5 & 6. Since
there was every possibility of the information getting corrupted,
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 341
either in ignorance or intentionally, the encoding process provided
a high degree of immunity. Since the information had to be
transmitted through generations of students , there was always the
temptation to alter or modify apparently un-understandable
abstruse or complex information into more meaningful structures.
The Maharishi had the intellectual acumen and skill to weave in the
axiomatic theorems into a skeletal framework of mundane
statements which provided logical continuity and intelligibility and
at the same time the needed immunity from restructuring the
Suthras. In Suthras 70, the history of the handing over process is
specifically mentioned to demonstrate it's integrity of transmission.
342 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Suthra 70.
The hierarchy of information transmission
ethath pavithramagrayam t
this pure-highest-doctrine
munirasuraye'anukampayaa pradhadhau
the sage asuri with understanding handed down
aasurirapi pancasikhaya
from asuri to panchasikha
tena cha bahudhaa krtham thanthram
by whom it was extensively propagated doctrine
Meaning: This pure and highest doctrine the sage gave to Asuri
who in turn handed down to Panchasikha by whom it was
extensively propogated as the perfect set of principles explaining
the mode of action in reality.
Explanation: The eminent disciples or students of the great
Sage followed the brahmanical process of handing down
knowledge through generations mentioned earlier.
The final process of handing over this doctrine down the line
culminated with Ishwarkrishna.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 343
Suthra 71.
The final verification and recording by Ishwarakrishna.
Meaning: Handed down by disciples in succession to
Ishwarakrishna of noble mind, it has been written in a complete
and understable way in the Arya metre after verifying the
correctness and presented with full conviction of the truth of this
344 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Axiomatic Mathematics From Suthras.
The process of detection, measurement, observation, defining
and characterising are based on relational logic. Essentially it is a
process of comparison implying that objects are necessary to make
it meaningful. Therefore absolute values have no relevance for it
cannot be compared to establish a logical, scale or proportinality.
Hence, one, the first unit can be made relative by comparing it to
another one. One/one is one and so is infinity / infinity and also
forms its own reciprocal. The 1/1 or N/N or infimity/infiniy is an
identity of a state. The singular, coherent, simultaneous state of
Aikantha. Yet the N or infinity is a sequence of incremental
numbers which can represent the number of interactions that have
taken place simultaneously. Any state that can be identified has a
distinct characteristic of one as 1/1 or N/N etc. or difference of
zero as (1/1)-(N/N) =0. Such a characteristic is defined as the
Linga phase in an interactive environment.
The converse of the above is an open ended spectrum of nonidentities
or plurality of phases of difference states. The limit of
such states is as large as 1/infinity. In effect all such states that
cannot be included in the identities fall into the phase called Bhava
or forms. Axiomatially all phenomena can be classified by
numerical values only when they are perceived as 3 dimensional
states. While the Linga or coherent states are simultaneous the
Bhava states are sequential states While 1/1 or N/N identifies a
simultaneous state the sequential state has to be 1+1 etc. Taking
the sequential state as the commencement of the unbalanced or
unsynchronised or non-cherent or a non identity then it can be
symbolically shown as 1 + x and its reciprocal as 1/1+x .
The essence of an identity is the equality of that ratio to one.
Therefore if a sequence can be expressed as a ratio of one then it
too attains an identity or the Linga classification. That is if a value
(1+x /n)=1 and if it can be further simplified to 1+x =1/x then a
unique state prevails. At this point simultaneous state equals
sequential state or Linga equals Bhava . Rephrasing, it defines the
commencement point at which cyclic time-period equals the
sequential cycle. Hence static and dynamic cycles can be compared
as an equal identity and can be commuted to either classification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 345
The starting point for a sequential time period is the point at which
manifestation can be detected as an emerging Bhava. A clock is an
indicator of a cyclic movement and is based on an arbitrary
division. But an interaction between similar objects sets up a
relational cycle, following the principle of 'self-similar'
The concept of a potential is clarified as the coherent state in
which any number of sequential time-cycles are organised or stored
within one time cycle. The Linga state is the potential 'static like
state' of near infinite Bhava states. Potential can be described as
unreleased or stored stresses and when freed it moves or
accelerates as a kinetic force. The identity or the equality is defined
by the expression 1+x = 1/x or taking it to infinite levels it is
(1+x)n = 1/xn ; hence (1+x)n (xn )=1 . The coherent state is now
definable in terms of sub-states or nested level values by a single
value of x. The concept of self-similarity or swabhava is brought
out as an explicit principle that quantifies the coherent states which
can be discriminated to finer or subtler levels as relational value to
the Bhava state of activity in an interactive environment. It unifies
static and dynamic concepts meaningfully by a single factor.
The unit one above has the unique characteristic of retaining its
identity while it is able to differentiate into infinite nested level
values without losing its proportionality. Differenting one does not
lead to zero for it always has the ratio of 1/x in relation to its its
sequential reciprocal 1+x. Adding 1 to 1 creates the next step in the
sequence to the value of its sum as two. It is a ratio as 2/1 and its
reciprocal ½ has two unique characteristics. It defines the centre of
a cyclic time period or a length. Half forms the maximum gradient
as a third, quarter, fifth etc are smaller ratios.Therefore ½ forms
the limit of a change in a relational state and all expressions for
rates of change can be derived from within this ratio. Being the
greatest ratio it is called Mahath.
Taking 2 as the incremental, relative spatial or volumetric will
increase proportionately as 23 = 8. The relative difference between
the two states will therefore be 8-1=7. If this difference of 7 units
are coherent , synchronous or identical the identified difference per
cycle of change will remain 7. But if there is a loss of synchrony,
coherence, phase or identity, the 7 will increase to 73 = 343.
346 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Rephrasing it differently, the increment or expansion of the Linga
state by the maximum rate of two in a state of freedom from
constraints, the maximum Bhava forms possible 73 =343 variations
and the minimum cyclic period as the reciprocal will be
1/343=.002915. It defines the maximum period in a cycle where
one particular forma or state of interaction will prevail. (In
quantum physics blackbody radiatian maximises at a wavelength of
.0029 metres where velocity of light is in meters/sec. Also the
Atharvaveda's first Sloka mentions 343 forms that move about
freely are the cause of dynamic phenomenon.) Because all other
intervals will be proportionate to a smaller gradient the value of
1/343 will be the maximum. A gradient of 1/3 will result in a
shorter cyclic period on the same basis; as 1/(33-
Combinatorial forms based on a maximum interactive ratio of 2
would form the limit. Aggregation of such forms would proceed on
the same proportionality of ½ or 2 as the ratio. Hence a
combination of two neighbouring states as n and (n+1) will follow
the expression (n2 +n)/2 will result in a series as 1, 3,
6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55 etc as the sum of values incremented by
one at each step or cycle. This process sseks the incremental value
at the next sequence or is future oriented. It progresses on the basis
of a sequence formed by incremental time cycles.
The process of adding past values or states that exist results in a
series with a fixed ratio of increment. As 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 2+1=3,
3+2=5, 5+3=8, 8+5:=13, 13+8=21, 21+13=34, 34+21=55 and
55+34=89 etc. But the ratio or gradient of the increment remains
constant as 1+x=1.618. Comparing this gradient or ratio with the
maximim ratio of 1 by 2 results in a vectorial increment rate. The
process of adding instantly or simultaneously leads to a
multiplicative or logarithmic process. Then the past state of 2 can
be only in a cubic or three dimensional form of 23 = 8. Any
sequential or time involving adding process leads to 8+2 =10
which is the first possible state from the past form. Therefore it
forms the first detectable cycle when simultaneous and sequential
processes act on a an equal foundation. Next, the simultaneous
increment, and leads to 8 x 2 = 16 = 24 as detailed in Suthra 30.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 347
Numerical Derivation.
Unit = 1.
Ratio = [1/1] = [N/N] = [¥ / ¥] =1.
Polarisation ratio Pr = N/ [N-1] = 1 + (1/ [N-1])
If N=1 then 1/1-1 = 1/0 = not evaluatable.
If N=1+1= 2 then 2/[2-1] = 2/1 or 1 / 2 .
If N= ¥  then ¥ /[¥ - 1] = 1 + [(1/[¥ - 1]) » 1.
Therefore Maximum Prm is 1 / 2 or 2 / 1.
Mahadh = 1 / 2 or greatest ratio of interaction. (AM1)
Simultaneous = 1/1] = [N/N] = [¥ / ¥] =1.
Sequential =1 + [(1/[¥ - 1]) to 1 + (1/ [N-1])
Therefore numerical values greater than 1 as 2,3 ,4 etc are
correct only if it is measured as simultaneous ratios as 3/1 etc.
Series of incremental nos= 1+2+3+4+5>> (n2 + n)/2
As 1,3,6,10,15 etc.
Series of existing nos= 1+1=2; 2+1=3, 3+2=5, 5+3=8, etc
Interactive change ratio = (AM2)
Self-similar change of Prm 1 / 2 = 0.5
In simultaneous mode if x = 0.5 + 0.118034 =0.618034.
Then simultaneously x2 must = 0.5-0.118034=0.381966
Hence simultaneous difference 0.618034-0.381966 = 0.236068
Therefore x3 must = 0.1180339+0.118039=.236068
If (x-x2) is not equal to x3 the simultaneous state is broken.
Therefore the ratio x3 provides a damping constraint to
maintain the simultaneous mode of interaction else it remains a
sequential interaction.
348 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Let x=1.618 and y= 51/2 = 2.236034
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55
0 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10
1.6 2.6 4.23 6.8 11 18 29 47 76 123
Field consists of numerous points in a volume of space. The
point remains in the same location because all three axis from all
the cardinal directions meet at the same point simultaneously.
Any volume of space is static.
Therefore if the unit of interactive count is 1 then 13 and
G . .
Kx rs
6.0242184582 1023
G . .
Dp .
3 DD
Kx rs
6.0242184582 1023
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 349
The Avogadro number is an axiomatic parameter based on the
time interval created by the nuclear density.
. . = Dp
3 DD
c . x 3
. = Dp
3 DD
Mps .
RU . 3
0.6647897608 =
Mps .
Mps .
22.898689 log =
( 2)
22.895957 =
x x
. = MU
Lp3 0.280393 =
The basic mathematical axioms.
The numeral one is a ratio signifying equality or zero difference.
The value of a count is a relative parameter and 1 count is 1 count
per unit cycle.
350 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Fig: Derivation Of Cyclic Counts
The straight line= D and dotted id= D2 while squares = Dx.
Dxn Dn
3 Dn Dn
5.5511151231.10 17
2 4 6 8 10
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 351
The basic mathematical axioms.
The numeral one is a ratio signifying equality or zero difference.
The value of a count is a relative parameter and 1 count is 1 count
per unit cycle.
The axiomatic cycle of 10 counts is derived from the
synchronisation of different additive and subtractive results.
2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig: Third Order Damping Constraint
The dotted curve shows powers of 0.618.
352 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
An 1
Bn 1
2 Bn
1 2
1 ( 2)2 1
The third order damping constraint is shown as the outcome of
self-similar interactions.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 353
The number of nodes in a length can be counted but the
number of waveforms in a node cannot be counted. If there are a
number of sequential events occuring periodically it can be counted
but the simultaneous events formed within the sequential period
can not be determined. All simultaneous interactions contribute to
the concept of mass, density, inertia etc.
Fig: Concept Of Vortex As Vrithi
354 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 355
Fig: The Three Phases Of A Hologram
Stress curves along all three axis in asynchronous state outside the
central coheent state. The curves at the central position have an
cyclic period interval less than 1/ 5e+13 and therefore present
continuous field of stress values.
356 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Helium or the Alpha particle has the stablest configuration
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 357
Fig: Axiomatic Orbit Of Major Planets.
358 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Fig: Axiomatic Orbit Of Minor Planets.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 359
360 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Axiomatic Mathematics for All Particulate States.
(To Copy from Mathcad and Mathematica files in the given order)
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 361
Power House Of The Universe.
In order to make the derivation transparent the Sankhya
axiomatic method is used. Hence no external or empirical values
will be used. The process of dividing space by 2 keeps the central
point in the same location.
Fig: Centre Of Resonance
Sequentially dividing by two keeps the central point in the same
location where all the lines pass through and form a node of
density proportional to the number divisions made. The nodes are
cubic domains of permanent certainty whereas the intermediate
regions contain changing flux and acceleration parameters.
Numerical accuracy in this region is dependant on secifying at least
two related parameters.
Hence, the numerical ratio of cubic space is ½3 or 1/8. If the
cubic values of all subsequent sequence of such divisions are added
up it will equal 1/7 as the spectral states, shown below
The difference in value between the cubic unit and the next
expanded cubic form is 23 –13 =7..
23 1
23 1
362 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Adding the sum of divisions to the difference due to expansion
and dividing by 7 gives the ratio of expansion from unit 1 to 2, as
the radiant rings of resonant states extending to infinity as RS =
1.02040816The cyclic count as shown earlier is 10. Self-similar
expansion as derived earlier is 1+ x and the compression is 1 – x.
Hence the self similar ratio of an expansive interactive potential is
102 / 101-x =101+x or 101/x . The value of the cube root of 2 = k
and 23 = k9 . Therefore the ratio of simultaneous interaction 23 in
the period k is k9-1 = k8 . The sequential rate is 7 or (k9 –1=7). The
ratio of simultaneous expansion to sequential expansion rate per
cycle of 7 is:
k9 1. k9 1
The ratio EP2 represents a centred or stationary state
containing rings of resonant counts and EP3 depicts the ratio of
expansive change to sequential change in the same cyclic interval of
7. The comparative rate of change shown below in EP4 of these
two dynamic ratios of change in a stationary state defines the
change within a change or the accelerative mode of change but is
centred & static.
. . = 10
n 23 1
23 1
The Sankhya definition of EP4 in Suthra 3 is the Purusha Kx = 0.91499 counts/cycle. It represents the combination
of Thaama, Raja and Sathwa states with the Lingaa Bhaava
interface in EP3 and the Abhimaan-Ahankaar crossover point as
EP2. All these phases remain as though in a stationary state of
coherent activity or a holographic state of frozen activity and is
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 363
described as the Andhathaamishraa or blackhole state of
unmanifest activity. The Purusha of value Kx is a fundamental state
where all activities come to a restful state of coherent activity. The
proof lies in the value of the Catalan, the sum of all odd or nonsynchronous
states as follows:
( 1)j.( 2.j 1) 2 1 0.915977847
The simultaneous division of two as an endless power series
represents the resonant but static state summing up to a total of
1/7 in EP1. The cubic coherent state represents the equal rate of
activity along all three axis. It is a synchronised count rate wherein
the cubic count rate of C3 reduces to C because the counts along
the two axis remain in step. That is if ten people clap individually
ten counts are possible but if all ten clap simultaneously, in lock
step or in absolute synchrony only one clap will be heard. In the
same way if vibratory or oscillatory interactive counts act exactly in
phase along all three axis then the count rate will be only the value
along any one axis. But the same rate will be counted in all three
directions and represents a simultaneous surface of activity or a
spherical wave front of vibrations. The point at which counts along
two axis synchronise is when the rate of self similar expansion
reaches the maximum C1+x = 5.1e1013 and the cyclic interval
becomes a minimum ..
The cycle is a sum of changes that reach the original state after a
sequence of interactions. Its derivation and proof have been given
in earlier Suthras. In the very first gradient or ratio of cyclic period
difference in an interaction is 1 to 2 and the deviation or the
difference in displacement causing non synchrony is as follows
1 22 2
8.472135955 =
The ratio EP5 is a simultaneous self similar ratio and as it's a
cubic ratio of x it has the limiting property or damping force to
maintain an oscillatory state perpetually. Its numerical value as a
364 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
cyclic process will be C as counts per cycle: All numerical values are
given precisely as there is no uncertainty in Sankhya logic
C 108.472135955 2.9657596692.108
The count rate of C per cycle of ten counts represents the
internal rate of oscillations maintained perpetually as long as there
is no externalisation or radiation of internal activity counts. This is
ensured by two factors . As long the resonant division by 2 is not
disturbed the centred state remains. Next, even if the centring
action is disturbed, as long as the accelerative rate of change does
no exceed 1+x the ability to regain the original state is ensured by
the third order damping force or the x3 factor that opposes
prolongation of internal cyclic period as x-x2 = x3. . C equals the
measured value of velocity of light minus a correction for the
velocity for the Milkyway Galaxy through space. As explained
earlier there is a Doppler shift due to Galactic velocity and that
correction is Fc = 1.08045 of a cyclic time which gives the velocity
of light as derived
C.fc 2.997925.108. m
Just as 23 represented the resonant and centred cubic state C3
represents the same simultaneous internal activity state. Further as
shown earlier the sequential activity within a cycle of ten counts is
contained within , because the displacement is proportional to
x, the self similar ratio. Hence any simultaneous colliding or
instant interaction between two such states is C3*2 .= C6 . Not more
than two states can act simultaneously to equal C6 . The EP5 ratio
of Kx being the ultimate state of coherent activity then the ratio
Kx / C6 gives the Moolaprakrithi or My the smallest cycle or the
shortest possible count per interaction.
1.3446202249.10 51
The ratio of the coherent resonant state in EP2 extends to
infinity as rings of resonance that remains in coherent state till
disturbed by any non synchronous activity. The proportion of
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 365
counts in the resonant spectrum well be EP2 less 1. Hence the
value of resonant counts in terms My in the Satwic region of the
radiant spectrum is
The astronomical value arrived at is in a potential state and only
a disruptive activity will trigger the coherent state into a decaying
resonant activity to regain the balance. As shown earlier the My
counts are equivalent to Plancks energy per frequency constant in
quantum physics. Hence EP8 is the equivalent of the energy
resident in the fundamental field of space as a coherent unmanifest
activity that has not become radiant till
23 1
23 1
3.334355 1052
disturbed. It is the state before the field appears in quantum
physics. The reason for the inability to detecting the basic field in
Physics is that there exists no experimental way of measuring the
potential or coherent state of dynamic activity. Unless motion is
detected instrumental confirmation is not possible as any
instrument detects only a change in its state. For a change in
potential to be detected the initiation of an accelerative motion or
force is needed to trigger the detecting instrument to change in
some proportion.
The equivalent rate of energy or power is resident in the
Planckmass in a state of rest. In other words its mass and energy
are in the same state or the same numerical value. It is the
equivalent of entropy of a system at rest. But the scientific habit of
looking at mass and energy as different fundamental traits hides
this difference. Reviewing Mass is synchronised or coherent
vibrations that superposes the vibratory count along two other axis
to give the same count. Hence C2 dissappears from the countable
spectrum When not synchronised the C2 aspects becomes a
detectable factor with a time element The point at which two
vibratory counts synchronise perfectly is at C1+x counts. For C
366 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
cannot expand in a self-similar manner beyond that value. The
vanishing of a value is a real process of synchronisation along two
axis. Planckmass and Plancktime value is shown below
The maximum power or energy/time that can be generated is:
. . . = C
( h) C2 C5
3.628962 1052 time 1 joule
Here the conceptual difference between Quantum physics and
Sankhya logic becomes at once evident. The axiomatic EP8 value is
the same as the (after correcting for time) rest mass energy of the
Planckmass per Plancktime or the rate of power that could be
developed in the substratum. The enigma why there are Planckian
fluctuations in space is answered once it is clear that space is a
dynamic field of components that cannot be detected unless it
moves. The Mahad or Planck mass is a dynamic perpetual self
similar oscillator operating at exactly C cycles per cycle (or second)
and that equivalence to EP3 is shown below. It will prove that
interface between Thaama and Raja or the Strong / Weak force
interactive domain is the cause of the planckmass to neutron
(quark to hadron) transition in time varying cycle that does not
radiate any energy. Hence it is not detectable till a violation of the
coherent state occurs resulting in many types interactive transitions.
The equivalent axiomatic Mahad Prakriti mass in Sankhya has
already been derived above as. Mps counts/cycle.
5.390693 10 44 time
. = C
( h) 2.176635 10 8 mass
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 367
. = n
23 1
23 1
Kx 0.933661
EP3 is the combined ratios of the rates of interaction at the
interface . It takes place simultaneously within the cycle and
internally balances all the parameters through self similar exchange.
The centred Thaama or the static blackhole state as k8 and the
resonant Raja shuttling state as 7 and the Sathwa expansive state as
101+x interactact simultaneously to maintain the balance between
the Purusha blackhole Kx value and the expanding Mahad Mps
value by C.
If for any reason there is unbalance then Mps transforms into
the time cycle oriented resonant state by the factor RS. The period
of change RS-1 releases the count value of EP8. Its equivalence to
EP9 which is a ratio of to Plancktime is a
unequivocal confirmation that the substratum of space fluctuates in
period RS-1 to regain its internal oscillatory balance.
( Plancktime.(RS 1) ) . =
3 k 1.300647 10 15
( Sankhyatime.(RS 1) ) . =
3 k 1.324821 10 15
( Planckmass).
0.932198 =
368 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
It is further confirmed by an outstanding equivalence to the
nuclear Compton wavelength when expanding by k to twice the
cubic state, as shown in EP10.
The Prakrith Saptha or PM the Nuclear (Hadron) state is
. =
10. 3.c
Kx 1.674423 10 27
PM as derived above provides further confirmation that the
Compton wavelength exists at this boundary. Since Physics uses
the energy concept to balance, whereas Sankhya uses ony the delay
in time cycle as in indicator of inertia, both methods will be shown
to produce the same results.
1.321347.10 15
. = PM
( Pd)
( k 1) 1.322754 10 15
While the energy expression using Plancks constant hides the
actual physical status, the Sankhyan process shows the Pd is the
density of space in the expanded (due to loss of potential) but still
in a coherent state. The Compton wavelength commences only
beyond the boundarythe ratio 21/3 = 1.2599 –1=0.2599. That is the
difference (k - 1) is the place where the first resonant state can exist
when coherence is destroyed. It is an axiomatic fact. Hence it needs
no proof.
The above comparisons confirm at a glance the nature of the
Mahad or Planckmass function in space. Ep3 is an axiomatic
function at 1 count / cycle and yet the Mahad characteristics equal
the same ratio of interaction at C counts/cycle The Purusha
function Kx at EP2 again equals the same ratio. This is an
axiomatic or visual proof of the equivalance of these states at
different cyclic levels It shows the potential level difference in three
changed states without any detectable interactive reaction. This
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 369
method of proof at a glance is the only way to show the identical
nature of the three states of coherent potentials. Because there is
no equivalent equation in physics dealing with simultaneous
domains where only the potential is derived axiomatically. In
Figure 15 the relative relationship in physics is displayed, based on
count number. The count C has been axiomatically derived and its
cubic value is the normal stable count / cycle in three dimensional
space. If an interaction takes place between two units in a cycle the
count value rises to a maximum of C6 . If the count C along each
axis interacts with its opposite axis then the six directions will also
give C6 counts at the interacting point in the centre. The maximum
C6 counts do not take place in one cycle but Kx is value of the
maximum delay or inertia or mass. The minimum or smallest
fraction of delay is My =Kx/C6 .Hence all interactive counts can be
presented as a product of My into interactive counts, in a
dimensionless way with Kx being the maximum and My the
minimum. If C is the count value of the self-similar, harmonic,
perpetual, fundamental, oscillator in elemental space populated by a
sea of identical components of whatever description, then in terms
of count there can be no greater value then Kx per cycle and no
smaller value than My per cycle. The counts of interactions along
any axis can be cubed to set the maximum coherent count rate
possible in that state. Similary the cube root of the the same count
establishes the stationery or static count value and that gives
maximum number of field points or stationray elements that con
exist along the that axis. Hence the cubic count divided by the cube
root count specifies the self similar or scale invariant population of
field points within the cubic volume. The foregoing statement
lays the foundation for all physics or all the sciences. It applies to
any scale as it is scale invariant. Sankhya has shown the potential
ladder as 10raised to an index
370 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Fig: Cosmic Power Structure
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 371
number in the most elegant manner, leaving the numerical
precision to be adjusted by dimensional correction if desired.
Hence the values are shown as equivalent to dimensional physics.
The conversion of My or Kx to the mass value in physics can
be carried out by setting the velocity of light in physics to a seconf
of fc=1.010845 cycle in Kg/metre/sec. The Planck's constant h
is:[My C2 (4 p2 /7 )]. EP 12.
My. 4.927785.1017 6.626.10 34 h
The interactive count value along any axis is C x C = C2 . If similar
counts along the two other axis take place within the same cycle
then the total count value = (C2 )3 = C6 / cycle. Similarly if two
cubic units of space interact the total count = C6 / cycle. The total
time taken for C interactions at the minimum cyclic time of My will
be My x C x EP1 (EP1 is the sum of the total increment from its
static value). Also the increment on expanding by 2 units along
each axis equals 8 mines 1= 7. Therefore the shortest time for C
counts is:in fact equal to Tp = Placktime (when corrected)
The smallest delay per cycle My times C will give the shortest time
period of ten counts that equals the second approximately. EP12
5.696886 10 44
The Purusha blackhole state of Kx reduces to the Mahad value
of Mps (Planckmass) when its coherent and synchronised state on
all three axis is broken by C. The cyclic time taken extends from
My to Tp (EP12) as a stable centred and synchronised state in a
complete cycle of C counts has been reduced. In the previous
section the axiomatic derivation of numerous modes of
constructing the Mahad state was shown . Reducing the Mps stable
value as a ratio per cyclic time Tp gives the rate of change of
counts per cyclic time as St the dynamic stress in the substratum.
Since Kx was coherent, only after the break in synchrony by C in
time Tp, can it produce the rate of change per time cycle as St. or
the stress in the substrum: EP.13
372 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The equivalence of St to the lower C3 / G1 as the metric
elasticity of space identified by Sakharov, Chandrashekar and
others gives support the qualities of the field in space. EP 14.
charge_ec. 2
3.96654 1035
St is the value of an electronvolt of change in mass energy units
as shown.
The next stable state reached after a loss of one more cycle of C
counts results in the the breaking down of the simultaneous state
to produce the synchronised count along two axis. So far the
interactions in the substratum was an internal simultaneous
exchang which did not propagate any counts outside its boundary
of action. Here the comencement is signaled by a distance
parameter as Lp.
Lp c.Tp 1.68956.10 35
The term Lp is the equivalent of a length if C is specified in
metres wavelength / second and is equal to the Plancklength. The
stress in the substratum of space is C times Flux EP15. That count
rate of the flux per cycle is due to the self-similar nature of an
expansive interaction in a contained field of space. This value is
critical and must be interpreted correctly. When oscillatory wave
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 373
counts are identical along two axis the density rises but the counts
reduce to that of one axis. If counts along x and y axis differ the
product of both values can be counted as events. But if they
synchronise perfectly then the coun t reduces to that on any one
axis but the count become rings or cicles of counts. The Lissajou
figures below show the coherent ring when n1 n2 are equal or
reflect simultaneous activity but
Fig: Lissajou Figures Show Coherence
when there are more than one count difference the coherent
pattern breaks up and increases the interactive count. . In the same
way when the count of C is identical along all three axis the the C3
count falls into step and the value of counts reduce to C thereby
hiding C 2 as a factor that increases the density and displays mass
characteristics. Coherence produces spherical or circilar time
period functions or rings of simultaneous interactions and hides
the true numbers involved.
When interactions take place along one axis from opposite ends
the total value is C2 . But the self similar internal characteristics
allows simultaneous exchanges between compressive and expansive
states to vary the proportions according to the Guna laws
explained in the relevant sections.. The compressive value can raise
the count value to a maximum of C1+x while reducing the
expansive value to a minimum of C1-x at the same time. Hence the
smallest interval beyond which counts along two axis can act
simultaneously, like the Lissajou patterns with equal counts, is
1/C1+x Hence till the point of reaching the synchronised state the
n1 50 n2 50
1 y 1
n1 50 n2 52
1 y 1
374 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
flexbilty or slackness or elasticity is displayed but when the differen
is nil the C1+x raises as the square or cube depending on two or
three axis synchrony. Hence at the Flux of value of (C1+x)2 the
density of interactive counts increases suddenly to create addition
mass characteristics.
The Thaama state represents the quark domain in particle
physics. It is the strong force domain in asymptotic freedom. The
Raja domain is the weak force region. The EP3 ratio is the
equivalent coupling constant that varies with potential change,
enabling transitions in the strong-hadronic / weak - interface. The
Sathwa domain is the electromagnetic region. The EP2 ratio is the
equivalent of the coupling constant enabling transitions from
radiant-photon-electromagnetic/weak-leptonic interface. Unlike in
physics the Sankhya spectrum is a continuous state of transitions
that are coupled by the EP3 and EP2 ratios that demarcate a phase
change of two axis and three axis synchrony when energy to mass
transition takes place. The above is a brief outline of the parallel
transport in particle physics and can be justified perfectly by a few
conceptual changes. However, the Sanlkhya logic being logically
superior, it explains the power generation process in the
substratum perfectly and the following will cover the further
sequences in the Sankhya process
The oscillatory state in the substratum of space is kept in a
coherent and synchronised state by the internal exchange of
oscillatory counts between the Purusha and Mahad Prakriti's Linga
potential variation balanced simultaneously by the Mahad.Prakriti's
and Prakriti.sapta form or Bhava variations as a totally internal
count transfer, represented by the EP1 to EP4 type of mechanism.
In the Fig. 'Ladder of Phenomenon' the order of logical flow of
phenomenon is highlight mathematical rigour of the
derivation of each state (again) as a sequence of steps. The
comparative equivalence can be seen at a glance. Sankhya
conceptual logic shows that the Universe follows an extremely
orderly process. The ladder of phenomenal action starting from 1
unit that indicates a relatively stable or equal state of activity rises
to its axiomatic axiom of C6 value. The basic principle of self
similarity in action or Swabhava mode creates stress according to
Suthra 55 The same principle derives the fundamental state of
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 375
stable action. As all the parameters shown above have already been
derived in earlier sections it will be used to explain the process of
achieving perfect balance in the entire scale of phenomenon.
C3 = PM Px/My
C6 = Kx / My
C5 = Mps / My7rs
C4=Stress /My
C2 = Ne / My
C =Tp 7/ My
1 = (Lp(x+x)2)3 )( MU) / My
Fig: The Ladder Of Phenomenon.
The maximum interactive count value of the Universe is
MU.and the corresponding minimum is My. The MU/My ratio
must always equal the ratio of astandard cyclic cubic space
expresses as an axiomatic value to its changing cubic space within
the same cycle.
. = 1 x
x. 2
0.2803792486 ( C.Tp) = 3 4.823036270410 105
1 x.
x. 2
( C.Tp) 3
5.813334855310103 =
376 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The first or primary interaction when cyclic time and
incremental space are equal is 1+x = 1/x. The interactive
increment rate and time cycle at resonance is (1+x)/2 and 1/2x.
Therefore the displacement will be its product just as Lp = C
Tp.(that is rate of displacement into time =total displacement.)
The identical equivalence can be seen in the two ratios.
Moreover an extraordinary proof comes by way of confirming the
frequency (cps) of the socalled Lamb shift at the fundamental level
c . 3 my
2 3
c . 3 my
2 2 3
Another proof is given by comparing the sum of all the
interactions in the Universe at any instant or period Tp to the
maximum number of interactions in a
3.98782043710 43 =3.987820433310 43
Again the exact equivalence gives startling proof of the perfect
logic Sankhya has used in understanding phenomenon. The Lp is
the equivalent of the Planck length in Quantum theory and My is
the mass value of the Plancks energy constant 'h'. Hence the source
value of 1 is perfectly justified. The rest of the incremental steps.
In the potential as C to C6 are equated to stable states whose
derivations have been shown earlier. Reiterating the states, Lp is
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 377
the smallest dispalcement along any axis and Tp is the smallest
fraction of a cyclic time.
0.8056819919 =
The Vikrithi state Ne is the flux of interactive counts
transmigrating constantly at rate C to keep the balance.mThe
equivalence shows the ratio of incremental displacements to cyclic
or angular changes in position in the coherent state of Prakrithi as
PM the nuclear or Hadronic state. Px is the super-positioning
density due to the interactions taking place in the same location or
the coherent state. The (PM Px)/My = (C 3) or the (PM*Px)/Kx =
C3 state is a stable and isolated interactive self-similar domain that
does not radiate or exchange counts. For the maximum Kx and
minimum My keep it at consant C3, the real description of
orthogonal space that is in a dynamic and holographic state. This is
the Kaivalya description in Suthra 68 that states that the stress has
diminished to such a fine level that space remains in totally
synchronised oscillation at an axiomatic rate of C But because C3 is
in a coherent state the detectable count rate will be only C along
any axis as the other two axis are in total and absolute synchrony
In this state C2 counts will not be detectable and therefore would
seem to vanish. Recall the simultaneous clap episode or the
Lissajou figures.
It has been shown in formula ??? that when the interval
between any axis is less than 1/C1+x the two behave or act together
or simultaneously. Therefore any disturbance interval between any
two axis exceeds 1/C1+x the coherent state is broken down and the
transmigration of stresses take place to initiate a variety of
phenomenon as shown in EP1 onwards. Though only one reason
has been shown there numerous other factors that also contribute
to this coherent state breakdown phenomenon. For instance the
nuclear state of PM though not detectable when submerged in the
C3 coherent state , becomes detectable with certain characteristics.
The detectable radius in physics is Rp and the Compton
wavelength as shown in Ep10. The axiomatic confirmation is as
378 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
k 1
c1 x
5.089059400610 15 =
(k 1) 2
c1 x
1.322753662410 15
The factor (k-1) is relative radial expansion when expanding
twice cubically. The radial value is still depicts the coheent
boundary. When coherence breaks then (k-1) that was
synchronised braeks into its time dependant value of (k-1)2
When the stress in the substratum rises sudenly due to any type
of triggered or impulsive disturbance as derived in Suthra 37 the
reactive changes take place simultaneously At the basic cycle level
the cyclic count of 10 rises as 102 at the nodal position at ½
displacement period in the self similar oscillatory rate. Hence the ½
nodal position is raided instantly or the My interval. The C3 state
too interacts to raise it to the maximum C6 simultaneously.
. . = 1
( 102)
k Kx 9.094087632 10 31
1 . . . =
C1 x 7
my 9.0924402968 10 31
n 2 . . = C3
k 1.
2n.A . n
My 9.0953333997 10 31
The Mahad Vikrithi or the first harmonic of the Prakrithi or
(the nuclear hadron) the Electron is derived by three independent
modes that ensures its existence for a brief period in the same
location. EP17 at Kx displays the centred mass value of the
Electron expanding in period k. EP 17 shows a complex high
density or simultaneous exchange phenomenon that involves many
parameters. It has been dealt with in EP???. But taking the
superpositioning value of C1-x (the coupling constant) as an
instantaneous interaction produces a reaction of C1+x as the
compression value in the hiden C2 regime in the coherent C3 value
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 379
that can be deteted only as C . Hence if C1-x is raised 7 times as (23
–1 = 7) due to sudden triggering then C1+x too must react instantly
by raising it 7 times too, which leads to the Planck density Dp
shown in EP ???. Therefore every time a Vikrithi as an electron is
produced a Mahad Mps as planckmass is also produced These are
shown in EP???. Therefore Sankhya establishes through Suthra 62
in very clear terms that nothing is produced bound or released as
substantial particles but that the vibratory stress of value My
transmigrate in various simultaneous lots to produce the socalled
objects that are detected.
So the unequivocal conclusion that must be drawn from the
above mathematics that the Mahad Vikrithi Me as electron and
Mahad Prakrithi Mps as planckmass are formed and decayed in its
respective cyclic interval. Both are the two simultaneous sides of
the same coin metaphorically speaking. What remains constantly in
the substratum are the Prakrith Saptha or the Neutron undetectable
configuration at the central Linga/Bhava or Strong/weak interface
balanced by the Vikrithi Saptha as the Neutrino at the Abhiman /
Ahankar or the lepton / photon electromagnetic crossover point.
But in the coherent state in space its presence cannot be detected
not because it is not dynamically oscillating but because in an
absolute coherent state all three axis synchronise so perfectly that a
spinning sherical shell does not emit any wave or radiations at all.
Suthra 30 defines this state as the fundamental position to which a
third order damping constraint drives vibrations into its restful
state. The Power House is perpetually active ever ready to take the
load on instant demand. Understanding this sequence of actions
can enable the extraction of undreamed of levels of power by
merely triggering space with a probe of the smallest power but in
the shortet time The road to that is ingenuity which again is
ensured by the same mechanism enacted in the human mind by the
Siddhi process of Suthras 4,5 and 6. The axiomatic mathematical
proof shown every where poves that Sankhya is truly inimtable and
especially when it is realised that not a single, repeat not a single
empirical input has gone into this theory.
380 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Astrology, Ayurveda, Parapsychology are Axiomatic
Space is dynamic and is in perpetual oscillation as proved in
Suthras 67 and 68. The Vikrithi saptha state prior to the
acceleration of a Vrithi or photon is in a resonant interactive state
of C cps. The coherent potential state at the Linga / Bhava
interface between the Thaama and Raja regions is balanced exactly
by C number of Ne Vikrithis or Neutrinos that can transmigrate
across the entire Raja Abhiman / Ahankar spectrum.
The transmigration rate of both the Mahad Vikrithi and saptha
or the Electron Me and Neutrino Ne are changed by a
correspondin interactive rate due to alterred stress transmigration
rates in the substratum. The interactive rates change whenever the
synchronous balance is upset. The Me and Ne change here are time
bound or sequential. It certainly affects the phase relationship of
both Me and Ne states but do not constitute a current as it is not a
7-at-a-time Ne rate, shown below:
The interactive rate change of 3 levels have reversed (AP1) the
Ne transmigration rate but as it does not exceed 7 Ne rate ( in AP2
--it is less than unity) in the transmigration rate, it cannot be
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 381
detected . Nevertheless the PM/Me interface balance at the Linga
/Bhave region (The weak EMG region in Physics) must respond
by changing the phase of synchronisation. Particularly in genetic
cells the innermost coupling boundaries will be most affected as
the stress of confinement or bonding is greatest at that level. Subtle
time oriented changes are initiated but the cause for which may not
be evident. At the Abhiman / Ahankar interface the Ne drift in
large numbers will create minor shift in potentials that if sustained
will create observable changes. This is the Parapsychology interface
for a whole range of ESP, Dream and Aura dependant
phenomenon occurrances.
Unless such changes exceed the rate of seven Nes
simultaneously no radiant or detectable phenomenon is set in
motion. The planck constant is the equivalent of 7 simultaneous
Ne changes, when the boundary of the second harmonic or the 8th
unit level is exceeded. Such a rate is the largest possible change
due to an interaction and will continue to transmigrate till the
potential is reduced at 1017 units distance or number of
wavelengths for at each node a moolaprakrithi is absorbed to
equalise the potential. Though mathematical logic has been shown
at the simplest but relevant level , the mathematical expressions are
complex as the number of simultaneous parameters involved are
many. In Ayurveda and Astrology the critical phase relationship in
a cycle is identified as sectors of 10 or twelve divisions within
which the nature of the interactive events calssified through the
permutations & combinations of the three Guna modes of
While radiation of energy needs 7 Nes to be accelerated at the
same instant or simultaneously, below that, any number of Ne's
may transmigrate due to changing stresses without giving any clue
to the underlying interactive process. Such tunneling activity create
changes in phase in synchronised states that alter the potential.
Dynamic and flexible molecular / cellular / genetic structures
would undergo a twisting or unwinding stresses (without
observablee movements) through small angles that would tend to
upset a balanced state. Living organisms would sense the change
and react. Suthra 53 & 54 define the organic spectrum. These
interactions are complex in nature and vary in time. Numerical
382 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
evaluation of these changes can be made by iteratively to list the
algebraic sum of xn =1. The intercative stress graph shown in fig.
Stress Count Density page 419. Shows the planckian type of
superpositioning of potential in internal timelike distribution as in
blackbody radiation.
The PM , Me and Ne states are synchronous and phase related.
Hence changes in stress transmigration counts will effect its state
that would correspond to changes in magnetic moment or
gyromagnetic ratios besides affecting bonding or coupling values
and interactive cross-sections. In the substratum these factors are
standard ratios though it changes to complex forms in aggregated
or compounded states. These are shown below.
The ratios are PMm for the Prakrithi saptha or Proton & Pnm
for the Neutron spectrum. Similarly Mem for the electron & Nem
for the neutriono Vikrithi saptha spectrum. Vr for the radiating
Vrithi or Photon specrum, completes the change ratios along the
entire Raja region covering both the Linga/Bhava and
Abhiman/Ahankar interfaces. The organic spectrum is governed
by a flexible Bhava disposition that retains the Linga coherent state.
The angular division for a coherent state must have a ratio of ½ or
30 degrees. Axiomatically then a coherent structure with six or
twelve divisions in a cycle would be required. Hence Carbon
chemistry forms the base of organic states. Therefore astral stress
transmigration that distort or twist this angular or hexagonal form
only need to be studied. Astrological and Ayurvedic divisions are
based on 12 sectors with 10 as the summation total following
Sankhyan guna principle of self similar interactions. Hence 120
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 383
divisions are used to empirically relate the twist due to stresses
caused by planetary transits or configurations. The vernier effect of
10-1=9 gives the degree of overlap of adjacent angular dispositions.
Hence Saturn's 30 yr cycle gives a repetitive confirmation of 3 or 4
observations whereas Uranus's 84 yr cycle does not offer even one
cycle to derive meaningful interpretations. Also the degree of
influence is less then a thousandth of the lunar/solar reference
levels and empirical observations must be collated over long a
period of at least 300 yrs to enablr predictability.
As an illustrative example the closest orbits of Jupiter and
Saturn cause a variation in gravitational acceleration on the earth
of about 1/30 and 1/850 respectively. The Ne has the lowest ratio
of turning moment and its rate of transmigration would be affected
by such changes in some proportion. Though it may be small and
undetectable as photons the duration over which such shift in
potential exist are over realtively long periods. While the Vrithi or
photon is the detectable messenger of communication , the hidden
Ne streams are the communicators-in-plenty below that level. Just
as Solar neutrino Ne streams cause visible and detectable
differences through its interactions, the subtler planetary streams
influence potential states which in turn affects atomic and
molecular cell structures by the minute but consistent stress levels..
The changes are calculated as relative shifts in orientation that
effect the coherent state, which is the normal one for the organism
The coherent divisions from the Andhathaamisra regions gave
28 orders of counts that remained stable numerically. The 12 sector
(30 deg.) gave the reference level for characteristics that added or
subtractacted from the three guna states and the transitions by the
linga/bhava and the abhiman/ahankar polarisation factor. The 28
levels of change in descending order was characterised by the
Nakshatra nomenclature in the Atharvaveda. Starting from the zero
level ecliptic crossing called Punarvasu, when the organic form
remained in its most felexible and balanced state, the list of 28
positions and its principle influence on the twelve sectors ware
identified in the Nakshatradevatyam passages in the Atharvaveda.
It also laid the ratio of change by which the zero position of the
ecliptic changed due to the precession of the equinoxes in about
384 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
25760 years The original classification of genetic characteristics
affected by the stress transmigration patterns were defined in the
28 nakshatra qualities But as indicated in the Appendix 4: 'Age of
the Vedas', the glacial melt causeing a calamitous flood produced a
reserructed version of the original Vedic oral creations by the
survivors, which has led to misinterpreting the correct meaning. Of
the 28 nakshatra positions , Abhijit's location (180 degrees from
Punarvasu) along the ecliptic has now apparently disappeared due
to the inclination of the earth's axis, thus making it difficult to
accomodate its angular division in the current interpretive
procedures. Hence post glacial astrology refers to only 27 nakshata
positions, with the result the original interpretative meanings have
drifted over to the adjacent bhavas or sectors. Astrological
interpretation indicate trends of change in the genetic behaviour
that may or may not aid the individual.
Ayurveda was based on the principle that stresses affected the
characteristics of the biological field of the holographic body of all
organic entities by influencing the combinatorial variations in the
complex thaama, raja and sathwa state of balance. The
classification of Vatha, Pithha and Khapha as being synonymous
with sathwa, raja and thaama states was diagnosed through the
vibratory state of the body. The degree of stress was inferred from
the state of the pulse, which being the output of an interactive
organic system, had to follow the same triad of guna laws. The
state of the pulse was inferred by contact and 3 positions with 3
possible variations in each of them led to 108 variants that were
classified through empirical observation. The process could be
likened to a technician observing waveforms on an oscilloscope.
The balance of the three guna states in the body was interpretted in
terms of the total energy in the body and not merely the externally
observable conditions.
The guna principle of self similar interactions in the
simultaneous mode, enabled the detection for an excess or lack of
energy stored in the thaamasic or sathwic states as khapha or vatha
characteristics, though the observable conditions of the body
remained normal. The inference of such states through the
variations in the pulse gave an early warning of impending
disorders. While body temperature was an observable, the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 385
accummulation or depletion of energy as latent heat of cellular
combinations did not reflect it as temperature variations. The
biological field responded to fine stresses levels. Detecting such
mnute changes depended on observing changes from the normal
state. The stresses, added by astral positions, either compounded or
mitigated the severity of the disorder. Hence Ayurvedic principles
forewarned the individual to take corrective measures long before a
disasterous breakdown in health took place. It applied to all forms
of life, with appropriate variations in the mode of observation and
detection of states of disorder for there was only one guna law for
all interactive processes.
386 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 387
The Selfcharging Battery System
When a current is started in a circuit two actions can be
identified. In a battery the electric charge resident in the cell
structure of the plates immersed in an electrolyte, is assumed to be
static as long as the terminals are not connected. The internal
polarisation of the cells are kept in balance by an interactive
oscillatory activity where the nett current is extremely small. The
battery will run down eventually and is termed as leakage. On
being connected across the two terminals the charge transmigrates
along the connection as an interacting wave with unequal forward
and backward displacements.
Analysing the very first interaction that initiates the
transmigration of a charge at a rate C, due to the difference in the
potential between the two terminals, the rate rises to C1+x through
self similar interaction. The interval is its reciprocal where the
difference between two interactions dissapear and the discrete or
quantum field becomes a continuous field.
The rise of C1+x can be considered as an incremental ratio of C
to Cx . It is instantaneous (because of 1/ C1+x ) and must be
expressed as a log ratio as shown.
F1 F2
Therefore an electric current will be due to the incremental
value plus the normal resonant rate of C as :
The averaged reciprocal of the above figure is the measured
value of a current in coloumbs. This is the interactive logic the
battery too follows in transmigrating a current.
log =
3.236068 log =
C1 x
C =
C1 x
8.79573 1018
C . =
C1 x
2 1.607841 10 19
388 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
When the first parameter in F1 starts, the immediate reaction
F2, (within a cycle), opposes F1 and its logarithmic difference gets
added to the rate C as long as the potential difference across the
conductor exists. The value F4 constitutes one ampere per second
if one volt transmigrates across one ohm resistance.
The motive force for the current is in the Purusha or blackhole
domain in space, identified earlier. Repeating the formula for
convenience as F5 shows it is the winding numbers .
The F5 value is the constant source of power in the substratum.
If the rate of F3 synchronises into resonance with F5 the
oscillatory state can be perpetually maintained. The rate of
oscillation to maintain its internal charge is nn = 9.939535 and to
expand the radial k must be raised by nn, but knn = nn . This factor
is unusual for it synchronises displacement and cyclic time to
maintain resonance wth the reciprocal value of charge.
The expansion rate of C1-x times the cyclic displacement ratio x
gives 536.48 cycles per second if C is the frequency at a metre
wavelength in 1.010845 secs. If the battery current is switched on
and off sharply, in the circuit configuration shown below, the
batteries remain charged despite having a load that consumes
considerable power. The battery acts as a large capacitor with a
very small resistance, that generates a large pulsing current. The
efficiency of transformation of the pulsing current is directly
proportional to the sharpness of the switching off process.
6.282665 1017
6.244677 1018
. . = C
1 log
C1 x
x 536.48355
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 389
Fig: The Selfcharging Battery System.
The green device represents the pulse transformer and the red
unit the rotary high amperage sharp cut off switch operating at 536
cps. The 4 numbers 12 volt batteries are cyclically switched into a
series connection of 24 volts while the remaining two remain in
parallel to maintain 12 volts. In the next cycle the series parallel
state is changed over . In effect the series 24 volt charges the 12
volt parallel units within 1/536 of a cycle and immediately change
over to discharge across the other configuration. At resonance the
batteries act as mere capacitors while the space field around the
counductors act is inductive devices to provide the pulsing current.
The transforming ratio of the secondary can be designed to match
the load plus losses of the circuit thus imposing no power-load on
the batteries. Experimental models have been test run successfully.
390 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Interesting equations confirming the effect described above are
given below.
The C3 G parameter is the maximum stress per cycle in space
and as shown earlier it is resident in the Purusha state as a coherent
ensemble of vibratory stress not in motion. Mps the equivalent
Planckmass pulsed in plancktime tp produces the large stress value
of ST. The formulation Mps/tp can be seen as the result of
applying the impulse momentum theorem in Physics. The
confirmation is shown as ec the value of charge of one electron
volt per second. The energy value of C5 G represents the maximum
rate of radiation of energy per second .
Overunity generation of power is only possible if the reaction
time to initiate the next cycle is eliminated. Similarly perpetual
oscillation can be possible if the time cycle to transfer the reactive
output before the start of the next cycle is eliminated. The delay
leads to the necessity of increasing the rate of transfer of the force
needed to keep the system operating. A time lag keeps the initiating
cycle following the sequence of action whereas it shound be ahead.
The conditions needed to sustain perpetual action or produce
incremental power can be met only by using the systems internal
energy to shortcicuit cyclic time delay. Feeding forward needs a
3.8682441035 C3.G=3.8682441035
PM.Px. rs
ec. 2
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 391
system of control that can act faster than the state of the system
that is in operation. Such a requirement needs additional power.
Even if the power is available from the system itself it must be able
transfer it ahead of the time to act. Hence a means to draw from a
systems own internal energy is necessary for overunity or perputual
A pendulum or swing is kept in perpetual motion by changing
the state of the driving force or momentum in time. A child on a
swing can keep the oscillations going continuously if it moves its
body in time to initiate the next cycle at an accelerated level. A
pendulum clock does the same thing by triggering at the right
moment but with an additional energy input to overcme the loss
due to resistance. An internal combustion engine varies output with
the same fuel input if the ignition system is advanced or retarded
thereby proving the point of timing conditioning output for the
same input.
The identification of a level of self or internal energy in a
system is a prerequisite to sustainng overunity states. Internal
energy states act as reservoir not only to provide the force but also
initiate action ahead of the cyclic interval to sustain incremental
states. Its depletion can be replenished at another part of the cycle
provided incremental production is in operation. When a balloon is
compressed from all sides simultaneously the rise in pressure is
dissipated and the the entire quantum of rise in pressure can be
utilised from the moment of reversing the process. If it is not
simultaneous then the pressure does not rise to the maximum as it
evens it out by displacement to other portions of the balloon that is
not compressed. The rise is internal and can transfer to any region
of the surface in the same time period..
392 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 393
394 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 395
Fig: Sequential Interaction Time-Periods.
396 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Fig:. Simultaneous Interactions.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 397
Fig: The Mahad Prakrithi/Vikrithi Exchange.
This conceptual diagrammatic 3D plot as a surface contour
change gives an idea of the Sankhyan concept of simultaneous
exchange between the Mahad Prakrithi or Planck mass density rise
in planck time and the Mahad Vikrithi or Electron flux density rise
in its own cyclic time. The actual change as a 3 dimensional stress
transformation in the substratum of space will not be detectable
unless it decays as an interaction. The Mahad Vikrithi Me or
Electron is triggered into existence as an avalanche of a vorticular
states by the Mahad Prakrithi Mps reaction in time cycle tp. The
nature of power or energy developed in the shortest possible time
is highly indicative of the impulsive or triggering interaction . Mps
/ tp = St, the maximum stress in the substratum, therefore it
meant the maximum rate of energy radiation. It's power is
proportional to C3 G = 3.8 E+35 cpc.
398 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Fig : The Stress Cancellation In Simultaneity.
The perpetual ocillations in space in a symmetric and coherent
form cannot be detected as there is no change in the count rate,
which is always C. But the stress transmigrate through self similar
proportionality from one region to another alternately thus
maintaining the state of unmanifest oscillation. The rise and fall or
the height and depth are consistently matched and on the
introduction of an upsetting or hindering 'triggering-interaction' the
coherent potential breaks the synchronous and symmetric phase
relationship to set in motion a displacement wave of varying
stresses that transmigrate across the sea of components which
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 399
form the substratum of space. The break in coherence initiates a
'spin' that has a quadrupole cyclic action. When in a quiescent and
coherent state it is a simultaneous dipole oscillation that cannot be
detected except for a 90 deg phase-shift. Electromagetic
phenomenon overides this phase shift and cannot be detected.
400 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 401
Derivation Of Universal Parameters.
The internal rate is nn=9.939535 =knn
Hawking Temperature
Hubbles Distance
Fig:. Stress Count Density (Planckian)
6.170868 10 8 Th =6.17 10 8
Megaparsec Ly c.y.Mpc 3.0519783347.1022
HubbleesDistance . .
Ly 5.559189552.104
0 10 20 30
A0 ,2
A25 ,11
Ai ,n
2 11
( n )
402 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 403
Answers To Important Questions In Physics
1. Grand principle or TOE
2. Unification
3. Quarks leptons related?
4. Masses and charges
5. Strong weak related
6. Fermions in generations
7. Quantisation 3 levels?
8. 4 different forces why
9. Principle of Equivalence.
10. Dark matter/energy
11. Hubbles ? decay
12. Particle physics and gravitation
13. Is G constant.
14. Scale or gauge invarance in cosmology and physics.
15. Cosmlogical model-3rd order damping
16. Stellar bodies expand?
17. Why planetary orbits follow n2 ?
18. Earthquakes triggered by orbital/planetary stresses.
404 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 405
Appendix 1: Origin Of The Vedas..
(Article in World Affairs, vol.6, No.3 Jul/Sep 2003.)
The Vedas have roused man's curiosity around the globe at one
stage or another. Just to know that so many intellectuals dedicated
themselves to unravelling its meaning, is a tribute in itself, even
though they failed to agree as to what the ancient creations really
meant. Some extolled its virtues and praised it to the skies. While
others weary from wresting a meaning, condemned it to the
dungeons of despair. Are the Vedas an esoteric creation and if so
who composed it in ancient times? Thereby hangs a historic tale of
an intellectual colossus, who mathematically solved the riddle of
manifestation aeons ago.
One is immediately prompted to raise the question 'why was it's
real meaning not exposed in all this time'? Some modern
intellectuals attempting the translations misjudged its scientific
content for one thing. An erroneous 6000-year guesstimate of its
origin prevented researchers from suspecting a possible difference
in meaning of words from an older form of Sanskrit. For instance
in current Sanskrit the term Du:kha means 'pain' but in the older
version it is 'stress' as a technical term. A not so widely known fact
was that Vedic authors of oral creations depended on the natural
process of 'experiencing' real information as an ideal way to
understanding phenomenon. Today animated graphic techniques
make it easy to communicate the most complex ideas. In Vedic
times too, the same principle was used to produce a dynamic
imagery through a precisely formulated oral system. The verses
contained six types of controls as rhyme rhythm, tone, inflection,
emphasis and onomatopoeic meaning. Applying these factors to
each set of verse 'simultaneously' through the learnt 'meditative
Siddhi technique' created a real experience in the mind. The
Dharma Mega Samadhi state helped to understand the meaning the
author tried to convey. This process established an unequivocal
understanding of the author's purpose in creating the verses. The
Pratisakhya, also in a similar metric form as an adjunct to each
Veda, aided it. The fact that the original authors saw the need for a
supplement to aid comprehension provided an important clue to
Vedic profoundness.
406 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The foregoing is an important reason why the 'non-meditative'
translations of the postglacial re-written manuscripts invariably
yielded utter gibberish. Most translations failed because the
researchers made the serious error of splitting up sets that
destroyed a verse's contextual meaning in a Siddhi process. Few
had that patience, except perhaps Swami Vivekananda, Sri
Aurobindo, Lokmanya Tilak and Jagadguru Bharathi Krishna
Thirtha among others. They took the difficult route of going
through the original versions. The Lokmanya and the Jagadguru
investigated, hypothesised and had the courage to write about it.
Recent research indicated that Vedas contained a very advanced
axiomatic theory of a Universe. It functioned on a holographic
basis or through the concept of Maya which was misconstrued as
an illusion. Such an advanced concept unequivocally unified the
controversial 'material / spiritual' divide through axiomatic
mathematics. Even today, Physics and Cosmology are strangers to
the holographic concept as applied to the Universe. Probably
scientific translators too would have had to wait for the research
environment to catch up with such ideas.
The present writer crossed the barrier of disbelief due to a
fortunate set of events. Decoding the very first Sloka of the
Rigveda, correctly, yielded a novel 'energy extraction principle'. It
led to inventing an unusual electric motor that violated known
electromagnetic principles (see details presented below). Similarly,
the first Sloka of the Atharvaveda yielded, by decoding correctly, a
profound energy principal. It led to the fundamentals of quantum
physics and the very foundation for a holographic phenomenon. It
gave a decisive clue to the source of coherent energy in space.
Tests carried out with an invented device (currently under
improvement) confirmed that concept. Was it a coincidence that
the very first verse in the Rigveda and the Atharvaveda defined the
very first fundamental principle in electromagnetic and quantum
theory? These experiences led to decoding ancient man's greatest
and ultimate scientific achievement in the Vedas. That process
found the ancient man turned out to be the teacher for mankind!
Science of the rational.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 407
The reality of the Universe is an axiomatic fact. Yet, a humancentric
intellectual would not let it pass without a challenge. His
argument would probably emphasise the duality seen in every
aspect of human existence. Hence, he would postulate the need for
an observer to confirm the existence of the observed. The
implication being that in the absence of an observer the Universe
just 'disappears'. This conceptual hyperbole exists at the very altars
of our scientific temple. Both the 'concepts of particle-wave duality'
and ' principle of uncertainty' were self-explanatory anomalistic
principles that existed in Theoretical Physics (Physics). Then there
were the enigmatic quantum fluctuations in a supposedly empty
and vacuous space. The theory of Special Relativity (SR) exposed
space-time contractions involving shrinking rods & slowing clocks
which seemed to defy common sense perceptions. The unexpected
failure of the Michelson Morley experiments to detect the medium
for propagation of light in space spurred many of these principles
into existence. The reason behind the plethora of unusual scientific
principles is just one simple fact.
A measurement is an interactive process that takes time. Until
the interaction is complete or the measuring cup is full, the
observer cannot complete the act of measurement. This fact
applies to observers of both the human and instrumented kind.
The latter is merely a sophisticated extension of our sensory
processes. Even the very act of observing the Universe is a process
of measurement The perplexing point here is when does the
observer know the interaction called measurement is actually
completed? So the observer invents a clock that shows an interval
he arbitrarily calls a second. Then he moronically compares all
measurements in terms of this holy second. The result was as
expected, uncertainty. Imagine a blind man filling a measuring cup
for a second when it actually needed just one tenth of a second.
The scientific researcher had been doing just what the blind man
did, overlooking the nine cups that overflowed. The natural
consequence of such a process was somewhere down the line the
measurements refused to tally. And that despite established
standards of accuracy, in a catchword called dimensionality that did
not match up to the real Universe. Was there a way to tally this
408 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
huge loss? The perfect answer comes from unbelievable quarters,
for it transcends the history of modern man.
The desire for fame, wealth and the consequent pressure, from
the fiercely competitive world of national finance, compounded by
the invisible world of scientific peerdom, drove researchers to
establish credible avenues of escape from unresolvable errors. The
process of redemption was to dilute every serious and
irreconcilable error through a profound principle. It is unbelievable
but true that every profound principle in Physics and Cosmology,
gloss over areas ridden with hidden problems that defies human
understanding. After the Newtonian magnum opus on Gravitation
in the 17th century, the twin theory of General and Special
Relativity (GR and SR) offered the key to resolving the
manifestation process.
Unfortunately, it opened the doors to a nest of Pandora's boxof-
anomalies. Its prime anomaly, the perpetual 'equality of
gravitational and inertial mass', was quickly laid to rest by
propounding the Principle of Equivalence. The next major
anomaly, was the necessity to find one of the nine lost cups, called
the Cosmological constant. It was needed to balance the complex
GR equations. Before long, another unresolvable anomaly turned
up accidentally, which bailed out the GR theorems. Hubble, an
astronomer, discovered an anomalous and enigmatic behaviour in
the expected result of spectral measurements. It was in regions
where, man the observer, could never physically verify. The rate of
measurements, through his extended eye the telescope, seemed to
get slower and slower as man peered future and further into the
Hubble 'theorised' that could happen only if the Universe was
expanding, like a rubber balloon. Einstein immediately saw the
avenue of escape to hide the missing cup in his GR conundrum.
From it evolved the grossest theory of the Big Bang expanding
Universe. Kind nature did not comply, for instead of hiding at least
that one-cup to mollify the GR inadequacy, it sprang a surprise of
an equally gross order. Other researchers from the cosmic bench
went on a search, for there was a tremendous shortage of the basic
stuff, the so-called dark matter in empty space. And GR needed it
immediately to ward off the collapse of a theory that predicted the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 409
ultimate cosmic collapse in the Big Bang. Something very
mysterious was happening. For the equations, that had not even
spotted the missing nine cups, cried out for just one more cup.
While Hubble ostensibly provided it just in time to support the
expansion, the cosmologists were calculating the number (running
into billions) of cups, needed to start the contraction. A
fundamental question arose in the minds of the fraternity. Was the
Universe really expanding and then whereto? If not, into what will
it contract? And as the questions increased, science kept
discovering more phenomena, which promised to decrease them,
through a paradigm called unification.
Moving to the seat of action, space, where the treasure-chest
containing the perfect answer hid, researchers found a revolution
taking place, in thinking 'small'. In the early 1900's a series of
anomalies cropped up that defied common-sense solutions. Stating
it in lay language experiments on transmission of energy showed
that the quantity and volume increased proportionately. While
Hubble had the advantage of peering through an eyepiece to detect
the distance related rate anomaly; the energy experimenters had the
disadvantage of conducting only indirect measurements. For the
physical parameters of energy- interactions were in the microdimensional
region. In a bid to find the limits of the energy
radiation spectrum, ingenious procedures were used to find the
answers. But the nemesis called contradiction turned up again!
Contrary to expectations, instead of increasing proportionately, it
collapsed at the highest energy level. It took the world of Physics
by surprise. Not having found a solution, researchers named it the
Boltzman paradox and the Ultraviolet catastrophe in deep space.
Later, Max Planck conjectured through complex mathematics
that as energy was always being transmitted in packets, cups or
quanta, the observed characteristics were to be expected. Thus
Quantum Physics was born but another serious anomaly was
making the process of measurement uncertain. Scientists found
they could not verify the position while measuring the velocity of a
particle. Next, when it was located, they could not measure its rate
of motion simultaneously. This quandary had to be resolved
quickly for the scientists were unsure as to where to search for the
elusive particle or quantum. So they propounded, under compelling
410 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
circumstances, the Principle of Uncertainty. It stated emphatically
that a particle's 'position and movement cannot be measured
simultaneously'. We are now squarely back to the starting point of
our dialogue when it only implied that the Universe disappeared
without an observer. Heisenburg's principle of uncertainty had now
certified it as being correct and the scientific community had no
way out of this dilemma.
Was it possible that in this solid and real looking Universe an
observer could not detect something? Scientists did some serious
introspection. Armed with a further string of fringe experiments
under various names, showed that the particle or quantum
disappeared only for a moment. Though it was impossible to
confirm the location, it could be guessed with a tool called
quantum statistics. By now, the scientific fraternity had travelled
the intellectual road of profound principles that started with the
desire to be accurate and specific. But it had to be content with
uncertainty and probability as key principles in Physics. Though
credibility was at stake scientist refused to look for answers outside
the laboratory environment. The reason was simple. Once it
opened its doors to external principles, the logical continuity could
become suspect and internal test for consistency broken. While
theoretical science faced all the above intellectual hurdles,
experimental science flourished, because a trial and error process
led to concrete, usable results of some acceptable order. It was
welcome, as in such a process one could not establish a theoretical
goal initially. In this background, one can realise that acceptance of
any alternate theory, however perfect, would meet with stiff
resistance from the scientific community. For right now, all hopes
are pinned on a theory based on 'super-symmetry' of 'super-strings'.
What scientists were not aware of, the very source for all such
theories was already lying hidden in a strange corner and defined in
a stranger language.
Science of the irrational
So far, one side of the coin, the rational observer from a
protected elite, was analysed and conclusions arrived at. It left the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 411
state of scientific enquiry, into the fundamental cause of Universal
phenomenon, in intellectual limbo. The other side of this coin
entailed a research process more complex and confusing, called
holistic perception. Like in science it was also a measuring process
but of a different order. This investigative area was very large
indeed. It had under its ken the entire range of phenomenon that
rational scientists would not deign to touch. The identifiable
spectrum covered telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinetic
phenomenon, under the umbrella of a pseudo scientific term called
ESP or extra sensory perception. Then of course there was
astrology; palmistry, numerology, iching and more, cleverly
disguised through an ambivalent description like Oriental studies. It
further extended to sensitive areas of unusual acts through divine
intervention called miracles and manifestations. That had the silent
and ambiguous approval of the respective religious pontiffs who
automatically put a no-entry sign to an outside investigation. There
were numerous fringe-events witnessed and confirmed by the lay
public, like 'bleeding pictures' and 'milk-drinking idols'. Again, there
were other events of oracular donkeys braying 'in' good fortune
and mischievous poltergeist children breaking the neighbour's roof.
Shamanistic performers exorcised ghosts and rural seers detected
thieves through an oily betel leaf. Nimble fortune-tellers using
seeds, sticks and shells divined the future while mystics made
profound predictions from observing lizards, insects and birds.
Voodoo, witchcraft, blackmagic and the list of possible ways to
perceive holistically grew without bound.
What is more thought provoking is the fact that while the
multitudes swore by these experiences, the stoic silence with which
the scientific fraternity greeted such news was indeed astounding. It
looked almost like they were from another planet where laboratory
experimentation and complex mathematics ruled every inch of the
way. Science stands for objective curiosity itself and yet scientists
failed to display this basic trait towards an enigmatic area. Even
plain curiosity could have paid significant dividends by discovering
esoteric principles underlying such phenomenon. And no one can
deny that phenomenon it is.
Early European society had geared itself to tackle science on an
organised footing from a few hundred years back. Europeans
412 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
considered this area to be their domain and preserve. Experimental
inventiveness based on the need to survive a hostile environment
paid rich dividends in numerous ways and automatically established
the proprietary status for its developments and products. The
tropical and Eastern societies, on the other hand, continued with
systems developed over long years of experience in surviving a
more benign environment that was relatively stress free. The
axiomatic Coriolis force endowed the tropical regions with the
bounties of nature. It renewed, revived and recycled the
environment in perfect harmony with nature's complex growth
cycles. When nature itself played a decisive role in guiding their
destinies into a state of effortless fulfilment it was no surprise that
the incumbents in turn looked at natural phenomenon with wonder
and reverence. That ultimately turned into divine worship. Their
passive outlook and reverential attitude towards nature as an arbiter
of natural and benevolent law gave them faith, courage and
patience. They learned to await the cyclic changes with equanimity
and optimism. Tropical inhabitants, world wide, type cast
themselves into a mould of nature worshipers. They bent
themselves to its will with utter submission. This was in stark
contrast to the early European group who bent nature's forces to
their will in a bid to survive the rigours of that location. A
calamitous double fault in the precessional equinoctial-cycle had
driven these settlers into this location. They overcame a calamity by
innovative skill and a self-developed aggressive outlook. That gave
them the experience to lead the world in the art of subjugating
nature's forces. This very calamity yields the key to the diverse
history of modern man on this planet. Plus the fact that a previous
era had produced an intellectual solution to the puzzle of
Nature's devotees in the tropics had already established the
school for holistic investigation into natural phenomenon. It
included the Mayas, Incas, Mexicans, Amerindians, Egyptians,
Africans, Indians, Chinese, inhabitants of the Malaysian,
Indonesian, Southsea island archipelagos, in short the dwellers of
the tropics. They had diverse experience in the practice of the
occult, mystic, magical, spiritual and a range of holistic practices in
perceiving and understanding phenomenon. Unlike the scientific
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 413
fraternity, this area functioned through a heterogeneous sprinkling
of practitioners without a common platform of theory or principle.
Most of their information, handed down from one generation to
the next, made the process a subjective real-time affair. This group
considered the observer and the observed were one, which
eliminated the concept of measurement and its consequential
collateral damage. It was recognised as a time evolved or axiomatic
principle that the Universe was a real, experiencable, singular entity.
So any artefact of mental or physical derivations could not separate
out the observer from the observed. While the reality of the
Universe as a factual entity was never in doubt, these investigators
never attempted to establish a credible communication system.
Such investigators experienced a feeling of certainty that prevented
them questioning the acceptability of pedagogical descriptions and
verbal definitions of complex events at face value. The possibility
of variations in the choice of words and the structure of sentences
in a pedagogical communication conveyed an air of inherent
fuzziness. It made it difficult to extract the correct meaning. The
consequence of this increasing gap in communication, not only
marginalised them as a group from the scientific fraternity but split
them further into smaller groups that battled among themselves for
recognition. These investigators had unwittingly strangulated
themselves with their own lack of communication principles. A few
modern holistic investigators had attempted to establish a
laboratory model infrastructure but the outcome had not found
acceptance in the scientific fraternity. The laboratory type of
observer / instrument/ observed type of divide could not be
introduced into holistic research where the researcher himself was
the laboratory and his senses the instrument for observing himself.
However in recent years Dr. Puharich, a dedicated researcher into
psychic phenomena, spent almost a decade investigating Uri
Gellers' psychokinetic acts. He observed Geller's performance
under the supervision of Stanford Research Institute in the US, to
establish scientific credibility. Despite confirmation of
extraordinary psychokinetic acts, conducted under strict scientific
supervision, there has been no reaction, except stony silence, from
the ivory tower of Physics.
414 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The Cataclysm in the Vedas and its origin.
India, due to an historical advantage, took the lead in
investigating holistic phenomenon. It included spiritual and yogic
practices handed down ages ago from which it established a
theoretical paradigm, based on disprovable axioms. While Physics
had resorted to the unification paradigm to extricate itself from the
intellectual mire of empirical science, the Indians based their
thoughts on axiomatic principles that had the quality of unification
built into it. These axiomatic, holistic principles formulated aeons
ago, for all humanity, were the Vedas in Sanskrit. These were a
sublime creation, not because it was from any divine source as the
nature-devotees in the tropics naturally liked to claim, but its logical
structure was immaculate, consistent and self proving, as it was
based on numerical axioms. The concept of a divine origin for the
Vedas had in support a number of circumstantial events that lead
to this conjecture. The logical sequence of events leading to the
needed background was cogently hypothesised through relevant
mathematical adjuncts, by Lokmanya Tilak. He published the
results of his meticulous research in his two classical books "The
Orion" and "The Arctic Home in the Vedas". In it he hypothesised
that a Vedic civilisations existed prior to the Glacial floods in the
Arctic region. It had an equitable climate then due to certain
precessional deviations in the planetary orbital cycles. Stating a
truism, the historical memory of ancient events lingers in direct
proportion to the calamitous level of collateral damage it invokes.
One such event exists in all the profound writings and historical
pronouncements of nations, countries, races, religious and ethnic
groups of people, the unforgettable flood.
The glacial floods virtually destroyed all signs of human
achievements or progress in the previous era. It left in its aftermath
no relic of any importance that could have provided a handle of
connectivity with civilisations that must have existed earlier.
However, there is some confirmation through recent media reports
of archaeological findings containing 40000-year-old human
artefacts and implements in the Arctic Circle. Scientific
corroboration of the glacial-melt causing the floods have been well
established and documented to erase any doubts about its veracity.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 415
The glacial catastrophe occurred more than 10000 years ago. The
survivors were certainly not the first-line of Homo sapiens so one
had to believe they had forbears before the floods. A major reason
for the historical haze surrounding pre-glacial man is this
catastrophe. By wiping out any vestigial signs of an earlier
civilisation, it eliminated the motive to look for evidence in
currently developed areas. This uncertainty of origin was one of the
reasons for a divine source for Vedic aphorisms.
The Vedas contained information in a language that was
austere, cryptic and most unlike a primitive creation. For the verses
structured on a rigorous metric interval, displayed the intellectual
skill of its authors. Creating poetical compositions at the best of
times required a huge vocabulary and a flexible flow of words to
maintain a rhythm. Resorting to this style of communication meant
they were deliberately hamstringing themselves with the full
knowledge that the process of information transfer would be made
difficult. The normal question from this generation would be 'why
would they take the difficult path', but it has an answer. They could
not have created the unusually large number of verses, in the same
style and format (ensuring the same origin), in the 4000-year
interval after the flood. That is assuming evidence of Vedic
creations was first exposed as late as 6000 years ago. Even today
with all the advertising, publishing and other media marketing aids
any serious literary creation fails to get wide acclaim in less than a
couple of years. If we go back 1000 years, there exists no widely
known physical evidence of the prevailing thoughts then except on
stone. That at best can be the equivalent of a few hundred verses.
Considering the logistics alone, of collecting tens of thousands of
verses into one area, without an associated system, is well nigh
impossible even in 6000 years. Soon after the floods, the only
immediate concern of the survivors would have been 'how to
survive' and not 'how to compose verse'. The Vedas could never
have been composed after the floods for the intellectual content far
surpasses even the knowledge of scientists today. Just a cursory
inspection of a statistical growth-modelling algorithm gives about
12000 years for Vedic information in our possession.
On deeper analysis, one found that the clues in the Vedas itself
were an unimpeachable source to proclaim its origin. It was indeed
416 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
a veritable time capsule for modern man. Lokmanya Tilak, who
sprang to the quick because of derogatory statements made by
occidental translators of the Vedas, diligently sought out Vedic
clues. The esoteric clues made him look at the most accurate clock
in the Universe, the stellar sky. By a series of logical and meticulous
analyses based on mathematical verification, he deduced the
probable and possible date of Vedic creations, after taking into
account the dislocation caused by the glacial melt. He arrived at a
possible 12000 years to a probable 20000 years for the intervening
period. Then he found that the Vedic anomalies in the climatic,
solar and stellar cycles were resolved by locating those ancient
observers within the Arctic Circle. The variations in the cyclic
precessional period of the equinoxes contributed to an uneven
polar climatic cycle. (Vedic theory shows that the Solar system
orbit in the Galaxy has an eccentricity value similar to planetary
orbits.) The Lokmanya along with other geological scientists &
colleagues from Europe calculated and established the range of
temperature variations that would have been possible then. It
showed that, in the cycle prior to the glacial floods, equitable
temperature conditions would have prevailed for a long time in the
Arctic, when human civilisation could have flourished. He found
another fallout. The Zend-Avesta (Zoroastrian religious book) was
indeed of the same origin as the Vedas. He discovered detailed
confirmation for his hypothesis from the description of the then
prevailing climatic conditions recorded in it. The succeeding
generation of survivors, oblivious to their preglacial origin and
being nature worshippers, naturally ascribed the Vedic aphorisms
to a divine source and labelled it as a 'permanent' creation that was
not of 'human origin'. But they did not realise that axiomatic
creations too could be defined in the same way.
Proof through Stellar positions and post glacial renaissance
Further, the passages in the Atharvaveda under the
Nakshatradevatyam verses identified a sequence of precessional
equinoctial coincidences beginning with the Nakshatra Punarvasu,
the Vedic zero degree ecliptic position. The recorded coincidence
could have only occurred 32000 years ago for the immediate
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 417
coincidence had taken place just 6000 years back. That was too
short a period to rationally justify the quality and quantity of Vedic
creations. The fact of its mention is verifiable evidence, which
confirms the observation of those stellar sequences by ancient
witnesses. It provided an acceptable connectivity to their period of
development. Their pinpointing the ecliptic crossing in the
Nakshatra Magha when the floods would have taken place acts as
additional evidence. Another puzzling factor that adds conviction is
the question 'how could they know to accurately calculate
precessional cycles when knowledge of this inertial process was a
post Newtonian event'. A more precise proof exists in their choice
of twenty-eight Nakshatra positions to describe the precessional
progress. The number came from an advanced scientific theory
mentioned below. In it, a circle contains twenty-eight axiomatic
sectors of a coherent state, instead of the arbitrary and primitive
360-degree division in postglacial thought. Not withstanding these
clues, there is another scientific evidence that confirms by default.
The answer as to why they created the verses in rigorous metrical
framework became clear when the present writer decoded, through
the Siddhi process, the first and grandest sloka in the Rigveda. The
sloka "agnimile purohitum yajnasya devamritvajam hotaram
ratnadhatamam" turned out to be an extraordinary theorem on
extraction of energy from space by triggering it into an expansive
state. Surprisingly the composer had built-in the proving answer to
this theorem as a numerical code wherein each letter stood for a
number value. The number, precise to the third decimal place after
dimensional conversions, was equal to the modern value of a
relative volume of light or Electro magnetic wave formed in one
second. That information provided the motivation to invent, test
and demonstrate a free energy electric motor. Its novelty lay in the
fact that it violated Faraday / Maxwell electromagnetic laws, as it
had no magnetic field. It not only worked but also displayed free
energy or over-unity efficiency characteristics. This is a singularly
effective proof of Vedic excellence in scientific knowledge. The
writer and his eldest son demonstrated the motor and explained its
principle of operation, outside the known electrical laws, at the
Gravitation Energy Conference in Hanover in 1986. The details of
418 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the motor were published in the Indian Express on 24th. Nov.
How could the Vedic forefathers have known all this unless
they had cracked the scientific codes of nature? There is an
excellent reason given further below. However, a little digression
will lay the correct foundation to show the contrast between the
two systems of scientific analysis. Briefly tracing the 10000-year
diary of human renaissance, after the floods, leads to some
hypothetical conclusions. It also offers a logical explanation to
many conjectured 'facts' of history. The survivors from the Arctic
Region turned southward, into Europe, Asia Minor, Persia and
India. The present European stock took the path of confrontation
to battle out the climatic conditions in Europe, and as described
earlier, managed to survive the rigours of that region. They
overcame nature's hurdles by sheer will through a range of adhoc
innovations that European history extolled proudly. The fact that
the origin of all white populations anywhere in the world today
leads back to Europe provides a signal confirmation to that
hypothesis. The Asiaminor visitors not harassed by the weather
gods continued to survive comfortably until a spontaneous genetic
re-awakening drove them into intellectual and philosophical
innovations. That has produced the only two monotheistic
disciplines of Christianity and Islam in one area, almost at the same
time, relatively speaking. The older form of Judaism historically had
a part to play during the floods but later, it probably influenced the
newer theism. It is very indicative that all these theistic disciplines
have holistic perception, as the base for its spiritual practises. That
cannot be a mere coincidence for they are very divergent in their
religious goals.
The settlers in Persia and India brought with them the relics of
the glacial melt in an unusual form. It was a complete system that
'developed, maintained and practised' the natural laws of Universal
manifestation based on axioms, as a continuous and continuing
process. The preglacial ritualistic practice of repeating the
memorised verses daily from the age of seven onwards under the
tutelage of Gurus or holistic teachers of different schools, ensured
the continued transfer of all the informative verses to successive
generations. Instead of creating books, they created a 'human
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 419
information' memory bank. This living library, based on the genetic
propensities of the individual, trimmed, trained and honed to
perfection by the specific sage as Guru for each discipline,
transmitted knowledge to the next generation. It produced the
most effective instrument for transferring knowledge to their next
of kin through a human memory bank based on genetic lineage or
Gothra. The Gothra system was linked to stellar positions, or
Nakshatras, based on axiomatic facts of genetic propensities. The
Vedic system of composing verse for oral transmission was a
superior form of communication compared to processes that
depended on scripts. Its perfection also lay in the construction of
memorable phrases, each letter of which, stood for a numerical
value. Hence, they were able to transmit even 25 decimal-placenumbers
without error. Trained in meditative practices the students
became adept in each discipline that needed no pen or paper. The
written structure of Sanskrit developed much later by postglacial
survivors, was a primitive and incomplete effort at preserving those
Vedic verses. The nth generation survivors seemed to have
forgotten, the six built in factors for oral communication,
(mentioned in the first para,) that a meditative Siddhi process
needed. This fact is glaringly evident in some modern translations
of two adjacent verses in a set. Often it shows no connection
between the two whatsoever. But as every meditator knows one
can extract the true meaning of a set only when all its related verses
are held simultaneously in a state of contemplation or Dhyana
An effective preglacial system that had continued for ages
survived the cataclysmic event by the sheer momentum of past
practices spread widely. The relatively few survivors were able to
regurgitate their memorised knowledge without a break. It ensured
the complete revival and renaissance of Vedic knowledge. That,
ostensibly, was one reason why this group lacked motivation to reinvent
religious, philosophical or scientific systems. Vedic scientific
knowledge was epitomised in one preglacial creation the
Bhagavadgita. It had for its axiomatic core, the creation by an
intellectual colossus Maharishi Kapila, the Sankhyayoga. The
unforgettable & dramatisable background creation, the
Mahabharatha had both the Bhagavadgita with the imbedded
Sankhyayoga as its scientific and philosophic foundation. To
420 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
appreciate the sheer ingenuity involved in creating this information
transfer process one must realise it targeted three groups
simultaneously. While Sankhyayoga (Sankhya) or the theory of
counting as Jnanayoga focussed on the rational intellectual, the
Bhagavadgita provided the philosophic meaning through a
pedagogic dialogue between the personalities of Sri Krishna and
Arjuna as Bhaktiyoga. And finally at the lay public through the
most vibrant and unforgettable setting of a battlefield background
with the possibility of dramatising every event in the manifestation
process as Karmayoga. It was not a religion but an axiomatic
science that practised its laws holistically and ritually which
eventually gained a religious equation. It was an elite concept of
practising axiomatic laws called Dharma. The theory based entirely
on axioms had eternal validity. For one cannot disprove an axiom.
Above all, it was a system practised by the preglacial forefathers
and an accident of nature left it as a relic to postglacial man. The
54th. verse in Sankhya gives a circumstantial clue to its origin. The
range of manifestation is defined as 'brahma' at one limit and
'stamba' or fixed-point as the other. This definition can never have
been created in the postglacial scenario. For Brahma, here, is a
revered, pivotal deity, whereas brahma was a technical term for the
field of cosmic space in the earlier era. Modern translators must
realise that Vedas in verse was not meant for this generation just as
we know that Physics today is not aimed at a civilisation surviving a
holocaust. Additionally, a telling fact to ponder over is that how
and why did the re-writers of Veda and Avesta cover the same
process and period, in two different scripts, at about the same time,
if they knew of their origin? Again, why was there later, a
proliferation-of-re-interpretations as Bhuddism, Jainism,
Vaishnavism, Saivism, Vashistadvaitism etc if it were not a clear
indication of dissatisfaction in understanding the preglacial gift?
Maxmuller, under the firm impression that the Vedas were a
superior form of polytheism, classified it as a henotheistic system, a
subordinate to his ideal, the monotheistic religion. His dogmatic
views in fact set the pace for mutilating Vedic translations by
modern research workers. Despite the foregoing pedagogy, what
follows is clinching proof, for the mathematical contents and
scientific concepts in this axiomatic theory could never, never have
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 421
come even from today's scientific elite, let alone post glacial man.
The surprise of surprises lies in this ancient treatise, the Holy Grail
of unification, that exposes the error in a so-called axiomatic
constant of GR that shot Einstein into scientific fame. Therefore,
there cannot be any doubt that the Mahabharatha, Bhagavadgita
and its core, the Sankhyayoga, belong to the same period and
considering its extraordinary scientific content, as shown below, it
certainly cannot be of postglacial origin. The confidence, that this
theory is precise and correct, comes only from the fact that its
numerical parameters match those of Physics with a better-thanacceptable
order of accuracy. These comparative numbers are
shown below in a tabulated form.
The axiomatic and unified theory of Sankhya
What did Maharishi Kapila propound in the Sankhyayoga
(Sankhya) that entitled it to be the core of the Bhagavadgita? It is
highly indicative that in chapter 10, verse 26, Sri Krishna identifies
himself with Muni Kapila as the master of Siddhi. Sankhya is not
only mentioned by name in the second chapter verse 39, but its
heading is Sankhyayoga, as an introduction to the most profound
philosophy on which the subsequent dialogues proceed. Its
importance is doubly certified as the principles of Sankhya are
mentioned several times in almost every chapter. Maharishi Kapila
created 68 sets of verses (total 70) or Suthras (theorems of logic),
each of which contained a proposition and its solution that
explained the entire manifestation process of the Universe. While
it is well nigh impossible to do justice to this extraordinary theory
in this short expose, this brief highlight of its axiomatic principles
will be shown as a lesson in logic.
1. The first verse, which had the starting proposition as a query,
also contained a conditional solution. The test for its acceptability
depended on the correctness of subsequent solutions. It was an
intelligent way to connect all the propositions rigorously to the first
solution. The method of elliptical negation provided logical internal
proof. Even today, Physics would not impose such a constraint for
it cannot unify even one set of forces.
422 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
2. It was based on numerical axioms, which cannot be
disproved and was valid for all times. No theory in science is based
on numerical axioms as of today.
3. The entire mathematical process involved only counting. Sir
Roger Penrose, author of twister theory, foresaw that a correct
theory could only be based on some principle of combinatorial
4. Sankhya theory is based on starting from a clean slate.
Physics was started right in the middle from experimental inputs
that became empirical and so has tremendous complications for it
to find its clean slate.
5. All manifestation processes were defined by one type of
event and that was an interaction in three modes. Science today
has a variety of definitions, like mass, momentum, acceleration,
energy etc, except quantum theory which counts the rate of
phenomenon, based on the Planck's constant. It is the closest to
Sankhya principles.
6. The first interaction can axiomatically be only between the
first two objects. So all the laws of interaction must be completely
derived within the very first interaction. Physics having started in
the middle has a very long way to go before it can define the first
7. All counts of interactions were always a ratio between one set
and another similar unit, so that dimensionality of the interacting
objects cancelled out and only a pure relational and dimensionless
number formed the solution. The unit 1 in Sankhya is a ratio of
infinity upon infinity. This is an important feature in science for
keeping account of dimensionality, which complicates Physics to
ridiculous levels.
8. Since only interactions were to be counted, all manifestation
consisted only of oscillations or vibrations. In terms of a scientific
concept, it meant that Sankhya treated the Universe as a vibrating
hologram (spirituality or ethereal vibrations in lay equivalence). It
was either changing its state by transmigration of stresses or
oscillated in the same location as a frozen hologram. It is an
advanced concept that removes all the anomalies in Physics
mentioned in the second paragraph.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 423
9. Interactions took place in 3 Guna modes namely
simultaneous, resonant and radiant states. The equivalent in Physics
is the inelastic or Thaama, elastic or Sathwa and weak interactive
force or Raja. The three Sankhya modes dealt only with time cycle
variations as a counting procedure. Logically in a dynamic theory
cyclic time was the true variable, for Sankhyan space being real and
substantial, could not vary.
10. Space as the foundation of the Cosmos or Universe was
described only by the relative interactive qualities needed to sustain
manifestation and ensured that only the process of counting
interactions was used to account for its balanced state. From the
scientific point of view it was not necessary to consider the quality
of space or its contents and showed that Sankhya was a relativistic
11. Manifestation is self-similar and scale-invariant. This allows
the same formulation to be applied mathematically to define the
Universe, Galaxy, Sun, Nucleon, Electron or any particulate state
through one constant parameter. Physics, not being scale invariant,
needs at least three parameters and they are not constants.
12. The fundamental field of space in Sankhya is mathematically
defined in Sanskrit as Aikanta (coherent or frozen as a single
entity), Athyantha (without end-perpetual), Atho (dynamic) and
Abhavath (unmanifest or balanced). Physics cannot define space as
it is classified as a vacuum.
13. The holographic mode of manifestation is proved
mathematically by showing that all phenomenon is bound
simultaneously by a spectrum of seven states and released
sequentially be one mode. The enigma in science, why sound, light,
particulate, molecular, atomic, nuclear and sub-particle level have a
periodicity spectrum, is resolved axiomatically.
The above parameters are some of the 'easy to understand'
aspects that differed from Physics. The mathematical aspects of
this theory are all encompassing, profound and complete in all
respects. The unified solutions are derived internally and matched
accurately to provide numerical answers to every known and
unknown stable parameter in Physics and Cosmology. It has its
own system of internal proof by matching six alternate derivations
to 25 decimal places. Sankhya enables the tabulation of the entire
424 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Cosmic manifestation parameters similar to any mathematical log
table or almanac, with the certainty there will be no phenomena
found falling outside it. This aspect is not possible in science today.
How do we know Sankhya is right? Differentiating the Sankhyaderived-
mass of the Universe by its smallest displacement leaves a
precise single unit-angular displacement value of the very first
interaction. Such accuracy is possible only in the realm of the
divine! Sankhya also gives equally accurate numerical solutions to
both scientific and holistic problems in phenomenon. The latter
process by itself is an extraordinary confirmation of Sankhyan
supremacy, for science has deliberately closed its eyes to it and
actually believes holistic perception does not exist!
An overview of Sankhya axiomatic principles in relation to
An outstanding feature of Sankhya is that no measured or
empirical inputs are required and the axiomatic theory starts by
manipulating the interactions between two objects in various ways.
Explaining briefly, Sankhya is based on counting only oscillatory
interactions as a ratio of a standard & axiomatic cycle of 10 counts
which are dimensionless, scale-invariant, coherent, synchronous,
reflection invariant and symmetric. Though space has substantial
qualities identified as the Purusha State, it cancels out, as all
measurements are relative comparisons through its smallest unit
the Moolaprakriti. So the Purusha's basic qualities are not
mathematically relevant in defining phenomenon. Any Sankhya
equation is always the algebraic sum of three Gunas as Thaama
(strong force), Raja (weak force and gravity) and Sathwa
(Electromagnetic force) or a ratio of Thaama / (Raja into Sathwa.).
Hence, all equations compare only three real dimensions. There are
three cyclic states to define time and are governed by three
principles, Simultaneity, Self-similarity and Relativity and these
have scalar (full force), tensor (stress dependant force) and vector
(time dependant force) characteristics respectively. All of space is
always in a dynamic oscillatory state, at an axiomatic rate of
296575967 oscillations per cycle of 10 oscillations or 299792458
oscillations at a metre wavelength / second, which equals the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 425
velocity of light in vacuum. The extraordinary fallout from deriving
the holographic oscillatory state is that it corrects velocity of light
in Physics relativistically by the solar orbital velocity in the Galaxy
by the factor 1.010845. Michelson & Morley detected this corrected
value but no one realised that it was relevant and thought the
experiments failed! Their results displayed a Doppler blue shift in
frequency. Hence, the frequency of light in the Solar system cannot
be constant. It automatically explains the cause of global warming,
which in fact led to the glacial catastrophe.
The Sankhya division of interactive states is shown only to
compare values in Physics. It is shown in a simple and generalised
way to make it understandable to non-scientists. The reader's
attention is drawn to this fact that in Physics all values have been
measured whereas in Sankhya all values are calculated from
axiomatic variations of the numeral two and that principle was
evolved more than 12000 rears ago. Despite that, the difference is
extremely small. All numbers are interactive count rate per selfsimilar
cycle. Where dimensional values are given for comparison,
the Metre-Kilogram-Second system is used with unit time as
1.010845 seconds, due to the relativistic shift from the solar orbital
velocity. Values in Sankhya being axiomatic derivations it can never
change. (B=Billion. L=Light. Y=Years. M = Mega. G = Giga).
Numbers shown with like 10e+6 means it has 6 zeroes or the real
value is a million counts. Or 10e-6 means it has 6 decimal places or
1/1000000th = 0.000001.
Sankhya Stable states. Equivalent in Physics shown in last
mishra state
Max Mass in
Blackhole state
equivalent in
i Mahat
Max Mass in
coherent state
i Sapta
Moha state
Max Mass in
resonant state
Vikriti Moha Min Mass in Lepton426
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Mahat state coherent state Electron
Moha state
Min Mass in
resonant state
Min Mass in
transmigratory state
Stable Mass particles compared to Planck's
constant as energy value
Sankhya Mass Count Physics kgs Sankhya
kgs Sankhya GEV Physics (name)
49 kgs
27 GEV
ti Mahat
2p 10e+
EV x 7
ti Sapta
e-16 EV
Interactive qualities in a cycle (Not
identified in Physics)
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 427
s of Yuga
Yuga -
Time Cycle
Resonant -
Time like
Int. creation
Abhiman -
(self potential)
Linga- Mass Vector
Comparison of axiomatic Sankhya and
Einstein's cosmic concepts
s in Universe
Einstein -
in Physics
19.26 B. L. Y
18.84 B. L.
Time cycle 30.64 B. Y
29.76 B. Y Time
12.8 B. L. Y
13.19 B. L.
expansion rate
Change in
Entropy of
c / 49000
pt of
Closure Density
kgs/m3 always
8 Pi
1.5e78 m3
8 Pi
Mass of
7.8e +52 kgs. 5.68e+53
Radius of
5.99e +25m 1.236e
Classification of Sankhya Holographic states in counts per cycle.
Class in Physics
428 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Class Thaam
ve Flux
3 axis
2 axis
ent Limit
k mass
Moha 10e+10
10 - 3
ve balance
l Flux 3 axis
(Rajasic) Interlo
cked mode
Flux 2 axis
ant Limit
Ahankar 8-
Linga 9-
Bhava 9-
(Satwic) Radial
flux 1 axis
t Limit
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 429
=10e+ 22
5 25-3=22
10e+5 1.236e
10e+20 16+4=1
10e+4 0.939
27 GEV
Vikaro 10e+16 3+13=1
10e+3 0.511
10e+13 16-
10e+5 53.45
EV x 7
Siddhi 10e+8 13-
10e+8 53.45
1 1 1 7.543
e-16 EV
There are a host of related parameters that will be published
later in the author's book the 'Secrets of Sankhya' along with an
accurate scientific comparison that puts Sankhya on the pedestal of
'Theory of Everything'. Coming to the major anomaly of the 9-cup
loss during measurement, that started the train of redemptive
principles in Physics, Sankhya solved it most elegantly. Recall that
the blind man held the measuring cup for one clock second, as he
could not detect the completion of this process. Sankhya principles
axiomatically derived the smallest measuring cup with the fastest
filling rate of seven-cups-at-a-time and stopped filling automatically
because the potential difference became zero! Then there was no
loss at all for the observer just counted the cups, as and when he
took them. Now his measurement would always tally, with what he
took and what was left, as he could never be faster unless he filled
more than 7 cups at a time. The axiomatic spectral characteristics
forbade exceeding 7 states. In plain language, if one immersed the
flattest measuring cup just below the water level, it fulfilled those
conditions. Scientists should 'see' that process as the interactive
flux transfer rate in a blackhole or frozen hologram, confirming
Hawking's diction that its surface area can never decrease. The
proof (shown in table above) is that even the much larger Planck's
constant is also equal to seven Neutrino masses acting
simultaneously as a photon in a radiant spectrum!
430 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Why did not scientists arrive at a similar conclusion? There were
two major reasons. Planck calculated the value of the quantum by
evaluating experiments that measured black body radiation to
simulate a balanced state. He evaluated radiant quanta in
transmigratory motion and concluded that was its final value.
According to Sankhya, it was the equivalent of the quanta in the
radiant mode of an interaction. But a quantum at "rest", the
Moolaprakriti, interacted in the simultaneous or frozen mode of a
blackhole and its value was very different. It was 10e+17 times
smaller or it was equal to one unit of change in the entropy of a
tiny blackhole that Sankhya has identified in every point in space.
Such a small unit of measure hidden in the Planck energy scale
caused the uncertainty in measurements, value of matter density,
particle wave duality and the enigmatic Planckian fluctuations. It is
indeed close to the Cosmological constant that Einstein threw out
as his blunder. Only when a fluctuation exceeded a change in
entropy equivalent to 10e+17, it radiated a photon. So this huge
energy reservoir was hidden. Hubble detected this delay and
misread it as an expansion, for logically the unit rate of change in
entropy will take place only at the very end of an interactive radiant
cycle or 10e+17 metres away.
The numerical proof for this fact comes from the enigmatic 2.7
degree Kelvin background temperature in space that Peebles et al
recorded. The 10e+17 modes of change in entropy in a micro
blackhole in space logarithmically equals the natural log value of e
= 2.718 or the total sum of self-similar change in volume per cycle.
Mathematically it could never exceed 2.718. Hawking et al exposed
the entropy value but as a macro blackhole phenomenon on a solar
scale, for science was apparently unaware of the concept of scale
invariance and reflection symmetry in a frozen hologram. So a tiny
blackhole is no different from a massive blackhole except for its
self-similar time cycle. As a simple example if ten people clap one
after another the ten sequentially related claps could be counted as
'ten claps' but if all ten clapped simultaneously only 'one dense clap'
would be counted. It described charge and mass concepts
respectively in a holographic world. Secondly, the concept of
energy to define phenomenon in space was incorrect. The frozen
mass quanta or Moolaprakriti mass vibrating in the same location
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 431
of space as a coherent hologram had not been taken into account.
It provided the missing darkmatter-mass value (that cosmologists
were searching for) as Planckian fluctuations. Another serious error
had occurred in Physics. Interactions always act in a straight line
and that is an axiom. Hence, there can be no curvature inherent in
any fundamental interaction. Only the loci of a sequence of
interactions looked curved but Reimann & Gauss geometry made it
a fundamental characteristic of space. Einstein used it as the basis
for GR, which introduced the erroneous axiomatic constant 8 Pi.
Because of the foregoing anomaly, Einstein desisted from defining
a singularity. For his problem was in defining the boundary of a
point! Opening out 8 Pi through self-similar mathematics of the
Sankhyan Andhatamisra domain displayed the hidden entropy
spectrum in all its glory, as shown in the tables above. That concept
was the very stroke of a genius, Maharishi Kapila, the veritable
intellectual colossus of a preglacial era.
While laboratory instruments emulated all the five senses, it
could not imitate natures' own instrument the brain, which was the
core that maintained all forms of life. Sankhya proves that the two
halves of the cerebral system were a sensory signal multiplexing
instrument, Buddhi and Siddhi, based on the same interactive
Guna qualities of space. It was indeed the most magnificent
instrument to detect a null current or equi-potential state. The
brain, detecting the Moolaprakriti stress currents as an imbalance in
the potential of the two cerebral lobes, transmitted its difference
through the (eye of wisdom) pineal gland to the Mooladhar or the
lower spinal plexus that magnified it. It was an experiencable signal,
the much spoken about Kundalini current. On receiving a human
query, the two unbalanced cerebral lobes went on a furious search
till they reached the balancing point of a null Moolaprakriti current.
On receiving that answer, the human gave a sigh of relief,
demonstrating his utter satisfaction. That process signified the
symbolic 'OM' state. It was epitomised in Patanjali's Yoga Suthras.
All holistic phenomenon like ESP, astrology, miracle and
manifestation that seemed irrational was due to the Moolaprakriti
surge. It was caused by a phaseshift or 'twist in space' that had not
yet become an identifiable Vritti or photon. It resulted in a
momentary scalar force whose origins were not detectable. The
432 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
unvarying shape of the lunar and solar tidal envelope around the
earth is a further witness to the Moolaprakriti surge. Hence no
instrument based on measuring an energy differential could detect
a change in the phase shift of a potential. Aharanov and Bohm
proved this point through experiments. But every cerebral system
based on genetic cells in man, animal or plant could detect it, as a
change in feeling, mood or physical state. Backster proved this
aspect through experiments on plants and it is known as the
'Backster effect'. Especially, more so for man, when he was in the
null or balanced Theta brain wave state of 3.75 cycles per second in
deep meditation. The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's students bounced
'crossed-legged' along a laid out demonstration course, in full view
of the public, in the Theta or Siddhi-state. Ayurveda operated
through the same Guna laws but applied to 'genetic-molecules' as
Vata, Pitta and Kapha, synonymous with Sathwa, Raja and Thaama
states respectively.
As everything was affected by the ever-present stellar
Moolaprakriti stress transmigration currents astrology played an
important part in influencing the trends in all interactive aspect of
genetic matter. Maharishi Kapila, through his holographic theory,
gave a mathematical basis to understand one of the most enigmatic
concepts that pervade all religions. The concept of the human soul
and its consequence was the interaction of a resonant hologram
that acted according to the principles of the three Gunas.
Epitomised as the (field theory) Kshetrajna of (actions) Karma in
the Bhagavadgita, it followed the same axiomatic laws of a Vritti or
photon but in its own time cycle. Dr. Moody had published
accounts of 'near-death-experiences' of over 2000 people that were
nothing but a refusal of such wandering holograms to disintegrate
on those occasions. Sri Krishna tells Arjuna the same fact that
those he hesitated to slay were already dead as their holograms had
lived out its time then! The Hughes Drever experiments did detect
the Moolaprakriti stress transmigration current in space but was
declared an instrument noise by wise scientists. Such a current
removed the need to propound the Principle of Equivalence, as
there was only one stress current in space. It acted as gravitation,
electromagnetic, weak, strong forces or as phase-shifts in the quark
and blackhole domains, depending on cycle time. The foregoing
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 433
theory could never, repeat never, have come from even today's
citadels of Physics and Cosmology, let alone postglacial man, unless
one resurrected the 'Vedic divine origin' aspect again. In this
extraordinary background, the Lokmanya's hypothesis based on
meticulous research becomes very relevant.
As pointed out earlier, the scientific peerdom will be the one
major obstacle to a smooth and effective transfer of this axiomatic
science of Dharma to the public domain. Because current Physics
and Cosmology will be reluctant to switch over to a
holographic, dimensionless, scale-invariant, reflection- invariant
theory, in a space that is certainly not a vacuum. Moreover
introducing axiomatic principles into the laboratory domain will be
like setting the cat among the pigeons. That would automatically
remove the principles that glossed over anomalies and place
theoretical science on the back burner. An undesirable synthesis,
for the left-brain 'rationalists' of science, would be the need to
work with so called right brain 'irrationalists'. For in this axiomatic
and holistic science the invisible part of space takes on an
unimaginable share of importance. Then experts in handling
psychokinetic phenomenon like the Sathya Saibaba or Uri geller
could help holistic science quantum leap into new frontiers. For
instance, as early as 1930, both Annie Beasant and Leadbeater
published accurate sketches, in minute detail, of 92 atomic
elements in the periodic table by 'seeing them visually' in a
meditative state. But nobody believed it for 50 years till Dr. Phillips
confirmed it his book recently. Over a period of years, Peter
Hurkos helped the Dutch police to solve complex crimes through
clairvoyant vision. The holographic background gives a new twist
to astrology, much against the so-called rationalistic view. It affects
every phase of predicting organic or inorganic phenomena, like
earthquakes, stratospheric twitching, cosmic ray showers and a host
of things too large to mention here. And that is because the
concept of Gravity as a force is too large a tool to detect the
microscopic Moolaprakriti rumblings in the same gravitational
field. In fact, numerous people have reported experiencing
headaches before an earthquake. Animal and birds have been seen
to flee the area before such an event. Instead of instrumentally
imitating, the cerebral functions, a new cadre of holistic scientists,
434 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
may have to evolve in order to attain speedy results, as
developments in this area need not be of the existing pattern at all.
For instance the entire information technology spectrum can
switch over to an organic, genetic recombinant 'hardware' that
grows, maintains and renews like any living system, operating on
self generated low voltage organic D.C. power systems. It could
also do parallel processing of information when demanded. There
could be a revolution in power generation concepts through the
production of 'fuel-less-power' direct from space. For, the hidden
coherent gravitation field itself is capable of yielding unlimited
supply of both electrical and mechanical power as elucidated
through Sankhya principles. The work of the scientific genius
Tesla, is a case to point, in that area of field-energy mechanics.
Next, the mechanism for initiating cold fusion will be made easy
when scientists understand the new Sankhya principle of
'simultaneity', the governing theory for all dynamic coherent states.
There is no evidence, in Physics even today, of a self-similar
mathematics regime that operates in the 'simultaneous interactive'
regions with precision. Hawking, in one of his lectures bemoaned
the inadequacy of the Schroedinger equation (to solve blackhole
problems), the only simple mathematical tool available in this
The principle of self-similarity, embodied in the three Gunas, is
symbolically represented by a bow. Forces of compression in the
arch as a vector and tension in the string as a tensor are in balance
simultaneously. When an arrow was shot it represented a scalar
force and what the Schroedinger equation calculated was the depth
of penetration in the target! No doubt Hawking lamented its
limitations for Maharishi Kapila's Moolaprakriti measured the
vibrating rate of the string before the arrow was shot! Arjuna, the
archer, was a master of the symbolic Gunas in the Gita, while Sri
Krishna was the ultimate architect of the unified science of
Dharma in the Universe. The 69th Suthra states that Sankhya is a
secret or coded creation and apparently not meant for open
circulation. Hence, there is the danger that, while such scientific
development could flourish in the benign countries, misuse of
fundamental knowledge in the hands of unscrupulous groups could
produce disastrous effects. For the key to fusion energy, genetic
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 435
recombinant technology, quantum information-decoherenceentanglement-
avalanche phenomenon and ESP subliminalinformation-
transfer, are areas, among countless other possibilities,
that could make the earth a veritable hell to live in if misused by
mindless rulers.
Finally, the creation of Sankhyayoga by Maharishi Kapila is
invaluable on three counts. Sankhya unified the two concepts of
science and religion by demonstrating its equivalence through
axiomatic laws.
Accepting the fact that cosmic laws must remain the same with
or without an observer, every human being should have been able
to understand it in an identical way. But driven by their innate
genetic Guna-qualities (shown below) people polarised broadly into
two groups with rationalistic (scientific) and holistic (religious)
preferences. The prevailing view was that science, based on a
sequential logic starting from an empirical source-level, described
phenomena effectively. However, scientists rationalised that theistic
principles, on the other hand, pre-empted the scientific analytical
process by identifying a timeless and powerful creator as the
initiating cause. Supporters of religious dogma argued that scientific
analysis was matter-oriented, temporal and ignored the eternal
aspects of reality. But Maharishi Kapila's theory elegantly pointed
out that an arbitrary source-level in science or the enigmatically
powerful creator in religion could both be conceptually replaced by
an axiomatic source-law of nature called Dharma. Axioms are not
created for they are always there as a pure relationship of two
numerical variables. As is well known axioms cannot be disproved
and are therefore valid eternally to all humanity. This fact
automatically endowed it with the mantle of divinity and so it
logically satisfied the fundamental precepts of eternity in religion.
The goal of scientists too has always been to base scientific theories
on axioms, to eliminate the uncertainty at its source-level. The
intellectual magnificence of Maharishi Kapila showed through
exquisite mathematics that this very axiomatic source had the
power of the most powerful creator that man or any observer
could ever conceptualise. Since Sankhya derived the ultimate
Purusha state purely through axioms, where was the reason for
science and religion to differ? For all their core, requirements of a
436 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
powerful, eternal and logical source were fulfilled beyond all
human expectations (Physics has yet to discover the Purusha state
of coherent power. Its value is shown in the tables above).
2. Maharishi Kapila unified the two contentious concepts of
materiality and spirituality by demonstrating through precise
mathematics that all manifestation was a hologram or the very
embodiment of spirituality. He underscored the fact that one
cannot have spirituous vibrations without interactive matter, which
was the core-Guna-theme in the Bhagavadgita.
The 50 verses in chapter 13 in the Bhagavadgita gave an
exhaustive pedagogic explanation of the field concept or Kshetra
comprising the Brahmanda or field of cosmic space. Maharishi
Kapila showed unequivocally that what an observer detected was
only a vibration from an interaction between two objects. Present
day Physics too has confirmed that everything in this Universe is
composed of vibratory or oscillatory components, be it solid or
evanescent. Through the three Guna interactive modes (explained
earlier), Sankhya shows (through Suthras 3 and 46) with utmost
numerical clarity that the solid, massive and static Purusha state of
ultimate power is only composed of the lightest Moolaprakriti
vibratory state. But there are 1050 Moolaprakriti units (shown in the
table above) interacting simultaneously in the Purusha state. That
unimaginable number acting simultaneously contributes to the
impression of solidity. The field of molecules we call air can be
blown away easily by us but the same air in a tornado blows away
our very homes, displaying a hidden factor of solidity that could
never have been conceptualised. It is just the simple molecule of air
acting simultaneously as a group. Sankhya mathematics shows that
tornado represents a moving hologram called Vritti. The Purusha
and the Moolaprakriti are the same moving holograms albeit of
different values. So is the Proton, Electron, Neutrino, Sun, Moon,
Galaxy, the human being, one has only to name it. The epitome of
the concept of spirituality is the field or Kshetra that forms the
human soul, the very opposite of the common view of 'materiality'
in a matter dominated world. But the human soul is nothing else
but a Moolaprakriti hologram, the very Kshetrajna or the 'knower
of the field' that Sri Krishna explains to Arjuna in the
Bhagavadgita. Then where is the difference between the so called
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 437
matter composed of electrons and protons of 1027 Moolaprakriti
units and the spirituous soul of a human being containing the same
number of those fundamental holograms? Only a heckler will fail
to see the identical nature of the two states of manifestation. That
is why Arjuna is told to be without the three Gunas in order to
understand the true nature of phenomenon. Because the Guna or
innate genetic quality of an individual, clouds his ability to 'see
through' the confusing variety of manifestation, that hides the real
nature of an event. Or in simple words don the robe of objectivity
to see the woods for the trees. Physics too suffers from the same
malady for in naming the Planck's constant as an 'unit' of energy
they had unwittingly collared the very holographic tornado in its
nascent state. One hopes that Maharishi Kapila's unification
paradigm would end the needless divide between Physics and
holistic science or the materialistic science and spiritualistic religion.
Its time that man realised, by uniting the two pseudo-concepts,
natural law will allow him to really experience the bounties of this
magnificent universe in the easiest possible manner.
3. In conclusion, he demonstrated the oneness in the material
underpinnings of Reality with the spiritual supremacy of a God
concept, as just two complementary aspects of a contemplative
human mind. Or the concept of God and the Cosmos being
inseparable in the Vedas, it was an Omnipresent, Omnipotent and
Omniscient state.
The Visvarupa state in the 11th. chapter of the Bhagavadgita is a
pedagogic expose of the equality of the concept of God and the
Universe in symbolic terms. Pedagogic definitions are open to
misinterpretation. Mere numerical identification, though precise, is
again open to being labelled an absolute, which has no relevance in
a relativistic world. But numerical axioms are a relational truism
based on the natural proportionality of numbers that remain true
eternally. As shown earlier, the first interaction can only take place
between two objects and can only occur in three modes. Out of
myriad possibilities, Sankhya derived one axiom that described the
three Guna modes of interaction which was correct under all
variations and for all times. It encompassed the law of selfsimilarity
when two or more modes of action occurred
simultaneously. Recall the earlier example of the bow.
438 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Astoundingly through that one self-similar Guna law, Sankhya
theorems derived all aspects of universal manifestation and the
small-tabulated example shown above is a witness to its profound
depth. Maharishi Kapila proved mathematically that one axiomatic
law of Dharma operated eternally, self-organised and selfcontrolled,
thus enshrouding it with the indelible mark of divinity.
It truly described a Universe beyond humanity. It needed no
human beings to understand Cosmic physics. Viewing it objectively
it must be so. It is indeed an axiom.
Maharishi Kapila was only needed to tell other human beings
what that exotic law was for he understood it. But why was that
necessary? Could not others too do what he did? They too could
have and that was the theme in the Bhagavadgita. It was just one
simple message -be without the Gunas. But how could a human
being be without the Gunas unless he knew what it was and that it
was there in the first place. Even after 400 years of dedicated
modern scientific investigation Physics had not even suspected its
existence, let alone discover and use it. Then how can man? That
was the theme of Maharishi Kapila's Sankhyayoga where he laid
bare the meditative Siddhi process operating in the Guna mode
(through Suthras 4,5 and 6) that was later elaborated by Maharishi
Patanjali. Despite this caveat, man, driven by innate feelings of
dissatisfaction, sought the very same goal that Maharishi Kapila
did. But in another way. Man's dissatisfaction came from within
him. To a fundamental query like 'who am I' to his left cerebral
lobe with sequential analytical abilities, the right cerebral lobe
awaited its reply. It kept on processing that reply in the holistic
simultaneous mode till it was satisfied. While in the case of
Maharishi Kapila, it stopped and he created Sankhyayoga, but for
all of us lesser mortals, it still kept seeking an answer. On being
diverted to do its essential chores, the right cerebral lobe cried a
temporary halt and holistically named the Creator as the cause of
'who he was'. Changing this mindset needed a paradigm shift
towards a purely intellectual objectivity, wherein all past mental
conditioning had to be jettisoned ruthlessly, even if temporarily.
The meditative Siddhi process did just that and increased the
chances of attaining a satisfactory answer. While the dichotomy
continued, the contemplative search too continued to support the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 439
need for a separate Creator to create an Omnipresent Reality.
When would it end?
The intellectual greatness of Maharishi Kapila lay in his
demonstration of an extraordinary fact, through the opening
Suthra. Wherever manifestation dissolved by attaining a coherent
(hence restful) state, what was left was the Aikanta-Athyantha-
Atho-Abhavath state or the Coherent, Eternal, Dynamic but
Unmanifest state of Brahmanda, the fundamental field of cosmic
space. Its perfection lay in the fact that this process applied to any
fundamental field for there was only one Guna law for all such
fields. Hence, the cerebral field too, if allowed to attain its
fundamental state, was left in the Aikanta-Athyantha-Atho-
Abhavath state. It was an axiomatic Siddhi state where the left and
right cerebral halves balanced perfectly because the Gunas
disappeared into its single Moolaprakriti transmigration state. It
was at last without the Gunas. The concept of Creator and the
Reality dissolved into each other and what was left was only an
extraordinary experience of that fundamental field of Brahmanda
in the Aikanta-Athyantha-Atho-Abhavath state. The remnant state
of utter and deep satisfaction helped to change the mindset in time.
Having demonstrated that the conceptual difference between the
Creator and the permanent Reality actually merged into one
another, that fundamental state could then be described objectively
only as an Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient state. Or
Brahmanda, the field of Cosmic space. Was there any uncertainty?
None except in the human mind that lacked the knowledge to
overcome it. Can we quantify the error factor that a human mind
must accept? Yes, it is just one Moolaprakriti transmigration rate
for 1/10 of a second. Can we sum up the gift that the intellectual
colossus, Maharishi Kapila, gave to humanity? What could be
greater than numerically specifying THAT extraordinary state of
REALITY in unequivocal terms for mankind so that he learns that
there is no such a thing as UNCERTAINTY in that state in the
440 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Appendix 2: The Siddhi Meditative process.
Psychics do not 'see' visions of distant events like a film
projection. But they adjust their internal ability progressively to
match the poteintial changes that always exist in the field . When
such a matching process motivated by their own internal nergy
seems satisfactory the meaning of the vision becomes clear.
Telepathy is really a sympathetic or resonant state created in the
mind that 'beats' with the coherently oscillating field that does not
transmit radiant energy signals as in radio tv processes. The
sensitivity of the individul to synchronise by will with the 'vague'
feelings his senses convey to him from the field. Hence the
uncertainty and rarity. e s
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 441
Appendix 3: Sankhya And Einstein
Ref: 'Meaning of Relativity' Indian Edition 1965. (Sixth edition
revised 1956-reprint 1960)
There's a mythical story circulated by ancient intellectuals
which goes like this: To the question where does the earth rest in
space one ethnic replied it was on the back of a giant tortoise. It
was promptly countered by another contemporary that the tortoise
was too small so it had to be a giant whale and despite numerous
intellectuals joining the philosophical fray no acceptable answer to
end this quest was found. Sad to say but that query is still
unanswered to date. The tenor of the humour one saw in these
ancient answers would be no different from those views
expressed by our contemporary intellectuals.
In Appendix 2, page 134 of the above referred edition, Einstein
has raised a query and answered it as follows: "What innovations
in the post-Newtonian development of the foundation of physics
have made it possible to overcome the inertial system? First of all,
it was the introduction of the field concept by, and subsequently to,
the theory of electromagnetism of Faraday and Maxwell, or to be
more precise , the introduction of the field as an independent, not
further reducible fundamental concept". Einstein deftly refrained
(on page 3) from analysing the Galilean tortoise of points forming
the independent-field-continuum, and glossed over the Newtonian
whale called inertial systems, to adopt the undefined Faraday-
Maxwell substitute of a field.
The irony of this process is particularly evident when one
realises that there is still no precise mathematical definition of
what a field in physics really means today (2004), yet Einstein
proceeded to fill the paucity in logical continuity by introducing the
infinitesimal displacement-field as a workable mathematical entity,
without a real and physical meaning.
Here it is worth emphasising the Sankhya axiomatic logic that,
intellectually and physically, it is impossible to deal with 'nothing'.
Hence 'nothing or empty space' must be dealt with as a real 'something'
and the field as a 'substantial element' of space. Another
axiom that gives the clue to deriving a perfect theory is the concept
442 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
of looking at cosmic space as though it were populated with cubes,
however small , for it forms the simplest mathematical expression
to describe the Universe in terms of elemental components,
regardless of how large the cosmos may be. Further, the moment
the description of a unit of anything, say even a Universe, is
categorised as one, then it demands a mathematical anzats that
defines its singular status through the concept of simultaneity,
(which does not exist in physics today) because the entire ensemble
acts together simultaneously.
If this singularity, whether it be a Universe, Galaxy, stellar or
planetary body, can be represented by any numerical quantity, then
it axiomatically provides its boundary or limiting condition by the
reciprocal of that value, for it forms the unit base. The entire
mathematical process conceptually and actually reduces to a mere
process of counting. An axiomatic approach to solving problems
has an extremely precise principle as a corollary. It is the principle
of self similarity that derives all its laws from within itself and is not
dependant on any external inputs. Putting it succinctly, either such
a theory works or it does not.
Such axiomatic logic loops back to synchronise with its starting
proposition with just six equations to provide an identical, equal
and exact numerical value as the correct answer to a problem. It
has the extraordinary power of supplying its own proof by the six
redundant equations. If the answers to these six equations are
different and inexact then it cannot be the theory and must be
rejected. Einstein has himself dealt with this aspect in appendix II
as the strength of equations. The outstanding achievement of
Sankhya logic is that it derives an axiomatic basis for every point in
space being the permanent and continuous source of maximum
power by naturally functioning as a tiny blackhole-quantum, the
laws of which are an exact replica of the largest Blackhole, the
Such symmetry, on its own merits, is an admirable quality that
mathematicians dream of but seldom realise in reality. Not
withstanding the power of mathematics, scientific analysis must
also be unequivocally bound to such rigorous human logic, that it is
deemed to be of an axiomatic nature and it should only be
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 443
supported by mathematical calculations to maintain precision and
logical continuity.
Mathematical expressions can be seen as a concise means of
transmitting knowledge, as formulations, devoid of ambiguities.
Any mathematical process by itself is not based on absolute logic
but forms a tool to augment logical explanations, which again
depends on the skill of the investigator to find ways to use it
meaningfully. Unfortunately there exists a section of intellectual
opinion today that expect the un-understandable aspects of nature
to be made meaningful through an iterative and mechanical
application of advanced mathematical procedures. But the past
history of scientific development shows it cannot replace the
intuitive logic exposed by human innovative intelligence.
Einsteins's theory of General Relativity is a case to point.
A considered analysis of Einstein's views on gravitational
physics, ispPresented in this paper, as an equivalent comparison to
the concepts elucidated by Maharishi Kapila in Sankhya. The
question, why should one compare only Einstein's theory with
Sankhya, can be answered by the fact that General and Special
Relativity still remain the number 'one' in physics and cosmology.
Secondly the intellectual basis and content of relativity is logical
and its foundation is based on an acknowledged deficiency arising
out of the experimental failure (Michelson-Morley experiments) to
detect and define space. Till then, however, the prevailing scientific
opinion supported the view that space had real properties, similar
to Sankhyan thinking. Hence any argument for an alternate theory
can be confined to analysing these primary inadequacies and
bridging the gap in concept & theory then becomes a
complementary effort rather than an exercise in confrontation.
Sankhya principles do not violate any aspect of science. It
compliments it by providing the means to decipher the hidden
regimes. The current variant theories under the caption "String",
"Super-symmetry", "GUT" & etc., are all covered in Sankhya as an
integral part of its normal evolution through its self-similar and
scale-invariant axiomatic mathematical logic. Hence no effort has
been made to compare these newer theories explicitly and in any
case the essence of these theories are not really different from the
444 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
acknowledged relativistic concepts, except for the difference in its
mathematical procedures and experimental conformity.
Einstein, in Appendix 2 under 'General Remarks' has given his
sincere and deeply thought out rationale why he considered his
approach to relativistic theory as the only possible way to avoid
field theoretic complications leading to more complex equations.
He outlines the possible variations like increasing the number of
dimensions of the continuum, adding vector fields to the existing
displacement tensor field and involving equations with higher
orders of differentiation. But he felt neither physical nor empirical
reasons existed that compelled one to take these steps. However,
he made the point, that as of then, any field theory was not
completely determined by the system of field equations. He raised
the question that should one admit the appearance of singularities
which necessarily leads to postulating its boundary conditions. He
did not think it was reasonable to include such postulates in a
continuum theory, as it would be far too vague; as also the field
equations would not hold for such conceptual points. Again such
an inclusion, he demonstrated through a numerical example, would
be an approximation at best and would strictly form an inaccurate
solution in space that is free of singularities.
Einstein voiced the need for an improvement in mathematical
methods, which might help such an approach. He was also critical
of the need to modify a field theory into a statistical theory of
probabilities through 'quantisation' as a first step, which he felt
was an effort to represent a non linear process by a linear method.
He further adds that one can give good reasons why reality cannot
at all be represented by a continuous field. He also stated that the
quantisation phenomenon implied with certainty that finite system
of finite energy can be completely described by a finite set of
numbers (quantum numbers).
Hence, in the very last sentence he states "This does not seem
to be in accordance with a continuum theory and must lead to
an attempt to find a purely algebraic theory for the
description of reality. But nobody knows how to obtain the
basis of such a theory."
It is uncanny that his final 'view-in-despair' seems to have been
tailored exactly to reflect the logic on which Sankhya theory was
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 445
based ages ago. How, each deficiency, he has voiced, is eliminated
by the axiomatic logic of the Sankhya Suthras (theorems of logic)
that leads to a perfectly unified theory of universal phenomenon, is
presented further below.
The foregoing view on singularities was tantamount to
postulating that the conceptual point was not a substantial or real
element of space. Logic however dictated that a 'point' must be
mathematically definable as a real element of the field, if a theory
was to be considered as being complete and self sufficient on its
own merit. Sankhya logic overcame the Einsteinian conundrum
ages ago by defining singularities as simultaneous states containing
the reactions of all past interactions and likewise observable
interactive states, as sequential activity involving events in the
future. In a brilliant mathematical anzats involving self-similar
principles, Sankhya logic showed that the boundary of a singularity
was the ending point of simultaneity and the starting point of
sequential activity. In the main section on Gunas (Suthras 7 to 10)
the derivation of this concept is shown numerically.
A whole range of such boundary conditions could be generated
as powers of (1/x)n = (1+x)n and the latter could be expanded as a
binomial series to give a precise numerical value to its hidden
internal structure. Then any unit could be meaningfully factored as
(1+x)n (x)n = 1. It provided a spectrum of 'sequences of similarity'
equivalent to the Planck's blackbody radiation spectrum. By this
means not only was the boundary of a singularity defined but also
made equivalent to the basic equation of motion like the
Schroedinger / Dirac expressions.. At the same time it eliminated
the Heisenburg principle of uncertainty for now the point or
singularity contained the region of uncertainty as an expandable
binomial series with unlimited choice of parameters to nail the
source of uncertain time or distance, within a boundary that could
be made as small as one wanted.
On page 3 of the referred volume, there is a very relevant
statement that highlights the break in logic which very surprisingly
is explained satisfactorily by Sankhya theorems. Einstein states "I
shall not go into the details concerning those properties of the
space of reference which lead to our conceiving points as elements
of space, and space as a continuum. Nor shall I attempt to analyse
446 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
further the properties of space which justify the conception of
continuous series of points, or lines. If these concepts are assumed
, together with their relations to the solid bodies of experience,
then it is easy to say what we mean by the three dimensionality of
space; ---etc" . A number of major conceptual gaps are glossed
over by the foregoing statement as set out below.
'Solid' bodies in space are accepted as a fundamental state
without further mathematical analysis. Logical completeness of any
theory demands that if observable phenomenon is defined
mathematically, then it must also be capable of defining through
the same logic non-observable phenomenon too (like empty space)
, that forms a part of what is considered to be the totality. The
possibility of identifying the point, as a mathematical representation
of a singularity, defining a real element or unit of a substantial field,
has been overlooked, even though experiential logic clearly
indicates the equivalence. The very concept of a quantum is in
effect the identification of a singular and independent entity that
behaves in such a way that it can be quantified by a unit integer that
retains it character throughout its existence, as the activity constant
in Sankhya.
The 3 dimensions of space are taken as a standard structure
synonymous with a static framework of reference that lends it the
factor of 'solidity' perceived by experience. Strict adherence to logic
necessitates the demonstration through mathematical rigor the
evolution of the 'solid' quality as a derivable aspect of observable
phenomena. Such an effort would demonstrate that even
'dimensions' (powers ) greater than 3 could still represent a non
solid or non observable phase of phenomenon in real terms and
not just an artefact of mathematical logic. The foregoing
underscores the fact that despite all the intellectual exploration into
higher "dimensional space", real space is vectorially limited to the 3
axis in reality.
On the contrary, Sankhya concept is founded on real space
populated with definable matter in a dynamic state whose
properties can only be intellectually inferred by axiomatic logic,
which is not in conflict with observation and experience. Such a
process becomes vital when one realises the impossibility of
deriving theoretical factors through experimental verification at the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 447
fundamental or absolute level. Sankhya logic was based on the
principle of splitting space into two permanent, complementary
and mathematically reciprocal factors of sequential time or activity
and simultaneous time or super-positioned activity states displaying
mass and density characteristics in a coherent or 'stationery' state.
The implication of a such an approach was that If time or action
was detected it portrayed its dynamic phenomenal status ,
otherwise it depicted its (reciprocal) synchronised state equivalent
to its static condition.
In very simple terms it meant that the substantiality of space
had no effect on our mathematical equations except its state of
activity displaying sequential or simultaneous time . With this
extremely simple and elementary approach the need to look at the
static state through a separate mathematical anzats was eliminated
and enabled the presentation of both dynamic and static phases
through a single and unified formula. It simply meant that a cube
described by holographic methods would be equivalent to a static
expression of Length3 when in a resonant or coherent state. Hence
the necessity to classify space into Galilean, inertial, Newtonian,
electromagnetic field etc. were completely eliminated. In fact the
mathematical derivation then exposed the various types of listed
behaviour as a consequence and not apriori.
In conceptual terms it meant that observable action and non
detectable activity could be treated mathematically as the reciprocal
of one another; or the sequential and simultaneous aspects of time
were nothing other than the equivalent of the mobile and static
aspect of interactions in space. Hence, even a point in space could
be treated as an element of reality, which then endowed each of
them with the mathematical status of a real singularity or element
in the real field of space. In such a situation, the point singularity
having a mathematical value lends it the quantised status and what
is more, the point concept naturally leads on to a field theory with
the characteristics of a continuum made up of real points.
While an objection can be raised here, that the above seems to
be a repetition of the abandoned Ether concept, the Sankhya
mathematics will show that it is a dynamic state so fundamentally
different, as chalk from cheese. The outstanding achievement of
Sankhya logic is that it derives through an axiomatic basis, the so
448 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
called cubic point in space, to function as the permanent and
continuous source of power by acting as a tiny 'blackhole-quantumsingularity'
that absorbs all unbalanced activity and in the process
has the ability to expand into the state of a gigantic cosmic
spherical envelope without losing its property of scale-invariance,
self similarity, self organisation and self maintenance, through one
elemental variable 'time' not as a dimension but as a relational and
countable state of cyclic-activity.
On page 23 Einstein makes a point that the configuration of
rigid bodies have been founded upon the hypothesis that all
directions in space or all configurations of Cartesian systems of coordinates,
are physically equivalent. He refers to this equivalence as
the 'principle of relativity with respect to direction' that uses the
calculus of tensors to establish such equations. Then poses the
query whether there is a 'relativity with reference to the state of
motion of the space of reference.' While admitting there is such a
principle based on Galilean transformation of co-ordinates, he
points out that it fails when applied to electromagnetic
phenomenon. Such a Galilean process shows that the velocity of
light varies with direction with reference to an observer whereas
the equations of Maxwell-Lorentz are based on the constancy of
electromagnetic translation velocity. He quotes in support, the
results of the Michelson-Morley experiments that showed the
velocity of light was not affected by the translation speed of the
earth in space. Further, he made the point that, as there were no
experiments that could be conducted on the earth to show that it is
travelling at about 30kms around the sun, it confirmed the
experimental findings and the correctness of the logic behind the
principle of special relativity.
It is worth making an observation here, that both the
problematic questions raised by him can be shown to possess
contrary answers on applying Sankhya principles. The axiomatic
self similar principles of Sankhya show that all phenomenon
including the electromagnetic and particle ensembles are bundles of
vibrations locally generated by each point-singularity or Purusha
(blackhole state) in reaction to interactive stresses. The vibrations
or oscillations maintain a precise and constant rate, within its own
cyclic time of an axiomatic ratio . This holographic ensemble
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 449
transmigrates from one Purusha state to another Purusha state like
a line of people passing buckets of water from person to person
without the persons themselves moving to transport the bucket. In
this 'chain' analogy assume that every human is a Purusha state, the
arms of the human the co-ordinate system, the bucket the earth
and water the electromagnetic wave ensemble and the constant rate
of change of bucket from hand to hand the velocity of earthtransfer
and light-velocity, the rate of transfer of stresses in water .
The co-ordinate laws governing the transfer between bucket
and human hand are governed by rigid body or mechanical
considerations. One can use Cartesian, Galilean or Newtonian
equations here. What is not apparent, in the rigid-body mode of
analysis, that the Sankhyan principle of simultaneity (self similar
laws) is implicit as a time varying factor, but are excluded in the so
called classical treatment of physics. For the rigid body is really an
object of many parts acting together simultaneously. Not so the
water in the bucket, for it depends on its state of flexibility and
organisational form. Here one has to use equations of Maxwell,
Lorentz and special relativity. The velocity of transfer of water and
bucket being the same no relative velocity could be measured
between the two. Michelson-Morley measured just that –a null
difference between rate of transfer of earth (bucket) and lightwave
(stresses in water) with reference to space or the human
In this analogy the concept of a solid body should be replaced
by synchronous and coherent ensembles of vibrations that imitates
the static state and thereby projects the solidity of form, like the
bucket. But another experiment could have been conducted then
(the Doppler frequency shift) to show that the stresses in the water
increased in the direction of movement and decreased in the
opposite direction, displaying the frequency shift towards the blue
in the former case and shift towards the red for the latter. (In
relativity this is separated out as the characteristics of a gravitational
field, implying that it was a different state.) Hence the speed of
earth-motion could be derived from the Doppler frequency shift in
light frequency. A new experiment, yet to be conducted, will show
the bucket too (earth) will register an increase in stress in the
direction of motion and its reverse, a decrease in stress at the
450 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
opposite end, which could be detected as change in the angle of
synchronisation or coherence of the internal stress potential.
The evidence for this factor exists even now in the distorted
tidal envelope around the earth and its extraordinary nature
highlighted by the maintenance of its shape as a permanent static
form, the mathematics for which does not exist in current physics.
Any static form in space, where everything is in motion in relation
to everything else, can only be described through formulas based in
simultaneous or self-similar laws operated through a single variable.
Therefore, absolute or zero movement will be represented by a
perfectly spherical surface distribution of an identical-potential
values in different directions from a common centre. These would
confirm the Sankhya concept of the holographic coherent field of
space populated by singularities in the Purusha state of a blackhole.
The conversion of Sankhya logic into the equivalent
mathematical form recognised in physics, will show that the
fundamental unit in space expands to the bounded universal
volume in a natural and axiomatic way that encompasses the
concepts of quantum mechanics, electromagnetic and
thermodynamic principles in a single integrated mode that
collectively displays the characteristics of a gravitational field. It
shows unequivocally and unambiguously that there is only one
single law, process and method that operates in diverse ways at
different levels of observation.
On page 54 Einstein makes a point that as long as the principle
of inertia is regarded as the cornerstone of physics then the earlier
view of space as a real medium was justified. But he provided two
serious criticisms of this concept. "In the first place it is contrary to
the mode of thinking in science to conceive of a thing (the spacetime
continuum) which acts itself, but which cannot be acted upon.
In order to develop this idea within the limits of modern theory of
action through a medium , the properties of the space-time
continuum which determines inertia must be regarded as field
properties of space, analogous to the electromagnetic field. The
concepts of classical mechanics afford no way of expressing this."
The solution to the problem posed by Einstein is provided in
the main Sankhya Suthras. The definition of each component of
space (using concepts allied to classical mechanics) is precisely and
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 451
axiomatically enumerated as a Purusha state of a blackhole (or
singularity), which has the properties of a coherent (centred) field
that displays radiative (or electromagnetic) action when it's
balanced state of activity is upset but returns to the coherent state
(synchronous-field or inertial or static state) by absorption of all
non synchronous activity. It seems to act but not react
immediately and displays the typical dual-field property of a 'oneway
ground state' or activity sink or absorber field.
Here the principle of field action is described in two ways
namely that non synchronous or circulating field activity can be
described by electromagnetic laws of Maxwell / Lorentz and
special relativity whereas synchronous field activities achieve self
similar coherent states that display qualities of mass or inertia and
must be described by the self similar field laws of a singularity that
are equivalent to Newton's gravitational laws, Einstein's General
Relativity and blackhole mechanics delineated by Hawking et al, the
latter three of which are true only as a boundary condition of the
real point in space. The formulation of 1/x = 1+x defines that
boundary condition where the Schroedinger equation begins to
function and the uncertainty of observable can be minimised to as
small a bound as one can or want. The magic here is that a
blackhole point or singularity (which represents the most dynamic
state) resembles the perfect static holographic state, when
expressed mathematically by a single law. One cannot but agree
with Einstein's observations that there is no statistical uncertainty
in nature which in the context of human thinking gives it the divine
Later, on page 55 he says "In the second place, classical
mechanics exhibits a deficiency which directly calls for an extension
of the principle of relativity to spaces of reference which are not in
uniform motion relatively to each other." Here he points out that
even though there are two different conceptual modes of defining
the cause of acceleration as being due to an inertial or gravitational
mass, the values from both are always identical and equal to each
other. He concludes that this equality of both types of mass is
justified in reality (through experiments of Eotvos etc) and before
theoretically accepting this equivalence one must show that the two
different concepts of mass derivation are the same in principle.
452 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Using relativistic logic he analytically concludes that the equality of
both masses can only be confirmed if the system was considered to
be at rest relative to each other but the accelerative property was
inherent in a gravitational field that influences and determines the
metric laws of the space time continuum.
The rather extenuating mathematical logic, used to arrive at this
conclusion given above is, on the contrary, made simple and
precise by the Sankhya concept of a holographic base for all
manifestation. This sea of singular, elemental matter comprising
cubic point singularities provided the base for phenomenon. The
singular element in the midst of an infinite sea of such components
cannot at all have the freedom to move, transfer or translocate in
any manner whatsoever in a relative way or in other words each
component is always at rest relative to each other. It shows that
there is no need to explicitly derive or state the principle of
equivalence. Due to any initiating cause it can only interact with the
adjacent components but not being able to move, it merely creates
vibratory stresses as a reaction. However, the interactive stresses of
the neighbouring components can and must transmigrate as
vibrations or oscillations along this vast sea of unitary components.
Its interactions again can only be in three modes, that is towards
each other (compressive or inelastic ) or away from each other
(expansive or elastic) and continuously oscillate in both the
previous modes (resonant or bound states).
The components cannot move but the vibratory stresses can
and at the very first level it can and must commence as an
interaction between two units. Again, in such an initiating mode,
Sankhya logic stated that the fundamental interactive stress must
transmigrate directly in a straight line and cannot 'curve' logically.
Summation of subsequent interactions produce the 'curvature' as a
post interactive reaction that is related to the different rates of
interactive activity between any two axis. This difference creates the
non linear mode of action. As shown later, the value of p is the
sum of all the displacements due to a standing wave resonant state
at any or all rates of interactions within a boundary. At an
axiomatic cyclic oscillatory rate of 5.1 x 1013 / cycle the 'curvature'
stops (the so called string) as this value forms the maximum limit
of an interactive rate in a self similar domain due to a third order
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 453
damping constraint (caused by axiomatic reasons) and the
interaction if continued , instead of displaying tensor / vector or
curvature characteristics, flips to the opposite position or
undergoes a parallel 'displacement' depicting scalar properties.
It is here that the electromagnetic mode of behaviour thus far
changes over to a linear or parallel or radiant movement mode.
Maxwell / Faraday laws end at 1013 and in just one cycle rises to
1026 to synchronise and act in a coherent mode along two axis to
display mass. The stress energy tensor value of 10-27 can be shown
to be the reciprocal of the previous sequence. Here it
crosses the containment boundary and radiates because the
vibrations cannot superpose or compress any further on its own
potential and now behaves as a 'solid or simultaneous-action'
section. The notable point about this characteristic is that
interactions curve inward or display elastic properties up to the
13th. order but beyond it the radiant path is linear and outward,
typical of inelastic collisions.
But the enigma in understanding this action is confounded by
the logarithmic nature of the transition – that is upto1013 it moves
predictably in time following EM laws but just at one cycle past
that critical value it jumps to 1026 counts suddenly. At this point of
flipping across the boundary the fundamental cubic singularity
transmits its stresses in a radial outward mode. Sankhya deals only
with these stresses, as a dimensionless numerical value that
indicates the interactive counts per cycle and shows how it builds
up all the phenomena we observe, as a real hologram through
synchronous resonance that remains as a coherent ensemble of
vibrations around a passive core, at all levels of phenomena, be it a
tiny nuclear particle or even a gigantic galactic ensemble.
The classical gramaphone can be used as a model to understand
the transition phenomenon from a flexible and linearly moving
state to one of a rigid and non-moving ensemble. The orchestral
sounds from numerous instruments is recorded on a rotating
flexible platter through a needle as a gramaphone record. Reversing
the process reproduces the original sounds through a megaphone.
The fineness of the tapering needle point is the key to the transfer
of sound, to and from the spinning record. If one froze the room
full of sounds, at any instant, to a represent a three dimensional
454 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
hologram made up of 'sound-fibres', that quantum from the
orchestra would occupy the entire room-volume. Feeding that
bunch of 'sound-fibres' instantly into the needle point, that
relatively occupies a minuscule volume of that room, would seem
an impossible task. Yet the record does get imprinted for on replay
the entire spectrum of sounds are heard at every instant without a
Sound is a vibration that can be only caused by changing
stresses of interacting objects like molecules of air or atoms in the
needle or the flexible medium in the platter. The only way for the
room-full of sounds to get imprinted on the disk is by the needle
point vibrating in as many ways as the sounds in the room vibrate
at, within the same time period. The flexible medium of the disk
must also react to the changes in stress at every instant. Therefore
the needle point vibrates in numerous modes to create
simultaneous rings of stress of varying amplitudes which get
recorded as a reaction. Sound or voice print records have displayed
this characteristic of containing complex information that have
simultaneous time characteristics but location or phase variations
that enable the discrimination of its inherent quality of frequency
and amplitude. Max Planck too found that any type of radiation
contained a spectrum or a stress record that was both frequency
and amplitude or wavelength dependant.
The Sankhyan view is clearly emphasised in the Gramaphone
example. Vibrations do not travel but only the stresses transmigrate
through a medium. Sankhya makes it into an axiom. Because any
process of detection or measurement or observation is purely a
reactionary response to the completion of an interactive activity.
An interaction between any two objects causes a colliding stress
that transmigrates as a reaction. Only a stress reaction can be
detected provided the interaction is completed. Detection only
confirms the existence of the stress but not what caused it in the
first place. For stress can be caused only through interactions of
'something'. The success of the Sankhyan fundamental view
enabled it to quantum leap right into quantum mechanics,
bypassing the travails in logic both Newton and Einstein
experienced . The unresolveable paradox created by the famous
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 455
EPR experiment is predicted clearly in Sankhya, for the electron is
only a record of a spectrum of stresses in a medium.
Einstein's relativistic field theory also deals with such
vibrations but describes it as an infinitesimal displacement tensor
field of points represented geometrically as a continuum. The logic
of Riemannian geometry presents the curvature of a surface as a
natural consequence of its mathematics. However, its adoption into
General Relativity as the model to describe the behaviour of a
surface in space, presupposes that the curvature of space is a defacto
reality. Einstein makes it clear that the 'point' in the geometry
of space cannot be treated as a singularity or a real element because
it would have led to arbitrary mathematical postulates in defining
its boundary conditions which indeed was the 'source-location' for
the infinitesimal displacement field.
Einstein's problem was real because there is no mathematical
method existing now that can describe a static point evolving into a
(movable) displacement or field activity, without an identifiable
cause / effect or action / reaction cycle and space could not be
made the source as it was a vacuum or pure emptiness. Sankhya
overcame this problem by showing that the geometric point in the
continuum is a real elemental singularity called a Purusha, that
followed the 1/x=1+x selfsimilar laws. Conceptually the Universe
or a galaxy seen from the "outside" from a great distance would
resemble the same point. The Purusha was the repository of all the
past interactions in the fundamental state of space and in fact acted
as the historical record keeper by absorbing all the unbalanced
interactions as a maximised static potential with an astronomical
numerical stress value , to initiate activity as a vibratory sourcefield.
The Purusha's stresses caused by interactions with adjacent
ones, created the 'infinitesimal displacement' field calculable by
Einstein's relativistic theory. Whereas, Einstein could not define
the point because it had to be a real element in an empty space and
therefore, he found it impossible to provide the boundary
conditions, especially in a vacuum.
Another caveat was that mathematically curvature of a surface
produced the effect of mass or inertial characteristics and vice
versa. With Riemannian geometry, there was no need to create it by
a separate mathematical anzatz. Therefore, he effectively dealt only
456 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
with the movable infinitesimal displacement of points in terms of
space and time following geometric rules.. Moreover, the
experimental failure (of Michelson/ Morley )to verify the medium
of space, necessitated the derivation of the source that became a
point only because it dwindled into a zero-activity state that was
mathematically described as the boundary of a boundary. However
Sankhya logic showed the zero activity was a only pseudo static
state that actually housed the powerhouse of the universe in each
point singularity of space. One can visualise this in the form of
Rubic cube being subjected to intense twisting & turning activity
that would be described as a surface interaction (Einsteins stress
energy tensor to Hawkings super radiant phenomenon are in this
domain) but in reality the entire reaction is centred on the invisible
internal cube that MUST exist if it were to function as expected.
The visualisation process can be extended further by looking at
the external surface as an Einstein stress energy tensor boundary
activity and the internal surface of these cubes as the Hawkings
super radiant phenomenon regime. But holding all this together is
the invisible central cube acting as the anchor or swivel pin, that
really contributes to all the reactions, though it is invisible , both
literally and figuratively. {Sankhya shows through a real count value
that this centre contributes the maximum rate of power transfer =
c5 /G per cycle. It transmits it by tunnelling as a transmigration
phenomenon, involving a variety of particulate states that seem to
function like waves.
Sankhya too dealt with vibrations but with a difference that
instead of an empty spatial point there existed a Purusha singularity
point component which was the permanent repository of all the
vibratory stresses existing due to any initiating cause in space. The
question that how each Purusha accumulated all the vibratory
stresses is answered by the logic that if there was no externalisation
or radiation the oscillatory activity had to remain within this
domain and get distributed equally in time (a sequence of
interactive cycles) among all the components as a 'non moving'
activity-potential. The singularity thus defined has an automatic and
axiomatic boundary condition, which emerges as a necessary
consequence of evaluating the repository state of all possible
vibratory stresses around this Purusha point, through an axiomatic
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 457
logic of self-similar behaviour of components far removed from
other influences.
Hence, with this concept it can be positively stated that
singularities must be included, not as a stray and arbitrary
appearance but as a standard necessity everywhere in a real field of
elemental components. While the details of the mathematics are
given in the main Suthras, conceptually defining the Purusha
singularity and its boundary was simple. The in-going (compressive
= inelastic) vibratory stresses from all possible sources must reside
in that (centre of mass) point (Purusha) at that instant and could be
described mathematically by a cubic or third order value. Next the
sum of all the infinitesimal displacements of the Einsteinian variety
equated to the outgoing (expansive = elastic) and resonant
(bonding) stresses around the Purusha must equal the in-going
stress at every instant. If it did not equalise then the algebraic
difference defined the singular state along with its boundary
condition. If the difference was zero it meant that the singularity
did not behave as such or that it was in a passive and balanced
This equation could not only mathematically describe a
singularity but also describe space that behaved as though there
were no singularities. The simultaneous in-going stresses towards a
point that became its limit could be described as a third order
damping stress. The 1/x =1+x could be rewritten as x+x2 = 1= the
balancing point and the difference x-x2 = x3 the 3rd order damping
constraint. It behaved as a constraint because it acted against the
simultaneous expansion and contraction process at the SAME
time. This equation then had the power to equate dynamic field
equations to static (or coherent) states of the Purusha point (or
singularity) with perfect linearity in the form (1+x)n = binomial
expansion. It gave an axiomatic, mathematical and logical value
directly connecting the field to it's source- the point singularity,
which in fact was the problematic cause that made Einstein exclude
singularities from a field theory. The activity in a continuum could
be described relativistically if there was inequality between
compressive and expansive stresses but if it was equal it identified
the quantised point or Purusha in the static state.
458 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Just by accounting the imbalance in the in-going and outgoing
values the identity of the exposed and hidden states were identified.
There were no absolutes in Sankhya; even the so-called constants
were not. Its perfection lay in the fact that the source of all power
was local for each Purusha point of singularity, (in coherent space)
was the repository of all the interactions in the cosmos from
eternal times and therefore provided the maximum static potential
at every point or singularity perpetually. The major inability of
Einstein to accept singularities as a mathematical reality in a field
theory was overcome, through a profound and fundamental
conceptual change by recognising the real existence of the
substratum of space in Sankhya. Now, the question could be asked
" is this concept acceptable in the experimental domain of physics
"? The answer would be a positive yes because the outcome of the
long series of the well known Michelson-Morley experiments
confirmed that the earth-matter did not move relative to space.
Further the Doppler effect of frequency shifts relating to motion,
confirmed the Sankhya principle that expansive-compressive
stresses only moved across the Purusha. The frequency shift
towards the blue end of the spectrum related to compressive
stresses while the red-shift was associated with the expansive stress
transmigration process.
The existence of coherent (static) Purusha state also has
confirmation in the highly accurate results of the Hughes – Drever
experiments to detect inertial-mass anisotropy by detecting tiny
frequency shifts in the atomic and nuclear resonance lines. It is
shown in the main Suthras through exquisite mathematical logic
that all manifestation, whether it be a ray of light or even the largest
object – a galaxy , are only the variations in the coherent state of
stresses residing in each Purusha or a 'conglomeration of Purusha –
singularities' acting as a single, coherent or synchronised unit but
on a different periodic scale.
The next question was that there existed an inherent
incompatibility between the continuum theory and quantised
presentation, which led to the 'uncertainty concept' of statistical
probability in defining phenomenon. The question was that ' could
the quanta also be broken down to such a level as that of the
infinitesimal displacement field to achieve an accuracy similar to a
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 459
continuum theory'? Can one replace statistical probability with
interactive precision? Can one show that acceleration and mass are
reciprocal states? If the displacement in space, time and rate of
interactions between the 'points' or singularities could be
represented by a set of numerical series that had the property of
linearity and proportionality right down to the infinitesimal state
then the combination of these three could enable the description of
phenomenal activity in the nature of a continuum with its
accompanying characteristics of certainty. That is these series had
to be self-similar and scale-invariant down to 'zero' displacement in
space, eternal in time, perpetually resonant and the
synchronisation of these three provided its own boundary naturally.
Then every real point in space, however close in distance or time
could be described by a linear and proportionate numerical ratio as
expected in a field-continuum. Sankhya has identified these three
axiomatic ratios as series. The very first Suthra in Sankhya lays
down a proposition that states that the three interactive modes of
stress, confirmed by experience, could not have existed but for the
presence of the following 4 qualities of space:
a) synchronous-coherence,
b) eternal existence,
c) perpetual dynamism and
d) unmanifest state.
Again in keeping with the axiomatic requirements that there are
no absolutes, all the (above) 4 are ratios of simultaneous and
sequential activities.
On page 3 the statement "For the concept of space the
following seems essential." He proceeds to define a sequence
which ends with a differentiation of bodies and space as referential
Any theory must be based on some elemental or axiomatic fact
so that the logical validity of subsequent derivations are not in
doubt. A static object like solid cube can provide an axiomatic
source but
460 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 461
Appendix 4: Age Of The Vedas.
The rationale and proof of Vedic civilisation having existed
32000 years ago is given below. The Atharvaveda book 19, chapter
7, verses 1 to 5, and chapter 8, verse 1 under Nakshatradevatyam
identifies 28 Nakshatras as the number of divisions in the stellar
horizon. The Sanskrit term Nakshatra ( Na = 'not' Aksha =
'terrestrial latitude' Atra = 'in this case' meaning not a terrestrial
latitude in this case) is a label to identify a numerical angular
position or celestial latitude or longitude. It eliminates the need to
specify an arbitrary angular limit like 360 degrees in a circle. The
number 28 came about from Sankhya theory where Prakriti binds
by 7 divisions in each direction and the four quarters gave 28
divisions in a plane giving 12.857 degrees per section in modern
notation. The 7 comes from the integer mathematics used in
Sankhya. The basic volume is proportional to the first, fundamental
or elemental unit radius3 =13 and the next incremental radius of 23
=8 units. When the volume increases by doubling the radius, it
grows from 1 to 8, or 7 volumes are added. Since the basic volume
cannot be detected, because the process of detection is relative (or
by comparison), only 7 volumes can be measured with reference to
the first volume. 8-1=7. the logic is based on the concept that a
truly elemental unit cannot be fractionalised because if it can be,
then it is no more an elemental unit. this is the basic reason for the
spectral range of seven segments in any field.
The Sankhya system developed the integer number theory on a
logical need based principle thereby eliminating arbitrary systems,
like 360 degree division of a circle etc. In today's almanacs only 27
Nakshatras are mentioned. There is a very logical and accurate
reason for this change that justifies the theory that Vedic
civilisation existed 32000 years back and it is given below. The
earth spins on its own axis in 24 hours or 1/365.25 of its annual
orbit around the sun. This sets the actual time of a daily revolution
to less than 24 hours of clock time, if the starting point of each
daily revolution is referred to a location in the sky; that is ( (24 x
3600)/365.25) = 236.55 sec or 3 min and 56.55 sec less than 24
hours. It means that if we use a particular stellar constellation or
star at the zenith or the horizon, identifying the starting point for
462 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the daily revolution of the earth, one would see this mark arrive 3
min and 56.55 sec earlier every day and will again coincide with the
same stellar location and clock time only after 365.25 days or a
year. It is the natural shift in timing of an object that is both
spinning and orbiting in space. The time of 23 hrs 56 min 3.45 sec
is called sidereal time. Hence we can locate the star accurately at
any future time by applying the sidereal time from a known date
within an annual cycle. Similarly if the location of this star is
recorded at a particular time, it is possible to work out the location
of the observer and the date of such observation, all within the
cycle of one year. This example has been quoted to show that
location and date of events can be ascertained with the required
degree of accuracy based on the sidereal shift in stellar positions.
Added to the sidereal shift that moves along the solar ecliptic,
there is another movement due to the shift in the angle of earth's
axis to the ecliptic that creates a relative change in the angle of
inclination of the ecliptic. This movement is called precession of
the equinox and is treated in current physics as a problem
connected with spinning bodies like a gyroscope and in relativistic
physics it is due to the curvature of the field. But Sankhya proves
that all phenomenon is due to the synchronisation of vibrations or
it is of a holographic nature and treats space like any other matter
field comprising gas or fluid etc. that causes delay by
superpositioning of vibrations and therefore a shift in the static or
synchronised state and both these shifts are combined and defined
as Ayanamsa (Ayan = motion or movement and Amsha degree or
division- in Sanskrit explained below). The fundamental reason that
precession exists is that the oscillating or vibrating parameters
along the two axis in the plane of motion is not synchronous or the
synchronous nodes along the two axis have marginally different
rates of oscillations. Two sets of axial vibrations can be in
resonance or have a standing wave relationship if the two axis (say
x and y ) have a ratio of one to two. That is the tangent of an angle
of 26.565 is exactly ½ and at this value the resonant state at the 2nd
harmonic is maintained. If it exceeds this ratio or the angle
becomes smaller the resonance can only occur at a harmonic level
higher than 2 which cannot be sustained. A spinning object that
does not move can maintain both axis at identical synchronous
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 463
rates and therefore present a perfect spherical surface of rotation
but the movement in a particular direction sets up differences in
time, direction or rates which causes non synchrony and therefore
an unbalanced state with a non spherical surface of rotation. The
angle 26.565 deg. or the tangent ratio ½ is an exceedingly critical
parameter in space because all the vector relationships follow a law
of self similarity and scale invariance. That is every connected
parameter can be described in terms of a factor x raised to some
integer power and x forms an infinite nested series. The
shantimantra "Purnamida Purnamadam "etc: when decoded correctly,
gives the numerical value of x , with extraordinary characteristics. It
is explained fully in the "Guna" Suthras in Sankhya. At 26.565 deg.
the resonant oscillatory rate is 296575967 which is almost identical
to the velocity of light at a meter wavelength. Since the
components of the substratum are also oscillating at the same rate
an equilibrium condition becomes established in the field along this
angle. Hence any solid spinning orbiting object experiences a
resonential relationship with the vibratory conditions along its
periphery and if such conditions remain stable or the differential
parameters maintain the same rate, then the object maintains this
relationship or it becomes strapped or locked to this angle of
transfer of vibrations. One must remember that Sankhya
emphasises that the solidity of objects is created by the
superpositioning of vibrations on the elemental component of
space and only formations as vibrating ensembles travel. Hence the
locked state does not lose its phase relationship easily and unless
the relative rate difference exceeds the self-similar ratio , no change
takes place. This is the gyroscopic effect.
The earth's equator spins at a mean surface velocity of
approximately 462 m/s and the earth itself moves around the sun
at an algebraic mean speed of approx. 29845.4 m/s. But the earth's
axis is tilted by 23.5 deg. to the plane of revolution around the sun,
called the ecliptic. As a result of this tilt, the earth's maximum spin
velocity vector at the equator works out to : 462 x .91706 (cos 23.5)
= 423.52 m/s. The drift of the starting point of the ecliptic is at the
rate of 423.52 / 29845.4 = 1 / 70.47 of a cycle and the drift due to
the sidereal effect is 1/365.25 thereby giving a total drift of 1 /
(70.47 x 365.25) = 1/ 25739 of a cycle. It means that an identical
464 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
ecliptic coincidence of the sun and earth at a particular position will
be repeated only after 25739 cycles or years in this case. This
calculation has been shown in a simplified form to make it
understandable but a very accurate calculation supported by many
years of practical observation gives a drift rate of 50.35 seconds of
arc per solar year and is only used in Vedic astrological calculations
as a normal course . The precession of the equinox calculated by
applying modern principles of celestial mechanics is 26000 years or
(49.85 sec of arc per year.). But extremely accurate calculations give
varying precessional rates at different periods and relative
positions, but the 25739 rate is an average of over 30000 years. (See
The Vedic scholars, following the Sankhya principle of selfsimilarity
that governed the dynamic state of the Substratum, took
the ecliptic coincidence as a clock time benchmark that can at least
be relied on in a cycle of approximately 25739 years. This drift or
Ayanamsa was used by astronomers and astrologers to fix the
moving zodiac (ecliptic) so that accurate comparisons of events
could be made in a locality where everything is moving relative to
everything else. If the number of Ayanamsa cycles are known
between events in multiple units of 25739 years, then it could be
compared meaningfully.
[As an illustration of the accuracy of Vedic calculations, using
the same fixed zodiac or ecliptic, one can calculate the return of the
moon to the same or identical position once in 40 years. This is
mentioned in the Atharva Veda book 20, chapter 34, verse 11. ]
The Vedic scholars have identified the equinoctial position in a
particular period as beginning in the stellar position of the
constellation Punarvasu. The term Punar means "the return or
repeat" and Vasu is a "ray of light or a sighting point" and the
whole word has the meaning of the starting point or point of
coincidence indicating 0 deg. latitude & longitude on the orbital
ecliptic. There is another proof of this position being the starting
point today. Abhijit, one of the 28 Nakshatras, is situated exactly
180 degrees in opposition to Punarvasu, in the constellation now
called Vega north of the equator, and was identified as a 12.857
degree sector in the sky during the period when the Atharvaveda
was developed. Due to the 23.5 degree tilt of the earth's axis, any
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 465
celestial body would tend to swing north and south annually just as
the sun does seasonally. The total swing being 47 degrees, sectors
that are far north or south would seem to disappear or the angular
displacement would decrease during these excursions. In astrology
such a division of sectors are called unequal houses and when
calculating positions far north or south of the equator, the same
zodiacal sign would occupy two sectors or houses thereby
eliminating a house completely. Abhijit, being far north, the angular
displacement of the 12.857 deg. sector seems to become virtually
zero during the southerly excursion once in 25739 years. Because
of this phenomenon, currently Abhijit as an identifiable sector has
virtually disappeared and is not included in the post glacial scenario
as a Nakshatra. The period of such disappearance can last up to
6000 years depending on the declination. While the Vedic scholars
divided the celestial ecliptic into 28 divisions based on Sankhya
Thaamasic principles explained earlier, they gave each sector a
name only to identify the angular position starting from Punarvasu
as the starting point or number One sector. Since Abhijit cannot be
identified, astrologers have reconciled their calculations with 27
sectors of 13.33 degrees each instead of the 12.857 unit. The names
of these sectors are associated with constellation names to enable
identification and the locational precision is improved by dividing
the Nakshatra position by 4 sections and each of these sections
into 9 divisions with a provision to improve accuracy by a further
two sets of ninth divisions equalling approx. 15 sec of arc.
The Atharvaveda has given two identifiable points ; namely the
starting point in Punarvasu as an indicator of Vedic history and the
progress of the Nakshatra called Kritika (in Plaiedes constellation)
to the starting point, under the heading of Nakshatradevatyam in
the 19th book, (chapter 7), the penultimate volume.
Some elementary calculations gives the number of years from
the current position. Calculations show that the current starting
position or the 0 degree position on the ecliptic to date is in the
Nakshatra Aswini or Aries constellation between 0 and 13 degrees.
As a rough guide the total ayanamsa period of 25739 years divided
by 28 yields 919 years per Nakshatra passage. Taking the maximum
number of Nakshatras traversed between Aswini and Punarvasu as
7 then the time elapsed is 7 x 919 = 6500 and if the difference
466 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
between Punarvasu and Kritika is taken as 5 then 5 x 919 = 4595
years. If it is surmised that the depth of Sankhya & Vedic
knowledge was produced about 6500 years back, then physical
evidence (archaeological) corroborating such advancement would
have been available as it is in the post glacial period and could not
have been destroyed. The best evidence so far indicates that the
civilisation around 6000 years ago left behind shards of pottery and
burial mounds (around 4000 BC) and artefacts dating 2500 BC.
Analysing the ecliptic drift again, the ecliptic-equinox in the current
period is in Nakshatra Aswini in constellation Aries; approximately
1838 years ago it would have been in the Nakshatra Kritika in the
Plaiedes constellation. Approximately 6433 years ago the equinox
would have been in the Nakshatra Punarvasu in the constellation
Gemini. As Punarvasu is the starting point, the development of
Vedic science to the level depicted in Sankhya could not have been
possible in 6500 years for one thing and the historical and
geological evidence of global flooding due to a glacial melt about
10000 years ago strongly suggests that the current civilisation has
virtually begin from scratch. The inundation theory has been
corroborated theoretically by various investigators including
Lokmanya Tilak and the plausible cause explained in his book "
The Arctic Home in the Vedas". He has shown logically that the
Vedic civilisation thrived in the Polar regions about 20000 years
If the Punarvasu position is pursued back in time by another
full cycle of 25739 years it takes the clock back by about 32165
years from the current period. If the view is taken that this
coincidence on the ecliptic is the second time around then the
picture is very different. Instead of 7 the sectors increase, by adding
28 to 7 gives a total of 35 sectors; which equals 35 x 919 = 32165
years and reducing the current 1996 years since BC leaves the time
elapsed as 30169 or 30,000 years BC.
The flooding event 10000 years back puts the ayanamsa source
in the Nakshatra Magha in the constellation Leonis and there is
evidence that this ecliptic coincidence has been of some
significance as it is mentioned in the Atharva Veda in connection
with the beginning of a serious calamity extending over a long
period. A serious effort at objectively decoding (translating) the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 467
Atharva and Rig Vedas, in particular, will yield a fund of
information on the history of our planet in Vedic times besides
elucidating the principles of unification of all sciences. The
mathematics used here has been deliberately kept at an elementary
level so that the principle is understood easily. Since the translation
of Sankhya Suthras have yielded exceptional information on
cosmology and physics that is not yet known to current science,
there is no doubt whatsoever of Lokmanya Tilak's contention that
the Vedic civilisation must belong to the preglacial era. The
reference in the Atharvan augments Lokmanya's findings. Besides,
Maharishi Kapila's axiomatic approach has provided solutions of
exceptional accuracy in describing phenomenon in an unified way,
by a process of merely counting interactions. The main text
provides detailed explanation of Sankhya principles.
[The following news item was received by e-mail from a
colleague in the USA on 5th. Sep 2001. that may provide
conformation to the above hypothesis.
Amazing Arctic artefacts discovered.
Tools indicate hunters lived in the north 40,000 years
[Image: Tusk]
A mammoth tusk with grooves carved by a sharp stone is
shown in this undated photo. The tusk was among the
artefacts researchers discovered close to the Arctic
Sept. 5 - Primitive stone tools and other artefacts
discovered close to the Arctic Circle in the desolate far
north of European Russia indicate that a band of hunters
set up camp there almost 40,000 years ago - far earlier
than previously thought, researchers report.]
468 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
There is an additional reference from research in
Oceanography. See Appendix 4A.
Notes: The stellar divisions based on 28 Nakshatras- the
angular width = 12.857
(With 27 the angular divisions are 13.333 deg.)
No. NAMEDegrees Constellation.
1 Aswini 0 -- 12.86 Arietus 3
2 Bharani 12.86 -- 25.71 Arietus Mus3
3 Kritika 25.71 -- 38.57 Tauri Aloyoni 6
4 Rohini 38.57 -- 51.43 Tauri Aldebaren 5
5 Mrigasirisa 51.43 -- 64.29 Orionis 3
6 Ardra 64.29 -- 77.14 Orionis 1
7 Punarvasu 77.14 -- 90 Gemini Pollux 5 Zero reference
8 Pusya 90 -- 102.86 Cancri 3
9 Aslesha 102.86 -- 115.71 Hydrea 6
10 Magha 115.71 -- 128.57 Leonis Regular 5
11 P.Palguni 128.57 -- 141.43 Leonis 4
12 U.Palguni. 141.43 -- 154.26 Leonis 4
13 Hasta 154.26 -- 167.14 Corvi 5
14 Chitra 167.14 -- 180 Virginis Spica 1
15 Svati 180 -- 192.86 Boothis Arcturis 1
16 Visaka 192.86 -- 205.71 Libra 3
17 Anuradha 205.71 -- 218.57 Scorpionis 3
18 Jestha 218.57 -- 231.43 Antares 3
19 Mula 231.43 -- 244..26 Scorpionis 6
20 P.Ashada 241.26 -- 257.14 Sagittaris 4
21 U.Ashada 257.14 -- 270 Sagittaris 4
22 Abhijit 270 -- 282.86 Vega 180 deg.
(Abhijit is not used in current calculations.)
23 Sravan 282.86 -- 295.71 Aquilate 3
24 Dhanishta 295.71 -- 308.57 Delphini 4
25 Satabisha 308.57 -- 321.43 Aquari 100
26 P.B.Pada 321.43 -- 334.26 Pegasi 4
27 U.B.Pada 334.26 -- 347.14 Peg. Andromeda 4
28 Revati 347.14 -- 360. Picium 3
References: atharva veda samhita w.d.whitney.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 469
Av book 19, hymn 7, v. 2 magha ayanamsa page
906,907,908,909 , book 6 . Hymn 110, page 360, book 2, notes 8.1,
page 48, book 14, hymn 1, v.13 page 742,.
Atharvaveda by Devichand M.A.
Bk. 19, hymn 7, verse 2, ayanam magha . Page 730 /731. V 1 to
5. Nashatra identity.
"The Arctic Home in the Vedas" by Lokamanya Tilak.
Appendix 4A: Age Of The Vedas.
Rapid Rise of Sea Level 19,000 Years
Ago and Its Global Implications
Peter U. Clark,1* A. Marshall McCabe,3 Alan C. Mix,2
Andrew J. Weaver4
Evidence from the Irish Sea basin supports the existence of an
abrupt rise in sea level (meltwater pulse) at 19,000 years before the
present (B.P.). Climate records indicate a large reduction in the
strength of North Atlantic Deep Water formation and attendant
cooling of the North Atlantic at this time, indicating a source of the
meltwater pulse from one or more Northern Hemisphere ice
sheets. Warming of the tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the
Southern Hemisphere also began at 19,000 years B.P. These
responses identify mechanisms responsible for the propagation of
deglacial climate signals to the Southern Hemisphere and tropics
while maintaining a cold climate in the Northern Hemisphere.
1 Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.
2 College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.
3 School of Environmental Studies, University of Ulster, Coleraine,
Northern Ireland BT52 1SA, UK.
4 School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, P.O.
Box 3055, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3P6, Canada.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
470 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
The information in the report conforms to a period in Magha as
highlighted in the Atharvaveda Bk. 19, hymn 7, verse 2, ayanam
magha . Page 730 /731. V 1.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 471
Appendix 5: Sankhya Translations Compared
Taking only the very first Suthra as the starting point for this
comparative study the translations of the various authors show a
certain hesitation in coming to a committed meaning of this verse.
In a system of presentation that is terse and precise the student has
no option but to assume and search for a profound and leading
meaning in the very first Suthra, especially when a number of
translators have been unable to see a justifiable reason for the
differences in its interpretations. Also there is enough evidence
from other Sanskrit Vedic treatises that the very first set of verses
indicate the trend of contents of the ensuing subject matter. Since
Sankhya pre-dates all other works (acknowledged by the majority
of translators) it should be decoded rather than translated by
referring to other works. There is a definite clue in Suthra 69 that it
is a secret doctrine meaning that it should not be dealt with in a
standard way. Moreover there is direct evidence from the Sankhya
Karika itself that the meditative or holistic thinking process should
be followed in interpreting the Suthras, for any language is built up
by a structured logic based on human experience and is
conditioned by the environment and period in which it is
developed. Since it is difficult to pin down with absolute certainty
the meaning of key words that may have changed with the
passage of time, holistic imaging leading to three dimensional
visualisation of complex phenomenon is the next closest means to
interpreting reality, correctly. As a case to point, almost all the
major epics like the Mahabharata and Ramanya are presentations of
complex and profound scientific concepts through dramatic
enactment. It is a substitute for a modern video presentation.
Maharishi Kapila has specially dealt with the process of verifying
the correctness of information through a number of Suthras that
teaches the student to use holistic imagery through meditation. The
proof of the previous statement lies in the current explosion in
graphic techniques as a means of presenting complex information
visually to enhance understanding. It confirms the well known
cliché that a picture is worth a thousand words and meditation
amplifies it a millionfold by making it a dynamic real time process.
472 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
It is also the reason that all important religious and philosophical
principles are set out in the form of parables, stories or mythical
Many translators have given this special work a derogatory
meaning by describing it as being pedantic, dogmatic, repetitive etc.
The main reason, giving rise to such an impression, is that the
intrinsic meaning of specific words remain precisely the same
throughout because they are HOLISTIC picture-definitions of
compact, condensed ideas and principles. A reader who lacks a
knowledge of meditative techniques, gets the feeling of it being
pedantic mainly because of his inability to understand the true
import of the verse. In the write-up below, the very first verse is
presented as a decoded sentence so that the divergence in the
meanings given by several translators can be readily seen.
Suthra 1.
The holistic meaning of the words are given here. See the
Sanskrit lexicon in appendix L specially developed to make this
treatise understandable. The implied meanings of each word has
been verified by using statistical techniques.
Stress- triple- interaction- investigations
tadabhighaatakey hetau ,
Such -interactive-modes exist
drishtey sa'apaarthaa
detection of such would have been meaningless
were it not for the synchronised-perpetual-dynamic
unmanifest state.
Investigating the triad of interactive stresses confirms that
such interactive modes of stresses exist but it would not have
been detectable, had it not been for the existence of the
synchronised - perpetual - dynamic - unmanifest state of
existence (of the substratum).
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 473
Gaudapada's version:
Transliterated into English by H. T. Colebrooke:
The first Suthra is interpreted by Gaudapada as follows:
"This inquiry is into the means of precluding the three
sorts of pain; for pain is embarrassment: nor is the inquiry
superfluous because obvious means of alleviation exist, for
absolute and final relief is not thereby accomplished."
From the above exposition, the key elements of Gaudapada's
subsequent commentary and elucidation are " embarrassment due
to the three sorts of pain" ; classification of the three types of pain
as "adhyatmika or natural, adhibhautika or extrinsic and adhidaivika
or superhuman" , "the means of precluding them", " the
superfluous nature of this exercise" and its uselessness as it is "not
absolute, final , certain and permanent"
Summarising his subsequent commentary on this Suthra
consequent to the interpretation given above: It classifies the three
types of pain and the medical modes of alleviating them but it is
concluded that as these means are not final, other permanent
means are to be inquired into, implying the existence of an esoteric
method to cure such pains and sufferings. From the above it
became amply clear that the first Suthra dealt with pain and
Gaudapada's version predates the other translations and has
unfortunately influenced later authors to take up his slant. While
one can forgive his interpretation as the state of science was still in
its nascent stage then, subsequent authors could well have had the
courage to decode the real meaning and the perspicacity to factually
relate it to the trends in scientific knowledge prevailing in their
time. His conclusion is that it relates to human physical suffering
and fails to see any connection to nature and phenomenon. It is
474 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
surprising that this conclusion has been presented, for in his
translation of the second Suthra, he refers to discriminative
knowledge of manifest and unmanifest principles and the soul. His
commentary on the third suthra is even more explicit about nature
and its mathematical structure but no effort had been made to
translate the first suthra from this level nor had the meaning of
'abhigatha' been examined critically in conjunction with 'chenna'.
The 68th Suthra (effectively the last) gives a clear indication of the
nature of the statements by repeating the key words, but this sense
has not been assimilated contextually into the first Suthra. The
clear opening trend of sankhya as an investigation into the nature
of the substratum of space has been completely missed and the
entire set of 68 verses turned into disparately connected
explanation trying to justify the prevailing philosophical thoughts
of his period. The importance of "Aikaantha-aathyantha-athoabhavath"
as a key phrase has not been recognised by him nor has
he seen the profound meaning it gives on extending it to the 68th.
Suthra . The term du:kha has been misinterpreted despite its
descriptive term " traya" that is evidently connected with the
triguna principles. Such a deviation in the very first Suthra
underscores the error in not perceiving Sankhya as a pre-glacial
creation as hypothesised by Lokmanya Tilak (see appendix G)
2. H. H. Wilson's comments:
He states that the first verse proposes the subject of the work
and also of the system it belonged to namely the Hindus. They
sought exemption from repeated births as life was a state of pain
and suffering, bondage and evil, and escape from which was
devoutly to be wished. He also refers to the different interpretation
given by Lassen to the two important terms "abhigatha" and
"chenna" and after a lengthy analysis, takes exception to it on the
grounds of its implied meaning deviating grossly from that of
Gaudapada and Colebrooke.
He expresses views almost identical to Gaudapada and the
supportive Colebrooke commentary but sees vaguely the
possibilities of an esoteric scientific logic being expressed to explain
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 475
the soul etc. The second and third Suthras are dealt with on
Gaudapada's lead but he seems oblivious to the inconsistency in
the run of logic and subject matter. The importance of the
"Aikaantha-aathyantha-atho-abhavath" as a key phrase is not
recognised by him.
3. Lassen's version:
In his commentary in Latin, he has been the only person among
all other translators, to raise the doubt that the real meaning of the
term "chenna" leads to the conclusion that the final word could be
"abhavat" but seems unable to alter the rest of the structure to
make this change meaningful. He further deduces the meaning of
'abhigatha' as 'impetus' but uses 'removal' for the same word later,
thereby acknowledging the meaning given by Gaudapada. The
commentary is concluded on a controversial note with no definite
outline of the true meaning. He seems to see the term "chenna"
being an incongruous addition and rightly suspects the first Suthra
as having a significant scientific meaning. But these views are not
given weightage by any of his critics. Despite his doubts based on
the possibility of an elliptical meaning, the importance of the
"Aikaantha-aathyantha-atho-abhavath" as a key phrase has not
been recognised by him either .
4. Gerald Larson's version:
" Because of the torment of the threefold suffering, (there
arises) the desire to know the means of counteracting it. If (it is
said that) this (desire --i.e. Inquiry) is useless because perceptible
(means of removal are available) , ( we say) no, since perceptible
means are not final and abiding."
While he has dealt with it at length in his commentary, the last
sentence in his preamble in chapter 3 gives the true tone of his
subsequent explanations. He says " Hopefully our interpretation
will reveal that Sankhya is dealing in a significant manner with
some of the most difficult problems of religion and thought." He
further adds in appendix B note 2. " Generally, the present writer
476 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
has followed the commentaries of Guadapada, Vacaspatimisra and
Paramartha's Chinese version with respect to problems of
interpretation ."
In chapter 1, he groups the first three Suthras and gives a
combined interpretation pointwise as follows:
1. Human existence means suffering;
2. Sankhya system offers a way of salvation from suffering;
3. The way of salvation is by means of discriminative knowing;
4. The concept of saving knowledge is through discrimination
of the differences between avyakta-vyakta ( prakriti) and jna
Under the heading of "Philosophical " he says "little light is
shed on the content of classical Sankhya as it is found in the Karika
itself. Part of the problem, of course, is that the Karika is a difficult
text which presents the system in a dogmatic, condensed fashion.
Thus it is natural to use any other available texts in order to get at
some of the underlying suppositions and arguments not explicitly
set forth in the Karika itself. Yet the fact remains that the Karika is
the oldest systematic text available and it represents the content of
classical Sankhya. Important to remember is that what the Karika
fails to include is as interesting as what it does include. It is the
contention of the present writer that the Karika can and should be
given a unified, consistent interpretation in and of itself without
recourse to later texts. It is also the contention of the present writer
that the system in the Karika is decidedly different from later
statements about the system , and furthermore, is quite different
from the most commonly accepted summaries and outlines of the
system presently available in the secondary literature."
Observation :
From the foregoing it is evident that Larsen realises the
originality and uniqueness of the Karika but fails to follow his own
findings but takes the lead given by others like Gaudapada. He
does not give weightage to the first Suthra and particularly the last
line. Though in the 68th Suthra the same words recur as an
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 477
elliptical proof following the lead given by the word "chenna", this
connection is not pursued by him either. Though his translations of
Suthras 2 and 3 are more indicative of the scientific nature of the
treatise and his grouping in items 3 and 4 of the first 3 Suthras
clearly suggest that it is a science, the importance of the
"Aikaantha-aathyantha-atho-abhavath" as a key phrase is not
recognised by him. If any one could have seen its true import
Larsen was the most likely person because of the care he has
shown to give contextual weightage to each word of the Suthra but
for some inexplicable reason had failed to apply his intuitive
understanding in his commentaries. In fact his final conclusion is
quite incongruous to his philosophical description of Sankhya
when he translates Suthra 68 as "At death , however the man who
possesses salvation knowledge attains 'certain' and 'final' 'isolation'
There is no comment about the term 'du:kha' or "Aikaanthaaathyantha-
atho-abhavath" even though he expresses deep
dissatisfaction at his results. In expressing his dissatisfaction, he has
described the Adi Sankaracharya's criticism of Sankhya as being
based on interpretation unfounded by even a minimal stretch of
logic. However, he personally seems to have succumbed to the
same attitude he accuses the Sankaracharya of holding the Vedas as
being unquestionable because of its allegedly divine origins. From
his lengthy analysis and conclusions one is able to glean his
dissatisfaction with the overall meanings given both by him and
his colleagues to the Suthras but has been unable to breakout onto
a different lead. Of all the translators he seems to have been the
only one to feel the need to decode the sankhya verses.
5. Richard Garbe's version:
While admitting it was a philosophical work by one person, he
emphasises its apparent atheistic leanings, based on reasoning to
solve the universal problems. In this context he suggests its
suitability for modern study. His commentaries are based on those
of Aniruddha and Vijnanabhikshu on classical lines giving in to the
same pitfalls. However he intuitively comes to the conclusion that
it is the earliest treatise and as proof he points out the lack of a
brahmanical tradition that is established strongly in later works.
Despite his intellectual foresight he does not give enough
478 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
weightage to the critical term in the first Suthra, "Aikaanthaaathyantha-
atho-abhavath" nor the word " du:kha".
6. Joseph Dahlmann's version:
He describes Sankhya as the first systematic formulation of
ancient speculations, that included dimensions of cosmology and
psychology of creation /dissolution. He interprets it as a doctrine
of salvation based on the concept of an absolute Spirit with
techniques for self control and behaviour. He found it methodical
and consistent. But his views of the Suthras themselves are not
clearly enumerated to show his depth of understanding. No
weightage has been given by him to the term "Aikaanthaaathyantha-
atho-abhavath" or the word du:kha.
7. Paul Oltramare's version:
His views are similar to Garbe but sees Sankhya as a unique
system expressing the dualism of matter and spirit and a derivative
from the brahminical tradition with the concept of Yoga predating
it. No weightage is given to the term "Aikaantha-aathyantha-athoabhavath"
8. Hermann Oldenberg's version:
He refers to the existence of a pre-classical Sankhya that
predates the oldest upanishads. He also mentions the
complementary use of logic in Sankhya like unity and multiplicity,
subject and object, self and nonself etc. The sense of Sankhya logic
is brought out by him uniquely, but no weightage is given to the
term "Aikaantha-aathyantha-atho-abhavath" that indeed contain
the same sense of complementarity.
9. Arthur Barriedale Keith's version:
He sees Sankhya as a bundle of contradictions
contemporaneous to the Vedas and Upanishads. His involvement
has been with semantics rather than the holistic meaning.
10. Franklin Edgerton's version:
He views the treatise as just a method of attaining salvation
without any theory behind it. He comes to this conclusion because
there is no mention of a Sankhya system in what he considers as
earlier works.
11. Surendranath Gupta's version:
He has delved into Sankhya details in the most systematic way
to realise its true scientific logic but sees the whole system as post
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 479
Vedic. Despite his enthusiasm for looking at the evolutionary logic
of Sankhya in the correct way he misses the point about suffering
really meaning stress in the universal sense and fails to see the
important connection to the substratum or "Aikaantha-aathyanthaatho-
abhavath" state.
12. E.H.Johnston's version:
His writings concern the history and the terminology and seems
to identify Sankhya as a complex mixture of contemporary thought.
13. Eric Frauwallner's version:
Offers the view that Sankhya is the earliest speculation on
cosmology and philosophy. The special attention to some words
and its connected concepts are realistic and his attribution of the
development of Sankhya to Pancasika is illuminating . However he
offers no insight into the term "Aikaantha-aathyantha-athoabhavath"
nor does he see the term pain as being out of place
14. Others
There are a number of other translators like J.A.B. van
Buitenen, J.W. Hauer, Mircea Eliade, Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya,
K.C. Bhattacharya, who have displayed erudition in analysing the
Sankhya terminology historically and contextually against several
later Vedic treatises and left mixed conclusions in the mind of the
reader. Others like Dr.Radhakrishnan, C.Sharma give only a
comparative critique against a background of Advaitic Vedanta.
Most Indian translators have treated Sankhya in a reverential way
which obviously prevented the authors from interpreting it
objectively. Most of the other Indian translators can be placed into
two camps, "for" and "against". Among the "for" the direction has
been to extract startling conclusions from disconnected sections
without any effort at unification to highlight the coherent and
continuous adherence to a single core principle in Sankhya and
most of their works tend to leave the reader more confused than
15. Conclusion
One important point emerges from an overall analysis and
generalised understanding of the commentaries given by the
various translators. All of them have noted the existence of a
480 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
deeper philosophical principle in the Sankhya presentation, which
naturally implies that the meaning of the first Suthra should also be
re-interpreted to seek such a connection, as the rendered version of
the first Suthra certainly does not emphasise its profoundness.
Looking at the meaning of the first Suthra in a holistically
connected way , as shown in the fourth paragraph of this
Du:khatrayaabhighataj -jijnasa
Tadabhighatake- hetau
Drishte sa'apartha chenna
Investigating the triad of interactive stresses shows that
such interactive modes of stresses exist but it would not have
been detectable, had it not been for the existence of the
synchronised - perpetual - dynamic - unmanifest state of
existence (of the substratum).
The proof is as follows:
The term 'du:kha' has a very specific meaning of "stress
related to the substratum of space" for the following three
important reasons:
1. The term traya defines a numerical condition of the
subsequent term as being threefold. Abhighatha has the meaning of
"striking or extirpating" The sense of this word has a certain
degree of intenseness or violence implied. The process of an
interaction by impact or collision in three different ways namely by
compressive, expansive and shuttling action of the guna
characteristics would seem to be the most appropriate one since
the concept of Gunas are extensively dealt with, from Suthras 11 to
22. Further Suthra 30 refers to simultaneous and sequential modes
in a cycle which mathematically translates to a third order damping
constraint due to obstruction. Words usually associated with pain,
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 481
like removal, elimination, curing could have been covered by other
precise Sanskrit terms; for instance 'apasaarann.' the term
'abhigatha' has been specifically chosen to imply a colliding,
impacting, interactive type of stress acting in three ways and not
pain. The precise definition of the Guna characteristics in later
Suthras confirm the above meaning and gives the entire work a
cohesiveness that enables the student to realise its profoundness.
This interpretation is well supported by the subsequent Suthras, as
shown below.
2. The second occurrence of the term du:kha (the first
occurrence is in the first suthra) in suthra 55 has been used twice in
the same suthra, emphasising its role as a technical term within the
contextual meaning of all the Suthras from 52 to 60. If it is
objectively and critically viewed, in the background of these
Suthras, the applicable meaning of the word du:kha cannot be pain.
Though the term du:kha does not recur in any of those other
Suthras, the trend of ideas preceding and following 55, pertain to
the descriptive definitions of various factors surrounding the
nuclear core, Purusha.
Suthra 52 deals with dual phases of phenomenon;
Suthra 53 deals with the classification of phenomenon;
Suthra 54 deals with the Guna characteristics of the manifest
Suthra 55 deals with the gradation of stresses (DU:KHA) upto
the nuclear core as a self-similar process.
Suthra 56 deals with the evolution of the isolation of the
nucleus from the interactive field.
Suthra 57 deals with the collapse of the nuclear entity as the
primary force
Suthra 58 deals with the release of the potential that causes the
nuclear collapse.
Suthra 59 deals with the process of balance as the equaliser of
the forces
Suthra 60 deals with the static and dynamic qualities that bring
about the balance.
482 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
As can be seen plainly from the foregoing, the term DU:KHA
is not used in the context of human sensory feelings like pain,
suffering etc. but it does not exclude the inclusion of human
suffering as a form of stress due to a departure from normal,
natural and correct action or behaviour.
3. The current dictionary meaning of du:kha is pain or
difficulty. However the term "du:" is to burn or to afflict or cause
difficulty and "kha" has a number of meanings which include the
sky, heaven and brahma. Therefore the contextual meaning of the
term du:kha is stress or difficulty related to the sky, heaven or
brahma which is equal to the fundamental field of the substratum
in the fluid state. In vedic creations Shiva is a pedagogical acronym
for the (log) numerical value 8 (shi) descending to 4 (va) that
epitomises the thaamasic state of total inertial power of the
andhatamisrah (blackhole) state of 18 orders of magnitude ,
symbolised by the shivalinga with 18 shivagannas. Brahma, is an
acronym for (log) numerical 3 (ba)) and 5 (ma) shuttling around 4,
epitomises the rajasic fluid state of resonance symbolised by the 103
= 1000 petalled lotus floating in placid waters. Vishnu is an
acronym for (log) numerical 4 (va) expanding to 8 (sha) epitomises
the radiative satvic state symbolised by the axiomatic vibratory rate
of 259 cycles from a conch shell rising to the axiomatic 8th order
of magnitude from the luminous chakra. Therefore the term du:kha
could be correctly applied to the stress or force generated in
fundamental space or the dynamic substratum in which all
phenomenon originate and even more appropriate is the concept
of the three gunas as interactive stresses generated within it to
maintain a balance.
Further, if one accepts the term du:kha equals pain due to
human suffering, then a very glaring break in the logical continuity,
of an extremely cogent set of Suthras, is exposed; which requires a
coherent and rigorous explanation as to why this term has not
been amplified and explained in detail in any of the later Suthras?
When Suthras 46 to 53 lists out in detail variations in different
types of interactive actions and reactions that are not referred to
anywhere else, why would an intellectual giant like maharishi kapila
leave out an important classification of 3 modes of pain allegedly
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 483
referred to in the very first suthra? The three descriptions of pain
are given only in the commentary by gaudapada but there is no
other connection or usage of these terms in the entire set of 70
Suthras, implied or otherwise.
The connection with human suffering and pain has been
brought in as a pure conjecture by the authors. As shown earlier,
the term du:kha occurs again only in suthra 55 but with reference
to context of the sequence of adjoining Suthras, it has no
connection (even remotely) with human pain. Further the term
traya has a direct and important connection to the guna definitions
mentioned exhaustively, which then rules out even a semblance of
relationship to a stray term like pain or suffering that have been
neither emphasised nor touched upon in any of the other Suthras.
From this critical analysis one can conclude with logical
certainty that the term du:kha refers to the three modes of stress or
states of non-synchronisation in the substratum for only then the
rest of the Suthras yield a wealth of information that goes even
beyond the boundaries of our current scientific knowledge. The
most striking and conclusive proof that it refers to the substratum
is the fact that Suthras 47 to 53 identifies precisely the numerical
sequence of the atomic periodic table evolved in physics and
chemistry and goes further to identify the hidden coherent quark
sequential blackhole structure that physics is currently searching for
in vain. The outstanding algorithm given in suthra 3 could never
have been translated if human suffering was the correct meaning.
The mathematical super symmetry existing in the substratum could
never have been exposed, by an accidental mistranslation of the
word du:kha. Considering the published findings in current science,
the numerical constants of super symmetry are not yet known yet
sankhya principles accurately derive these numerical values. Hence
du:kha, as used in sankhya, is certainly not pain.
It will be most inappropriate to leave out the analysis of the
Adi Sankaracharya's (around AD 750) on the Sankhyakarika. His
entire criticism of Sankhya had been made with a single viewpoint
of not allowing the Vedic foundation to be shaken by even the
most profound logic if it did not complement it. While he used
every identifiable uncertainty in the definition of logical concepts to
question Sankhya principles in order to safeguard Vedic
484 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
injunctions, it is apparent that it had been done on the apparent
understanding that the Sankhyakarika was post Vedic and was
based on atheistic principles that tried to remove the divine
foundation of Vedic aphorisms. What Sankhya treatise reiterated
was that axiomatic truths or 'Aptavachana' ( Suthras 4 and 5 ) are
permanent; but not every Sanskrit word in the Vedas.
Hence terms like Aptavachana, Aptasrutir or the axiomatic
status of permanent validity, endowed the mantle of divinity
without question and the spirit of the Sankaracharya's
understanding was entirely preserved. It is quite indicative of the
temper of that period where a matter-oriented, mechanical
description of the Universe that apparently implied the exclusion of
the "spiritual" aspect, was not acceptable and summarily dismissed.
The astounding part of Sankhya is that it proves unequivocally that
the so called 'mechanical or material ' matter is in fact a purely
'spiritual or vibratory or non specific' state in a holographic
universe. Hence an axiomatic base provides it with the divine
classification that cannot be disproved even by the most complex
mathematical logic and more so by any pedagogic logic. Therefore
the apparent contradictions between intellectuals was only due to
superficial differences, for on greater analysis and deeper thinking
all the conundrums resolved themselves as merely the
complementary aspects of human intellectualism.
The following explanation is in defense of the apparent lack of
a successful outcome of past researcher on Sankhyan concepts. It
is very evident from the mode of presentation of the Sankhya
Suthras, that Maharishi Kapila has been impeccable in his
derivational logic and by maintaining the strictest accuracy in
defining the components of its axiomatic logic, he motivated the
student to establish the connections by a process of rigorous
analysis of the Suthras through a meditative technique outlined in
Suthras 4 to 6. Hence he did not define the substratum of space by
any single common noun but maintained his objectivity by
axiomatically defining it by the four states of interactions as
'Aikaantha- aathyantha- atho- abhavath ' , only once in the first
suthra but indirectly referred to it in every suthra by the word '
chenna = were it not for' . Thereby , not only did he fulfil the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 485
needed logical rigor but also displayed the ultimate in reverence,
respect and obeisance to the fundamental Source and Sustainer of
the entire Cosmic phenomenon. Even in the Vedas it is 'That'.
Hence the epithet that Sankhya is an atheistic production is not
correct. On the contrary it unifies theology with science. Failure to
apply the meditative technique to decode the mathematical axioms
seems to have been the cause of not understanding the Sankhya
Karika by the earlier authors.
NOTE: It is evident from commentaries and reviews of the
original Vedic and Puranic verses, the various authors (of that
period) had no inkling of the real time gap that existed between
themselves and the subject matter under their review. Only future
progress in science will do full justice to the meaning of the
Suthras. The current level of proficiency in holistic mathematical
logic needs to be raised to its full potential and only such a process
will aid total comprehension when dealing with self similar laws of
nature. The saying that one picture is worth a thousand words is
apt when one realises that one needs numerous iterative
mathematical formulas to draw a picture mechanically on a
computer. The human mind can grasp the essential meaning of the
picture in an instant whereas the mathematical formulas would only
indicate a trend even to the most astute mathematician. While
mathematics is necessary as an important tool to enhance
understanding it has to be augmented with human holistic mental
intelligence to grasp natures axiomatic principles. Man has to
realise that both language and mathematics are codes that are only
useful for communicating ideas or principles to others, but total
understanding and comprehension of phenomenon at the personal
level are beyond the limits of such codes and in fact there is no
need for them in a holistic meditative thinking process. In that
sense true literacy leading to abundant wisdom is not dependant
only on learning these codes but on using the skills of the human
cerebral system fully and completely. Sankhya Karika also called
Sankhya Yoga shows the perfect meditative Siddhi technique of
achieving perfection in the thinking process in Suthras 4,5 and 6.
486 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Appendix 6: Sanskrit Language.
Any language is basically a code. Both spoken and written
languages are symbolic representation of a type of logic used for
communication. A monotonous sound is clipped into short pulses
by the introduction of a short period of silence and these are
combined into sets that are given a meaning by the user. Any cyclic
vibration has a typical characteristic of reversal of action, like up
and down, forward and backward or left and right and this
variation can be described as creation and destruction or
acceleration and deceleration or sinusoidal oscillation. If the
opposing effects are equal they cancel out or the nett algebraic
effect is zero which does not contribute to detectable or
measurable signal. The period the pulse is on can be considered a
'mark' and the silence a 'space' and a combination of mark and
space makes a cycle. Numerous possibilities can be had with
different combinations of mark space ratios and therefore many
forms of codes can then become languages.
Verbal languages are composed of a complex form of such
codes. Similarly script can be formed by dots and or dashes against
a different coloured background and numerous complex
combinations provide various language scripts. A white sheet of
paper forms a monotonous background but a dot in a contrasting
and detectable colour forms an elementary written code. The
structuring of such codes is based on principles of organising
limitations or constraints. The human speech mechanism has a set
of built in organs that allow him to vocalise but at the same time
his lungs, vocal cords, tongue, mouth, teeth, lips and nose act as
constraints to limit his ability to control sounds. Formulating all
these limitations in a theoretical way allows him to maximise the
range and depth of his language coding system which Sanskrit is.
"Sanskrit" means a refined code. "Sama" means equalised and
"krit" means cut, clipped, divided, pulsed or in other words a code.
The language was developed scientifically and logically as the only
possible code human beings could create naturally with the
equipment they had, the human body. The lung along with the
vocal cords formed a sound producing device. The diaphragm,
separating the lung from the stomach, could be expanded or
contracted thereby enabling the production of sound, through the
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 487
vocal chords. It could be extended by an additional time duration
called the second time constant. The tongue, teeth and lips
clipped the sound to produce the consonants of the alphabet.
The code was systematised in the following manner. Clipping
the sound at the back of the palate with the root of the tongue
produced a silent or hard consonant like "ka". If it was vocalised at
the same time it became "ga". Both "kha" and "gha" sounds could
be formed by aspirating at the same time to produce the second
time constant. If contact of the tongue was softened it became a
nasalised "nga" thus forming a set 5 different sounds with the same
position of the tongue. It had a direct correlation to the Triguna
classification of interactive states in Sankhya as Thaama Raja and
Sathwa with interface states Linga & Bhava and Abhiman &
Further, by placing the middle of the tongue against the roof of
the mid-palate, another set of 5 sounds like "cha", "chha", "ja",
"jha" , "nja" were created. The alveolar position produced "tta",
"ttha", "dda", "ddha", "nna" and the dental position gave "tha",
"thha", "dha" , "dhha", "na". Next, using the lips the labial sounds
of "pa", pha", "ba", "bha", "ma" were produced. In all 5 sets of
consonants with 5 characteristics in each set were created to cover
the alphabetic spectrum of sounds. A third dimension was added in
the form of short and long duration vowels.
Based on the fundamental Sankhya theory that the human
ability to discriminate a change became the first detectable code
which was called "matra" or a beat or period. Every code had a
numerical or sequential value Now using the information we have
derived so far we can set up a grid of the refined code called
Sanskrit. The table of alphabetical codes & symbols are given
T/C =Tone/Class Gut = Gutteral P al= Palatal
Alv = Alveolar Den = Dental Lab = Labial
SH=Silent-hard SA=Silent-aspirated VH=Voiced-hard
VA=Voiceaspirated SV=Semi Vowel Sib= Sibilant
488 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
T/C Gut Pal Alv Den Lab
SH Ka 1 Cha 6 t'Ta 1 Tha 6 Pa 1
SA Kha 2 Chha 7 t'Tha 2 Thha 7 Pha 2
VH Ga 3 Ja 8 d'Da 3 Dha 8 Ba 3
VA Gha 4 Jha 9 d'Dha 4 Dhha 9 Bha 4
Nasal n'Ga 5 n'Ja 5 n'Na 5 Na 5 Ma 5
SV Ya 1 Ra 2 La 3 Va 4
Sib Ha 8 Y'sh 7 Sha 6 Sa 5
Ending Ksha 0 im 5
Short a i u ir ai O
Long aa ee oo irl aai Ouw
The alphabetical code had a natural sequential numerical value
and these have been marked against each sound. Numbers of any
value can be represented by an alphabetical string of letters to any
number of decimal places and can be easily remembered as a
picturesque phrase. Hence mathematical theorems can not only be
represented as memorable phrases at the obvious level but the
letters in a phrase can represent numerical values of worked out
solutions. Today animated graphic techniques make it easy to
communicate the most complex ideas. In Vedic times too, the
same principle was used to produce a dynamic imagery through a
precisely formulated oral system. Scripting was ignored as a
communicating tool as meditative processes were immensely
superior in absorbing field characteristics through sound control.
The verses contained six types of controls as rhyme rhythm, tone,
inflection, emphasis and onomatopoeic meaning. The Prathisakhya,
an explanatory appendix, clarified rule changes from the normally
used procedure. Ancient Sanskrit had no grammatical restrictions,
for poetical compositions had to be flexible enough to convey
complex ideas whereas prose, though comprehensive, failed due to
its 'inability to memorise' long alphabetic sequences. Applying
these factors to each set of verse 'simultaneously' through the learnt
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 489
'meditative Siddhi technique' created a real experience in the mind.
The Dharma Mega Samadhi state helped to understand the
meaning, as a realistic, picturesque 'mental experience', the author
tried to convey
As an example the very first Sloka from of the Rigveda is
decoded and interpreted as explained below.
The Sanskrit phrase with its equivalent meaning is:
Agnimile purohitam yajnasya devamritvajam hotaram ratnadhatam.
Agnimile Through expansion (by heat )
Purohitam Theorising (by Pundits )
Yajnasya Triggering (Sacrifice triggers nature to act)
Devamritvajam Substratum of space(essence of nature)
Hotaram Extraction of
Ratnadhatam Free energy ( gift of the highest order )
"By triggering the expansive qualities of the fundamental
substratum abundant free energy can be obtained".
The number value decoded from the original Sanskrit code is
'35312861871845648862226955' It represents the numerical value
of the volumetric rate of light radiated in cubic yards per unit time
of one Vedic second.
Agni mi le pu ro hi th'm ya jna as ya
3 5 3 1 2 8 6 1 8 7 1
de va mri th va j'm ho tha ram
8 4 5 6 4 8 8 6 2
ra tna dha th ma 'm.
2 2 6 9 5 5
In Sankhya the Triguna theory of simultaneous and self similar
interactions derives the standard oscillatory cycle of components
in space through axiomatic theorems and equals 2.965759669e+8
interactions per cycle,. It is approximately equal to the frequency of
modern velocity of light at a wavelength of a meter in 1.010845
seconds. This axiomatic value must be corrected for two factors
that affect the time value. The Solar system (Earth) has a relative
motion of approx. 250000m/sec with the centre of the Galaxy and
the time factor changes by 1.010845 for the orbital velocity around
490 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
it. M to yd conversion factor of 1.30795 for cubic space and a time
correction of 2.99792458e+8/1.486e+11 shown below which is an
indicator of their scientific knowledge. It yields the value of
3.5312861 x 1025 cubic yards per second exact to the 7th decimal
place of the value from the Rigvedic theorem. Statistically this
equivalence cannot be an accident. An important factor is that time
correction for Galactic and Earth velocities were included which
means the Vedic forefathers knew of the Doppler shift in
frequency due to relative movement. This proves that relativity
theory is a superfluous corollary in nature. Similarly, the
precessional deviation in the orbit of Mercury can be derived
precisely by the Sankhya concept of a holographic field. The spin
of any conglomerate object is not a movement but a delay in 'rewriting'
its holograpic form, which gives the illusion of a rotary
movement. Just as, if the sync pulse is delayed on a TV screen, the
picture will seem to move across it.
Modern Sanskrit was the result of a post glacial renaissance
by the survivors of the floods. The ancient oral communication
system used in the brahmanical tradition of scholarship apparently
survived intact a period of perhaps a few generations. For the
resurrected Vedic compositions still reflect the enigmatic original
concepts, despite efforts at projecting a rational meaning to phrases
that were beyond the grasp of post glacial interpretation. The
interminable forays into extracting the real meaning from Vedic
verses by both foreign and native savants, left behind a trail of
confused verbiage, compounded and coloured by a well
intentioned obeisance to anthropomorphic concepts. The hidden
origin of ultra-sublime concepts, that occasionally got through the
Vedic phraseology, doubly emphasised its apparent divine origin
for these aphorisms, to a community which had somehow survived
the awesome glacial melt that prolonged the collateral damage over
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 491
Appendix 7: Lexicon Of Sanskrit Terminology.
aagamat, rationale, method, approach,
aabhyanthar, inner, internal, interior.
aapthavach, axiom, logical, theorem, principles
aapthi, proved, trusted, reliable,
aasthi, real world , belief in god, ,
aathmaka, related to core state, nuclear, self centred,
aathishayaya, abundant, maxima,limit
aathyantha, perpetual, excessive, endless, omnipresent
abhaavaath, quiescent, unmanifest, undetectable, destructive
abhibhava, predominant, plentiful, contemptuous,
abhighaatha, interaction, collision, impetus, obstruction
abhihar, absorb, usurp, robbing, attack,
abhimana, self potential, self-measure,
self dimension, self-awareness
abhyasa, practising, study, repetition, improvement
achethanam, static, inanimate, lifeless, non-awareness
adha, instant, now, moment, today
adharma, un-principled, illogical-action, irreligious,
adhastad, lower , below , beneath,
adhigam, obtain, accomplish, understand, to arrive
adhisthana, source-place, primary state, supervisory ,role
adhivasitham, superposition, occupation nos,
residence, multiple abode
adhya, first, pre-eminent, primary, leading
adhyavasaya, constraint, stress,
perseverance, determined, insistant
adhyayanam, research, study, analysis , improvement in
adi, original, first, principle, commencement
adyah, first, primary, preeminent, -
agamat, deduce, conclude, science, vedas
agni, accelarate, expand, heat, ag=move=3
aham, self, core, nuclear, entity
ahankara, dynamic self , - potential, self action, self motivation
aikaantha, coherent, synchronised, solid, monotheistic
aikaanthikam, ultimate, final, supersymmetry, coherent
492 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
aiswarya, controlling , - power, -acceleration, superiority
aith, variety of colours
ajnana, inability to , - discriminate,
notunderstand, unable detect
akaranam, without cause, self-similar,
self motivated , endless cause
akhyatam, explained, made, known, enumerated
akrith, action, unheard, shielded, submerged
alocana matra, detectable , frequency, level of , awareness
ambakam, radiant spectrum, vapourous, radiation, fluidic
amith, boundless, infinite, ,
anekam, plural, many, multiple,
anithyam, uncertain, temporary, fugitive,
anyonya, mutual, each-other, ,
anth, last, least, lowest, end
anumanam, inference, derivation, conjecture,
anushravik, standard, classical, sacred , - tradition
aparishesh, exact, no remainder, no overlap,
apaarthha, potentialless, useless, pointless, meaningless
apavarg, coherence, synchronised, final beattitude, fullfilment
apnothi, accomplish, effect, secure, ensure
aptavacanam, axioms, truths, ,
aptha, reliable, trustworthy, appropriate, fit
arambhah, beginning, work, haste, effort
artha, potential, motive, use, value
asath, nonfact, incorrect, unreal, nonentity
ashakthi, asynchronous, unharmonius, inability, weak
ashraya, resting place, ashram, an authority,
ashrayinah, resting state, static, ,
ashritham, supported, aided, alternatively, recourse
ashta , eight, , ,
asth, spreading, diffusing, setting, waning
asthi, expansive, setting, dwindling, reducing
ath, to, go, move, constantly
ath, move, constantly, dynamic, oscillate
athindriyam, imperceptible, prasidhi, success, fame
auth, anxiety, zeal.
avadhaath-n, clean, pure, white, oiustanding
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 493
avaghahathey, plunges to a point, intense stress
avastha, state, circumstance, ,
avasthith, place, location, state, circumstance
avayavam, mass, body, limb, portion
avighatha, acceleration, unhindered, unobstructed,
avikara, no change, static, inanimate,
avikrithi, fundamental, elemental, unchanging, static, absence
aviparyay, not inverted, unchanged, constant ,no error,
avishudhi, imperfect, not-purified, distorted
aviveka, undetectable, dull-witted, lack-of-wisdom/judgement
avyaktha, unmanifest, undetectable, fundamental, indistinct
avyavam, mass, body , limb, part
avyapi, non, -pervasive, localised, contained
awadha, weak, low, disagreeable,
bhagya, destiny
bhandha, confinement, bonding, restraint, result
bhava, kinetic charge, wave form, manifest forms, temper
bhedey, interruption, breach, conversion, change
bhoga, use, experience, absorb , rule
bhra, support, fill, hold, nourish
bhuddhi, potential, coherence, will, contained wisdom
bhutadi, particle
mass, conglomerate , elements,
bibhritha, change , fragment , reduce,
cha, and, alone, moreover, nevertheless
chalam, shuttling, shaking, unsteady, mercury
chakrabramha, flywheel, potters wheel, lathe, inertial wheel
charithartha, successful, contented, balanced, synchronous
charathi, oscillate, vibrate, move, shake
chenna, were it not, but for, if it wasn't, un necessarily
chetana, awareness, consciousness, life, intellectual
dhanam, divergent, dividing , charity, straighten
dharshan, detection, sight, visibility,
dharshayithwa, desire to be seen
dharanna, superpose, keep in mind, possession,
dharma, axiom , principle, law, reverence
dharmadinam, first principles, axiomatic law,
natural law, basic behaviour
494 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
dhathu, singularity, element, soul, humour
dhi, receptacle, , end, of
dhrisht, perception, detection, evaluation, observation
dhrith, solid, firm, static, contented
dhu:kha, stress, pressure, force, pain
dhurath, far, away, distant, remote
dhurath, away, distant, remote, far
dhvara, by means of, medium, through,door
gamanam, leading to, , ,
ghora, interactive , turbulent, violent,
grahanath, acceptance, comprehension, ,
guna, interaction, selfsimilarity , state of action, gu=3 na=5
harya, accelerate, transport, carryoff,
hethu, exists, motive, impulse, means
hethumat, effect, , ,
indriyaghatan, sensory obstruction, , ,
ishvara, triggered resonant vibrations, accelerative,
creator, sustainer
ishtam, appropriate, as, required, result
ishti, trigger input, sacrifice, desired object, target
janana, creation, birth, origin, life
jijnaasaa, investigation, inquiry, inquisitivenes, curiosity
jna -na, self-potential, coherent potential, wisdom, sentience
jnaanama, potential sink, ground state, information source
ka, vapour, fire, air, sun
kaivalya, unhindered, freedom, exclusiveness, individuality
kala, time,
kalaladhya, instant of time, quickness, moment,
karana, cause, bond, motive, element
karannam, an act, bonding, instrument, sensory
kaaryam, action, duty, work, effect
kas, approach,
kevalam, absolute, solely, solitary, only
krith, sharp cut, pulsing action,.square-wave, vibration
krithsnam,whole, total
kshya, attenuated, decline, dwindling, resting
lakshanyam, similarity, quality, definition, subject
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 495
laghu, swift , light, small,
laya, absorption, concentration, superpose
linga, coherent state , super position, field-potential, inertia
mah, fluid, water, freedom, hapiness
mahadh, impulse, intense, massive, accelaration
mano, mind, mentality, ,
matapithraja, organic , mother-father, flexible,
maya, measured movement, illusion, magic, deceipt
maye, consisting of, comprising, whirling, circula. motion
mey, to exchange, interact, oscillate,
mith (mithya), measure, proof, averaged, weight,
mithuna, association, pair , twins, union
moola, origin, basic, root, capital
moolaprakrithi, unit of activity, fundamental, inertia,
muchyathe, released, loosened.
muddha, superposed, dense, inertia, massive
naha, confinement, , ,
naimi, circumference, globe, thunderbolt,
nama, sink, bend , bow
nana, various, different , -places, distinct
nasthi, non existence, , ,
natavad, synchronous, rythmic, movement,
dramatics, dance steps,
nimitha, target, mark, motive, cause
nirupa, maximal, unmatched, peerless, absolute
nivartha, return, cease, inactive, repent
nivrithi, cover, hide, surround
nivrithth, source,return, depart, hidden, quiet.
niyath, restrained, subdued, temperate, attentive
niyam, limit, restraint, rule, certainty
paratantra, dependant, subservient, supportive,
pari, additional, inclusive of, against, towards
pariman, measure, weight, value,
pariyantham, limit, extreme, end, boundary
parisesham, conclusion,remainder,supplement
paroksham, abstraction, inferential, mental effort,
pashyathi, taken away, robbed, lost, forced
pra, intense, superb, excellent , complete
496 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
prabhutais, energy source, origin , source,
pradhana, primary force, predominant, fundamental
pradhipa, light, elucidation
prakasha, radiant, expanding, manifesting, intense-light
prakrithi, resonance, oscillatory, dynamic state, hadron
pramani, logic, measure, limit, evidence
prapnothi, attain, reach, fulfill,
praptey, attainment, acquisition, range, collection
prasang, attachment , intercourse, occupation, subject
prasangena, incidentally, superficial, ,
prasava, creation, generation, source, progeny
prathi, reference, concerning, against, opposite
pravarthathe, initiating, startng action, prompting, conducting
pravrithi, interface, connection, flow, commencement
prayojanam, active part, purposeful, creativeness, causative
preksakavad, spectatorlike, indifference, unconnected, remote
prekshaka, background, spectator, ,
preethy, expansive, buoyant, pleasure, favour
puman, nuclear, nucleus, potential, male
puna, again, repeat, but, on the other hand
Purusha, nucleus , core, static pot, measure
purvakam, origin, preceeding, source, foremost
raga, spectrum, colour, passion, musicalnote
rajah, shuttling action, interraction, oscillation, vortex
rupa, form, type, geometry, colour
saha, sustained, patient, able,
sakriyam, active, dynamic, mobile,
sakthi, bonding, contact , attachment,
sama, synchronous, even, identical, common
samanabhihar, camouflage, remove detail, ,
samanvaya, natural order, sequence, application,
sam-anya, synchronised, exactly, perfectfit, fit
sambhava, origin, possibility, agreement,
samipayad, adjacent, close, in, vicinity
samsar, spectrum, manifestation, phenomenon, world
samsidhi, total , - resonance, accomplished,
samya, true, exact, moment, proper
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 497
samyama, synchronise, equal, restraint, simultaneous
samyog, combination, alliance, connection,
samyach, all, tru, whole, together
sankalpakam , autonomous , -response, ,
sankhya, unification, resonance, component, logic
sanskara, reactions, momentum, experience, process
sapta, sevens, spectrum of 7, ,
sarga, creation, resolution, nature, spectrum
sarva, complete, whole, all, full
satkaryam, lawful, correct, axiomatic, hospitable
sathwa, expansion, vector, tensor, radiant state, vapour, virtue
savayavam, composite, conglomerate, with, limbs
shaktasya, ability, powerful, skilful, clever
shakya, possible, directly, express,
shanta, synchronised, harmonius, coherent, laminar
sharira, mass, substance, corporeal, body, soul
sheshani, remainder,
shayayuktha, attenuated, resolution, weakening, force
shodasa, sixteenth, , ,
shreyan, appropriate, preferable, harmonius, correct
shrutir, facts, data, information, report
shwara, resonance, tone, vibrations, sound
siddhi, resonant, prooven, verified, contained skill.
sukshma, field-subtle, sharp, exact
sukshmasteshm, mobile field, , ,
suthra, logic, thread, aphorism,
syu, bonded, woven, sewn.
svabhava, selfsimilar, own-state, state of rest, internal stress
svarupam, positive, natural, normal,
svastha, coherent, firm, contented,
svayambhu, selforganise, existent, self, initiating
Thaama, compressed, contracted , static mass, darkness
thathva, reality, facts, basic nature, elemental
thaijasa, rajasic state, self sustaining , particle, field
thanmatra, vorticulate, dense field, static potentl, particle state
thanvo, synchronised, superposed, weave, spread
thena, then, consequently
thesham, focussed, sharp , pointed, dense
498 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
thraya , three modes, three orders, cubic
thiguna, tri-vector, tensor, vector, self-similar
thrishapta, 343, 7 cubed, ,
thrividham, triple, threefold, triad,
ubhayam, both, duality, plurality, usefulness
uhah, explanation, understand , knowledge, ellipsis
upabhogam, use,enjoyment
upadhana, material cause, taking, ,
upakar, supportive , helpful, obliging,
upalabdi, detection, knowledge, gain, sensing
uparamathy, stopped, dead, death, cessation
upayair, correction, expedient, reaction,
upekshak, neglect, indifference, ,
urdhwa, rising up , expansive, ,
uurdhvam, rising , upward, ,
va, radiate, blow, ,
vachaaspathi, blow & shine , photon, light, power
vaasthu, rest mass, house, residence,
vachaspathi, powerful, brilliant, brihaspati,
vad, to, speak, to, shine
vaikritha, accelerative , intense change , hideous,
vairagya, neutral, balanced, objective, no preference
vasha, submit, subdue, influence, wish
vasthu, substance, reality, subject, component
vayogan, resonance, dynamic union , active meshing ,
vibhuthi, strong force, super strength, welfare, wealth
vidhair, controllable,
vighata, collision, obstruction , destruction, impact
vijnana, dynamic, kinetic potential, wisdom, business
vikaaro, radiant, accelerative, distorting,
vikrithi, harmonic-oscillator, expansive, change, distort
vilakshana, different , puzzling, ,
vimokshana, emancipation, setting free, release, no restraints
vina, without, except, ,
vinivrithi, decaying, subdue, restraining, reducing
viparitha, contrary, contrast, alternative, mistake
viparyaya, dynamic, interactive, changing, reversal
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 499
viraga, phase-change, change-colour, disinclination,
virupam, negative, deformed, not, natural
vishala, expansive, large, great,
vishaya, phenomena, sensory, object, scope
vishesha, species, distinctive, peculiarity,
vishith, sharp, precise , ,
vishudha, undistorted, pure, ,
vishwa, universe, cosmos, ,
vrityashrava, self-rotating, & resting , state, selfresonant
vrithi, vortex, photon, oscill. cycle, circ. movemnt
vyakta, manifest, detectable, secondary, plural
vyathishtathe, potent, exchange
vyavadhan, occultation, screening, interval
yatha , as, like, for instance, so that, presence, these
yasmath, by striving , by forcing
ye, state, presence, these
yukthi, joined,connected,mixed-up,verbal arrangement
500 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 501
Symbols & Definitions.
Cps= Counts of interactions per cycle. The cycle is fixed at 10
counts or a circular period of 2 p  .
Fcp=fractional count per cycle. Mass counts are shown as
fractional counts All interative counts that synchronise and also
those that become coherent act in groups or as simultaneous
counts. These have mass characteristics and form ground states of
'resting potential' that absorb intercative counts.
Kx=Purusha=0.91498794 Fcp. Can be equated to MKS units if
the second is set to fc at the measured velocity of light. The largest
coherent unit of cyclic time-period and is equated to the maxinum
inertia, mass or delay as the ground state. It is the Andhathaamshra
or blackhole state.
My=Moolaprakrithiy=1.34462022E-51 Fcp. The smallest cyclic
unit of activity. The elemental perpetual quantum oscillator and is
equated to the fundamental unit of charge. My in simultaneous
activity-groups depict mass. All counts are only in terms of the My
value and therefore dimensionless
Mps=Mahadprakriti=2.20369E-8 Fcp or the largest dynamic
mass. It depicts the break in the coherent state and start of the
synchronised state. It forms the base or reference point for all
interactive measurements in the Thaamishra or dense massive
region. It provides the coherent potential to initate activity by
converting the coherent state into the synchronous phase by an
interactive exchange of Vikrithi states. The Mps equals the
Planckmass in value and the Vikrithi=Me equals the electron in
mass value.
PM=Prakrithi saptha or the active nuclear spectrum. Its value is
1.67442318E-27 Fcp. The Mps ends its synchronous state at this
value. Below it the interactive states are either resonant or radiative.
Above this state the potential rises in steps of nuclear units of
dense or potential states. Thaamasic Linga PM is in the changing
interface domain of Linga to Bhava. In Physics it represents the
Neutron / Proton domain of hadronic states.
Me=Mahadvikrithi = 9.11023372E-31 Fcp. The Vikrithi in the
Raja spectrum are resonant and transmigratory states. It represents
502 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
the reactive, observable and detectable units of interactive outputs.
The Me forms the reactive phase output when the Mps state is
triggered out of its coherent or synchronous state. The Me reacts at
the PM interaface as a result of an Mps interactive initiative. It
depicts the leptonic state of an electron that interacts and
transmigrates in the resonant domain.
Ne=Vikrithi saptha = 9.52873405E-35 Fcp. It represents the
radiative state in the Raja spectrum. The seven Vikrithi levels are a
resonant transmigratoty state at rhe resonant rate of C. The Ne
transmigrates as individual resonant states or each Ne forms the
the node in space for the oscillatory rate of C. It forms the
Abhiman section in the Abhiman / Ahankar inerface from which
radiative Vrithi units are accelerated from energetic interactive
states. Ne units continuously and constantly transmigrate to
maintain the count balance in the substratum.
Vr=Vrithi in the Vikaro spectrum commencing from
2.47671856E-35 Fcp goes upto 7 Ne units or 6.67011384E-34 Fcp
to initiate a Ahanakar radiative state from the Abhiman/Ahankar
interface at the Raja / Satwa interface. Sathvic Vrithis consist of
My units accelerated in groups, packages or quanta. A total of
4.96059312E+17 My Cps or seven Ne's are needed to cross
Abhiman/ Ahankar interface and initiate the accelerative process as
a simultaneous package or quanta. It is the photon in Physics. Each
Ne node is triggered or excited by the My ensemble transmigrating
as a Vrithi or Sathvic vorticullar unit. One My count is reduced by
absorption at every Ne node vibrating at rate C. Hence the
maximum counts that aVrithi can transmigrate at rate C is
4.96059312E+17 and considering each Ne node is a unit distance
apart then the Vrithi expends the quanta of counts in the noted
distance. Taking a nodal distance at a metre a part (or a metre
wavelength) a single Vrithi or quanta of My can transmigrate
4.96059312E+17 metres resonantly for 58.5 years before it is
completely absorbed. It corresponds to the Hubble distance /
expansion ratio of a Megaparsec.
Px= Coherent to synchronous interface = 20.9479861 Cps. It
represents the Linga to Bhava interface transfer ratio. The coherent
Linga state equals the Synchronous Bhava phase at this value. It
represents the number counts absorbed or radiated in the change
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 503
over. It forms the coupling constant at the Thaama to Raja states
at the Linga / Bhava interface. In Physics it forms the strong to
weak force coupling or Quark / Baryon/ Hadron / Meson /
Lepton regions.
Ge= The ratio of coherent and expansive states at the balnced and
unmanifest state. It equates all the three dense states at balance and
the radiant states at the transitional state.
KV=ratio first volume change=1/ (k-1)3 =56.94762837
Bt=ratio volumetric/geometric state=KV/Px=2.718
Ge=ratio coherent/expansive=
K7=ratio linear/volume change= 7/(k-1)= 26.93125471
P1=ratio radial/cyclic changes=10/2 p=1.59154943
P7=ratio linera/radial change=7/2 p=1.1140846
Rs=rs=decay in infinite time=1.02040816
MU=Mass of Universe=7.81711993E+52
RU=Space radial count=5.99334E+25
TT=Space time-cycle=2.020845E+17
DD=Space critical density=3.631115E-25
Dp=Mahad density=4.569102E+96
Lp= Mahad radial count=1.68956E-35
Tp=Mahad time cycle=5.696886E-44
Rp=Nuclear radial count=5.089059E-15
Pg=accleration ratio in nucleus=4.359977E-9
GU=acceleration ratio in flat space=1.467584E-9
Pt=Nuclear time cycle=0.00108038
Vp=Nuclear flux ratio=4.71043347E-12
Vm=Electron flux ratio=3.5924965365E-13
Tm=Electron time cycle
Pd=Nuclear density=1.2704356353E+16
504 Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification.
Dm=Electron density=8.4457260215E+15
GL= Galaxy= (c1+x)3=1.33E+41.
Hu=Hubble ratio=
/h=Plancks constant =6.626E-34
C=Velocity of light = 2.99792459E+8
Alpha=Fine structure coupling constant=.00729735
Eo=Electronic charge=1.5188981E-14
5.54746834 1017
Secret Of Sankhya: Acme Of Scientific Unification 505
"The Sankhya Karika" by Ishwara Krishna
Translated by H.T.Colebrook.
"Classical Samkhya" by Gerald Larsen.
"The Atharva Veda" by Devichand
"The Bhagavadgita" by Dr. Shakuntala Rao Saastri.
"The Science of Yoga" by I.K.Taimini.
"Light of yoga" by B.K.S. Iyengar.
"The Meaning of Relativity" by A. Einstein.
"Gravitation" by M.T.W.
"Concepts of Particle Physics" by Gottfried &Weisskopf
"Backholes TMP" by Thorne, Price, Macdonald.
"Gravity, Particles and Astrophysics" by P.S Wesson
"Heat Transfer" by S.P. Sukhtame.
"The Holographic Universe" By Micaheal.Talbot.

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